eagles have three deadly weapons

Post on 07-Oct-2015






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Dan Cheatham tells how winners, eagles have three powers, three weapons that sustain them. He tells you what they are and how to use them, along with Bible Scriptures and principles.


Eagles have three deadly weapons, giving them the advantage in every battle

Eagles have three deadly weapons, giving them the advantage in every battle.

Dr. Jim Strickhausen: We dream and we dream big, and rightly so. But often God doesn't fulfill the dream exactly how or when we expected. But God is still on the move even when we cannot see it. His moving which was not fast enough for us eventually does culminate all of a sudden! Suddenly the dream comes to pass by the hand of God and the hand of God alone! Then He gets all the glory!

Laziness will get you a fist full of air! Proverbs 19:15 NLT - A lazy person sleeps soundlyand goes hungry. Ecclesiastes 10:18 NLT - Laziness lets the roof leak, and soon the rafters begin to rot.

People of faith speak to inanimate objects just like Jesus spoke to the fig tree.

People of faith speak to devils like Jesus spoke to devils.

People of faith speak faith commands over the sick like Jesus did.

People of faith speak over themselves like King David did. Psalm 103:1-2 NLT - Praise the LORD, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, I tell myself, and never forget the good things he does for me.

People of faith cast down imaginations and pull down strongholds by taking authority over their own thoughts and speaking over their own minds.

The Mind will follow the Mouth!

We need not sweat whatever Jesus already sweated for us on the cross!

When you hurt, heal someone else!

When you ache, comfort someone else!

When you lack, prosper someone else!

When you're lonely, go help someone else's loneliness.

I'll never see my dreams come true. "Says who?"

I will never get out of this vicious cycle of barely getting by financially. "Says who?"

I just cannot be all God wants me to be. "Says who?"

Well, I'm just stupid, I guess. "Says who?"

I just cannot change. "Says who?"

I'll never find a way. "Says who?"

I just can't quit sinning. "Says who?"

Who says you can't be something or do something? You? Your parents? Your friends? Your past? Your boss? Your family heritage? Your checkbook? Your education level? Your emotions? Your head? The devil? WHO SAYS YOU CAN'T? There is someone I know who says "YOU CAN!"

Philippians 4:13 AMP - I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].

Philippians 4:13 KJV - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of laughing and playing with your spouse.

Squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of watching your kids grow up.

Squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of driving through the country, or basking in the sunshine, or smelling something good cooking, or listening to the rain on the rooftop. SLOW LIFE DOWN A BIT by capturing and savoring the simple little pleasures along the way.

Press on despite setbacks, disappointments, misunderstandings, and people impugning your motives! PRESS ON! People may enter AND EXIT your life unexpectedly... but PRESS ON! There is really no where else to go but forward. All other options are even more difficult than obeying the Lord. The resulting pain and complications that come from disobedience and quitting are simply too high a price to pay. PRESS ON! You are going to make it! Jesus said so! So PRESS ON! Ho 6:3 NLT - Oh, that we might know the LORD! Let us press on to know him! Then he will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring."

Have you ever taken note of your average long distance road trip. First, you usually get started a bit later than you originally planned because of packing luggage or running last minute errands before leaving town. Then somewhere along the highways and interstates you will usually be delayed by traffic jams, road construction, or waiting for an accident to clear. Often you encounter sunshine but then it starts raining and traffic is slower. The kids, it seems, have to stop for a bathroom break every hour. Sometimes there is a detour you must take. Or perhaps something breaks on your vehicle and it has to be repaired enroute. BUT EVENTUALLY, BY PRESSING ON, YOU DO ARRIVE AT YOUR DESTINATION! So think of your walk with the Lord as a road trip. Of course their are delays and obstacles along the way. BUT YOU WILL MAKE IT! Jesus is on board.

Tell someone today how much you believe in them. People are desperate to be believed in, wanted, affirmed, and appreciated. So tell someone today, "I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

Four Marks Of Maturity: 1. A Willingness To Accept Responsibility. 2. The Attribute Of Cherishing Correction. 3. The Ability To Delay Self-Gratification. 4. The Quality Of No Complaining Even When One Does Not Get Their Own Way.

Just because one can't find any prediction of a sign and wonder anywhere in their Bible, it is best to withhold judgement and NOT to label certain manifestations as false! After all, there was no mention in the Old Testament that Jesus would have a "Spitting ministry" to heal the sick, or that anyone would have an "Apron & Handkerchief ministry" like Paul, or a "Shadow ministry" like Peter. 1 Corinthians chapter 12 says that there are varieties of operations. Manifestations like the holy laughter, or spiritual drunkeness, or falling out in the spirit, or holy trembling, or holy sobbing, open or closed holy visions, holy trances, supernatural dreams, or the stigmata, or gold dust, or gold tooth fillings from heaven, or smelling the aromas of heaven, or seeing visions of the glory, or manifestations of oil coming out of believers hands, and the like, cannot be explained and could forever be debated. The question is, do the participants feel closer or further from Jesus after having experienced the same? Jesus said, "Ye shall know them by their fruit." One respected Christian leader has made this observation, "I have observed that when we see something unusual happen suddenly to others, we doubt its authenticity. When it happens to us, however, we are immediately sure it is of God."

Have you ever wanted to "CUSS" the devil? When you sing to God, you are doing just that. While you're having a "Hallelujah Breakdown" before God, you're simultaneously giving the devil a "Nervous Breakdown."

To CLOSE your Wallet to God is to OPEN Hell for someone Jesus already died for. To OPEN your Wallet to God is to CLOSE the doors of hell for someone.

If God has your Wallet, He has your Worship. If not, you're just giving him lip service. (A man's wallet goes on his hip, and the angel touched Jacob's thigh and placed his hip out of joint) So said in another way: "If God has your Hip, He has your Heart." Until God has placed your hip out of joint (until He has your unqualified obedience in money matters), He really doesn't have your whole hearted devotion and gratitude.

Three Kinds Of Churchgoers: Tithers, Tippers, and Tightwads.

Someone has said that Money has a Trifold Purpose: First, it is a TEST of our obedience before God. Second, it is a TESTIMONY to God's faithfulness to provide for us. Third, it is a TOOL to spread the Gospel and provide for our families.

Malachi 3 teaches us that we must tithe from all our incomes, not just our primary income. "Bring ye ALL the titheS" (Note the plurality.) If we receive an inheritance of money or land or an item of worth, a tenth of its value is immediately due to our local church. If we receive an increase on our investment and it is legally accessible at the time, a tenth of that increase is immediately due to the Lord. If someone gives us a car or a home or something of this nature, we should have it appraised, and tithe from that value. If we do not have that much cash to tithe at that moment, we should add 20% to the value (according to Leviticus) and then spread that amount over a period of time that we can afford and add that to our normal tithes from our primary source of income. All our tithes belong to our "storehouse" (note this word in Malachi 3 is singular), our own local church.

The mark of a true spiritual leader is that his followers can never quite catch up to him spiritually... though they ever be trying.

Someone has said, "Leading others is like handling a string... it cannot be pushed, but must be gently pulled along.

The King disguised himself as a simple peasant, left His throne room of luxury, and searched for me in the gutters of my human ghetto. And if that wasn't enough, after he found me, he adopted me into the Royal Family with full rights and privileges, guaranteed me a spot at the Royal Table, placed a ring with the King's Signet on my finger, and clothed me with His garments of Majesty.

God will "float" you financially, but it helps if you don't panic and if you'll reach for the rope when He tosses it to you.

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