eastern shore public library board of trustees march 7 ...monthly report, february 2016 1. below is...

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CalltoOrder:ThemeetingoftheEasternShoreBoardofTrusteeswascalledtoorderat1:02pm.Attendance:TrusteesPaulBerge,PatBloxom,BarbaraCoady,KittyHall,PamSpencerHolley,ChairColetteNelson,AnnRutledge,GerryRyanandLibraryDirectorCaraBurtonwerepresent.Absent:EllieGordon.Guests:DanaBundick,AccomacTreasurerandKimHedge,AccomacDeputyTreasurer;PaulMuhly,AccomackCountyBoardofSupervisors;SusanVreeland,NorthamptonFreeLibrary;SummerDahlmanns,BranchManageratNorthamptonFreeLibrary;JeffreyMcCoy.PublicComments:JeffreyMcCoystatedthattherearefundsfromthestateavailableforgrants.TreasurerandDeputyTreasurerofAccomackCounty:DanaBundickprovidedbackgroundinformationtohelptheBoarddiscusshowbesttoinvestendowments.BarbaraCoadymovedandGerryRyansecondedthattheBoardofTrusteesclosethelocalgovernmentinvestmentaccountanddepositthefundsintheESPLcheckingaccount.Motioncarried.GerryRyanmovedandPaulBergesecondedthataresolutionbedevelopedtogiveLibraryDirectorCaraBurtonaccesstothelibraryfinancialaccounts,inaccordancewithbankandAccomackCountyregulationsandpolicies.Motioncarried.PatBloxommovedandKittyHallsecondedthattheBoardofTrusteesauthorizeAccomackCountTreasurer,DanaBundick,tocashthePhillipsPetroleumstockandthemoneybeplacedinthelibraryoperatingaccount.Motioncarried.ApprovalofMinutes:BarbaraCoadymovedandGerryRyansecondedthatbothsetsofminutesbeapproved.PaulBergenotedthemisspellingofJimEichelberger’snameontheFebruary16,2016meeting.Minutescorrected.Motionpassed.FinancialReport:PaulBergemovedandGerryRyansecondedthatthefinancialreportbeapproved.Discussionfollowed.Motionpassed.BranchandFriends’Reports CapeCharlesMemorialLibrary–AttachmentA;EastereggHuntonMarch20,2016 ChincoteagueIslandLibrary–Somechangesinstaff NorthamptonFreeLibrary–AttachmentB FriendsoftheMainLibrary–Januaryminutes,AttachmentC;Februaryminutes,AttachmentDDirector’sReport DiscussionofRegistrationandCirculationPoliciesfollowedtheDirector’sreportwithnodecisionmadeastofinalwordingofeither.AttachmentsEandF Director’srecommendationscanbefoundinseparatedocument,alongwithDirector’sReport.

BuildingCommittee PaulBergemovedandBarbaraCoadysecondedthattheBoardauthorizethechairsendalettersupportingtheParksleyDowntownRevitalizationPlanningGrantapplication.Motionpassed. PaulBergemovedandPatBloxomsecondedthattheBoardrequesttheA-NPDCprepareanapplicationforthelibrarytosubmittotheUSDARuralDevelopmentforacommunityfacilitiesgrant.Discussionfollowed.Motionpassed.OldBusinessLiaisontoFoundation/CapitalProjectUpdate

a. CapitalProjectUpdate–AttachmentGb. StrategicPlanning–MeetingwillbeonTuesday,April23at2pmatChamberofCommerce


a. Out-of-TownResidents–Suggestionthatthe$25feeforlibrarycardberemovedb. Inter-LibraryLoan–discussedduringDirector’sreportc. PersonnelPolicyManual–definitionofafulltimeemployee.Director’srecommendationis

“Afulltimeemployeeisdefinedasonethatworks40hoursperweekandissalaried.”d. ShoreBank–discussedabovee. EndowmentsandPhillipsPetroleumStock-discussedabove





1.BelowisthemonthlyattendanceforprogramsheldattheLibraryinFebruary2016.Children’sProgramsPreschoolStorytime 26ToddlerStorytime 39ChessClub 27SmartBeginningsStorytime 12AndrewBarberReadingtoKids 38AdultprogramsprovidedbytheFriendsFriendsAfternoonTea 59IPhone 11Windows 16Total 2281.DuringthemonthofFebruarytheFriendsoftheLibraryagainpresentedthreeclasses:iPhoneHelp,IntrotoWindows,andAndroidSmartphoneHelp.2.StaffattendedtheEasternShorePublicLibraryTrusteemeetingonMonday,February1andtheLibraryBoardMeeting&FriendsoftheLibraryJointMeetingonFebruary10.StaffattendedtheRetirementPartyforMilesBarnes,LibraryDirectorofESPLonFriday,February19.3.StaffmetwiththenewEasternShorePublicLibrarydirectorCaraBurtononTuesday,February2todiscussthesummerreadingprogram,acquisitions,andotherpolicymatters.4.Allofourcomputershavebeenreimagedand4newcomputershavebeeninstalledintheComputerLab.WehavereconfiguredtheComputerLab,removing3ofthe10computerstoallowforspaceforpatrons.WealsoremovedoneofthecomputersfromtheChildren’sAreatoallowmorespaceforplay.5.StaffwillbeholdingaTweenProgram“ExtremeGameNightonMarch11from7:00to9:00.6.TheFriendsoftheLibraryheldanAfternoonTeaattheCivicCenteronFebruary1.Theyhad59peopleattend.Thetopicwas“HowOurGardensGrow:anOverviewoftheNorfolkBotanicalGardensbyCEOMichaelDesplaines.”7.IncelebrationofBlackHistoryMonththeCapeCharlesHistoricalSocietyprovidedadisplayforourexhibitcaseonartifactsandbooksaboutlocalAfricanAmericans.8.OnThursday,February11SmartBeginningsEasternShore(SBES)presentedEverydayFunwithreadingforparentsandchildrenatourregularscheduledstorytime.ThegoalofSmartbeginningsisschoolreadinessforallyoungchildren.Eachchildreceivedafreebookandbag.9.OnFriday,February12AndrewBarberwiththeBarrierIslandsCenterreadhisnewbookStateofEwe-nion.

10.Thelastweekofthemonthwehadaplumbingproblem,resultinginbothrestroomsbeingclosed.Workisbeingdonetosolvethisproblem.11.WecontinuetoworkontheSummerReadingProgram2016.Asoftodaywehavebookedthefollowing:KiptopekeStatePark,MoonriseJewelry,AndrewBarbour(BarrierIslandCenter),theVirginiaLivingMuseum,TheNatureConservancy,andmimeHoopee.WearealsoworkingwiththeEasternShorePublicLibrarytoshareprograms. AttachmentB:NorthamptonFreeLibraryMonthlyReport,February2016Staff – We sadly say goodbye to long time staff member Pat Bemb, who due to health issues has retired from work. We look forward to having Summer D. come down to take over desk hours.

Building Maintenance – Shore Masters, professional cleaners, came on Saturday to steam clean the floors and chair pads. Gave us a 50% discount. Wanted to get it done before the new series of programs by the Friends. Would very much like to have an outside yard cleanup of litter and branches before grass starts growing.

The Collection – Continuing to weed and realign shelf units to better show off titles. Large Print readers are really happy with more new titles. Circulation was up 318 items in February 2016 (compared to last Feb) so we are still doing well with getting people to try new authors. The fact that book processing at Main has been moving faster and our books are on shelf with less turnaround time is definitely helping with circ numbers.

Computers -- We had 659 computer users last month. Most of the computer issues have been resolved by Robert in the last 3 weeks, such as, return of patron search terminal, updating adobe and printer accessibility, checking all for virus and malware protection. Still waiting for filters. Children’s computers are not being used very much and I would love to see updated programs installed on them to attract the kid’s interest.

Programs – Friends have 16 signed up so far for Genealogy and we’re starting to promote the “Tales of a Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter” talk on March 19th. They will meet tonight to finalize plans for their annual membership meeting.

We are now receiving donations for our second annual booksale during National Library Week. Proceeds help with summer reading, adult program supplies and additional book purchases.

Susan V.

AttachmentC:FriendsoftheEasternShorePublicLibraryMinutes,January27,2016 President Sharyn McQuaid called the meeting to order. The attendees: Terri Betz, Carol Callander, Liz Bochicchio, Barbara Laden, Betsy Reich, Barbara Reiger, Janet Rochester, Ann Scott and Beth Temple. Cara Burton, the new library director attended the meeting. Minutes of the November 2015 meeting were accepted. There was no meeting in December. Treasurer’s report: The Balance Sheet reflects $5000 moved to the Money Market account for the pledge to the Foundation. In 2014 the Friends pledged $20,000 in increments of $5000 over four years to the Library Foundation for the new library. Liz feels there are sufficient funds in the checking account to move an additional $5000 to the Money Market until the funds are given to the Foundation. A motion was made and passed to move the additional funds.

A new expense category for Children’s Programs appears on the Profit and Loss for expenses. The treasurers’ report was accepted as presented. Administrator’s Report Cara Burton introduced herself and presented her background. She relies on Friends groups for fund raising and volunteers. She presented ideas for the library. Below are ideas and ways the Friends may help.

� Standing Orders for Books by specific authors. This could be a special service to Friends members. A list of specific authors’ people request would be established. The Friends members would be first on the list when the books arrive, similar to the “Be First” program. The Friends may set up the Holds for the requests. Details to be worked out.

� Make the Young Adult fiction more available. Ms. Burton plans to move the Friends

tables to the front of the library. Therefore opening that area for the YA selection and seating area.

� The Summer Reading program using more local volunteers to present programs similar to what Nassawadox did last year. Plus more joint participation with all four libraries.

� Setting up “self-service mini libraries” (similar to the borrow area in Woody’s in Onancock and at the pharmacy in Parksley). These libraries supplied from the library discards. Also a suggestion that books be sent to Tangier. The Friends can help identify places where “mini libraries” can be placed and help populate with books.

Old Business:

Better World Books Update: Janet Rochester reported January 2016 sales as $17.76 with a commission of $2.17. Our 2015 sales were $353.72 with the commission of $44.69. We are close to the $50 mark in commission. Janet reported after the meeting the commission checks are issued quarterly, therefore, the check to the Library (our designated recipient) should be issued in March. Ms. Burton the Library received a check this week. Book Sale Report: Barbara Laden and a friend are sorting donations while Judy Malarkey is out of town. Barbara reported the donations are being packaged and stored for sales. Other donations not as good quality are put on the sale tables. Building Committee: There has not been a meeting since November. However work is moving forward. Inspections of the building in Parksley are scheduled and to be paid for by the Foundation. Since the meeting all the inspections (Lead, Asbestos, Structural, and Environmental Phase 1) are completed. Below is received by Carol C, a member of the building committee.

With regards to the lead survey: the plumbers used 50/50solder when installing the water piping in the building, which would be expected back in 1970 and hence the pipes could leach lead into drinking water. Since our present plan would involve removing all of the existing plumbing anyway this will not be an issue. The asbestos survey found no asbestos in the roof, the insulation or the ceiling tiles, which is good. There is asbestos in the original layer of floor tiles and the mastic used to install them. This is not unusual with tiles of this age but they will require mitigation. This is usually in the form of sealing/covering the existing floor which is probably not practical, or removing the tiles and mastic in a controlled way which can be costly but well within the scope of the project budget.

The structural survey found the building to be sound but made two observations as you can see one was repaired and the other is fairly minor considering the changes being made to the existing structure.

The primary findings [of the Environmental report] are: “No evidence of Recognizable Environmental Condition (REC) in connection with this site” and No further environmental inspection/testing was recommended other than the asbestos/lead which, of course, we have already done.

There is a note that the outside tank, (which we thought might be the grease trap) is a 1000 gallon septic tank which will have to be abandoned properly before building over it. There was also a report from the state Department of Environmental Health that had not been received yet investigating the placement of septic and drain fields but they are documented in the document through a search of permits so I don’t think that is an issue.

There has been a lot of remediation of underground petroleum tanks in neighboring parcels, mostly around 1990 but that work was done under control of the state and was deemed not a REC to the Fresh Pride property.

Children’s Program Update:

School Connections: Sharyn has contacted Nadine Moore, the Media Specialist at

Arcadia. Nadine reported a meeting for tomorrow (Jan 28) with all the Medial Specialists of the schools. She will present our thoughts regarding the YA and other discard books from the library to see if there is an interest.

Shelving Project: The re-shelving in Children’s area is completed. The library is purchasing rack to hold magazines in the children’s area. A motion was made and passed for the Friends to pay the rack for the magazines.

Legos Event: The Legos Event is from 10 am to 1 pm on February 13. Barbara Laden

and Barbara Reiger volunteered to bake cookies and Carol C volunteered to purchase water for the event. Sharyn McQuaid and Barbara Reiger volunteered to help at the event.

Accomack Elementary Tour: The Accomack Elementary requested a library tour and

stories on March 3 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Beth Temple and Sharyn volunteered to help.

Furniture: Charle has coordinated with the builder and gave him the colors of the Children’s Room for the furniture.

Santa’s 2015 Visit: Over 80 children attended the Santa visit, the largest attendance. The translation of the flyer into Spanish was a great success.

New Director Open House, January 28, 7 to 8 pm. Volunteers are needed to help. Betsy Reich, Barbara Reiger, Ann Scott, and Carol C. volunteered to help.

Party for Miles Barnes: The party is scheduled for the end of February or early March. Beth T and Carol C volunteered from the Friends group. [The party has been set for February 19 at Ker Place from 7 to 9 pm.] The Friends were asked to hold the money for a gift for Miles to keep it separate from Library and/or Foundation funds. The Friends passed a motion to donate $200 for the gift for Dr. Barnes.

Volunteer’s Report: Sharyn received a letter of appreciation to the Friends for their support of the books for Santa and for the Lego Event and throughout the library over the past months.

Sharyn suggested starting to think about Evening Programs. Ms. Burton suggested programs for youths. One suggestion was a Graphic Artist novelist or video person; also something on sports. Additional ideas are needed.

In accordance with the Bylaws, the following is reported regarding an email vote of the Friends Board. After the November meeting, Carol C sent requested a vote to purchase a lectern/podium for the library. Carol received 11 yes votes, 0 no votes for the purchase. The lectern is in the office area and can be used for all programs at the library.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2016. Minutes submitted by Carol Callander

AttachmentD–February2016Minutes[draft]Friends of the Eastern Shore Public Library Minutes February 24, 2016 President Sharyn McQuaid called the meeting to order. The attendees: Terri Betz, Liz Bochicchio, Carol Callander, Lynne Calvert, Barbara Laden, Nancy Petersen, Betsy Reich, Janet Rochester, Ann Scott and library director Cara Burton. Minutes of the January 2016 meeting were accepted as written. Treasurer’s report: The Balance Sheet reflects an additional $5000 moved to the Money Market account toward the pledge to the ESPL Foundation. The Profit and Loss statement reflects the transfer of funds to the Money Market and a minus $5000 under Miscellaneous. The transfer was entered twice and miscellaneous reference is the correction of one entry. The treasurers’ report was accepted as presented. Administrator’s Report Moving Shelves: Ms. Burton is waiting for people available to move the Friends sale tables to the front of the library. Wish List: Ms. Burton requested clarification if the Friends cared how the donation for the Summer Reading Program was spent. The money ($1200) is for the library to spend as they choose. Part of the funds will be for Bentley Boyd, a cartoonist and for incentive prizes for the program. One wish list item is a rug for the Children’s room. Money Handling: Details to be worked out of where the Friends book sale money and other money arriving for the Friends will be stored. She wanted to limit the staff access to the funds as a protection for her staff. Heritage Festival: The Heritage Festival is scheduled for Saturday, February 27 at the Community College. She was looking for two additional volunteers to help staff the table. Carol Callander and Nancy Petersen volunteered to help. LVA (Library of Virginia Association) Exhibits: Ms. Burton contacted LVA to see what exhibits are available. She scheduled mid-July through mid-August, Virginia Women in History, and mid-August through mid-September, Strong Men and Women in History. Better World Books Update: Janet reported 2016 February sales of $2.98 and commission of 38 cents. Year-to-date sales are $20.78 with YTD commission of $2.56. The commission check for the fourth quarter of 2015 of $50 was received by the Library (our designated recipient). Frances Latimer Estate Donation: Sharyn and Janet picked up four boxes of Eastern Shore specific books from the estate for donated to the Library and/or the Friends. There are more books available from the selection if wanted by the Library or Friends.

Building Committee: No meeting held since November. At the ESPL Foundation meeting in January a motion passed to make funds available to the Library Trustees, to purchase the Fresh Pride building in Parksley. The offer was accepted by the Board of Trustees. Speakers Programs (Possible suggestions, Barrier Island, YA author (who is a summer resident), Graphic novelist, Book Bin owner, Architect for Parksley): Ms. Burton also suggested someone from the Chrysler Museum, Nature Conservancy, Wallops Island, M.K. Miles (genealogy), and/or the VA Opera educator. While the Friends continued their meeting Ms. Burton contacted the Chrysler Museum and they are possibly available in April or May. A suggestion was made that we could ask Mr. Boyd, the cartoonist for the Summer Reading program to also do an evening presentation in July. Ms. Burton will check with him to see if that will work for his schedule. Nancy will check with the Nature Conservancy on their availability. Sharyn will check with M.K. Miles to determine if he would be interested. Carol C. will check with the educator from the VA Opera. Children’s Program Update:

School Connections: Sharyn contacted Nadine Moore, the Media Specialist at Arcadia. At least two media specialists from the Accomac schools have picked up a selection of library discarded YA books. Sharyn will contact Northampton schools to see if there is an interest in books. We discussed making children books available for the elementary schools and decided to make good condition library discarded children’s books available. We are still discussing how to make books available for Tangier.

Legos Event: The Legos Event was a BIG success. There were 64 children and 43 adults on February 13. Everyone requested the library to schedule additional Lego events. One drawback is the library needs additional Legos. Lynne Calvert suggested a request for Legos donations for the library on Swap Shop on WESR.

Accomack Elementary Tour: The Accomack Elementary requested a library tour and

stories on March 3 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Sharyn and Carol volunteered to help.

Furniture: The magazine rack for the Children’s room arrived and has been installed. Charle is coordinating with the furniture builder regarding the finish for the table and benches for the children’s room.

Party for Miles gift report: The party for Dr. Barnes was well attended. Funds from the Friends and any received from others toward a gift will be distributed at a later time. The next meeting is scheduled for March 23, 2016. Minutes submitted by Carol Callander


Registration Policy

Eastern Shore Public Library cards are available at no charge to:

� residents of Virginia � out-of-state residents who own real property within Accomack or Northampton county.

Others who live out-of-state must pay an annual fee of $25.00 for a library card.

Verification of identity and residence are required to obtain a library card. Applicants must present proof of identity and current address. A photo I.D. with current address is preferred. If photo identification with current address is not available, two proofs of identity are required, at least one with current address.

� Identification can be established through: o any current picture identification issued by a governmental agency o a current driver’s license o a school identification card o a Military identification card o a passport o a birth certificate o a social security card

� Residence is verified by: o a piece of mail received at current street address with a recent postmark, such as

! a utility bill ! a bank statement

o a lease agreement o a personal check with name and current address imprinted on it o an address on any of the above-mentioned identification cards

Exceptions to these requirements may be made by the library director.

For registration of a child under sixteen years of age, a parent or guardian must show identification and verification of residence, sign the child’s application and assume responsibility for materials borrowed. If the parent or guardian has a library card, that card should be in good standing.

Library cards expire every three years and can be renewed by showing verification of current address.

Borrowing privileges may be suspended, revoked, or denied to anyone whose current or previous record as a library borrower reveals willful or habitually careless disregard for the protection and

return of borrowed material or for the evasion of payment for assessed damage to Library property. Replacement cards will be issued to a patron in good standing who shows photo ID with current mailing address and pays a $1.00 replacement fee. Lost or stolen cards should be reported as soon as possible to prevent unauthorized use of the library card account. Cards will not be replaced for patrons who have materials long overdue (over 30 days) or who owe over $10.00 for fines or lost books.

Borrowing library materials without presenting a library card can be approved by library staff if a patron shows photo ID with current mailing address or states name, telephone number, and birth date for self.

Any patron obtaining a library card is subject to all policies in effect at the Eastern Shore Public Library.

Approved 5/04/2009


Circulation Policy

Library users must have a library card and present it when checking out library materials. The staff member at the circulation desk may allow a patron to check out one time without his/her card if a driver’s license or other photo identification is presented. The staff member will note in the patron’s record that this has been done. After the first instance, the card will be required.

Most circulating materials may be checked out for a period of 28 days. Videocassettes, DVD’s, and New Books are checked out for 14 days. Items may be renewed twice; however, items on hold for another patron may not be renewed.

There is no limit on the number of books that may be checked out.

Books which are not in the library’s collection may be requested by interlibrary loan. There is no charge for this service unless the lending institution charges a fee. Patrons are notified of any fees before the items are requested. If a fee is charged by the lending institution, that fee is charged to the patron requesting the material.

Reserving materials:

Holds may be placed on all circulating items. There is no charge to place a hold. Patrons who have a PIN may place holds themselves by using this feature of the library’s catalog via the Internet at home or within the library. A patron can set up a PIN at the circulation desk. Patrons will be called when a book has arrived for them. They will have five working days in which to pick it up.

Overdue notification and fines:

The library’s book drops are unlocked at all times, and all library materials may be returned in the drop. Items may be returned to any branch of the library system. Items may be renewed at any branch as well. Patrons may also call the library to renew their items or may renew their items online by logging into their accounts.

Attachment G – Capital Project Report


TO: BoardofTrustees

FROM: PaulBerge

DATE: March4,2016

SUBJECT: CapitalProjectReport









Main Library

Northampton Free Library

Chincoteague Island Library

Cape Charles Memorial Library

PO Box 360 Accomac, VA 23301

Phone: 757-787-3400

Fax: 757-787-2241


From the Director’s Desk

Cara Burton, Director

Director’s Report March 7 , 2016

Prior Month Prior Year YTD

Circulation 9,909


Lost/replaced books


Computer use

Program attendance

# Programs

Circulation detail: CC 1,337; IS 970; Main 5,971; NFL 1,631

Meetings: Smart Beginnings program committee, 2/2 Ann Rutledge, 2/2 Miner & Mason with Nelson, Capital purchase MOU, 2/3 Kitty Hall, 2/4 Gerry Ryan, 2/4 Linda Ryan and Harriet Lonergan, 2/4 Sharon McQuaid, 2/6 ESPLF CPG, 2/8 Museum Network, 2/8 Coady, Nelson, 2/9 Lynn Badger with Kearns, 2/9 Robert Johnson (computer tech), 2/9 ESPLF Board, 2/10 Supervisors Budget meeting, 2/10 Architects with Paul Berge, 2/11 Healthy Living Coalition, 2/11 Susan Vreeland, 2/12 Jim Eichelberger, 2/15

ESPLF, grant review, 2/16 Special Board Meeting, 2/16 Parksley Town Council (approve purchase agreement transfer), 2/16 Art Fournier, ESCF grant writing, 2/18 Francis Latimer archives group meeting, 2/18 Eve Belote, ESCC (Development advise), 2/19 Jenny O’Neill, Literacy Council, 2/22

Pam Kelly, 2/22 Dawn Byrd, United Way, 2/23 Pam Holley, 2/24 Friends, 2/24

Facility: o Patron damaged bathroom door

Marketing & Communications: o Assigned CJ Cole to submit events to media, including branch,

members, and Friends o Summer continues to maintain the website

Outreach: Poetry Slam, Clam Shack, 2/18 International movie, 2/11 ACES: Virginia Opera, 2/14 Miles Barnes retirement party, 2/19 North St. Theatre, 2/20 ES Orchestra, 2/21 United Way reception, 2/26 Heritage Celebration (tabled), 2/27 BIC Oyster Roast, 2/27 Pungoteague Elementary Dr. Seuss Day reading, 3/2

Technology: o Robert Johnson has been completing a punch list developed when

we met o LVA has been providing ipads on extended loan for youth services.

Staff have been asked to suggest possible uses/programs for them, such as in storyhour. Issue will be having staff to train to use them; no children’s librarian.

Youth: o “Let There Be Legos”, Feb. 13. 30 children, 15 adults. Organized by

Charle Ricci. o Cara developing summer reading program schedule, including

opportunities for branch and members, and ordered incentive prizes for NFL and Main.

o LVA is to provide us with 4 large preschool activity stations. (free)

Eastern Shore Room o Moved manuscripts from wall by exit to interior “staff”/archive room

for improved environmental conditions and security. o Rachelle is to create a binder with registration sheets and policies. o Rachelle may move her desk into the ESR for better customer service

and security. o A scanner is out for repair.

Continuing Education: no report

Personnel o Pat Bembe at NFL resigned. o Effective March 4, several staff changes taking place. Summer Dahlmanns will be Branch Manager at Nassawadox Free Library. All

staff at NFL will report to Summer.

Brian Simpson will be Circulation Manager for the Main Library. All circulation

desk staff will report to Brian.

Theresa Van Dessel will work Friday and Saturdays at Island Library.

Hector Escalante will work Thursday mornings at the Main Library.

Pam Kelly will be bookkeeping.

Library Associations & Library of Virginia: o LVA assisting with job descriptions samples, IRS letter

determination status, Hispanic patron materials, Summer Reading Program

Upcoming: NFL Friends genealogy class by M.K. Miles, March 12 NFL Friends Lighthouse talk, March 19 Food Summit, March 30, 1-5 pm, ESCC Great Hall

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