earth science 6 - the columbus school colombia · y su clasificación en una tipología textual...

Post on 21-Oct-2018






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Quarter 1Course Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment




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Unit 1: Comparing Bits and Pieces

5 weeks 6.RP.01 Understand the concept of a ratio 6.NS.05 Understand that + and - numbers describe quantities with opposite values

What models or diagrams might be helpful in understanding the situation and the relationships among quantities?Is this a comparison situation? If so, do I use ratios or subtraction?What strategies can I use to find equivalent forms of these fractions, decimals, ratios, or percents?What strategies can I use to compare or order a set of fractions, decimals, and percents? What strategies can I use to reason about numbers greater than or less than 0? How can I use unit rates or rate table to make comparisons?

Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formal assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.RP.02 Understand the concept of a unit rate 6.NS.06 Understand a rational number as a point on the number line

Partner Quizzes, summative assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.RP.03 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world mathematical problems

6.NS.07 Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers

Egg drop project/STEM, Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Variables and Patterns

4 weeks 6.RP.03 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world mathematical problems

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

What are the variables in the problem? Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formal assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.NS.08 Solve real-world mathematical problems by graphing

6.EE.09 Use variables as quantities that change in relationship to one another

Which variables depend on or change in relation to others?

Partner Quizzes, summative assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.EE.07 Solve real-world mathematical problems by writing and solving equations

How can you use a table, graph, equation, or inequality to represent and analyze a relationship between variables?

Egg drop project/STEM, Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 3:

Unit 4:


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Unit 1: Scientific Method and Design Process

5 weeks MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.

How can I create a scientific investigation to answer a question?

How can I use the design process to solve a problem?

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

Come Fly with Me Lab

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

Egg Drop Project

MS-ESS3-4. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth’s systems.

Unit 2: Earth's Systems

3 weeks MS-ESS2-1. Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.

How do the different systems of Earth interact and how does energy transfer in between them?

Earth's Systems Map/Diagram

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

MS-ESS2-3. Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the past plate motions.

Quarter 1Course Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment


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Unit 2: Earth's Systems

3 weeks How do the different systems of Earth interact and how does energy transfer in between them?




Unit 1: Reading Literature Realistic Fiction Partnerships or Bookclubs

6 6.RL.01 Cite evidence to analyze what the text says explicitly and what it infers

6.RL.03 Describe how a story’s plot unfolds as it moves towards resolution

How do I know what I know about my novel?How can my novel's theme connect to my life?

Group presentation about theme

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.RL.02 Determine a theme or central idea; summarize without opinions/judgments

6.RL.05 Analyze how a section of a text develops the theme, setting, or plot

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SL.06 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks Reading journals DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Theme Quiz DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Writing Personal Narratives Continued into next quarter*

2 6.W.03 Write narratives using effective technique, details, and event sequences

6.W.05 Develop writing by planning, revising, editing, or a trying new approach

How can I retell an important moment in my life? Small moment story

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.L.01 Demonstrate command of English grammar when writing or speaking

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Peer editing DOK 3- Strategic Thinking


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Unit 1: Family History

1-2 6.SS.SK.1 Developing questions and planning inquiries How does history affect us as individuals? What is our place in history?

Student will find a family heirloom and trace it's history through the generations by interviweing parents and grandparents

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Unit 2: Ancient Man

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.CS.1 (Time, Continuity, and Change) Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships

What does it mean to be human? What happened to the Neanderthals?

Timeline showing development of early man

DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Presentation of different hominids - convince class that that chosen hominid either was or was not human

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.CS.8 (Science, Technology, and Society) Students will understand how societies have influenced and been influenced by scientific developments and technological developments


6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

Unit 3: The Migration out of Africa

6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.CS.8 (Science, Technology, and Society) Students will understand how societies have influenced and been influenced by scientific developments and technological developments

How was early man shaped by changing environments and geography?

Label migration routes on a map

DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence Choose a technological advancement of early man and explain how this was influenced by new environment and how it helped humans to continue to evolve

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Unit 4: The Neolithic Revolution

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.SK.1 Developing questions and planning inquiries What were the advantages to living in cities and farms over the hunter-gatherer lifestyle? What were the advantages to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle?

Neolithic Revolution Comic worksheet

DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.CS.7 (Production, Distribution, and Consumption) Students will understand fundamental economic principles and ways in which economies are shaped by geographic and human factors

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Catal Hoyuk research assignment

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

Neolithic Revolution DBQ paragraph

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Quarter 1Course Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment




Unit 1: Literatura antioqueña. Plan lector

6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

¿Qué puede pasar cuando en una oración todas las palabras están en desorden?¿En qué consiste el significado por contexto?¿Para qué sirve tomar notas en clase? ¿Qué importancia tiene la comprensión de lectura para que el estudiante sea exitoso?¿De los textos leídos en cuarto de primaria sobre la tradición oral (Mitos y Leyendas), qué es lo que recuerdas?

Comprensiones de lectura tipo SABER

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES2 Los estudiantes elaboran hipótesis de lecturaacerca de las relaciones entrelos elementos constitutivos deun texto literario, y entre estey el contexto. 6.ES4 Los estudiantes producen textos orales, en situaciones comunicativas que permiten evidenciar el adecuado uso de la lengua.

6.ES5 Los estudiantes Identifican el funcionamientode algunos códigos no verbales (lenguaje simbólico).

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 2: Categorías gramaticales: La oración y sus partes. Toma efectiva de notas. El párrafo

6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

Ejercicios sobre toma de notas y párrafos y su estructura

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 3: Textos descriptivos y expositivos

6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

Escritos sobre textos expositivos y descriptivos

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Primera Prueba de lenguaje

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 4: Medios de comunicación: La carta

6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

Escritura de carta DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Presentación del proyecto del Plan lector

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES5 Los estudiantes Identifican el funcionamientode algunos códigos no verbales (lenguaje simbólico).

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.6.ES7 Los estudiantes caracterizan los medios de comunicaciónmasiva y seleccionanla información que emiten,para utilizarla como fuente de consulta.




Unit 1: Gobierno escolar

3- semanas CS 6. (Gobierno) Los estudiantes comprenderán por qué las sociedades crean y adoptan sistemas de gobierno y cómo abordan las necesidades humanas, los derechos, las responsabilidades y la ciudadanía.

SK 3. Comunicar conclusiones y tomar acciones informadas

¿Qué es el gobierno escolar?.¿Porque es importante tener un gobierno escolar en una escuela?.¿Cuales son las funciones del representante estudiantil y personero?.5. ¿Por qué participar en el Gobierno Escolar implica un compromiso personal y social ?. ¿Por qué en sociales se fomentan el aprendizaje desde el pensamiento global, el reconocimiento de la diferencia y la responsabilidad ambiental y social?.

Proyecto Gobierno Escolar, Elecciones de Personero Escolar y Consejo estudiantil).Ensayos escritos, debates y discurso.Talleres escritos,video talleres.Evalulación del tema.

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

SK 1. Desarrollo de preguntas y planificación de la investigación

SK 2. Evaluación de las fuentes y recopilación de pruebas

Quarter 1Course Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment




Unit 2: Manual de convivencia

2 - semanas 1.¿Porque es importe el Manual de Convivencia y para que sirve en una comunidad educativa?.2. ¿Cuáles son lo valores que promueven y defienden la convivencia escolar'.3. ¿Por qué es importante el reconocimiento de los derechos y deberes del estudiante en la escuela?.

Lecturas, afiches, carteleras,puesta en comun, proyectos de clase.Evaluacion del tema.

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

SK 3. Comunicar conclusiones y tomar acciones informadas

Unit 3: Democracia y participación ciudadana

4-semans CS 6. (Gobierno) Los estudiantes comprenderán por qué las sociedades crean y adoptan sistemas de gobierno y cómo abordan las necesidades humanas, los derechos, las responsabilidades y la ciudadanía.

¿Que es un sistema político?¿Que sistemás politicos conoce y porque?¿ Porque la democraciá es importante en un país?¿Cuales son las características y funciones de la democracia?¿Cual es el origen de la democracia?

Investigación, talleres escritos, video talleres, afiches, presentaciónes virtuales, evaluaciones virtuales, debates y puesta en comun.

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 4: Derechos humanos, derechos del niño, proyecto de area

4-semanas SK 1. Desarrollo de preguntas y planificación de la investigación

1. ¿Qué es dignidad human, según la carta de derechos?2. ¿Cuáles son los valores que promueven los derechos humanos?3. ¿Qué son los derechos humanos y cuál es su historia?4. ¿Por qué en ciencias sociales se fomentan el pensamiento global, el reconocimiento de la diferencia y la responsabilidad ambiental y social?5.¿ Como podemos establecer límites a las atrocidades de la guerra?

Talleres escritos, video talleres, analisis de textos, ensayos escritos, evalución del tema.

DOK 4-Extended Thinking



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Unit 1: Games & Sports, Throwing and Catching

NPES.6.S1.M2 Games & sports (Invasion & field games - Throwing): Throws and kick with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the practice task (e.g., distance = outfield to home plate; power = 2 nd base to 1st base).

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M21 Games & sports (Fielding/striking games - Catching): Catches, with a mature pattern, from different trajectories using a variety of objects in a varying practice tasks.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 2: Shoting on goal

NPES.6.S1.M10 Games & sports (Invasion games - Shooting on goal): Shoots on goal with power in a dynamic environment as appropriate to the activity.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

Shape America Rubrics

Unit 3: Invasion Games

NPES.6.S1.M4 Games & sports (Invasion games - Passing & receiving) : Passes and receives with hands/feets in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction & speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball or team,kicball,matball

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M7 Games & sports (Invasion games - Offensive skills): Performs the following offensive skills with defensive pressure: pivot, give & go, and fakes.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 4: Net/wall games

NPES.6.S1.M13 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Striking): Strikes with a mature overhand pattern in a dynamic environment for net/wall games such as volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M14 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Forehand & backhand): Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand and backhand strokes with a short-handled implement in net games such as paddle ball, pickleball or short-handled racket tennis.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Quarter 1Course Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment



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4 weeks VA.6.CR.2.c Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users

VA.6.CR.1.a Combine concepts collaboratively to generate innovative ideas for creating art.

- What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking? - What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks?- How does collaboration expand the creative process?- what do you know about the elements of art?

1. Line composition applaying LINE,COLOR,SHAPE AND TEXTURE.2. Drawing creation using different kind of lines3. Final drawing project where the student can apply LINES;COLOR;SHAPE ,TEXTURE in a creative and colaborative way.

DOK 4-Extended Thinking


d 6 Unit 1:

Rhythm: Duration

8 FAMU.III.5.1 Reads sixteenth and dotted notes and rests in 6/8, 3/8, and alla breve (2/2) meter signatures

FAMU.III.5.2 Reads at sight simple melodies in both the treble and bass clefs





DOK 1-Recall





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Quarter 2Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment

Unit 1: Variables and Patterns

5 weeks 6.RP.03 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world mathematical problems

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

What are the variables in the problem? Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formal assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.NS.08 Solve real-world mathematical problems by graphing

6.EE.09 Use variables as quantities that change in relationship to one another

Which variables depend on or change in relation to others?

Partner Quizzes, summative assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.EE.07 Solve real-world mathematical problems by writing and solving equations

How can you use a table, graph, equation, or inequality to represent and analyze a relationship between variables?

Egg drop project/STEM, Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Let´s Be Rational

4 weeks 6.NS.01 Interpret and compute quotients of fractions 6.NS.02 Fluently divide multi-digit numbers What models or diagrams might be helpful in understanding the problem situation and the relationships among quantities?

Khan Academy, Quizzes, Formal Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.NS.03 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals

6.NS.04 Find the GCF of numbers 100 and below and the LCM of numbers 12 and below

What models or diagrams might help you decide which operation is useful in solving a problem?

Partner Quizzes, Summative Assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.EE.07 Solve real-world mathematical problems by writing and solving equations

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

What is a reasonable estimate for the answer? Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.EE.06 Use variables to represent numbers in solving real-world mathematical problems

Unit 3: Decimal Operations

3 weeks 6.NS.03 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

Which operations on decimals or percents will help in solving this problem?

Khan Academy, Quizzes, Formal Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

What algorithms will help with the calculations? Partner Quizzes, Summative Assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

About how much will the sum, difference, product, or quotient be?

Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

What do the decimals and/or percents in the problem tell me about the situation?

Unit 4:

Unit 1: Rocks and Minerals

3 weeks MS-ESS1-4. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6-billion-year-old history.

What can rocks and fossils tell us about our past?

Why do the continents look the way that they do?

Continental Drift Lab

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

MS-ESS2-2. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth’s surface at varying time and spatial scales.

Rock Lab DOK 2-Skill/Concept

MS-ESS2-3. Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the past plate motions.

What do rocks tell us? - Lab

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Volcanoes and Earthquakes

4 weeks MS-ESS3-2. Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects.

How can we prepare ourselves for future natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc)

How can we design a building to withstand the force of an Earthquake?

Why do certain regions have volcanoes and earthquakes but others do not?

Earthquake Tower Project

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.


Quarter 2Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment


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Unit 2: Volcanoes and Earthquakes

4 weeks

MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

How can we prepare ourselves for future natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc)

How can we design a building to withstand the force of an Earthquake?

Why do certain regions have volcanoes and earthquakes but others do not?

Unit 1: Writing Personal NarrativesContinued from previous quarter*

2 6.W.03 Write narratives using effective technique, details, and event sequences

6.W.05 Develop writing by planning, revising, editing, or a trying new approach

How can I retell an important moment in my life? Small moment story

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.L.01 Demonstrate command of English grammar when writing or speaking

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.L.02 Demonstrate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing

Peer editing DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Reading Information

6 6.RI.01 Cite evidence to analyze what the text says explicitly and what it infers

6.RI.03 Analyze how a key idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated

Why are summaries important? Quiz Summarizing DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 1: The Fertile Crescent

6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.CS.7 (Production, Distribution, and Consumption) Students will understand fundamental economic principles and ways in which economies are shaped by geographic and human factors

Why was the Fertile Crescent the ideal place for civilization to develop?

Map of the Fertile Crescent

DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Quiz DOK 1-Recall

Unit 2: Civilizations of Mesopotamia

6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.CS.2 (Connections and Conflict) Students will understand causes and effects of interaction among societies, including trade, systems of international exchange, war, and diplomacy

How did the civilizations of Mesopotamia influence each other?

Group project: examine connections between Mesopotamian civilizations

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Unit 3: Hammurabi's Code

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.CS.6 (Government) Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance and how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship

Was Hammurabi's just or unjust? Why did Hammurabi create his code of laws?

DBQ DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.SK.1 Developing questions and planning inquiries

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Unit 4: The Epic of Gilgamesh

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

What does the Epic of Gilgamesh tell us about Mesopotamian society? What connections are there between the Epic of Gilgamesh and other religions or mythologies?

Research an aspect of Mesopotamian life or culture and relate it back to the Epic of Gilgamesh

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions


Quarter 2Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment





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Unit 1: Mitos y leyendas. Plan lector

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

¿Cómo reconozco si una palabra es femenina o masculina?¿Por qué es necesario conocer los sinónimos y antónimos de las palabras?¿Qué importancia tiene la tradición oral para los pueblos?¿En qué consisten las técnicas de exposición grupal?¿Cuál es el origen de nuestra lengua y cómo evoluciona?¿Qué diferencias hay entre leyenda y mito?¿Cómo ayuda la separación de sílabas y el acento para mejorar la ortografía?

Comprensiones de lectura tipo SABER

3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES2 Los estudiantes elaboran hipótesis de lecturaacerca de las relaciones entrelos elementos constitutivos deun texto literario, y entre estey el contexto. 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Ecritos creativos sobre mitos y leyendas

3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES5 Los estudiantes Identifican el funcionamientode algunos códigos no verbales (lenguaje simbólico).

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 2: Categorías gramaticales: El artículo y el sustantivo

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura. 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Evaluaciones de gramática en contexto

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 3: Clases de textos:Textos narrativos

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

Escritura de diferentes textos narrativos: Cuento, fábula, mito o leyenda

3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

6.ES4 Los estudiantes producen textos orales, en situaciones comunicativas que permiten evidenciar el adecuado uso de la lengua.

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 4: Origen y evolución del castellano

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura. 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Consulta y producción de un texto escrito sobre el origen del castellano.

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES5 Los estudiantes Identifican el funcionamientode algunos códigos no verbales (lenguaje simbólico).

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 1: Civilizaciones prehispánicas(Mayas, Incas y Aztecas)

3- Semanas CS 1. (Tiempo, continuidad y cambio) Los estudiantes comprenderán los patrones de cambio y continuidad, las relaciones entre las personas y los eventos a través del tiempo, y las diversas interpretaciones de estas relaciones.

CS 4. (Cultura) Los estudiantes comprenderán los desarrollos culturales e intelectuales y las interacciones entre las sociedades.

1.¿Porque América latina se puede considerar un legado cultural? 2.¿Qué dificultad enfrenta el estudio del pasado de la humanidad y por qué?3.¿Cuáles ciencias se ocupan de indagar en el pasado y qué aportan al presente?4. ¿Que legado cultural dejaron las civilizaciones antiguas?

Elaboración de mapas mentales.Clase magistral.Evaluación de talleresPresentaciones virtualesProyectos social (Todos somos Guajria).Investigaciones.Juegos didácticos.Examen bimestralPrueba estandarizadas.

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

SK 2. Evaluación de las fuentes y recopilación de pruebas


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Unit 2: Descubrimiento y conquista

4- Semanas CS 1. (Tiempo, continuidad y cambio) Los estudiantes comprenderán los patrones de cambio y continuidad, las relaciones entre las personas y los eventos a través del tiempo, y las diversas interpretaciones de estas relaciones.

SK 1. Desarrollo de preguntas y planificación de la investigación

1. ¿Que problemáticas y transforaciones trajo el descubrimeinto y la conquista en América?2.¿Como se puede evitar, hoy en día una conquista y colonización?3.¿ Como se vive hoy día el desplazamiento y la colonización en América 4. ¿Por qué es importante conocer, respetar y hacer valer los Derechos Humanos?

Elaboración de mapas mentales.Clase magistral.Talleres de lectura.Evaluación de talleres.Taller de escritura (Pequeños ensayos).Presentaciones virtuales.Proyectos de clase.Analisis de canciones.Investigaciones.Examen bimestral.Talleres virtuales."

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 3:

3- Semanas SK 1. Desarrollo de preguntas y planificación de la investigación

Unit 4:

Unit 1: Net/wall games

NPES.6.S1.M13 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Striking): Strikes with a mature overhand pattern in a dynamic environment for net/wall games such as volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M14 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Forehand & backhand): Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand and backhand strokes with a short-handled implement in net games such as paddle ball, pickleball or short-handled racket tennis.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 2: Games & Sports, Throwing and Catching

NPES.6.S1.M2 Games & sports (Invasion & field games - Throwing): Throws and kick with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the practice task (e.g., distance = outfield to home plate; power = 2 nd base to 1st base).

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M21 Games & sports (Fielding/striking games - Catching): Catches, with a mature pattern, from different trajectories using a variety of objects in a varying practice tasks.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 3: Shoting on goal

NPES.6.S1.M10 Games & sports (Invasion games - Shooting on goal): Shoots on goal with power in a dynamic environment as appropriate to the activity.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

Shape America Rubrics

Unit 4: Invasion Games

NPES.6.S1.M4 Games & sports (Invasion games - Passing & receiving) : Passes and receives with hands/feets in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction & speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball or team,kicball,matball

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M7 Games & sports (Invasion games - Offensive skills): Performs the following offensive skills with defensive pressure: pivot, give & go, and fakes.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics


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Unit 3:

Unit 2: EGYPT 2 weeks VA.6.CR.2.c Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users

VA.6.CR.1.a Combine concepts collaboratively to generate innovative ideas for creating art.

-what conditions,attitude and behavior support creativity, and innovating thinking-What do you know about Egypt and its misterius world ? - Drawings, sculpture and 3d scales.

Misterious Egypt through gods,mummies,arts and crafts to develop creativity.

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 1:

Melody: Height

8 FAMU.III.2.1 Performs on an instrument (e.g., band or orchestra instrument, keyboard instrument, fretted instrument such as guitar, electronic instrument) accurately and independently, alone and in small and large ensembles, with good posture, good playingposition, and good breath, bow, or stick control.

FAMU.III.2.2 Performs with expression and technical accuracy on a string, wind, percussion, or other classroom instrument a repertoire of instrumental literature that may include modest ranges and changes of tempo, key, and meter



DOK 2-Skill/Concept





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Unit 1: Decimal Operations

3 weeks 6.NS.03 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

Which operations on decimals or percents will help in solving this problem?

Khan Academy, Quizzes, Formal Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

What algorithms will help with the calculations? Partner Quizzes, Summative Assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

About how much will the sum, difference, product, or quotient be?

Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

What do the decimals and/or percents in the problem tell me about the situation?

Unit 2: Covering and Surrounding

4 weeks 6.G.01 Find the area of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons

6.EE.09 Use variables as quantities that change in relationship to one another

What attributes of a shape are important to measure? Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formative Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.G.02 Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths

Is an exact answer required? Partner Quizzes, Summative Assessment

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

How do I recognize whether area or perimeter of a figure is involved?

Dorm Room Project, Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

What am I looking for when I find area? When I find perimeter?What relationships involving area, perimeter, or both, will help solve the problem?How can I determine the surface area of a prism from a net or a three-dimensional representation of the prism?What is the difference between area of a two-dimensional figure and surface area of a prism?

Unit 3: Coordinate Plane

3 weeks 6.NS.08 Solve real-world mathematical problems by graphing

6.NS.06 Understand a rational number as a point on the number line

What is the coordinate plane?What makes a point an opposite?How can distance be measured?How can I create a figure on the coordinate plane?

Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formative Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

Partner Quizzes, Summative Assessment

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Dorm Room Project, Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 4: Expressions and Equations

3 weeks 6.EE.01 Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

Why do we need to simplify situations?What is the importance of using the Order of Operations?Does the solution make the inequality or equation true?

Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formative Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.EE.02 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers

6.EE.04 Identify when two expressions are equivalent Partner Quizzes, Summative Assessment

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.EE.07 Solve real-world mathematical problems by writing and solving equations

6.EE.05 Understand solving an equation as a process of answering a question

Dorm Room Project, Problem of the Week

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.EE.06 Use variables to represent numbers in solving real-world mathematical problems6.EE.08 Write inequalities to represent conditions in real-world mathematical problems

Unit 1: Earth's Water

3 weeks MS-ESS2-4. Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.

Why is water important to our planet?

How do our water sources get replenished?

How can we help the water crisis we face on Earth?

Water Cycle Diagram

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.

Water Cycle Lab DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.MS-ESS1-4. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6-billion-year-old history.

Unit 2: Human Impact on the Earth

8 weeks MS-ESS3-4. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth’s systems.

How are human beings affecting our natural resources on Earth?

How can we make a sustainable difference in our community?

STEM Project DOK 4-Extended Thinking

MS-ESS3-3. Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.*

MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.


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Unit 2: Human Impact on the Earth

8 weeks

MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

How are human beings affecting our natural resources on Earth?

How can we make a sustainable difference in our community?

MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

Unit 1: Writing Expository (Feature Article)

8 6.W.02 Write informative/explanatory texts 6.RI.05 Analyze how a section of text contributes to the development of the ideas

What do you want to share about the real world? Feature Article DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.W.08 Gather information from multiple sources; assess credibility of sources

6.W.05 Develop writing by planning, revising, editing, or a trying new approach

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.L.02 Demonstrate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing

TIED Quiz DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.L.01 Demonstrate command of English grammar when writing or speaking

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Peer editing DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Reading LiteratureFantasy Book clubs (students read their own books and were grouped by subcategories)Continue into next quarter*

5 6.RL.01 Cite evidence to analyze what the text says explicitly and what it infers

6.RL.02 Determine a theme or central idea; summarize without opinions/judgments

How can fantasy represent something from real life? Reading Journals DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.RL.03 Describe how a story’s plot unfolds as it moves towards resolution

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SL.01 Engage in a range of collaborative discussions

Unit 1: Geography of India and China

2 6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

What landforms acted as natural barriers around India and China? How would these natural barriers contribute to the development of civilization? What are some geographic similarities between the two?

Label major geographic features on a map

DOK 1-Recall

Presentation on major landforms and their significance

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Unit 2: Religion and Society: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism

3 6.SS.CS.5 (Society and Identity) Students will understand social systems and structures and how these influence individual

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence How did religious beliefs shape society in Ancient India and China? How did Buddhism challenge Hindu ideas? How did Confucianism shape China?

Poster comparing Hinduism and Buddhism

DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Interview with Confucius

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

6.SS.CS.6 (Government) Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance and how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship

Unit 3: The Spread of Buddhism

3 6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

What factors contributed to the spread of Buddhism? How did Buddhism influence societies outside of India? How was Buddhism changed by societies outside of India?

Spread of Buddhism DBQ (full five paragraph essay)

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.SK.1 Developing questions and planning inquiries

6.SS.CS.5 (Society and Identity) Students will understand social systems and structures and how these influence individual

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Unit 4: The Dynasties of China and the Mandate of Heaven

6.SS.CS.5 (Society and Identity) Students will understand social systems and structures and how these influence individual

6.SS.SK.1 Developing questions and planning inquiries How did Chinese society change over the course of the first few dynasties? How was Chinese society organized?

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Timeline of the first few dynasties of China

DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.CS.1 (Time, Continuity, and Change) Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships6.SS.CS.6 (Government) Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance and how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship6.SS.CS.8 (Science, Technology, and Society) Students will understand how societies have influenced and been influenced by scientific developments and technological developments


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Unit 1: Plan lector 4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios para la vida personal y académica de entender un texto?¿Qué sucede cuando escribes una palabra incorrectamente?¿Cuáles estrategias de comprensión debo usar al leer un texto?¿Por qué es necesario reconocer y poner en práctica las diferentes categorías gramaticales?¿Por qué es importante expresar un punto de vista bien sustentado?¿Por qué es relevante para mi conocimiento, leer y explorar los textos costumbristas? ¿Qué es la intención comunicativa?¿Qué es un hábito o costumbre?¿Por qué los escritos tienen diferentes nombres?

Proyecto final del Plan lector

3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES2 Los estudiantes elaboran hipótesis de lecturaacerca de las relaciones entrelos elementos constitutivos deun texto literario, y entre estey el contexto. 6.ES4 Los estudiantes producen textos orales, en situaciones comunicativas que permiten evidenciar el adecuado uso de la lengua.

6.ES5 Los estudiantes Identifican el funcionamientode algunos códigos no verbales (lenguaje simbólico).

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 2: Categorías gramaticales: El adjetivo

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

Actividades variadas sobre adjetivos

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 3: Clases de textos. Texto argumentativo

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura. 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 4: Reglas de ortografía y puntuación: Palabras agudas, graves y esdrújulas

4 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Actividades de escritura

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 1: Colombia y algunas comunidades indígenas actuales.

3- semanas CS 4. (Cultura) Los estudiantes comprenderán los desarrollos culturales e intelectuales y las interacciones entre las sociedades.

1. ¿Qué civilizaciones indigenas se desarrollaron en América y cuál es su legado cultural?.2 ¿Porque se caracterizaron estas civilizaciones?3. ¿Que legados culturales dejaron estas civilizaciones y como se reconocen hoy en día?4.¿Porque Coombia es una Nación Multicultural?

Talleres escritos, video talleres, analisis de textos, ensayos escritos, evalución del tema. Proyecto final de investigación.Exposiciones.Examen bimestral.

DOK 4-Extended Thinking


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Unit 2: Proyecto Todos somos Guajira

3-semanas SK 1. Desarrollo de preguntas y planificación de la investigación

CS 4. (Cultura) Los estudiantes comprenderán los desarrollos culturales e intelectuales y las interacciones entre las sociedades.

¿Que problemáticas sociales viven en la actualidad la cultura Wayu y porque?

Unit 3:

Unit 4:

Unit 4: Invasion Games

NPES.6.S1.M4 Games & sports (Invasion games - Passing & receiving) : Passes and receives with hands/feets in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction & speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball or team,kicball,matball

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M7 Games & sports (Invasion games - Offensive skills): Performs the following offensive skills with defensive pressure: pivot, give & go, and fakes.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 1: Net/wall games

NPES.6.S1.M13 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Striking): Strikes with a mature overhand pattern in a dynamic environment for net/wall games such as volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M14 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Forehand & backhand): Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand and backhand strokes with a short-handled implement in net games such as paddle ball, pickleball or short-handled racket tennis.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 2: Games & Sports, Throwing and Catching

NPES.6.S1.M2 Games & sports (Invasion & field games - Throwing): Throws and kick with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the practice task (e.g., distance = outfield to home plate; power = 2 nd base to 1st base).

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M21 Games & sports (Fielding/striking games - Catching): Catches, with a mature pattern, from different trajectories using a variety of objects in a varying practice tasks.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 3: Shoting on goal

NPES.7.S1.M10 Games & sports (Invasion games - Shooting on goal): Shoots on goal with power and accuracy in small-sided game play.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

Shape America Rubrics


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Unit 1: Office IT (Google Drive Apps and Schoology)

2 Weeks ISTE2016.6 Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

ISTE2016.6a Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

How can I express myself with technology?How can I use technology to solve all kinds of problems?How can I become a digital creator and not only a consumer?How can I create innovative products using technology?

Formative Assessment on Schoology

DOK 1-Recall

ISTE2016.3 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

ISTE2016.3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Formative Assessment on Schoology

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

ISTE2016.4 Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE2016.4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Formative Assessment on Schoology

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 2: Digital Illustration

5 Weeks ISTE2016.4 Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE2016.4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

How can I express myself with technology?How can I use technology to solve all kinds of problems?How can I become a digital creator and not only a consumer?How can I create innovative products using technology?

Project Step 1: Digital Illustration Design

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

ISTE2016.6 Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

ISTE2016.6a Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

Project Step 2: Digital Illustration Coloring

3- Strategic Thinking

ISTE2016.3 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

ISTE2016.3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Project Step 3: Digital Illustration Shading and Lighting

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 3: Online Resources (Website Creation & Presentation Design)

4 Weeks ISTE2016.4 Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE2016.4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

How can I express myself with technology?How can I use technology to solve all kinds of problems?How can I become a digital creator and not only a consumer?How can I create innovative products using technology?

Project 1: Research

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

ISTE2016.6 Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

ISTE2016.3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Project 2: Graphics

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Project 3: Layout and Design

3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 3 : CHINA 4 weeks VA.6.CR.2.c Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users

VA.6.CR.1.a Combine concepts collaboratively to generate innovative ideas for creating art.

•What do you know about China?•Are there some similarities with our Colombian culture?•How are they recognize around the world?•What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking? •What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks?•How does collaboration expand the creative process?

Chinese Caligraphy ,Chinese lamps,Chinese symbols and Chinese dragons

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 1:

Armonia: Height

FAMU.III.3.1 Improvises simple harmonic accompaniments

FAMU.III.3.2 Improvises melodic embellishments and simple rhythmic and melodic variations on given pentatonic melodies and melodies in major keys



3- Strategic Thinking





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Quarter 4Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment

Unit 1: Expressions and Equations

3 weeks 6.EE.01 Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents

6.EE.03 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

Why do we need to simplify situations?What is the importance of using the Order of Operations?Does the solution make the inequality or equation true?

Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formative Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.EE.02 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers

6.EE.04 Identify when two expressions are equivalent Summative Assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.EE.07 Solve real-world mathematical problems by writing and solving equations

6.EE.05 Understand solving an equation as a process of answering a question

Student Choice project

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.EE.06 Use variables to represent numbers in solving real-world mathematical problems6.EE.08 Write inequalities to represent conditions in real-world mathematical problems

Unit 2: Data About Us

5 weeks 6.SP.01 Recognize that statistical questions anticipate variability and account for it

6.SP.03 Recognize measures of center and variation for numerical data

What question is being investigated to collect these data?How might I organize the data?What statistical measures will help describe the distribution of data?What will these statistical measures tell me about the distribution of the data?How can I use graphs and statistics to report an answer to my original question?

Checkpoints, Quizzes, Formative Assessments

DOK 1-Recall

6.SP.02 Understand that a set of statistical data has a distribution

6.SP.04 Display numerical data in plots on a number line Summative Assessments

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.SP.05 Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context

Student Choice project

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 3:

Unit 4:

Unit 1: Earth, Sun and Moon System

3 weeks MS-ESS1-1. Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

How does the relationship between the Sun and the Earth affect the weather patterns on Earth?

How does the position of the Earth, Sun and Moon create certain phenomena on Earth? (Eclipses, phases of the moon and tides)

Phases of the Moon Lab

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

MS-ESS2-6. Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates.

Eclipse/Tides Skits DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Earth and Sun's Relationship and Weather Exam

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Unit 2: Solar System and the

3 weeks MS-ESS1-2. Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system.

How does gravity play an important role in our solar system, galaxy, and universe?

How and why do we measure distances differently in space?

Distances and Sizes in our solar system lab

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

MS-ESS1-3. Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system.

MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.


Quarter 4Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment


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Unit 2: Solar System and the

3 weeks

MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

How does gravity play an important role in our solar system, galaxy, and universe?

How and why do we measure distances differently in space?

Unit 1: Reading LiteratureFantasy Book clubs (students read their own books and were grouped by subcategories)Continue from previous quarter*

2 6.RL.01 Cite evidence to analyze what the text says explicitly and what it infers

6.RL.02 Determine a theme or central idea; summarize without opinions/judgments

How does fantasy represent something from the real world?

Reading Journals DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.RL.05 Analyze how a section of a text develops the theme, setting, or plot

6.RL.03 Describe how a story’s plot unfolds as it moves towards resolution

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.RL.04 Determine figurative and connotative meanings of words; analyze tone

Book club discussions

DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Group presentations theme

DOK 2-Skill/ConceptDOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Reading Informationaland Writing Argumentative

6 6.RI.08 Evaluate claims in a text, distinguish supported and unsupported claims

6.RI.01 Cite evidence to analyze what the text says explicitly and what it infers

What means me sound like I know what I'm talking about?

Opinion paragraph DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.RI.05 Analyze how a section of text contributes to the development of the ideas

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SL.04 Present claims and findings

6.SL.03 Distinguish between a speaker’s supported/not supported arguments

Unit 1: The Nile River Valley

6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Why was the Nile River Valley such an ideal place for Egyptian civilization to develop?

Labelling map DOK 1-Recall

DBQ DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 2: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.CS.1 (Time, Continuity, and Change) Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships

What major changes took place over the course of Egyptian history?

Timeline DOK 1-Recall

6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

Summary of major changes, and things that stayed constant throughout the different periods of Egypt

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

Unit 3: Egyptian Culture

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

What does Ancient Egyptian culture and religion tell us about their daily lives?

Profile of an Egyptian God

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

Presentation on aspect of Egyptian culture (mummies, hierglyphics, jewellery, etc.)

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

Unit 4: Ancient Kush

6.SS.CS.3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment

6.SS.SK.1 Developing questions and planning inquiries How ancient civillizations in Africa interact with and influence each other? What similarities and differences were there between Ancient Egypt and Kush?

Travel Guidebook to Ancient Kush

DOK 3- Strategic Thinking

6.SS.SK.2 Evaluating sources and gathering evidence 6.SS.SK.3 Communicating conclusions and taking informed actions

6.SS.CS.2 (Connections and Conflict) Students will understand causes and effects of interaction among societies, including trade, systems of international exchange, war, and diplomacy6.SS.CS.4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies


Quarter 4Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment





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Unit 1: Plan lector 4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

¿Por qué es importante la identificación del verbo para comprender un texto?¿Por qué es importante ampliar el vocabulario?¿Podrá entenderse igualmente un texto carente de signos de puntuación que uno que los tenga? ¿Por qué?¿Qué importancia tiene conocer el género lírico y cómo se puede asociar con la vida diaria?

Variadas comprensiones de lectura

3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES2 Los estudiantes elaboran hipótesis de lecturaacerca de las relaciones entrelos elementos constitutivos deun texto literario, y entre estey el contexto.

Prueba de sintaxis 3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES4 Los estudiantes producen textos orales, en situaciones comunicativas que permiten evidenciar el adecuado uso de la lengua.

Segunda prueba de lenguaje

3- Strategic Thinking

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 2: Categorías gramaticales: El verbo

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura.

Variadas actividades de gramática

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 3: Género lírico: Poesía

4 6.ES1 Los estudiantes comprenden diversostipos de texto, para establecersus relaciones internasy su clasificación en una tipologíatextual usando estrategias de lectura. 6.ES2 Los estudiantes elaboran hipótesis de lecturaacerca de las relaciones entrelos elementos constitutivos deun texto literario, y entre estey el contexto. 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 4: Ortografía y palabras homónimas

4 6.ES3 Los estudiantes producen textos escritos que responden a diversas necesidades comunicativas y que siguen un procedimiento estratégico para su elaboración.

Variados ejercicios de ortografía en contexto.

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

6.ES6 Los estudiantes conocen y diferencian los elementos, roles, relaciones y reglas básicas de la comunicación, para inferir las intenciones y expectativas de sus interlocutores y hacer más eficaces sus procesos comunicativos.

Unit 1: Regiones de Colombia.

CS 4. (Cultura) Los estudiantes comprenderán los desarrollos culturales e intelectuales y las interacciones entre las sociedades.

SK 2. Evaluación de las fuentes y recopilación de pruebas

1.¿Porque Colombia se puede considerar un legado cultural?. 2.¿Cómo el cambio cultural contribuye a impulsar o acelerar necesarias transformaciones sociales, políticas y económicas?.3¿Qué implica el actual desafío mundial de preservar las tradiciones como un patrimonio ancestral en el país.4¿Por qué razones se divide el territorio nacional en regiones naturales?.5¿Cuál ha sido el papel de la región Andina en el desarrollo del país?.

Talleres escritos, video talleres, analisis de textos, ensayos escritos, evalución del tema. Proyecto final de investigación.Proyecto artístico(música, danza, arte, mitos, gastronomía y mapas)Exposiciones.Examen bimestral.

DOK 4-Extended Thinking


Quarter 4Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment






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Unit 2:

Unit 3:

Unit 4:

Unit 3: Shoting on goal

NPES.7.S1.M10 Games & sports (Invasion games - Shooting on goal): Shoots on goal with power and accuracy in small-sided game play.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

Shape America Rubrics

Unit 4: Invasion Games

NPES.6.S1.M4 Games & sports (Invasion games - Passing & receiving) : Passes and receives with hands/feets in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction & speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball or team,kicball,matball

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M7 Games & sports (Invasion games - Offensive skills): Performs the following offensive skills with defensive pressure: pivot, give & go, and fakes.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 1: Net/wall games

NPES.6.S1.M13 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Striking): Strikes with a mature overhand pattern in a dynamic environment for net/wall games such as volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis.

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M14 Games & sports (Net/wall games - Forehand & backhand): Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand and backhand strokes with a short-handled implement in net games such as paddle ball, pickleball or short-handled racket tennis.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics

Unit 2: Games & Sports, Throwing and Catching

NPES.6.S1.M2 Games & sports (Invasion & field games - Throwing): Throws and kick with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the practice task (e.g., distance = outfield to home plate; power = 2 nd base to 1st base).

Presento un adecuado desarrollo de las capacidades condicionales necesarias para el depore.Demostró las diferentes posiciones básicas para el deporte.Realizo los gestos técnicos fundamentales para el deporte

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscas

NPES.6.S1.M21 Games & sports (Fielding/striking games - Catching): Catches, with a mature pattern, from different trajectories using a variety of objects in a varying practice tasks.

test habilidades Fisicas.test de habilidades deportivas.test de conocimiento act. fiscasShape America Rubrics


Quarter 4Content/Unit

Title Weeks of

Instruction Power Standards Secondary Standards Essential Questions use ctr + enter to move down in the cell

Major Assessments/P


DOK levels in assessment



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Unit 1: 3D Modeling Basics

4 Weeks ISTE2016.3 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

ISTE2016.3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

How can I use technology to solve all kinds of problems?How can I create innovative products using technology?How can I become a digital creator and not only a consumer?

Summative Assessment -Challenge 1: Toys

DOK 1-Recall

ISTE2016.5 Computational Thinker: Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.

ISTE2016.5a Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.

Summative Assessment -Challenge 2: Robots

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

ISTE2016.4 Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE2016.4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Summative Assessment -Challenge 3: Video Games Props

DOK 3-Skill/Concept

Summative Assessment -Challenge 4: Gadget Accesories

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 2: 3D Modeling

3 Weeks ISTE2016.3 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

ISTE2016.3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

How can I use technology to solve all kinds of problems?How can I create innovative products using technology?How can I become a digital creator and not only a consumer?

Summative Assessment -Challenge 5: Textures & Materials

3- Strategic Thinking

ISTE2016.5 Computational Thinker: Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.

ISTE2016.5a Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.

Summative Assessment -Challenge 6: Lighting

DOK 2-Skill/Concept

ISTE2016.4 Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE2016.4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Summative Assessment -Challenge 7: Rendering

3- Strategic Thinking


4 weeks VA.6.CR.2.c Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users

VA.6.CR.1.a Combine concepts collaboratively to generate innovative ideas for creating art.

•Qué pintores colombianos conoces?•Qué riquezas naturales tenemos?•Qué personajes famosos nos representan frente al mundo?•Qué conoces de las tradiciones culturales colombianas? • Qué condiciones, actitudes y comportamientos ayudan al pensamiento creativo innovador?• Qué factores motivan a las personas para tomar riesgos creativos?• Cómo contribuye la colaboración con el proceso creativo?

Regiones de colombia, Flora y fauna colombiana,tradiciones y clebraciones de nuestro pais. Acercamiento a otras culturas del mundo

DOK 4-Extended Thinking

Unit 1:

Musical Ensemble:Intention, Timbre

FAMU.III.6.1 Identifies specific music events (e.g., entry of oboe, change of meter, return of refrain) when listening to music

FAMU.III.6.2 Understands how the elements of music are used in various genres and cultures



DOK 4-Extended Thinking

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