editing of double page spread

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Editing Process of DoublePage Spread

I started off my double page spread by adding a background filter of black which then meant I could add my white text. I decided to use the same font as I did on the front cover of my magazine. By doing this it shows consistency. I then added an image to the right hand side of the double page spread and used the full length of the page.

After looking through other magazines double page spreads I decided not to have the image taking up the whole page. I resized the image and placed in the top left hand corner as this is where I thought it looked best placed. I decided to take a image of a vinyl from one of my original pictures of the model. I did this by cropping the image and chose to place this image behind my page heading. The reason I did this was to make the page look less bare and a bit more interesting.

When it came to adding my text I decided to move the image on the right page again so it helped out with the text layout. I decided to place the intro to the interview on the bottom left hand side of the page as this is where you normally see intro’s in magazines. I made sure that the text was the same as my header and the same colour making it look more professional.

I began to add the interview onto the double page spread. When I adding this I made sure that the text colour and font were kept the same as the rest. I also made sure that the size was easy to read and wasn’t too small. Something I also made sure I did was that there wasn’t any gaps so it filled up all of the page.

When I started adding the text to the right hand side of the double page spread I went through the same process I did with the left hand side. I made sure that the text font, size and colour were all the same and that it was laid out nicely. I decided to leave a square gap in the text so that I could add another image to the page.

To finish off my double page spread I added an image to the free space that I had left. I made sure that the image was the right size and fit the free space perfectly. I also decided to add more text at the bottom right of the page. This text showed when the artists single is out and what festival she would be played at. I made the text font the same but decided to make it bold. I did this so that it would stand out to the audience.

I decided to change the bottom left image as I didn’t think it looked right next to the other image. I choose this image instead as I thought that it looked better than the other one. Before I added the image I had to edit it a bit. I did this by changing the contrast and the brightness of the image. The reason I did this was so it looked the same colour of black and white as the other image I had already used.

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