easy quiz for beginners

Post on 01-May-2017






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 X has had over 40 pets including cats and dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub, and a zebra. She has owned a wide range of vehicles, including pink Corvette convertibles, trailers, and jeeps. She also holds a pilot's license, and operates commercial airliners in addition to serving as a flight attendant.

X was the first ruler mentioned in Mahabharata. His father was Dushyanta. His mother was cursed by Durvasa that her husband would forget her. In sanskrit the word means “The Cherished”.


ID the game!!!


X Restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant located in Bangalore, India. It was founded in 1924. It has also been featured on television in the travel-related series, Globe Trekker. It is said that once a Chief Minister of Karnataka stood in a queue to have masala dosa at this restaurant. The restaurant building comprises two floors. It is recommended to reserve a table for lunch since unreserved customers have to wait in a waiting room, sometimes for up to an hour. The food served at the X is a regular, wholesome Karnataka Brahmin fare and has its origins in the Udupi Brahmin cuisine of the coastal region of Karnataka. The decor is outdated, as more attention is paid to cleanliness and food quality than ambience. For many years, the customers entered the restaurant through the kitchen so that they would be able to satisfy themselves about the restaurant's cleanliness before they ate there. During World War II, X found it difficult to make idlis since rice was in short supply. According to X, they experimented with using semolina instead of rice and thus invented the very popular breakfast item of Rava idli.ID X

Round – 2Infinite Bounce

Audience Q

These are the nemesis of? =P

Qn 3

Qn 4 - X  will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario.Hint – It is not apocalypse .

Qn 5 .

Qn 6 . X is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990’s. X involves  dance and aerobic elements.  Squats and lunges are also included. X Fitness, an organization that sells X videos and products, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or fitness centers.Approximately 14 million people take weekly X classes in over 140,000 locations across more than 150 countries.

Qn 7. What Is the keyboard Shortcut to Search for a particular word in Google Chrome ?

Qn. 8 What did Albert Einstein Win a Noble Prize For ? Hint : It is not theory of relativity

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