e1 antigravity

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  • 7/31/2019 e1 Antigravity


    The Anti-gravitational Beam / DeviceAntigravity Device ( Resonant Electron Lattice Stimulation Mediating Quark Emission )

    The Birth of Quark Physical-ChemistryRevision#: 2.03.02

    Under DevelopmentOrigin Date: 03/22/2004Last Update: 08/08/06

    Gregory KeyockEngineer / Scientist / Imagineer

    Xigent Technologies Consortiumwww.XigentTechnologies.com



    Since the emergence of nanotechnology in 1988, along with the past 18 years ofmaturation of information on the internet, a lot more attention has been paid to atomicstructure and Physics greatest Holy Grail: Antigravity. While quantum mechanics andgeneral relativity have done much to put forward more perfect wave theories, the actuengineering and practical application has been through simple particle physics. All of tknown and observable forces have been directly tied to one or more particle. It wouldtherefore, not be unwise to step out in an assumption that gravity is based upon aparticle. The application of wave or particle theory are both indispensable. Up front, I

    confess my bias is toward particle physics. In my perspective particles produce wavefronts.

    What was it about the theorizing that gave permission and credence to men talking aboelectrons and photons flying about as if without impunity or error? Some very goodthinking and imagining kept pace with experimental physics. Imagineering is as valuaband validated as experimental data. At the lowest level we will need to go resides inquarks. Quark sub-atomic particles fuel particle mechanics and subsequent wave /fields. This is the basic principle upon which I have proceeded.

    One more thing to comprehend the importance is a childs game called something likefire paper scissors stone or the like. The second basic principle is that one forcecontains another force which contains another, etc , until our last entity controls thfirst. An example of this is how a simple magnetic field can shield or contain a plasmaenergy.

    Lets begin:

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    Quarks make up the protons and neutrons, (as well as electrons) of an atom. Given aproton, at any instant in time there numerous sets of three quarks, triads, that come inand out of existence. Sets of these triads flux from one set to another as the particle anenergy nature of protons and neutrons are sustained.

    One quark, the graviton, is the particle upon which this entire research is built upon.

    The only remarkable thing about this device is its simplicity.

    Recently, Hawkings Radiation escapes from black holes. What is more intriguing to mis that Light does not escape the Gravitational pull of a black hole. This must mean thespeed of Light is overtaken by another sub-atomic force in some way produced by aparticle. I propose that various quarks travel faster than light, such as gravity, which Ipredict travels square the speed of light. Not twice as fast but speed of light squared.I work through in some later sections a mathematical proposal for this statement.

    Another theorem to this research is that while a magnetic field can deflect certainradiations, a graviton particle gives elemental particles its mass. If we relieve or removthis influence mass becomes unequally heavy. A radial disparity causes or artificiallyintroduces ( an unnatural ) polarity to mass weight, even in the opposite direction tocenters of gravity, subsequently causing effects from simple levity to the pinching andtearing of the fabric of space.

    This brief article with a minimal amount of details, in plain talk, is in intended to get theattention of colleagues growing into a more keen interest; and to draw attention forfunding. Please feel free to contact me acknowledging having read the article, or hav

    questions, or desire more details, interest in propagating this document or interest inworking together or help in getting funding.

    Prerequisite One

    The electron cloud.

    The electrons in an electron cloud can absorb energy and consequently the electron

    radius cloud changes radius and density. In addition the electron cloud can changegeometric shapes. Now these phenomena occur in day to day atoms in molecules anso on. When an energy E is added to the system it confers higher energies to theelectrons and a shell and upon the geometric shape of electron orbitals.

    Pure Metals, or pure Oxides, have nether the effect that we are looking for. What we alooking for is an atomic structure of a molecule that responds in two ways. Can High

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    energies be temporarily stored in the lattice of electron clouds, and can these specialmaterials also give rise to geometric shapes that let the genie out of the bottle.

    Below is a diagram of some of the shapes and features in addition to electron number,electron density, electron cloud radius, pulsating electron cloud behaviors and the like.

    Non-Nuclear Electron-Cloud-Manipulated Selective Nuclear Quark RadiationNNE CMS SNQR ( nee- coms- snork ) ( nicomsnork ).

    It is the ability to impose EM forces and certain semi-crystalline structures to producegeometric changes in the electron clouds 3D structure. In doing this is it is also possibto provide an environment external of the nucleus coaxing fast satellite quark radiation

    Fig. 1 The Addition of Energy To Atom Stored In Electron Cloud

    Fig. 2 Stored Energy Induced geometric Changes In Electron Cloud

    An additional property of electrons is : Rotating Electron Clusters. Electrons group i4, 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, etc. in a compact radius of which the entire cluster rotates around a

    radial axis. There is energy stored in the rotation. N(x+1)= N(x) + N(x-2)

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    Prerequisite Two

    Electron Cloud perturbation, oscillation and lattice absorption of Energ

    Electron-Cloud-Manipulation (ECM) is half of the process. Before we describe the

    second half of this process we must discuss Element Emulation. While ElementEmulation was the initial motivation behind the process, this process stands alone on itown merits and is better named semi-crystalline lattice elasticity. These crystals arecomposed of whatever design works. Discussed here is a crystalline preparation ofBismuth, Graphite, Vanadium, Yttrium, Oxygen, and Iron. Initially rumor suggestedspecial properties to the element Uup. The best common knowledge accepted is thatthere is no Uup on earth and there is no way on earth to make any substantial quantity Uup. The next best thing would be to emulate in other material the desired elementalproperties of Uup. While crystalline oscillation and elasticity are not knew, the extent towhich lattice structures can be manipulated, even to the point of mild interaction with nucleus is a new development and accomplishment. Mild nuclear interaction involvesthe orbital escape and return of the subatomic particles of the nucleus called quarks.Each quark has its own somewhat astounding properties. Nuclear decay does not take

    place in Mild Nuclear Interactions (MNI). The energies exhibited by the quark arenon-EM, but are supplied by the EM process to amplify and focus ( expose ) quarkorbital.

    Fig. 3 Increased Energies Induce Geometric Abnormalities in Electron Cloud

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    MNI is accomplished by ECM. The Electron Cloud is folded in a specific geometricshape exposing a specific quark and rhythmic oscillation along the crystal lattice focuseand aims the high speed ( most = c2 ) quark along the axis of the crystal. EM forces,electromagnetic forces do not in any way interact with the quark itself directly. Quarksare fiery dragons with an entire nuclear chemistry of their own. It is beyond the scopeof this paper to discuss the interaction and collisions of various quarks outside the

    nucleus. This is however termed External Nuclear Chemistry. The wonderfuldichotomy of this nomenclature is well noted.

    Gravity, while in plain site, has been illusive. Gravities plain visibility should have causour sciences to develop around it sooner than all the advances with the electron. But isafe to say that Gravity, is only the tiny tip of the ice-burg. Wild and exotic forces are yto be capitalized upon by the remaining quarks. Fabrii ( fabric like forces ) some of

    which permit the very mechanics of time itself loom in the remaining quarks. Particleaccelerators have limited insight, simply because the do not elucidate particles propertin its native abstract definitions.

    Fig. 4 Increased and Resonant Energies Permit Intermittent Minimal Radii in Electron Clouds

    Enough on quark properties, or chrome balls. Our focus is on how do get one speci quark: the graviton (A)mplified and (F)ocused. It is easily observable. The focus is

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    upon EM forces on the EC and the (D)ynamic (O)scillations on the atomic lattice whichsquirt out quark orbits. (Q)uark (O)rbits are defined as the high speed escape ofquarks from the nucleus and their high speed return, similar to a red signal flair shot upinto the air and back down. Curious enough to the mythological dragons of 15,000 yeaago are a better ABSTRACTION than chrome balls.

    Fig. 5 Increased and Resonant Energies which Permit Intermittent Minimal Radii in Electron Clouds

    require special permissive atomic lattice structures

    Fig. 6 Increased Energies which Permit Intermittent Minimal Radii in Electron Clouds also require

    resonance with the oscillatory absorbtion and emmission

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    Prerequisite Three

    Triads of Quarks.

    Fig. 7 Quarks compose nuclear Protons and Neutrons in sets of three quarks.

    Both the Proton and the Neutron are made up of quarks. At any one time triads ofquarks compose a Proton and Neutron. The triad-sets are both extremely stable andunique to the Proton and the Neutron. The triad combinations are stable for the non-radioactive elements. For the radioactive elements, unstable triads in flux loose either

    the qm or qs ( a quarks specific mass or a quarks specific speed ). E = qm qs

    where usually the speed is c2 and the mass mqx = ( E(energy of a specific quark) /qs ) . We seenow that gravity and the graviton were not the only obvious quarks. Quarks radiatingoutside of the electron cloud in a noticeable way did not escape our attention. Thenuclear explosion and proton smashing were dirty, quick and ignorant. Se la vi. In winot long escape our attention that a quark focused reaction will drain all the juice of the

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    nucleus and foolishly provide destruction way beyond any atom, or neutron bomb. It ishumble estimate that the Energy released a few milliseconds slower would be equal to

    = ( current kilotons of TNT )2 . That is squared people!

    Some Quarks are assigned heavy mass. The total energy E of a quark is its mass time

    the square of its speed mv2. Assignments qm and qv hold with the stable triad of the

    atomic nucleus. However, when orbital quarks are induced, during this orbit their speeincreases dramatically and even the more massive quarks mass is greatly reduced.

    Inner Nuclear Triad -------------- As Orbital Quark

    Mass and Velocity ENERGY Mass and Velocity

    M = 200; V = 5 = 1000 = M = 10; V = 100

    Prerequisite Four

    The Graviton Quark. Faster than Light.

    Fig. 8 One special Quark is the Graviton which orbits out of and back into the quark triad within the

    nucleus faster than the speed of light somewhere inside of the electron cloud.

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    It is predicted that lower atomic numbers have Electron Clouds that are easier tomanipulate. However, lower atomic numbers permit a lower number or degree ofgeometric perturbations. The lower order geometric perturbations, especially in loweratomic numbers are less stable.

    The higher order perturbations require more E to generate. The same geometric orde

    in a higher atomic number require more E because the energy gap between geometricperturbations requires additional energy to sustain.

    The higher atomic number elements generate greater stability in the energy gaps, inpart, due to the higher order of geometric perturbations.

    Fig. 9 The Energy Gap is the inductive portal permitting Fast Quark Orbits.

    The Energy Gap in higher atomic number elements holds greater potential, requires mE for same geometric order, but provides greater stability in maintaining the Energy Ga

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    The lower the atomic number of an element the easier it is for total dissociation of thesub-atomic particles ( quarks ). However, this nuclear release is not the same as a NoNuclear-Breakdown in which specific selection, amplification and focus of quarks isachieved and coaxed and whereby atomic integrity remains in tact.

    Some natural states of some elements are pre-tuned ( a predisposition ) with geomeperturbations of electron clouds allowing certain quarks and its properties to be radiateOne form of this phenomena is radioactivity. One difference between intentionallyinduced perturbations of electron clouds and natural radiation is that:

    With:Natural radiation:

    - results in nuclear decay

    - the loss of nuclear energy- no energy is being added to the system- atomic stability is not maintained


    Intentionally induced perturbations of electron clouds:

    - does not result in nuclear decay- nuclear energy is not lossed but quark properties are expressed- Energy is added to the system to produce desired EC geometries- atomic stability is maintained

    The crystal lattice is critical and key for tuning and amplifying specific quarks and increating a controlled process and the exposure of quark properties.

    The role of the graviton quark in propogating light is running or routing the tunnel thru

    which the remaining two quarks travel until colliding with an electron cloud, imparting thother two quarks ( in a pair of photons ) into an electron. An electron is composed of 4quarks at one instant, and any additional energy accelerate the electron. The gravitontravels along its tunnel at the speed of light squared.

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    Prerequisite Five

    The Relationship between Graviton Quarkand the

    Three other Forces.


    Fx = -kq1 q2 cos( ) - kq1 q2 sin( ) Vyr2 r2c

    Fy = -q1 q2 sin( ) - kq1 q2 sin( ) Vxr2 r2c

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    In the electromagnetic force equations the effects of gravity are preserved.

    The Device

    The Device.

    Fig. 10 One special Quark is the Graviton which orbits out of and back into the quark triad within the

    nucleus faster than the speed of light somewhere inside of the electron cloud.

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    The Beam

    The Beam.

    Fig. 11 The Beam.

    The Crystal

    The Crystal.

    Repeating Molecular Combinations. Crystals. Basically the effect occurs in the basicrepeating structure. A larger crystal increases or amplifies the effects of the basic latticThere exists enumerable crystal possibilities. Some of these can be called semi-crystalline structures. Small desirable defects energize or de-energize desirable or udesirable effects respectively. Some crystal are not-necessarily-optical. In fact, thereexists a crystal lattice which macroscopically appears completely black, and remains dwhen energized, but passes photons through its structure both 100% impeded and withadditional optical properties involving ripples in space.

    The crystal below evolves around Bismuth and the exposure and focus of the gravitonquark. While EM forces and harmonic frequencies play an enormous role, the effects amade upon precise ( tinker-toy ) structures that produce specific geometric changes in

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    the Electron Cloud that coax the desired quark. Gravity and the graviton are goodbecause of their direct and immediate affect in levitating or moving mass ( and pinching timespace ).

    Fig. 12 The Crystal (Uup Substitute Example)

    Other crystal combinations and specific lattice designs:

    General Structure:


    Two examples currently being used with minor reproduceable results:

    Example1: BiALiBVaCCeDYiEAlFOGMnHFeICJExample2: BiACeBCoC::YiDAlEOF:MnGFeHCI


    Example1: BiALiBVaCCeDYiEAlFOGMnHFeICJ

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    The core begins as YAG. YAG slag is remelted with BiCeCo. BeCeCo is made fromBismuth and Cesium Cobalt. A third scintillation with ferrous Manganese.




    1. Selecting the Quark2. Selecting EC Geometry3. Selecting Main Atom for ECG4. Selecting EM forces and Vp across crystals >= Eg


    5. Constructionof lattice to capture, reflect and focus quarks along crystal axis6. Funnel and Tunnel

    It is mildly understated and noted here that there are several crystals of vast importancEach of these use little or no energy, and some as a beneficial side effect provide enerexcept for what is needed to Energies geometric potential. In some of these crystals,however, EC perturbations do not involve nuclear quarks. One crystal converts thin-ainto water, using light, oxygen and hydrogen. Another crystal can convert water intooxygen. Another crystal is capable of creating nutritive soil in conjunction with othernano-bot crystals with the possibility of turning desert in plush soils. It is anunderstatement and an incomplete explanation, but these type of crystals can be used transmute metals not involving gaseous intermediates. In this way such crystals are

    Example2: BiACeBCoC::YiDAlEOF:MnGFeHCI

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    used as a catalytic substrate using the EM EC geometries to swap neutron and protoncount while then releasing each respective electron. A process long viewed as ludicroalchemy was ludicrous to the methods of the recent alchemists ( past 2000 years ) butwas a true alchemy at one whereby above methods of such simplicity are used.

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    Using the following quark tables.

    Type / Order 1st 2nd 3rd

    up-quarks: up u charm c top t

    down-quarks: down d strange s bottom b

    e-like leptons: electron e- muon tauon

    neutrino leptons: e

    Matter- particles:

    all common particles


    Charge: none.Also possibly no mass.Move by billions per second

    through our body.


    Charge: +2/3.Protons contain two,

    neutrons one.


    Charge: -1/3.Protons contain one,

    neutrons two.

    Muon-neutrinoComes into existence together

    with muons when particles fall


    Quark-CharmMore heavy relation

    of the up-quark.

    Quark-StrangeMore heavy relation of

    the down-quark.

    These particles existed

    immediately after the Big

    Bang.Now they are found by nature

    only in cosmic radiation.

    Tau-neutrinoNot yet discovered. The

    existence is assumed.

    Quark-TopMore heavy than


    Quark-BottomMore heavy than


    Force- particles:Bearers of the four fundamental

    interactions of nature.


    Bearers of the strong

    nuclear force of quarks.

    Intermediatevector bosons

    W and Z particles.Bearers of the weak nuclear



    Bearers of the gravitational

    forces.Hypothetical, Gravitons are


    QUARK TRIAD with a select Electron Cloud Geometry and Respective

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    Triad Quark 1 Quark 2 Quark 3RequiredGeometry






    1 up u charm c top tNth order =

    1up u no


    There are 7 states of energy.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Energy Form


    Each for can be sequentially transmuted to the subsequent state and held in containme

    by the state 3 steps ahead. Within an Energy Band there is continuous and infinite andintegral degrees. But to move from the current to the next Energy State is a jump ofquanta whose precise transition point is not known.

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