eat-your-way-to-a-six-pack eat your way to a six-pack · way to get your portion sizes under...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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Eat Your Way to a Six-Pack Five ways to whittle down that pudgy gut in time for beach season

by Karen Asp

STEP 1: Eat more frequently

“When you go too long without food, your body kicks into starvation mode and

holds calories,” says Sarah Gottlieb, R.D., a dietitian at Chicago’s East Bank Club.

Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks every day— keep stoking your body

with food every three to four hours and you can rev your metabolism to its max.

STEP 2: Start big, end small

Strapping on the feedbag at dinner might be the American way, but it’ll send you to

the fat farm. Make breakfast your primary meal of the day and try to downsize your

meals as the day progresses. Says Gottlieb: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a

prince, and

dinner like a pauper.”

STEP 3: Re-plate

Instead of using a platter-sized plates, eat off something smaller. “It’s the easiest

way to get your portion sizes under control,” says Gottlieb. The smaller plate should

help you to eat slower, and make you less likely to need refills.

STEP 4: Ban “processed”

Cookies, crackers, chips—if it comes in a box or bag with a big logo on the front,

it’s likely chock-full of sugar, salt, and fat. Limit yourself to one lap around the

perimeter of the grocery store. If you can’t buy it in the produce, meat, or dairy

aisle, you shouldn’t be eating it.

STEP 5: Move it

Though diet always trumps exercise for losing weight, you’ve got to burn more

calories every day. “Eating healthy is 80% of the battle,” says Gottlieb. “The rest

comes down to fitness.”

Fast Fact

A cup of fresh berries contains 50-80 calories. Strawberries, blackberries,


and raspberries are also one of the top sources of stomach-filling fiber

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