eat sleep play

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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EAT SLEEP PLAY's Brand Identity Slideshow.



An Asad Naqvi Company

Brand Name: Background

Our brand name is EAT SLEEP FILM. My partner and I love telling stories through films. If were are not making our own we are watching others. Watching is not just entertainment but for learning from others film makers. Its such a big part of our lives it has become a necessity. We chose this name because it shows that making movies is as natural as eating and sleeping. It give the impression that we need to do it in order to live. Film making is in our DNA

Brand Name: Strengths

As soon as you hear or read the name you will know how important Film is to our company. The name suggests experience and knowledge. Anyone can immediately tell that making films is at the core of our company. Our only concern is that no one makes the mistake of thinking we are a Bed and Breakfast that shows Films.

Brand Name: USPTO

Currently no company Film related or otherwise has EAT SLEEP FILM registered. Several companies sell merchandise such as clothing that implies our name but no one has it trademarked.

Brand Name: Category

The brand is Suggestive as well as Descriptive. Our name describes that we are film related and at the same time suggests how important it is to us.

Logo: The Law of Shape

The law of shape is followed because the film strip itself is a horizontal which is perfect for our horizontal vision. The logo is very easy to read, understand and most of all remember. The name is straightforward and people will understand the meaning behind the words.

Logo: The Law of Color

We chose simple Black and White for our logo. Its straightforward and classy at the same time. We want to acknowledge our film roots, which also subtly suggests how much experience we have.

Logo: Effectiveness

Our logo will be very effective as it clearly defines what were as a company are involved with. I am not sure that it totally describes that we teach and rent film gear. We are considering a sub heading that will inform potential customers.

Logo: Refelection

Our logo reflects our brand by showing how simple and straightforward were are. You will receive easy and simple hands on training. Our logo is simple, clear and easy to understand this is a direct reflection as to how we will do business in both the training and rental areas.

Logo: Competition

AbleCineTech has a similar business model to what we are trying to create. Their logo is simple and utilizes a neutral two tone color scheme. They have a sub heading that states what they are providing. The symbol is a strip of film being viewed through a lens.

Logo: Example

GameStop’s brand and logo is exactly what we are striving for. Its simple, easy to read and understand. You can quickly get a sense of what they are selling.


EAT SLEEP FILM’s logo is very simple and straightforward. Each word is in its own frame in the film strip. Its shows that film is as important to us as eating and sleeping. No one can survive with out those two things, mentioning film in the same category shows how essential it is to us and us to it.

Corporate Culture: Objective

Provide simple and fair Rentals, specializing in HDSLR video cameras

Provide basic training to help even the most non technical person start shooting good looking video

Provide advance training in various workflows in camera, audio, lighting and editing

Corporate Culture: Fulfillment

List items and pricing clearly.

Provide incentives for repeat business.

Create a simple introduction class. Teach basic vocabulary and industry terminology.

Provide simple and easy to access to class and rental reservations.

Mission Statement

We will provide the latest tools and Instruction for Independent Film making. We will help you strike the perfect balance between quality and cost to help you make the best product for the smallest amount possible. We will make every effort to make renting and learning video production an easy and straightforward experience.

Mission Statement

This will be posted on a big sign as you walk in to our site. It will be posted on our website, mobile phone app, as well as all paperwork and receipts.

Our mission statement is directed to both our customers and employees.

Its shows our focus towards film making and how is will be the best experience in both learning and renting



Our tag line tells people what services we provide and how they will feel when doing business with us.

It speaks to customers because it shows our dedication to providing a great experience weather your new or a veteran in the industry.

The tagline specifically mentions what one can expect from EAT SLEEP FILM


The Tagline reinforces exactly what services were are providing to our customers

It distinguishes us from our competitors because we tell you flat out that you will have a better experience with us.

Our Tagline is clear and easy to read as well as understand

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