east and southeast asia

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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East and Southeast Asia. By: Haley and Jack. Geography of East Asia. East Asia occupies most of the Asian continent, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and south of Russia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


East and Southeast Asia

By: Haley and Jack

Geography of East Asia East Asia occupies most of the Asian

continent, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and south of Russia

The Himalayas and the Kunlun Shan mountains run through the western area. Between these mountain ranges and towards the east, lie many lowlands. Most Asians live in these low fertile plains.

Asia’s islands are also part of the Ring of Fire.

Water Ways in East Asia The HuangHe is China’s major river. It

flows eastward into the pacific ocean and carries very fine, brown yellow soil that makes the land fertile. This river also regularly floods the land and is called “China’s sorrow”.

The Chang Jaing is Asia’s longest river. They are currently working on building a huge dam, that will become the worlds largest dam when it is finished in 2011. It will help prevent flooding and supply hydroelectric power.

Geography of Southeast AsiaSoutheast Asia lies south of china.The mainland includes: Myanmar,

Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.The islands are: Indonesia, East Timor,

Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines.

There are many mountain ranges that run side by side with fertile plains that separate the ranges.

Volcanoes and earthquakes are often common in the southeast.

MAJOR RIVERS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Most of the major rivers are located on the mainland.

Some of the rivers are the Irrawaddy, Salween, Chao Phraya, and the Mekong.

Warm temperatures and heavy rains make the rivers high and that region very populated.

Climate varies due to such large area. Towards the south there are tropical

climates and semi-tropical climates. A bit more north there are warm, wet

continental climates. Further north, weather is colder and dryer. By the time you get to Mongolia and

Russia, you will have reached sub zero temperatures during the winter and cool summer temperatures.


HISTORY China’s civilization began about 4,000

years ago in Haung He Valley. Over time, cities, towns, villages, and

developments were made and people were developing and creating, building and doing what they could to improve their technology and add to their knowledge.

Over time they also developed ways of living and culture which was adapted by the nations around them.

Culture• In 1979 China introduced the “one child policy.” This

encourages families to only have one child to reduce birthrates and try to stop a rapidly growing population.

• In both east and southeast Asia the population is unevenly distributed. People crowed together in river valley basins where there is fertile soil, or in cities, the center of industry.

• Many people have also left their homelands to travel overseas. Most of the emigrants settle in the U.S.

• Stilt homes can be found throughout the region.

Music, Art, and WritingMusic Traditional music

varies, along with the many ethnic groups.

String instruments are also very popular.

Art The dances are

very distinct. They use many hand an

feet motions to describe the story that the dance tells.

Writing Indians originally

taught the natives how to write.

They began writing about 100 years before paper was made; using

carefully bound leaves.

When Europeans came they introduced writing using words that ended in constantans, not just vowels.

Many authors come from this region today.

Economy Today

• The Japanese have ended their isolation and quickly become and industrial and military leader, along with the Chinese.

• After being defeated in World War One the east and southeast became a democracy.

• In southeast Asia communist leaders have opened the country to western businesses and tourists in an effort to improve the economy.

• There is a lot of industry in the east/southeast Asian area.

• Cars are becoming big in China.• Computers and other electronics are

becoming big and bringing lots of money in.• Tourists are definitely helping to improve the



Citation• Hunkins, Boehm Armstrong. "chapter 19

Physical Geography of East Asia and Southeast Asia and chapter 20 History and Cultures of East Asia and Southeast Asia." Exploring Our Word. 2010. Orion Place, Culumbus, Ohio: McGraw Hill Glenco, 2010. Print.

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