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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

EDUC 582



Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007

Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved.

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 2

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.



PRONTUARIO ................................................................................................................3

STUDY GUIDE..............................................................................................................11

WORKSHOP ONE ........................................................................................................18

TALLER DOS................................................................................................................21

WORKSHOP THREE....................................................................................................24

TALLER CUATRO ........................................................................................................27

WORKSHOP FIVE ........................................................................................................30

APPENDIX A/ ANEJO A...............................................................................................33

APPENDIX B/ANEJO B................................................................................................37

ANEJO C/APPENDIX C................................................................................................38

ANEJO D/APPENDIX D................................................................................................39

APPENDIX E/ANEJO E ................................................................................................40

ANEJOF /APPENDIX F ................................................................................................41

ANEJO G/ APPENDIX G ..............................................................................................42

ANEJO H/ APPENDIX H...............................................................................................43

ANEJO I/APPENDIX I...................................................................................................51

ANEJO J/APPENDIX J.................................................................................................53

ANEJO K/APPENDIX K................................................................................................56

ANEJO L/ APPENDIX L ...............................................................................................59

APPENDIX M/ANEJO M...............................................................................................62

APPENDIX N/ANEJO N................................................................................................63

APPENDIX O/ANEJO O ...............................................................................................64

APPENDIX P/ANEJO P ................................................................................................65

APPENDIX Q/ANEJO Q ...............................................................................................67

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 3

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.


Título del Curso Aspectos Éticos y Legales en Consejería Profesional

Codificación: Educ. 582

Duración Cinco Semanas

Prerrequisito Ninguno


Estudios de aspectos éticos, morales y legales relacionados al proceso de orientación y

consejería profesional. En éste curso se facilitará la adquisición de los conocimientos y

el desarrollo de las destrezas necesarias en el análisis y manejo de situaciones que

representen o impliquen aspectos de índole ético y/o legal en el ejercicio de la

profesión de consejería. Se dará énfasis a los derechos y responsabilidades del cliente

y el consejero en la relación consejero - cliente. El estudiante conocerá los códigos de

ética de las siguientes asociaciones profesionales: American Counseling Association

(ACA), American Psychological Association (APA), American Disability Act, (ADA),

American Rehabilitation Counselor (CRA). Las leyes que regulan los servicios que

presta un consejero profesional, “Regulatory law”.

Objetivos Generales

Al finalizar el curso el/la estudiante podrá

1. Definir, conocer y analizar los principios éticos, morales y legales en el proceso de

orientación y consejería profesional.

2. Identificar y conocer los derechos fundamentales de los estudiantes,

garantizados por la constitución y los estatutos pertinentes.

3. Ejercer su función como Consejero/a y Orientador/a Profesional con mayor

conocimiento de las disposiciones legales y éticas que regulan la profesión.

4. Aplicar los conceptos éticos al análisis de situaciones en su entorno.

Texto y Recursos

Corey, G., Schneider, M. & Callanan, P. (2003). Issues and Ethics in the Helping

Professions. (6th. ed.). California: Brooks CollePublishing Company.

Shertzaer, B., & Stone, S. (1981). Fundamentals of Guidance. (4th ed.). Boston

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 4

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Theodore, P., Remley, Jr., & Barbara H. (2001). Ethical Legal, and Professional

Issues in Counseling. New Jersey, NY: Upper Saddle River.

Referencias y Material Suplementario

1. Bersoff, D. N. (2003). Ethical Conflicts in Psychology

2. Fisher, C. B., Decoding Ethics Code

3. Gibson R. L, & Mitchell M. H., (1986). Introduction to Guidance and Counseling.

4. Hostos, E.M. (1888). La Moral Social

5. Ortega y Gasset, J. La Rebelión de las Masas

6. Pope, K. (1998). Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Practical Guide.

7. Syme, G. (2003). Dual relationship in Counseling and

Psychotherapy: Exploring the limits.

8. Welfel, E. (1998). Ethics in Counseling and Psychotherapy:

Standards research and emerging issues.


La evaluación para este curso se distribuirá bajo los siguientes criterios:

Criterio Puntuación % Nota

Asistencia y


30 15

Portafolio 30 15

Exámenes 20 10

Análisis críticos 40 20

Criterios de


Entrevista a


20 10

Ensayo 40 20

Presentación oral 20 10

Totales 200 100

Asistencia y Participación

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 5

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

La asistencia y participación a cada taller es obligatoria. Se atribuirán 6 puntos al final

de cada sesión para una suma total de 30 entre ambos criterios. La puntuación

acumulada representará un 15% de la nota final.

Portafolio del Curso

Para la evaluación del portafolio se revisarán los criterios que aparecen en los Anejos

L, M. N, O, P, Q y R. El portafolio tendrá una puntuación de 30 puntos y tendrá un valor

de 15 por ciento de la nota final.

*Aunque no se especifique como criterio de evaluación, se espera que el estudiante

graduado demuestre maestría en el uso del lenguaje (deletreo correcto, sintaxis, estilo

apropiado, coherencia, acentuación, etc.), y refleje en su redacción el dominio del

vocabulario, destrezas y conceptos de su área de estudios.


El Facilitador administrará dos exámenes durante el curso. Los mismos se llevarán a

cabo durante los talleres tres y cinco. Es responsabilidad del estudiante repasar y

estudiar el material cubierto durante los talleres uno, dos y tres para el primer examen.

El segundo examen cubrirá el material correspondiente al taller cuatro y cinco. Ambos

exámenes tendrán una puntuación de 20 puntos y representará un 10 porciento de la

nota final del curso.

Análisis críticos

En los primeros cuatro talleres los estudiantes deberán escribir un análisis crítico sobre

un artículo de consejería que este relacionado con los aspectos éticos de la consejería.

El análisis escrito constará de una sola página y se llevará a cabo siguiendo las reglas

del Manual de la Asociación Americana de Psicólogos. Los estudiantes escribirán el

análisis escrito de acuerdo al idioma del taller y tendrán una puntuación total de 40


Entrevista a Consejero

Durante el taller numero tres los estudiantes tendrán la tarea de entrevistar a un

consejero con relación al manejo de los aspectos éticos en la consejería. El estudiante

usará como guía las preguntas que aparecen en el Anejo C. La entrevista se llevará a

cabo en inglés y tendrá una puntuación de 20 puntos.


EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 6

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Los estudiantes escribirán un ensayo durante el taller número cuatro sobre un aspecto

ético de la consejería. El ensayo será escrito en español y seguirá el formato del Manual

de APA.

Presentación Oral

Los estudiantes llevarán a cabo una presentación oral sobre la entrevista realizada al

consejero sobre el manejo de los aspectos éticos en el proceso de consejería. La

presentación oral se llevara a cabo durante el taller cinco y la misma será en español.

Se recomienda que los estudiantes lleven acabo la presentación con visuales y en


Descripción de las Normas del Curso

1. Este curso sigue el programa “Discipline-Based Dual-Language Model®” del

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo esta diseñado para promover el

desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilingüe. Cada taller será

facilitado en inglés y español, utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto significa que cada

taller deberá ser conducido enteramente en el lenguaje especificado. Los

lenguajes serán alternados en cada taller para asegurar que el curso se ofrece

50% en inglés y 50% en español. Para mantener un balance, el modulo debe

especificar que se utilizaran ambos idiomas en el quinto taller, dividiendo el

tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Si un estudiante

tiene dificultad en hacer una pregunta en el idioma especificado, bien puede

escoger el idioma de preferencia para hacer la pregunta. Sin embargo, el

facilitador deberá contestar la misma en el idioma designado para ese taller.

Esto deberá ser una excepción a las reglas pues es importante que los

estudiantes utilicen el idioma designado. Esto no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje

que deben ser desarrollados en el idioma propio todo en ingles o todo en

español según aplique.

2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, eso requiere que los estudiantes se

preparen antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada taller requiere un

promedio de diez (10) horas de preparación y en ocasiones requiere más.

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 7

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente al

taller deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador

evaluará si la ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el estudiante repondrá el

trabajo perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador decidirá uno de los siguientes:

permitirle al estudiante reponer el trabajo o asignarle trabajo adicional en

adición al trabajo a ser repuesto.

Toda tarea a ser completada antes de taller deberá ser entregada en la fecha

asignada. El facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a mas de un taller el facilitador tendrá las siguientes


• Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducirá una nota por debajo basado en

la nota existente.

• Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducirá la nota a

dos por debajo de la nota existente.

5. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones orales es

extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante provee

una excusa valida y verificable, el facilitador determinara una actividad

equivalente a evaluar que sustituya la misma. Esta actividad deberá incluir el

mismo contenido y componentes del lenguaje como la presentación oral o

actividad a ser repuesta.

6. En actividades de grupo el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin

embargo, cada miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr un

trabajo de excelencia, pero recibirán una calificación individual.

7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y no

plagiado. Se debe entender que todo trabajo sometido esta citado

apropiadamente o parafraseado y citado dando atención al autor. Todo

estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que sea plagiado,

copiado o presente trazos de otro será calificado con cero (vea la política de

honestidad académica).

8. Si el facilitador hace cambios al modulo o guía de estudio, deberá discutirlos y

entregar copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del primer taller.

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9. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes proveyendo

su correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles.

10. EL uso de celulares esta prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber una

necesidad, deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio.

11. La visita de niños y familiares no registrados en el curso no está permitida en el

salón de clases.

12. Todo estudiante esta sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y

comportamiento que rigen SUAGM y el curso.

Nota: Si por alguna razón no puede acceder las direcciones electrónicas

ofrecidas en el módulo, no se limite a ellas. Existen otros motores de búsqueda y

sitios Web que podrá utilizar para la búsqueda de la información deseada. Entre

ellas están:











El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrónicas y/o

añadir algunas de ser necesario.

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 9

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Filosofía y Metodología Educativa

Este curso está basado en la teoría educativa del Constructivismo. Constructivismo

es una filosofía de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de que, reflexionando a

través de nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro propio conocimiento sobre

el mundo en el que vivimos.

Cada uno de nosotros genera nuestras propias “reglas “y “métodos mentales” que

utilizamos para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender, por lo tanto, es

simplemente el proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales para poder acomodar

nuevas experiencias. Como facilitadores, nuestro enfoque es el mantener una

conexión entre los hechos y fomentar un nuevo entendimiento en los estudiantes.

También, intentamos adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza a las respuestas de

nuestros estudiantes y motivar a los mismos a analizar, interpretar y predecir


Existen varios principios para el constructivismo, entre los cuales están:

1. El aprendizaje es una búsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje debe

comenzar con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estén buscando

activamente construir un significado.

2. Significado requiere comprender todas las partes. Y, las partes deben entenderse

en el contexto del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje se enfoca en los

conceptos primarios, no en hechos aislados.

3. Para enseñar bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los estudiantes

utilizan para percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos hacen para apoyar

dichos modelos.

4. El propósito del aprendizaje, es para un individuo, el construir su propio significado,

no sólo memorizar las contestaciones “correctas” y repetir el significado de otra

persona. Como la educación es intrínsicamente interdisciplinaria, la única forma

válida para asegurar el aprendizaje es hacer del avalúo parte esencial de dicho

proceso, asegurando que el mismo provea a los estudiantes con la información

sobre la calidad de su aprendizaje.

5. La evaluación debe servir como una herramienta de auto-análisis.

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 10

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar las

múltiples perspectivas que existen en el mundo.

7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el estudiante.

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 11

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Study Guide

Course Title Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling

Code EDUC 582

Time Length Five weeks

Pre-requirement None


General principles of Legal and Ethical Issues in Professional Counseling. In this course,

the student will study the ethical and legal process in professional counseling. The student

will define the process of counseling and legal implications. Confidentiality and Counselor-

Client Relationship. The student will study the ethics code of the following professional

associations, American Counseling Association (ACA), American Psychological Association

(APA), American Rehabilitation Counselor (CRA) and the Regulatory Law.

General objectives

At the end of this workshop, the student will:

1. Identify and analyze the general principles of ethics, values and legal issues in

professional counseling.

2. Understand, analyze and evaluate the fundamentals student rights under the

Constitution of USA and the regulatory law.

3. Execute the counselor’s functions with the knowledge of the legal and ethical

depositions for the counselor profession.

4. Apply the ethical concepts to the daily analyze of his environment.

Texts and resources

Corey, G., Schneider, M. & Callanan, P. (2003). Issues and Ethics in the Helping

Professions. (6th. ed.). California: Brooks CollePublishing Company.

Shertzaer, B., & Stone, S. (1981). Fundamentals of Guidance. (4th ed.). Boston

Theodore, P., Remley, Jr., & Barbara H. (2001). Ethical Legal, and Professional

Issues in Counseling. New Jersey, NY: Upper Saddle River.

References and Supplementary Materials

1. Bersoff, D. N. (2003). Ethical Conflicts in Psychology

2. Fisher, C. B., Decoding Ethics Code

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 12

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

3. Gibson R. L, & Mitchell M. H., (1986). Introduction to Guidance and Counseling.

4. Hostos, E.M. (1888). La Moral Social

5. Ortega y Gasset, J. La Rebelión de las Masas

6. Pope, K. (1998). Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Practical Guide.

7. Syme, G. (2003). Dual relationship in Counseling and

Psychotherapy: Exploring the limits.

8. Welfel, E. (1998). Ethics in Counseling and Psychotherapy:

9. Standards research and emerging issues.


The evaluation of this course will have the following criteria

Criteria Puntuation % grade

Attendance &


30 15

Portfolio 30 15

Tests 20 10

Critical analysis 40 20

Lenguaje Criteria

Counselor Interview 20 10

Essay 40 20

Oral Presentation 20 10

Totals 200 100

Attendance and Participation

The attendance and participation is mandatory in all workshops.

Students will receive 6 points at the end of each workshop to accumulated

a total amount of 30 points in both criteria.


The student will prepare a Learning Diary for each Workshop. Once finished this

diary should be included in the Portfolio. A student reaction is expected over

different statements related to the class. The portfolio will have a punctuation of 30

points and will accumulated 30 percent of the course final grade. To evaluate the

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 13

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Portfolio, the students will need to follow the criteria and include the material

provided in the Appendixes: L, M, N, O, P, Q, and R.


The facilitator will administer two tests during the course. The tests will be

administered during workshops three and five. The students are responsible to review

and study the material covered during workshops one, two and three for the first test.

The second test will cover all the material taught during workshop four and five. Both

tests will have a punctuation of 20 points and will represent 10 percent of the final


Critical Analysis

The students will be writing a critical analysis during the first tour workshops about an

article related to the ethical aspects of counseling. The critical analysis will consist of

one page and will follow the rules of the APA Manual. The critical analysis will be written

in the same language as the workshop and will have a punctuation of 40 points.

Counselor Interview

During workshop three the students will have the task of interviewing a counselor in

relation to the ethical aspects of the counseling process. The students will use as a

guide the questions that appeared in Appendix C. The interview will be conducted in

English and will have a punctuation of 20 points.


The students will be writing an essay during workshop number four about one ethical

aspect of the counseling process. The essay must be written in Spanish and will follow

the guidelines of the APA manual (Appendix B).

Oral Presentation

The students will be conducting an oral presentation about the interview done with the

counselor in reference of the ethical aspects of the counseling process. The oral

presentation will be done during workshop five and is going to be in Spanish. It is

recommended that the students used visuals in their presentation and a power point


EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 14

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Description of Course Policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Dual-Language

Discipline-Based Immersion Model® designed to promote each student’s

development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in

English and Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model. This means that each workshop

will be conducted entirely in the language specified. The language used in the

workshops will alternate to insure that 50% of the course will be conducted in

English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this balance, the course module may

specify that both languages will be used during the fifth workshop, dividing that

workshop’s time and activities between the two languages. If students have difficulty

with asking a question in the target language in which the activity is being

conducted, students may choose to use their preferred language for that particular

question. However, the facilitator must answer in the language assigned for that

particular day. This should only be an exception as it is important for students to use

the assigned language. The 50/50 model does not apply to language courses where

the delivery of instruction must be conducted in the language taught (Spanish or

English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students prepare

in advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each workshop

requires an average ten hours of preparation but could require more.

3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a

workshop must present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will

evaluate if the absence is justified and decide how the student will make up the

missing work, if applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following: allow the

student to make up the work, or allow the student to make up the work and assign

extra work to compensate for the missing class time.

Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in on the

assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for late

assignments and make-up work.

4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop the facilitator will have the

following options:

EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 15

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

• If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade based

on the students existing grade.

• If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two grades

based on the students existing grade.

5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class

activities are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can be

made up. If the student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the facilitator may

determine a substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands that an equivalent

activity is possible. This activity must include the same content and language

components as the oral presentation or special activity that was missed.

6. In cooperative activities the group will be assessed for their final work. However,

each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the group and the

assessment will be done collectively as well as individually.

7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should not be

plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work submitted. All quoted

or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with credit given to its author or

publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized writings are easily detectable and

students should not risk losing credit for material that is clearly not their own (see

Academic Honesty Policy).

8. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be

discussed with and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first workshop.

9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an email

address, phone number, hours to be contacted and days.

10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to have

one, it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not allowed to

the classrooms.

12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university

community established by the institution and in this course.

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Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the module, do

not stop your investigation. There are many search engines and other links you

can use to search for information. These are some examples:











The facilitator may make changes or add additional web resources if deemed


EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 17

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Teaching Philosophy and Methodology

This course is grounded in the learning theory of Constructivism. Constructivism is

a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences,

we construct our own understanding of the world in which we live.

Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to make

sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our

mental models to accommodate new experiences. As teachers, our focus is on making

connections between facts and fostering new understanding in students. We will also

attempt to tailor our teaching strategies to student responses and encourage students to

analyze, interpret and predict information.

There are several guiding principles of constructivism:

1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the issues

around which students are actively trying to construct meaning.

2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. And parts must be

understood in the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses on

primary concepts, not isolated facts.

3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use

to perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those models.

4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning,

not just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone else's meaning.

Since education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only valuable way to measure

learning is to make the assessment part of the learning process, ensuring it

provides students with information on the quality of their learning.

5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool.

6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple

perspectives of the world.

7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

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Workshop One

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop the students will be able to:

1. Identify the ethical aspects, values and legal aspects of the counseling profession.

2. Knowledge about the background history of the human rights.

3. Evaluate the rights guaranteed by the letter of rights of the constitution.

4. Identify the rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of

the United Nations.

5. Become knowledgeable with the Bill of Rights.

Language Objectives

1. Students will be able to express themselves orally in written using English as the

language of communication with correct pronunciation, syntax, verb usage and

correct vocabulary.

2. Students will determine the main idea and will identify the relevant details of several


3. Students will generate written ideas from multiple answers. The student engages in

the writing process and writes to communicate ideas and experiences.



Bill of Rights

Code of Ethics


EDUC 582 Ethical and Legal Issues in Professional Counseling 19

Prep. 2004. Gilberto Avilés, MA. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D.

Homework before Workshop One

1. Read and make a list of the ethical aspects of the counseling profession.

2. Define the following concepts: professional guidance, information, professional

counseling, values, ethics and rights.

3. Read the Bill of Rights (Appendix J).

4. Make a diagram explaining the history of the human rights.

5. Write a critical analysis about a journal of the ethical aspects of the counseling


6. Identify the rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights

of the United Nations (Appendix H).

7. Stated the difference between ethics and values.


1. Introduction: Each student is going to look for another student that has not been

introduced. The students are going to discuss two aspects in which they are similar

and two aspects in which they are different. Each pair is going to introduce the other

student to the class and mention the differences and similarities of each one.

2. The students are going to be completing the self Inventory that appears in Appendix


3. The students will be presenting their conceptual diagram in reference to the human

rights background and history.

4. The students will be divided in groups of four and will discuss the class definitions.

Each group need to make a drawing of the concepts.and present them to the class.

5. The facilitator will discuss the ethical aspects of the counseling process. The

students will have to choose one of the ethical aspects and present it with a mimic.

6. The facilitator will ask the students to write a paragraph stating the influence of the

bill of rights in the ethical aspects of counseling.

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7. The facilitator will divide the class in four groups. Each group will have the task of

creating a news capsule. The purpose of the news capsule is to present to the public

how the Bill of rights has influence the counseling profession.

8. The facilitator will ask the students to present their critical analysis using a song. For

this activity the students can find a partner to work together.

9. The facilitator and the students will discuss the results of the survey in the Appendix


10. The facilitator will ask the students to complete a matching related to the


11. The students will choose one counseling ethical aspect for the essay assignment.

12. The facilitator will clarify any doubts regarding the assignments for the next



Learning diary: explain the importance of maintaining a code of ethics and the Bill of

Rights in the counseling profession.

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Taller Dos

Objetivos Específicos

Al final del Taller los estudiantes podrán

1. Entender y estudiar los aspectos éticos en las profesiones de ayuda.

2. Identificar los conceptos básicos en el estudio de los valores según las agencias

reguladoras de consejería profesional: la Asociación Americana de Psicología y la

asociación Americana de Consejería.

3. Analizar los valores y los aspectos éticos en la consejería con homosexuales y


4. Estar familiarizados con los aspectos legales y éticos de la consejería profesional.

Objetivos de Lenguaje

1. Los estudiantes podrán expresarse de forma oral y escrita utilizando el español

como lenguaje de comunicación haciendo uso correcto del vocabulario, gramática y


2. Los estudiantes serán capaces de construir significado a través de diversos textos

utilizando la sintaxis, gramática y el uso correcto de los verbos.

3. Los estudiantes serán capaz de organizar la información escrita de forma creativa.

El estudiante es capaz de desarrollar y demostrar el uso de creatividad en la


Direcciones Electrónicas

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Tareas antes del Taller Dos

1. Escribir su propio código de ética.

2. Leer los códigos de ética de la Asociación Americana de Psicología y el de la

Asociación Americana de Consejería.

3. Identificar el aspecto ético y legal en la consejería con homosexuales y lesbianas.

4. Escribir por una semana un diario y anotar en el mismo todas las actividades

realizadas. Hacer una lista de los valores personales y ver como estos influyeron en

las actividades.

5. Escribir un análisis crítico sobre un artículo relacionado con los valores en el

proceso de consejeria.

6. Identificar que aspectos podrían causar demandas a los consejeros.


1. El facilitador comenzará la clase con un breve repaso del material cubierto en el

taller anterior.

2. Introducción: cada estudiante va a escribir en un papel su propio código de ética sin

identificar el papel. El facilitador recoge los papeles y se los entrega a otro

estudiante. Cada estudiante va a leer el papel de otro estudiante y al finalizar la

clase va a identificar si existen similaridades y diferencias entre los estudiantes en

sus códigos de éticas.

3. El facilitador le pide a los estudiantes que completen el cuestionario que aparece en

el Anejo E.

4. El facilitador le pide a los estudiantes que contesten en forma de panel si los

consejeros deberían imponer sus propios valores.

5. La clase se divide en dos grupos. Un grupo va a presentar el código de éticas de la

asociación Americana de Psicología y el otro grupo va a presentar el Código de

ética de la Asociación Americana de Consejeria. Ambos grupos tienen que llevar

acabo sus presentaciones por medio de dibujos.

5. El facilitador le requiere a los estudiantes que presenten dos casos donde se

presenta el aspecto espiritual y religioso en la consejería.

6. Utilizando un diagrama los estudiantes van a presentar diversas razones para

demandar un consejero. El diagrama puede ser de mapa ó circular.

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7. El facilitador lleva acabo una discusión con los estudiantes sobre el cuestionario que

fue contestado al principio de la clase.

8. Los estudiantes van a tener la tarea de diseñar un boletín informativo que anuncia

los servicios de consejería para homosexuales y lesbianas que desean adoptar


9. La clase se divide en tres grupos y cada grupo tiene la tarea de escoger un análisis

crítico y presentarlo con un drama.

10. El facilitador divide la clase en parejas para el análisis de casos: María es una joven

de 14 años que ha sido referida por conflictos familiares. Sus padres se han

divorciado recientemente y ella enfrenta dificultades para lidiar con esta situación.

Le indica al consejero que está teniendo relaciones con su novio de 15 años y que

se opone a usar contraceptivos porque los encuentra incómodos. Ella le asegura al

consejero que no va a quedar embarazada.


¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos en cuanto la decisión de Maria de tener relaciones

sexuales con su novio?

¿Qué piensas sobre la decisión de Maria de no utilizar contraceptivos?

¿Esta María en peligro así misma ó a otras personas?

Han pasado varios meses desde que Maria comenzó el proceso de consejería.

Ella indica estar embarazada y que su novio no está en posición para mantener a

un bebe. Por lo tanto, María te informa al consejero que ha decido hacerse un

aborto pero se siente ansiosa en su decisión.


¿Qué otras opciones le sugieres a María?

¿Qué implicaciones legales existen en este caso?

Identificar posibles agencias de referidos.

Se debe informar a los padres sobre la decisión de Maria.


Diario De Aprendizaje: explicar las implicaciones que tiene para un consejero el dejarse

influenciar por sus propios valores en el proceso de consejería.

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Workshop Three

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop the students will

1. Identify the legal aspects of counseling and the confidentiality.

2. Have knowledge about the rights of the clients and informed consent.

3. Be familiarized with the process of counseling children and adolescents

4. Be familiarized with confidentiality and HIV /AIDS issues.

Language Objectives

1. Students will be able to express themselves orally and in written using English as

the language of communication with correct pronunciation, syntax, verb usage and

correct vocabulary.

2. Students will determine the main idea and identify relevant details in a variety of

types of written material.

3. Students will generate written ideas from multiple sources.


Homework before Workshop Three

1. Define the following concepts; confidentiality, informed consent, privilege

communication and privacy.

2. Write the process of confidentiality with HIV clients.

3. Identify the counseling process and confidentiality in the school setting.

4. Explain the rights of the clients and informed consent.

5. Write a journal critical analysis about the class topic.

6. Study for a test.

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7. Complete a counselor interview (Appendix C).


1. The facilitator will start the class with a short review.

2. Students will complete the self inventory on Appendix F.

3. The students will define confidentiality, informed consent, privilege communication

and privacy using a song. The facilitator will divide the class in four groups and each

group will present a concept using a song.

4. Debate in class: one group will support absolute confidentiality and the other group

will support confidentiality with limits. Both groups have to sustain that both are

necessary to bring openness and effectiveness in the counseling process.

5. Using a diagram the students need to present under what circumstances they are

allow to break the confidentiality of the client in the counseling process.

6. The students are going to be divided in groups of five and each group need to

dramatize the counseling process with children and adolescents.

7. The facilitator will request from the students to create a brochure that states the

rights of the clients in the counseling process.

8. The facilitator will present the counselor’s responsibility in record keeping with an

oral presentation.

9. The students will write a sentence explaining the counseling process with HIV

clients. Each student will go to another student and add another sentence about the

counseling process with HIV clients. The facilitator will ask four students to read their


10. The students will need to analyze the following cases:

The Case of Hector

During the initial interview, Simone asked the counselor Hector, how long she

might need to be in therapy. Hector told Simone that the process will take a

minimum of two years of weekly sessions. She expressed dismay at such long

process. Hector expressed that this is the way that he works and that in his

experience significant change is a slow process that demands a lengthy process.

The counselor told Simone if she cannot commit to this time period it would be

best if she finds another counselor.

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Did Hector take care of the need of informed consent?

Would be more ethical for Hector to offer short term counseling as an


Did Hector have an ethical and professional obligation to explain his rationale for

two years of sessions?

The Case of Maribel

After the initial session the counselor, Maribel does not provide an informed

consent form and touches briefly on the process of counseling. The counselor

implies that whatever is say in the office will stay in the office. Three months in

counseling sessions the client exhibits some suicidal behaviors. Maribel has

recently attended a conference at which malpractice was one of the topics and

worries that she may have been mistaken in not providing her client with

adequate information about her services including confidentiality and its

limitations. The counselor reproduce a form that was given to her at the

conference and asked the client to sign it. This produces confusion in the client

and did not mention suicide any more. After five more sessions the client cancel

his appointment and Maribel does not continue the case further.

What are the legal and ethical implications of the counselor?

Did the counselor cause more problems by introducing the document after three

months of counseling?

Would you have contact this client after he cancelled?

11. The students will work in pairs and decide a method to present their counselor

interview (Appendix C).

12. The students will present their critical analysis.

13. The students will discuss the answers of the Inventory survey on Appendix F.

14. The facilitator will administer a test that will include the material cover during

workshops one, two and three.

15. The facilitator will discuss the assignments for next workshop.


Learning diary: Explain the ethical and legal ramifications of confidentiality in the

counseling profession.

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Taller Cuatro

Objetivos Específicos

Al finalizar este taller los estudiantes podrán

1. Definir e interpretar los siguientes conceptos y disposiciones del proceso de

consejería: Bill of Right (La Constitución de Estados Unidos), La Declaración

Universal de los Derechos Humanos (UNO 1948), El Código de Ética de la

Asociación de Consejería, American Disability Act, Buckley Amendment y el Public

Law 94-142.

2. Conocer las guías para identificar el comportamiento suicida.

3. Identificar y conocer la confidencialidad y la privacidad en el ambiente escolar.

Objetivos de Lenguaje

1. Los estudiantes podrán expresarse de forma oral y escrita utilizando el español

como lenguaje de comunicación haciendo uso correcto del vocabulario, gramática y


2. Los estudiantes serán capaces de construir significado a través de diversos textos

utilizando la sintaxis, gramática y el uso correcto de los verbos.

3. Los estudiantes podrán escribir utilizando la creatividad.

Direcciones Electrónicas

Tareas antes del Taller Cuatro

1. Escribir un ensayo sobre un aspecto ético de la consejería profesional.

2. Escribir un análisis crítico de una página sobre un tema a discutirse en clase.

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3. Leer los códigos de ética de las siguientes asociaciones:(ACA) (APA) (ADA)

4. Definir el “Bill of Rights”, La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos,

American Disability Act, Buckley Amendment y Public Law 94-142.

5. Escribir las guías que se siguen para identificar el comportamiento suicida.

6. Identificar el proceso de confidencialidad y la privacidad en el ambiente escolar.

7. Trabajar con el portafolio.


1. Introducción: Contestar el cuestionario que aparece en el Anejo G.

2. Definir el Bill of Rights utilizando una canción y ver las implicaciones en la consejería

(Anejo J).

3. El facilitador divide la clase en cinco grupos. Cada grupo se preparará para hacer una

presentación ante la clase, informando los aspectos fundamentales en cada una de las

leyes asignadas de tarea. La presentación debe ser creativa, utilizando todos los

recursos disponibles, no más de 30 minutos.

4. El grupo aplicará las leyes discutidas en una demostración (role play).

5. Utilizando visuales y recursos electrónicos el facilitador presentará la importancia que

tiene el regirse por el código de ética de Consejería y las implicaciones que existen al no


6. Los estudiantes divididos en varios grupos van a presentar el proceso de

confidencialidad y privacidad en las escuelas utilizando un rótulo. El facilitador tiene que

proveer el papel y marcadores a los estudiantes.

7. Los estudiantes van a mencionar las guías que se utilizan para identificar el

comportamiento suicida con un dibujo.

8. Los siguientes casos será discutidos en clase:

El Caso de Alberto

La consejera está trabajando con Alberto, un joven que parece ser violento. Durante

una sesión de consejería Alberto indica sus impulsos de hacer daño a otras personas

y así mismo. El describe como había golpeado fuertemente a su novia. Además,

indica que ella tiene temor de dejarlo porque piensa que el le podría golpear más

fuerte. Alberto menciona que se pone tan violento y con tanto coraje que se ha visto

cerca de matarla. La consejera piensa que Alberto está haciéndole daño a su novia

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físicamente y que podría matarla. ¿Cual de las siguientes aseveraciones escogerías?

¿Por qué?:

-Notificar a la novia de Alberto que se encuentra en inminente peligro.

-Notificar a la policía y a las autoridades correspondientes.

-Buscaría una segunda opinión de otro consejero.

-Referir a Alberto a otro consejero.

-Informar a mi supervisor ó director.

El Caso de Maritza

Maritza es una consejera de escuela superior. Tiene varias razones para creer que

uno de sus estudiantes esta siendo abusado físicamente. Como parte del abuso un

medicamento no ha sido administrado al estudiante. Maritza reporta el caso a la

agencia de abusos y le provee toda la información al oficial del caso. La consejera

le da seguimiento al caso por el teléfono y por escrito. Una semana después el

estudiante le indica que nada ha sucedido.

¿Crees que Maritza llevó a cabo el reporte de forma correcta?

¿Deberá la consejera reportar la agencia por no tomar ninguna acción en el caso?

¿Deberá Maritza tomar otras medidas en el caso

9. El facilitador va a solicitar a los estudiantes que identifiquen las implicaciones que tiene

la ley de privacidad del estudiante FERPA en la consejería.

10. Los estudiantes van a presentar los análisis críticos de forma oral.

11. El facilitador aclarará cualquier duda con las asignaciones antes del próximo taller.


Diario de Aprendizaje: explicar las implicaciones del “Bill of Rights” en la profesión de


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Workshop Five

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop the students will

1. Identify the requirements for the certification of professional counseling and the

(NBCC) National Board for Certified Counselor

2. Be familiarized with the rights and regulations of special populations.

Language Objectives

1. Express themselves orally and in written using English as the language of

communication with correct pronunciation, grammar, syntax, verb usage and correct


2. The student uses writing effectively and produces final documents that have been

edited for correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation and verb


3. The students will use creativity in their written work.


NOTA: Este taller será bilingüe.

Algunas de las actividades serán

en inglés y otras en español. El

facilitador y el estudiante hablará

español o inglés, dependiendo del

informe que esté ofreciendo el

estudiante o la actividad.

NOTE: This will be a bilingual

workshop. Some of the activities

will be in Spanish and others in

English. The facilitator and the

students will use the language of

instruction required in each lesson

as well.

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Homework before Workshop Five

1. Identify the requirements for the certification of professional counseling and the

(NBCC) National Board for Certified Counselor (in English)

2. Study for a test that will include material from workshop four and five.

3. Write a paragraph stating the rights of special education students (in Spanish).

4. Complete the portfolio.

5. Prepare an oral presentation in Spanish of the interview done to a counselor.

6. Bring a magazine in Spanish or English related to counseling.


1. The facilitator will start the class with a short review.

2. Students will create a collage and will include at least 10 concepts learned in the

class (in Spanish). The facilitator will provide all materials.

3. The students are going to present the certification requirements for a professional

counselor using a diagram (in English).

4. Students will do their oral presentations related to the interview with a counselor

(Spanish or English).

5. The facilitator will administer a test including workshop four and five materials.

6. Using a concept map in English, students will identify the rights of special or

handicapped students.

7. Students will be writing a paragraph in Spanish explaining the importance of being

certified as a professional counselor.

8. The complete class is going to discuss the cases of Appendixes I and K. The

students can answer the case questions in the language of their preference.

9. Closing activity – to be determined by the facilitator.


Reflexive Dairy: explain why a professional counselor need to be certified by the state.

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Appendix A/ Anejo A


NOMBRE: __________________________ NOTA FINAL: _____________

FECHA: ____________________________

Asistencia y puntualidad: ______%

_____ 0= Faltó a 4 o más talleres o faltó a 3 talleres y llegó tarde a 2 talleres

_____ 1= Faltó a 3 talleres o faltó a 2 talleres pero llegó tarde a tres talleres

_____ 2= Faltó a 2 talleres o faltó a 1 taller pero llego tarde a tres o más talleres

_____ 3= Faltó a 1 taller o no faltó pero llegó tarde a tres talleres

_____ 4= No faltó a los talleres pero llegó tarde a uno o dos talleres

_____ 5= No faltó ni llegó tarde a los talleres

Aportación a la clase: ______%

0-No Cumplió




4-Muy Bueno

5-Excelente N/A-No Aplica

CRITERIOS 0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

1. Contribuye frecuentemente a las

discusiones en clase.

2. Demuestra interés en las

discusiones en clase.

3. Contesta preguntas del facilitador

y sus compañeros.

4. Formula preguntas pertinentes al

tema de la clase.

5. Viene preparado(a) a clase.

6. Contribuye a la clase con material

e información adicional.

7. Presenta argumentos

fundamentados en las lecturas y

trabajos de la clase

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8. Demuestra atención y apertura a

los puntos y argumentos de sus


9. Contesta preguntas y

planteamientos de sus


10. Demuestra iniciativa y creatividad

en las actividades de clase.

Comentarios: _____________________________________________________

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NAME: __________________________ FINAL GRADE: _______DATE: ________

Attendance and Punctuality: ______%

______ 0=Absent in 4 or more workshops or absent in 3 workshops and was

late in 2 workshops

_____ 1=Absent in 3 workshops or absent in 2 workshops and was late in 3

or more workshops

_____ 2=Absent in 2 workshops or absent in 1 workshops and was late in 3

or more workshops

_____ 3=Absent in 1 workshop or attended all workshops but was late in 3


_____ 4=Attended all workshops but was late in 1 or 2 workshops

_____ 5=Perfect attendance

Class Participation: ______%



CRITERIA 0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

1. Contributes frequently to class


2. Demonstrates interest in class


3. Answers questions made by the

facilitators and classmates.

4. Asks questions pertinent to the

class subject.

5. Arrives prepared to class.

6. Contributes to class with

additional material and

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7. Presents arguments based on

class lecture and work.

8. Demonstrates attention and

opening towards arguments from


9. Answers questions and

expositions from classmates.

10. Demonstrates initiative and

creativity in class activities.

Comments: ______________________________________________________

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Appendix B/Anejo B

Ensayo Nombre estudiante………………………..Fecha……………………….. Criterio Valor Puntos obtenidos


La introducción es clara y concisa.


Puntos relevantes están expuestos en el ensayo.


Presenta un tema y lo apoya con ejemplos precisos.


Las oraciones y las ideas fluyen cuando se lee el ensayo.


Establece una relación con el tema y capta la atención de la audiencia.


Las conclusiones reflejan una relación significativa con la discusión del tema.


Las ideas están organizadas de forma significativa demostrando así un alto nivel de comprensión.


Lenguaje Demuestra dominio del español en relación al vocabulario, la sintaxis, y la fluidez de las ideas.


El uso de la gramática es correcto y apropiado.


Utiliza y maneja los verbos de forma apropiada.


Total de puntos 100 ( 70%contenido y 30% lenguaje)

Puntuación total

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Anejo C/Appendix C

Counselor Interview

Nombre del Estudiante:--------------------------------------------- Firma del facilitador:------------------------------------

1. How are your clients affected by your values?

2. What kind of clients has been influenced by your values?

3. What are the main values issues that clients bring to the counseling process?

4. When you have disclosure the confidentiality with a client?

5. What are some of the legal considerations that that you may have any concern


6. What are your credentials as a counselor?

7. Explain your ethical standards as a professional counselor.

8. What do you do if your values are in conflict with your client values?

9. What unethical situation you have encounter with a client/

10. How you will work with the religious aspect in counseling?

11. Have you been involved in any malpractice suit?

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Anejo D/Appendix D

Self Inventory Workshop One

Directions: for each statement indicate the response that most closely identifies your beliefs

and attitudes:

5) I strongly agree

4) I agree

3) I am undecided

2) I disagree

1) I strongly disagree

1. Counselors who satisfy their personal needs through their work are behaving


2. Before starting their practice counselor should be free of personal problems.

3. Many counselors are burn out due to the excessive amount of work they encounter.

4. A competent counselor can work with any client.

5. It is important to adapt my counseling techniques to the background of my clients.

6. Feelings of anxiety in a beginning counselor indicates lacks of professional skills.

7. An experienced counselor should not need personal counseling.

8. A counselor will avoid getting involved socially with clients.

9. Feelings about a client are a sign that the client needs personal counseling.

10. Counselor should be required to undergo their own counseling sessions before

getting their certification.

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Appendix E/Anejo E

Cuestionario Taller Dos

Direcciones: para cada aseveración indicar la que mas identifica sus valores y


5) Completamente de acuerdo

.4) Estoy de acuerdo

3) .Estoy indeciso

2) Estoy en desacuerdo

1) Completamente en desacuerdo

1. Es posible y lo mas adecuado que los consejeros mantengan sus valores de forma

neutral en la consejería.

2. Es de forma apropiada que un consejero exprese sus valores a su cliente siempre

que notarte de imponerlos a su cliente.

3. La clarificación de los valores es parte del proceso de consejeria.

4. Nunca voy a influenciar a mis clientes con mis valores.

5. Tengo una idea clara de cuales son mis valores.

6. Un consejero cristiano debe referir a otro consejero un cliente que sea homosexual ó


7. Como consejero no tengo que ser guiado por ningún código de ética profesional.

8. Un consejero debe considerarlos aspectos éticos para no caer en posibles


9. Como consejero es mi responsabilidad ética de aprender los recursos que existen

para parejas lesbianas ó homosexuales que desean adoptar.

10. Es preferible que el consejero permanezca neutral en sus valores y no trate de

influenciar a sus clientes.

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AnejoF /Appendix F

Self Inventory Workshop Three

Directions: for each statement indicate the response that most closely identifies your beliefs

and attitudes:

5) I strongly agree

4) I agree

3) I am undecided

2) I disagree

1) I strongly disagree

1. If there is a conflict between a legal and an ethical standard a counselor must

follow the law.

2. Counselors who do not use written consent forms are being unethical.

3. To practice counselors must become familiar with the laws related to their


4. It is unethical for a counselor to alter the fee structure once it has been


5. Ethical practice demands that counselors develop procedures to ensure that

clients are in a position to make informed choices.

6. It is the counselor responsibility to determine appropriate time for termination of


7. It is appropriate for counselors that work with children and adolescents to serve

as their advocates in certain legal situations.

8. A counseling relation should be maintained only as long is clear that the client is


9. Clients should be made aware of their rights at the outset of counseling


10. Clients in therapy should have the right of access to their files.

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Anejo G/ Appendix G

Inventario Taller Cuatro

Direcciones: para cada aseveración indicar la que mas identifica sus valores y


5) Completamente de acuerdo

4) Estoy de acuerdo

3) Estoy indeciso

2) Estoy en desacuerdo

1) Completamente en desacuerdo

1. Me preocupa el hablar con mis clientes sobre la confidencialidad.

2. Una vez identifico a través de una evaluación que un cliente es suicida tengo la

obligación de informar.

3. El informar un caso de abuso debería dejarlo al juicio del consejero.

4. Es mi responsabilidad como profesional de ayuda reportar abusos ó sospecha

de abuso.

5. En consejería con un paciente de HIV es mi responsabilidad de informar a todas

las parejas de mi cliente si este no revela su nivel de hIV.

6. Si un cliente suicida rechaza mi ayuda me veo obligado a dejarlo ir.

7. Si estoy trabajando con un cliente que puede hacerle daño a otros es mi

responsabilidad de notificar a las posibles victimas.

8. No existe una situación en la que vaya a informar lo que el cliente me ha dicho

sin su autorización.

9. La confidencialidad absoluta debe llevarse a cabo para que la consejería sea


10. En el esfuerzo de proteger a los niños de abuso las leyes que se establecen

algunas veces no son éticas.

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Anejo H/ Appendix H

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

United Nations

December 10, 1948.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all

members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which

have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings

shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been

proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to

rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule

of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in

fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal

rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better

standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the

United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and

fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest

importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, therefore,

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The General Assembly,

Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of

achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ

of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and

education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures,

national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and

observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples

of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with

reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without

distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other

opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or

international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be

independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 4

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in

all their forms.

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Article 5

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or


Article 6

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of

the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this

Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts

violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and

impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal

charge against him.

Article 11

1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until

proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees

necessary for his defense.

2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission

which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the

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time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one

that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or

correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the

protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of

each State.

2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his


Article 14

1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from


2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-

political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United


Article 15

1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.

2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change

his nationality.

Article 16

1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion,

have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to

marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending


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3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to

protection by society and the State.

Article 17

1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes

freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with

others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship

and observance.

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to

hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas

through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21

1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or

through freely chosen representatives.

2. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.

3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall

be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and

equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting


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Article 22

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to

realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the

organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights

indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23

1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable

conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.

3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for

himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if

necessary, by other means of social protection.

4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his


Article 24

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours

and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25

1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being

of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and

necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment,

sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances

beyond his control.

2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children,

whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

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Article 26

1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the

elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.

Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher

education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to

the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall

promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or

religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the

maintenance of peace.

3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their


Article 27

1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to

enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting

from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set

forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29

1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development

of his personality is possible.

2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such

limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due

recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just

requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic


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3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes

and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person

any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of

the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

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Anejo I/Appendix I

Three Study Cases

The following cases deal with ethical and legal aspects of confidentiality. What do you think

you would do in each of these situations?

1. You are a student counselor. For your internship you are working with college

students on campus. Your intern group meets with a supervisor each week to

discuss your cases. One day, while you are having lunch in the campus cafeteria

with three other interns, they begin to discuss their case in detail, even mentioning

names of clients. They joke about some of the clients they are seeing, while nearby

are other students who may be able to overhear this conversation. What would you

do in this situation?

__I would tell the other interns to stop talking about their clients where other

students could overhear them and continue their conversation in a private place.

__I would bring the matter up in our next practicum meeting with supervisor.

__I would not do anything because the students who overhear the conversation

would most likely not be that interested in what was being said.

2. You are leading a counseling group on a high school campus. The members have

voluntarily joined the group. In one of the sessions several of the students discuss

the drug use on their campus, and two of them reveal that they sell illegal

substances to their friends. You discuss this matter wetter with them, and they claim

that there is nothing wrong with using these drugs. They argue that most of the

students on campus use drugs, that no one has been harmed, and that there isn’t

any difference between using drugs (which they know is illegal) and relying on

alcohol. What would you do in this situation?

__Because their actions are illegal, I would report them to the police.

__I would do nothing because their drug use doesn’t seem to be a problem for them,

and I would not want to jeopardize their trust in me.

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__ I would report the situation to the school authorities but keep the identities of the

students confidential.

__I would immediately go home with Barbara and talk to her parents.

__ I would report the matter to the police.

__ I would ask Barbara why she was telling me about the beatings if she did not want

me to reveal them to anyone else.

__ I would tell Barbara that I had a legal obligation to make this situation know to the

authorities but that I would work with her and not leave her alone in her fears.

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Anejo J/Appendix J



Here is the complete text of the original twelve amendments to the U.S. Constitution.


Article I

After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one

representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, after

which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than one

hundred representatives, nor less than one representative for every forty thousand persons,

until the number of representatives shall amount to two hundred; after which the proportion

shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than two hundred

representatives, nor more than one representative for every fifty thousand persons.

Article II

No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall

take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

Article III

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free

exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the

people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Article IV

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the

people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Article V

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the

Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Article VI

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against

unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but

upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place

to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Article VII

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a

presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces,

or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person

be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be

compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life,

liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public

use, without just compensation.

Article VIII

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by

an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,

which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature

and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have

compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of

Counsel for his defense.

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Article IX

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right

of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined

in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Article X

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual

punishments inflicted.

Article XI

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or

disparage others retained by the people.

Article XII

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the

States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Source: The Laws of the United States, printed by Richard Folwell, Philadelphia, 1796.

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Anejo K/Appendix K


What follows are three case studies taken from Bernard and Goodyear (1999). Try

analyzing the cases from the perspective of a trainee and a supervisor. How does

the ethical decision-making model presented in this module apply to the case? You

might also want to talk with your supervisor, classmates, professors, or other

practitioners about these cases. After the three cases are presented there are some

questions that might guide your discussion.

Case #1

Vanessa has been a marriage and family therapist at an agency for six months.

Gary, one of the other three therapists in the agency and the only other single

therapist, is her clinical supervisor. It will take Vanessa 2 years under supervision to

accrue the experience she needs to be eligible to sit for the state licensing

examination for her LMFT. One evening Gary calls Vanessa to inquire whether she

would like to go to a day-long workshop with him. The speaker for the workshop

specializes in a kind of therapy in which Vanessa has expressed interest. Vanessa

accepts and the workshop turns out to be an excellent professional experience. On

the way home, Vanessa and Gary stop for dinner. Vanessa picks up the tab to thank

Gary for including her. The following day Vanessa is sharing some of the

experiences of the workshop with Camille, another therapist at the agency. When

Camille asks, "Isn't Gary your supervisor?" Vanessa feels defensive and

misunderstood. Later that day, Vanessa decides to go to her agency director and

ask his opinion of the situation. He tells her not to be concerned about it and that

Camille "worries about everything." During her next supervision session, Vanessa

chooses not to mention either conversation to Gary (pp. 191-192).

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Case #2

Margaret is a school counselor who has been assigned a trainee from the local

university for the academic year. As she observes Noah work with elementary

school children, she is increasingly impressed with his skills. She asks him to work

with Peter, a nine-year-old, who has not adjusted well to his parents' recent divorce.

Again, she is impressed with Noah's skill, his warmth and understanding, and

ultimately, with the success he has in working with Peter. Margaret is a single parent

who is concerned about her nine-year-old son. She decides to ask Noah to see him.

Noah is complimented by her confidence in him. Margaret's son attends a different

school, but she arranges to have Noah see him after school hours (p. 192).

Case #3

Ruth has been assigned to a local mental health hospital for her internship to work

with patients who are preparing to be discharged. It is her first day at the site and

she is meeting with her site supervisor. He gives her a form to fill out, which asks for

information regarding her student malpractice insurance. When Ruth tells her

supervisor that she does not carry such insurance, he advises her that it is their

policy not to accept any student who does not have insurance. The supervisor also

expresses some surprise, because this has always been the hospital's policy and

Ruth is not the first student to be assigned to them from her training program (p.



1. What are the main issues in the case?

2. What ethical issues are of concern in the case?

3. Are there particular breaches of ethical principles? What are they?

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4. What can the supervisor do, if anything, to resolve the ethical problem(s)

presented in the case?

5. What can the trainee do, if anything, to resolve the ethical problem(s) presented in

the case?

6. Is there other information that might have been helpful in the resolution of this


7. What could have been done to prevent the ethical problem from occurring in the

first place?

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Anejo L/ Appendix L

Guidelines to prepare the portfolio

1. Determination of sources of content

The following, but not limited to, documentation will be included:

a. Projects, surveys, and reports.

b. Oral presentations

c. Essays: dated writing samples to show progress

d. Research papers: dated unedited and edited first drafts to show progress

e. Written pieces that illustrate critical thinking about readings: response or

reaction papers.

f. Class notes, interesting thoughts to remember, etc.

g. Learning journals, reflexive diaries.

h. Self assessments, peer assessments, facilitator assessments.

i. Notes from student-facilitator conferences.

2. Organization of documentation

Documentation will be organized by workshop, and by type of assignment within

workshops. Workshops will be separated from one another using construction

paper or paper of different colors, with tabs indicating the workshop number.

3. Presentation of the portfolio

• Documentation will be posted in a binder or in a digital version (e-


• The cover page will follow exactly APA guidelines applied to a cover page

of research papers submitted at Metro Orlando Campus. This cover page

will be placed at the beginning of the portfolio.

• The entire portfolio will follow APA style: Courier or Times New Roman

font, size 12, double space, and 1-inch margins. See a “Publication

Manual of the APA, Fifth Edition”

• A log of entries that can be expanded with each new entry properly

numbered. The table, which should be located at the beginning, should

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include a brief description, date produced, date submitted, and date

evaluated (Appendix N).

• Introduction and conclusion of the income and outcome of the portfolio.

• A list of references and appendixes of all assignments included will be

added to the end of the portfolio.

• The Portfolio Informational Sheet will be placed in the transparent front

pocket of the binder for identification purposes (Appendix M).

4. Student-Facilitator Feedback Template: Progression follow-up

The final step in implementing portfolios, before returning them to the student or

school life, is sharing feedback with each student to review the contents, student

reflections, and your evaluations of individual items and all of the work together

as related to learning targets (Banks, 2005).

Facilitators will e-mail a feedback template to all students. This template will

contain information pertaining to weaknesses and strengths found in students’

portfolios (Appendix P). Facilitators will focus their attention on showing students

what is possible and their progress rather than what is wrong; however, this does

not mean that facilitators will not cover weaknesses and areas for improvement

during the conference. Facilitators will send this feedback template upon

completion of workshop one.

Students will also have the opportunity to respond to the facilitator’s feedback

and write their own comments and/or ideas of how to improve the quality of their

portfolios, and how to become better metacognitive learners on the feedback

template. Students will e-mail the template with their comments back to the

facilitator after every workshop.

5. Portfolio storage:

o Portfolio samples will be safely stored for a six-month term on


o Students will sign an official document empowering Ana G. Mendez

University System with rights to use their portfolios with educational

or accreditation purposes during this term .

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o After this term, and if their authors authorize Ana G. Mendez

University System to discard their portfolios by signing an official

document, portfolio samples will be destroyed; otherwise, they will

be returned to their original authors.

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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Metro Orlando Campus

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo Check one:

� Universidad del Este � Universidad Metropolitana � Universidad del Turab0

Check one:

� Undergraduate � Graduate Concentration

Student’s Name

Facilitator’s Name


Portfolio rated as

Reason of this rate

Appendix N/Anejo N: Log of Entries

Entry Description

Date of Entry





Page #











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Appendix O/Anejo O: Reflection Process

Directions: Please complete the following blanks:

This entry is an example of my strengths:





This entry is an example of an area I really need to improve:





This entry is an example of an area I have improved:





I think this exercise has been very helpful for my learning because:







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Appendix P/Anejo P: Self-Assessment

Dear Student: This form will assist you in monitoring your portfolio and determining the strengths and weaknesses of your writing Part I: Read the statements below. Write the numbers that mostly honest reflects your self assessment (Scale 1-5: 5=strong, 4=moderately strong, 3=average, 2=moderately weak, 1=weak) _____ 1. My portfolio contains all of the items required by the facilitator. _____ 2. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my improvement over the course. _____ 3. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my ability to report factual

information. _____ 4. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my ability to write effectively. _____ 5. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my ability to think and write

creatively. Part II: On the lines below, write the topic of each assignment. Rate your effort for each piece (5=strong effort, 1=weak effort). In the space below write one suggestion for improving that piece. _____ 1. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____ 2. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____ 3. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____ 4. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____ 5. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Part III: In assessing my overall portfolio, I find it to be (check one) Very satisfactory __________ Satisfactory __________ Somewhat satisfactory __________ Unsatisfactory __________

Part IV: In the space below list your goal for the next week and two strategies you plan to achieve it.

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Goal: _________________________________________________________________ Strategies:

1. _____________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________


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Appendix Q/Anejo Q:

Checklist for Portfolio Assessment

Has the student set academic goals?

Does the portfolio include enough entries in each area to make

valid judgments?

Does the portfolio include evidence of complex learning in realistic


Does the portfolio provide evidence of various types of student


Does the portfolio include students’ self-evaluations and

reflections on what was learned?

Does the portfolio enable one to determine learning progress and

current level of learning?

Does the portfolio provide clear evidence of learning to users of

the portfolio?

Does the portfolio provide for student participation and


Does the portfolio present entries in a well-organized and useful


Does the portfolio include assessments based on clearly stated

criteria of successful performance?

Does the portfolio provide for greater interaction between

instruction and assessment?

Adapted from: Gronlund, N. E. (2003). Assessment of student achievement. 7th ed. Boston:

Pearson Education, Inc.

top related