萊萊萊萊因因因因 tÜv 集團大中華區...萊萊萊萊因因因因tÜv 集團大中華區...

Post on 27-Aug-2020






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萊萊萊萊因因因因 TÜV 集團大中華區集團大中華區集團大中華區集團大中華區


1. 適應範圍適應範圍適應範圍適應範圍

1.1 《萊因 TÜV 集團大中華區一般商業條款和條件》(以下稱“本條

款和條件”)由客戶及視具體情形而定的一家或多家萊因 TÜV 集



1.2 本條款和條件適用于客戶和萊因公司所約定的各類服務,包括咨詢



1.3 任何客戶的標准條款和條件均不適用,並在此被明確予以排除。即



2. 報價的修改報價的修改報價的修改報價的修改


其所提出的任何報價進行更改,而無需事先通知客戶。 3. 合同生效與有效期合同生效與有效期合同生效與有效期合同生效與有效期

3.1 如萊因公司和客戶簽訂了萊因公司的報價單或單獨的合同文件,或






3.2 合同的有效期從合同根據前述第 3.1 條生效時起算,在合同約定的


3.3 如合同對合同有效期的延長作出規定,且任何一方均未在合同終止


期限延長。 4. 服務範圍服務範圍服務範圍服務範圍

4.1 合同的服務範圍應完全按照合同雙方所提出的一致聲明加以確定。


4.2 履行約定服務時應遵守合同訂立時已生效的各項法規。

4.3 除非另有書面約定或強制性規定要求遵循特定的程序,否則,萊因


4.4 執行工作時,對于萊因公司將要測試或檢查的部件、裝置整體及其






4.5 除非另有書面約定,在執行檢查任務時,對于檢查所基于的安全計



5. 履約期限履約期限履約期限履約期限/日期日期日期日期

5.1 合同約定的履約期限/日期系根據所需的工作量而得出的預計工作進




5.2 若雙方已約定具約束力的履約期限,則只有在客戶向萊因公司提交


5.3 如果並非由于萊因公司的原因而需要延長履約期限/日期,即便沒有

客戶的明確同意,上述第 5.1 條和 5.2 條同樣適用于延期後的履約


6. 客戶的合作義務客戶的合作義務客戶的合作義務客戶的合作義務

6.1 客戶應保證其自身、代理人或第三方會及時迅速地向萊因公司提供



6.2 客戶應向萊因公司免費提供履行服務所必需的設計文件、耗材、配



6.3 如果客戶遲延提供完成工作所需的信息,或客戶提供了不正確或不




最高價格,萊因公司仍有權對額外産生的成本另行收費。 7. 服務價格服務價格服務價格服務價格

7.1 若客戶下訂單時未以書面形式確定履約範圍,則萊因公司應根據實




7.2 如未另行約定,萊因公司應根據服務的進展情況階段性地收取相應


7.3 若履行訂單的時間超過一個月,且合同總價或所約定的固定價格超

過 2,500 歐元或以當地貨幣計算的等值金額,萊因公司可要求付款


8. 付款付款付款付款

8.1 付款人收到發票後,所有發票金額即爲全額到期應付。萊因公司不


8.2 付款人應將款項打入發票所示的萊因公司銀行賬戶,發票會注明發


8.3 若付款人未能支付款項,萊因公司有權要求其支付違約利息,違約



8.4 若在已給予合理寬限期的情況下,付款人仍無法按發票金額付款,



8.5 前述第 8.4 條中規定的條款同樣適用于支票被退回、付款中止、啓



8.6 對萊因公司發票的異議應以書面形式于收到發票後兩周內提出。

8.7 萊因公司有權要求客戶支付適當的預付款。

8.8 若一般費用和/或采購成本上漲,萊因公司有權在月初提高服務費,







8.9 只有有法律依據的且無爭議的客戶賠償主張方可與萊因公司提出的


9. 服務的接受服務的接受服務的接受服務的接受

9.1 萊因公司可以將已經完成的且本身爲完整部分的工作成果分階段交



9.2 如客戶無法立刻接受萊因公司所交付的工作,且萊因公司在工作完



10. 保密保密保密保密

10.1 爲本條款和條件的目的,“保密信息” 系指一方(“披露方”) 向另一

方(“接受方”) 移交、轉移或以其他方式披露的所有信息、文件、



10.2 在向接受方披露之前,披露方應將披露的所有保密信息以書面形式

標示爲“保密”。 此規定同樣適用于以電子郵件形式發送的保密信息






10.3 對于在履行合同期間由披露方向接受方發送或以其他形式披露的所


a) 除披露方以書面形式另行明確約定外,僅供接受方爲履行合同


b) 除爲履行合同所必需或萊因公司必須向政府部門、法院、認可



c) 接受方必須以保護其自身保密信息的保密程度保護披露方的保



10.4 接受方可將披露方的保密信息披露給需要這些信息以履行合同所要



10.5 如接受方可證明披露方披露的信息存在如下任一情形:

a) 披露時已被公衆所知悉的信息,或並非由于接受方違反本保密


b) 由有權披露信息的第三方向接受方披露的信息;

c) 接受方在披露方披露前即已獲知的信息;

d) 接受方完全自行開發的信息,不論披露方是否披露該等信息,


10.6 所有保密信息仍然是披露方的專有財産。接受方在此同意,任何時










10.7 自合同生效起至合同終止或合同有效期到期後的三年內,接受方應



11. 版權版權版權版權

11.1 萊因公司享有對于由萊因公司出具的專家報告、測試結果、算法以


11.2 客戶僅可按合同約定的用途使用萊因公司在合同範圍內准備的各類


11.3 客戶必須使用完整且並未做任何刪減的測試報告、測試結果、專家



12. 萊萊萊萊因因因因公司的賠償責任公司的賠償責任公司的賠償責任公司的賠償責任

12.1 不論基于任何法律依據,如萊因公司違反合同義務或構成侵權,對




服務費,如果合同約定的是每年重複提供的服務;(3)20,000 歐




有前述約定,如果根據前述約定累積的總責任金額超過 250 萬歐元


得超過且僅僅限于 250 萬歐元或用當地貨幣表示的等值金額。

12.2 前述第 12.1 條規定的賠償限額對因萊因公司或其代理人的惡意、



12.3 如果萊因公司的違約系重大違約,則萊因公司對于輕微過失所造成

的重大違約仍需承擔責任。此處的“重大違約” 指未履行適當履行合

同所要求履行的實質性合同義務。如無第 12.2 條所約定的情形,



12.4 對于客戶爲支持萊因公司履行合同而向萊因公司提供的人員,除非





12.5 可以提出索賠的期限以法律規定的訴訟時效爲准。

12.6 本第 12 條中的任何規定不會改變提出對客戶不利的證據的舉證責


13. 條款部分無效條款部分無效條款部分無效條款部分無效、、、、書面形式書面形式書面形式書面形式、、、、管轄法律與爭議解決管轄法律與爭議解決管轄法律與爭議解決管轄法律與爭議解決

13.1 所有對本條款和條件的修訂與補充必須以書面形式作出方可生效。

此規定同樣適用對本第 13.1 條所做的修訂和補充。

13.2 如合同及/或本條款和條件的一項或多項規定無效或變爲無效,則合



13.3 除非合同中有不同約定,否則,應按照以下原則選擇合同以及本條


a) 若作爲合同一方的萊因公司爲在中華人民共和國合法注冊和存



b) 若作爲合同一方的萊因公司爲在台湾合法注冊和存續的實體,



c) 若作爲合同一方的萊因公司爲在香港合法注冊和存續的實體,



13.4 與合同及本條款和條件及其執行有關的任何爭議,雙方應通過友好




a) 若作爲合同一方的萊因公司爲在中華人民共和國合法注冊和存





b) 若作爲合同一方的萊因公司爲在台湾合法注冊和存續的實體,



c) 若作爲合同一方的萊因公司爲在香港合法注冊和存續的實體,





2013 年 2 月


General Terms and Conditions of Business of TÜV Rhe inland in Greater China

1. Scope

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Business of TUV Rheinland in Greater China is made between the client and one or more member entities of TUV Rheinland in Greater China as applicable as the case may be (“TÜV Rheinland”).

1.2 The following terms and conditions apply to agreed services including consultancy services, information, deliveries and similar services as well as ancillary services and other secondary obligations provided within the scope of contract performance.

1.3 Any standard terms and conditions of the client of any nature shall not apply and shall hereby be expressly excluded. No standard contractual terms and conditions of the client shall form part of the contract even if TÜV Rheinland does not explicitly object to them.

2. Quotations

Unless otherwise agreed, all quotations submitted by TÜV Rheinland can be changed by TÜV Rheinland without notice prior to its acceptance and confirmation by the other party.

3. Coming into effect and duration of contracts

3.1 The contract shall come into effect for the agreed terms upon the quotation letter of TÜV Rheinland or a separate contractual document being signed by both contracting parties, or upon the works requested by the client being carried out by TÜV Rheinland. If the client instructs TÜV Rheinland without receiving a quotation from TÜV Rheinland (quotation), TÜV Rheinland is, in its sole discretion, entitled to accept the order by giving written notice of such acceptance (including notice sent via electronic means) or by performing the requested services.

3.2 The contract term starts upon the coming into effect of the contract in accordance with article 3.1 and shall continue for the term agreed in the contract.

3.3 If the contract provides for an extension of the contract term, the contract term will be extended by the term provided for in the contract unless terminated in writing by either party with a six-week notice prior to the end of the contractual term.

4. Scope of services

4.1 The scope of the services shall be decided solely by a unanimous declaration issued by both parties. If no such declaration exists, then the written confirmation of order by TÜV Rheinland shall be decisive.

4.2 The agreed services shall be performed in compliance with the regulations in force at the time the contract is entered into.

4.3 TÜV Rheinland is entitled to determine, in its sole discretion, the method and nature of the assessment unless otherwise agreed in writing or if mandatory provisions require a specific procedure to be followed.

4.4 On execution of the work there shall be no simultaneous assumption of any guarantee of the correctness (proper quality) and working order of either tested or examined parts nor of the installation as a whole and its upstream and/or downstream processes, organisations, use and application in accordance with regulations, nor of the systems on which the installation is based. In particular, TÜV Rheinland shall assume no responsibility for the construction, selection of materials and assembly of installations examined, nor for their use and application in accordance with regulations unless these questions are expressly covered by the contract.

4.5 In the case of inspection work, TÜV Rheinland shall not be responsible for the accuracy or checking of the safety programmes or safety regulations on which the inspections are based, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

5. Performance periods/dates

5.1 The contractually agreed periods/dates of performance are based on estimates of the work involved which are prepared in line with the details provided by the client. They shall only be binding if being confirmed as binding by TÜV Rheinland in writing.

5.2 If binding periods of performance have been agreed, these periods shall not commence until the client has submitted all required documents to TÜV Rheinland.

5.3 Articles 5.1 and 5.2 also apply, even without express approval by the client, to all extensions of agreed periods/dates of performance not caused by TÜV Rheinland.

6. The client’s obligation to cooperate

6.1 The client shall guarantee that all cooperation required on its part, its agents or third parties will be provided in good time and at no cost to TÜV Rheinland.

6.2 Design documents, supplies, auxiliary staff, etc. necessary for performance of the services shall be made available free of charge by the client. Moreover, collaborative action of the client must be undertaken in accordance with legal provisions, standards, safety regulations and accident prevention instructions.

6.3 The client shall bear any additional cost incurred on account of work having to be redone or being delayed as a result of late, incorrect or incomplete information provided by or lack of proper cooperation from the client. Even where a fixed or maximum price is agreed, TÜV Rheinland shall be entitled to charge extra fees for such additional expense.

7. Invoicing of work

7.1 If the scope of performance is not laid down in writing when the order is placed, invoicing shall be based on costs actually incurred. If no price is agreed in writing, invoicing shall be made in accordance with the price list of TÜV Rheinland valid at the time of performance.

7.2 Unless otherwise agreed, work shall be invoiced according to the progress of the work.

7.3 If the execution of an order extends over more than one month and the value of the contract or the agreed fixed price exceeds €2,500.00 or equivalent value in local currency, TÜV Rheinland may demand payments on account or in instalments.

8. Payment terms

8.1 All invoice amounts shall be due for payment without deduction on receipt of the invoice. No discounts shall be granted.

8.2 Payments shall be made to the bank account of TÜV Rheinland as indicated on the invoice, stating the invoice and customer numbers.

8.3 In cases of default of payment, TÜV Rheinland shall be entitled to claim default interest at the applicable short term loan interest rate publicly announced by a reputable commercial bank in the country where TÜV Rheinland is located. At the same time, TÜV Rheinland reserves the right to claim further damages.

8.4 Should the client default in payment of the invoice despite being granted a reasonable grace period, TÜV Rheinland shall be entitled to cancel the contract, withdraw the certificate, claim damages for non-performance and refuse to continue performance of the contract.

8.5 The provisions set forth in article 8.4 shall also apply in cases involving returned cheques, cessation of payment, commencement of insolvency proceedings against the client’s assets or cases in which the commencement of insolvency proceedings has been dismissed due to lack of assets.

8.6 Objections to the invoices of TÜV Rheinland shall be submitted in writing within two weeks of receipt of the invoice.

8.7 TÜV Rheinland shall be entitled to demand appropriate advance payments. 8.8 TÜV Rheinland shall be entitled to raise its fees at the beginning of a month

if overheads and/or purchase costs have increased. In this case, TÜV Rheinland shall notify the client in writing of the rise in fees. This notification shall be issued one month prior to the date on which the rise in fees shall come into effect (period of notice of changes in fees). If the rise in fees remains under 5% per contractual year, the client shall not have the right to terminate the contract. If the rise in fees exceeds 5% per contractual year, the client shall be entitled to terminate the contract by the end of the period of notice of changes in fees. If the contract is not terminated, the changed fees shall be deemed to have been agreed upon by the time of the expiry of the notice period.

8.9 Only legally established and undisputed claims may be offset against claims by TÜV Rheinland.

9. Acceptance

9.1 Any part of the work ordered which is complete in itself may be presented by TÜV Rheinland for acceptance as an instalment. The client shall be obliged to accept it immediately.

9.2 If the client fails to fulfil its acceptance obligation immediately, acceptance shall be deemed to have taken place 4 calendar weeks after completion of the work provided that TÜV Rheinland has specifically made the client aware of the aforementioned deadline upon completion of the work.

10. Confidentiality

10.1 For the purpose of these terms and conditions, “confidential information” means all information, documents, images, drawings, know-how, data, samples and project documentation which one party (the “disclosing party”) hands over, transfers or otherwise discloses to the other party (the “receiving party”). Confidential information also includes paper copies and electronic copies of such information.

10.2 The disclosing party shall mark all confidential information disclosed in written form as confidential before passing it onto the receiving party. The


same applies to confidential information transmitted by e-mail. If confidential information is disclosed orally, the receiving party shall be appropriately informed in advance and the disclosing party shall cconfirm in writing the confidentiality nature of the information within five working days of oral disclosure. Where the disclosing party fails to do so within the stipulated period, the receiving party shall not take any confidentiality obligations hereunder towards such information.

10.3 All confidential information which the disclosing party transmits or otherwise discloses to the receiving party during performance of work by TÜV Rheinland: a) may only be used by the receiving party for the purposes of performing the contract, unless expressly otherwise agreed in writing by the disclosing party; b) may not be copied, distributed, published or otherwise disclosed by the receiving party, unless this is necessary for fulfilling the purpose of the contract or TÜV Rheinland is required to pass on confidential information, inspection reports or documentation to the government authorities, judicial court, accreditation bodies or third parties that are involved in the performance of the contract; c) must be treated by the receiving party with the same level of confidentiality as the receiving party uses to protect its own confidential information, but never with a lesser level of confidentiality than that which is reasonably required.

10.4 The receiving party may disclose any confidential information received from the disclosing party only to those of its employees who need this information to perform the services required for the contract. The receiving party undertakes to oblige these employees to observe the same level of secrecy as set forth in this confidentiality clause.

10.5 Information for which the receiving party can furnish proof that: a) it was generally known at the time of disclosure or has become general knowledge without violation of this confidentiality clause by the receiving party; or b) it was disclosed to the receiving party by a third party entitled to disclose this information; or c) the receiving party already possessed this information prior to disclosure by the disclosing party; or d) the receiving party developed it itself, irrespective of disclosure by the disclosing party, shall not be deemed to constitute “confidential information” as defined in this confidentiality clause.

10.6 All confidential information shall remain the property of the disclosing party. The receiving party hereby agrees to immediately (i) return all confidential information, including all copies, to the disclosing party, and/or (ii) on request by the disclosing party, to destroy all confidential information, including all copies, and confirm the destruction of this confidential information to the disclosing party in writing, at any time if so requested by the disclosing party but at the latest and without special request after termination or expiry of the contract. This does not extend to include reports and certificates prepared for the client solely for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations under the contract, which shall remain with the client. However, TÜV Rheinland is entitled to make file copies of such reports, certificates and confidential information that forms the basis for preparing these reports and certificates in order to evidence the correctness of its results and for general documentation purposes required by laws, regulations and the requirements of working procedures of TÜV Rheinland.

10.7 From the start of the contract and for a period of three years after termination or expiry of the contract, the receiving party shall maintain strict secrecy of all confidential information and shall not disclose this information to any third parties or use it for itself.

11. Copyrights

11.1 TÜV Rheinland shall retain all exclusive copyrights in the expert reports, test results, calculations, presentations etc. prepared by TÜV Rheinland.

11.2 The client may only use such expert reports, test results, calculations, presentations etc. prepared within the scope of the contract for the contractually agreed purpose.

11.3 The client may use test reports, test results, expert reports, etc. only complete and unshortened. Any publication or duplication for advertising purposes needs the prior written approval of TÜV Rheinland.

12. Liability of TÜV Rheinland

12.1. Irrespective of the legal basis, in the event of a breach of contractual obligations or tort, the liability of TÜV Rheinland for all damages, losses and reimbursement of expenses caused by TÜV Rheinland, its legal representatives and/or employees shall be limited to: (i) in the case of a contract with a fixed overall fee, three times the overall fee for the entire contract; (ii) in the case of a contract for annually recurring services, the agreed annual fee; (iii) in the case of a contract expressly charged on a time and material basis, a maximum of 20,000 Euro or equivalent amount in local currency; and (iv) in the case of a framework agreement that provides for the possibility of placing individual orders, three times of the fee for the individual order under which the damages or losses have

occurred. Notwithstanding the above, in the event that the total and accumulated liability calculated according to the foregoing provisions exceeds 2.5 Million Euro or equivalent amount in local currency, the total and accumulated liability of TÜV Rheinland shall be only limited to and shall not exceed the said 2.5 Million Euro or equivalent amount in local currency.

12.2 The limitation of liability according to article 12.1 above shall not apply to damages and/or losses caused by malice, intent or gross negligence on the part of TÜV Rheinland or its vicarious agents. Such limitation shall not apply to damages for a person’s death, physical injury or illness.

12.3 In cases involving a fundamental breach of contract, TÜV Rheinland will be liable even where minor negligence is involved. For this purpose, a “fundamental breach” is breach of a material contractual obligation, the performance of which permits the due performance of the contract. Any claim for damages for a fundamental breach of contract shall be limited to the amount of damages reasonably foreseen as a possible consequence of such breach of contract at the time of the breach (reasonably foreseeable damages), unless any of the circumstances described in article 12.2 applies.

12.4 TÜV Rheinland shall not be liable for the acts of the personnel made available by the client to support TÜV Rheinland in the performance of its services under the contract, unless such personnel made available is regarded as vicarious agent of TÜV Rheinland. If TÜV Rheinland is not liable for the acts of the personnel made available by the client under the foregoing provision, the client shall indemnify TÜV Rheinland against any claims made by third parties arising from or in connection with such personnel’s acts.

12.5 The limitation periods for claims for damages shall be based on statutory provisions.

12.6 None of the provisions of this article 12 changes the burden of proof to the disadvantage of the client.

13. Partial invalidity, written form, place of juri sdiction and dispute


13.1 All amendments and supplements must be in writing in order to be effective. This also applies to amendments and supplements to this clause 13.1.

13.2 Should one or several of the provisions under the contract and/or these terms and conditions be or become ineffective, the contracting parties shall replace the invalid provision with a legally valid provision that comes closest to the content of the invalid provision in legal and commercial terms.

13.3 Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the governing law of the contract and these terms and conditions shall be chosen following the rules as below: a) if TÜV Rheinland in question is legally registered and existing in the People’s Republic of China, the contracting parties hereby agree that the contract and these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. b) if TÜV Rheinland in question is legally registered and existing in Taiwan, the contracting parties hereby agree that the contract and these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Taiwan. c) if TÜV Rheinland in question is legally registered and existing in Hong Kong, the contracting parties hereby agree that the contract and these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong.

13.4 Any dispute in connection with the contract and these terms and conditions or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, if no settlement or no agreement in respect of the extension of the negotiation period can be reached within two months of the arising of the dispute, the dispute shall be submitted: a) in the case of TÜV Rheinland in question being legally registered and existing in the People’s Republic of China, to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) to be settled by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of CIETAC in force when the arbitration is submitted. The arbitration shall take place in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or Chongqing as appropriately chosen by the claiming party. b) in the case of TÜV Rheinland in question being legally registered and existing in Taiwan, to Chinese Arbitration Association Taipei Branch to be arbitrated in accordance with its then current Rules of Arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in Taipei. c) in the case of TÜV Rheinland being legally registered and existing in Hong Kong, to Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) to be settled by arbitration under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted in accordance with these rules. The arbitration shall take place in Hong Kong. The decision of the relevant arbitration tribunal shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

February 2013

Version No. 10.3 Date: 1 May 2017 Page 1 of 3

Terms and Conditions of Certification of TÜV Rheinland Group in Greater China

I. General Terms and Conditions of Certification

1 Scope

1.1 These Terms and Conditions of Certification apply to the agreed certification services plus any ancillary services provided within the scope of contract performance and any other ancillary duties.

1.2 These Terms and Conditions of Certification prevail over our General Terms and Conditions of Business.

1.3 The client’s General Terms and Conditions of Business, including the client’s terms and conditions of purchasing, if any, shall not apply and shall hereby be expressly excluded. Terms and conditions by the client will not become part of this contract even if not expressly excluded by us.

1.4 For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions of Certification, the term "Accreditation Body" will also include approval and recognition bodies and the terms "Accreditation Rules", "Accreditation Requirements" and "Accreditation Procedures" will apply mutatis mutandis also to the procedures of these bodies.

2 Scope of services

2.1 We assess and certify systems and products of manufacturers and service providers as per national or international standards for which we hold accreditations, approvals or recognitions (“accredited certification“) or as per national or international standards for which we do not hold accreditation (”standard certification“) and also provide own third-party certification services (”in-house standards”).

2.2 The agreed services shall be provided in line with the generally accepted rules of technology and in compliance with the regulations applicable at the time of contract conclusion. Unless otherwise agreed in writing or unless a certain approach is compulsory on the basis of mandatory regulations, we shall also be authorized, at our reasonable discretion, to make our own decision concerning the method and type of assessment.

2.3 We carry out accredited certification as per the standard agreed in the contract and/or the rules and regulations referred to therein, including the generally applicable accreditation standards pertaining to the specific certification standard, the certification standards plus all relevant application guidelines and the accreditation requirements defined by the competent accreditation body. Should the audit reveal that a higher number of auditor days will be necessary to comply with the accreditation requirements, the client shall bear any additional costs incurred thereby, unless we are to blame for these additional costs.

Standard certifications are carried out in line with the respective national or international standards.

Certification procedures to issue in-house certificates are carried out in line with the rules and regulations established by us.

2.4 If certification is completed with a positive result, the appropriate certificate will be issued as set forth in Article 3 of these General Terms and Conditions of Certification.

2.5 The client shall be entitled to object to the appointment of certain auditors or technical experts, provided the client has and submits good reasons for objection.

2.6 The client’s approval shall be obtained before auditors who are not permanently employed with TÜV Rheinland Group (external auditors) are appointed to and used in the audit team. Approval shall be deemed granted if the client has not objected to the use of external auditors within one week of being notified of the external auditor’s appointment to the audit team.

2.7 For accredited certification processes, the client agrees that the accreditation body's or standard owner’s assessors may verify the client's documentation and may participate in monitoring of the audit.

2.8 In cases of complaints and appeals against progress or the content of our auditing or certification process, the Governing Board or an arbitration committee may be called in with the client’s approval.

2.9 The client has the right to appeal against the certification decision.

3 Scope of right of use of certificates and certification marks

3.1 If the agreed certification procedure is completed successfully, we will issue the corresponding certificate to the client. The certificate shall be valid for the period defined in the contract or, if not defined there, in our Special Terms and Conditions of Certification.

3.2 Upon being issued with the certificate as outlined in Article 3.1 above, the client shall be granted the simple, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the certification mark throughout the defined certificate validity as outlined in Articles 3.3 to 3.15 below. This also applies to certification references in communication media, such as documents, brochures or advertising materials.

3.3 The permit to use the certificate and a certification mark issued by us shall apply exclusively to the areas of the client’s organization quoted in the certificate’s scope of application. Use of the certificate and/or the certification mark for areas not quoted in the scope of application shall be prohibited.

3.4 Certification marks relating to management system certification may only be used by the client in direct connection with the name or logo of the client’s organization. They may not be attached or used in reference to the client’s products. This also applies to product packaging, accompanying information, laboratory test reports, calibration notes or inspection reports. If

the client wants to give a statement on the packaging or in accompanying information concerning the certified management system, this statement has to contain as a minimum:

- The company name of the client or the brand and the company

name of the client - The type of the management system respectively the management

systems in the case of a combined management system, e.g. quality, environment

- Certification Body: TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH or TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd. or TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd.

Hint: the definitions for product packaging and accompanying information of ISO 17021-1:2015, chapter 8.3.3 have to be considered.

3.5 The client undertakes to use the certificate and/or the certification mark only

to make a statement about the client’s organization or the certified area of the client’s organization which is in line with certification. The client shall further avoid creating the impression that certification is an official inspection and/or that system certification is a form of product testing.

3.6 The client shall not be authorized to change the certificate or the certification mark.

3.7 The client undertakes to demonstrate in its advertising and similar materials that certification is voluntary and carried out on the basis of a civil law contract.

3.8 The right of use shall expire if the client no longer holds a valid certificate, in particular if the certificate’s period of validity has expired or the required surveillance audits have not been carried out.

3.9 The client’s right to use the certificate and/or the certification mark shall expire with immediate effect, without requiring termination, if the client uses the certificate and/or the certification mark in violation of the provisions set forth in Articles 3.1 to 3.8 above or contrary to other terms of this contract.

3.10 The client’s right to use the certificate and/or the certification mark will end in the period agreed in the event of an effective ordinary termination, or with immediate effect in the event of a justified extraordinary termination for good cause.

3.11 The right of use shall also expire automatically if maintenance of the certificate is prohibited by administrative regulations or court.

3.12 In cases involving expiry of the right of use, the client shall be obligated to return the certificate to us without delay.

3.13 In cases involving violation of contractual terms and conditions we reserve the right to claim damages.

3.14 The certification must not have the effect of bringing us into disrepute.

3.15 The client shall not be entitled to make statements about certification which we may consider unauthorized and misleading.

3.16 If it is foreseeable that the client is temporarily unable to fulfil the certification requirements, the certification can be suspended. During certificate suspension, the client may not use the certification in its advertising. In the list of certified organizations as outlined in Article 7, the status will be updated to “suspended“.

3.17 If the reasons for suspension are not remedied within the agreed period of time, the certificate will be withdrawn.

3.18 The client is obliged to keep a record of the use of the certificate in business dealings. It should be noted that we are bound by the standards to monitor proper use by ways of random sampling. Information from third parties will be checked by us.

3.19 The client shall inform us immediately if it discovers that a third party is improperly using its certificate.

3.20 The client provides certification documents to others only in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme.

4 Client’s obligation to participate and general rules for the certification audit

4.1 The client shall submit all information required for certification as per the relevant standard. This information can be submitted by completing the “Questionnaire for offer preparation “.

4.2 The client shall submit all required documents to the Certification Body in good time prior to the audit and free of charge. Required documents include, in particular: - Management system documentation - Cross-reference matrix (standard elements cross-referenced to the

management system documentation of the organization) - Organizational plan/organizational chart - Presentation of processes and their interfaces and interactions –

list of controlled management documents - List of official and legal requirements - Other documents mentioned in the quotation

4.3 The client shall disclose all records associated with the scope of application to our audit team and/or our auditor and shall grant them access to the organizational units concerned, whereby also shift work has to be considered.

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4.4 The client shall appoint one or several Audit Representatives who shall support our auditor in performing the contractually agreed services and act as the client’s contact persons.

4.5 Following certificate issue, the client shall be obliged, throughout the term of the contract, to communicate all changes which significantly affect the management system or the certified product, including in particular: - changes in the certified management system. - changes associated with the design or specification of the certified

product. - changes in the organizational structure and the organization itself.

This also applies to implementation or modification of shift work.

The client shall be further obliged, throughout the term of the contract, to communicate:

- any incident affecting the safety of product and services

any non-compliance with statutory requirements identified by the market supervision and law enforcement branches of government

4.6 The client shall be obliged to record all complaints from outside the company regarding the management system, for example from customers, and all complaints addressed to the client regarding the conformity of a certified product or process with the requirements of the certification standards, and to take appropriate measures, document the actions taken and demonstrate these upon request to us or to the auditor during the audit.

4.7 On request, the client shall be obliged to submit all correspondence and all measures associated with normative documents and the requirements set forth in the applicable certification standard to the auditor during the audit.

4.8 If, within the scope of product certification, we notice that the changes outlined under Article 4.5 above necessitate further assessments, the client shall not, after the changes have come into effect, release any products falling under the scope of product certification until the client has been notified by us that it is safe to do so.

4.9 In cases involving product certification, the client shall notify us if the product no longer satisfies product certification requirements.

4.10 The client commits to fulfilling the certification requirements at all times, including the implementation of corresponding changes. In case of a management system, the client commits to operate the system continuously and effectively during the validity of the certification.

4.11 The client and we may agree on the performance of a preliminary audit and jointly define the scope of such audit.

4.12 The effectiveness of the established management system shall be verified during the on-site audit carried out at the organization, during which the organization proves that it applies its documented procedures in practice. Standards or standard elements that are not complied with and for which the organization must provide corrective action shall be documented in non-conformity reports.

4.13 At the end of the audit, the audit result will be communicated to the client in a closing meeting and subsequently documented in an audit report. Non-conformities will be documented and may lead to a re-audit (i.e. a repeated on-site audit) or submission of revised documentation, if required by the results. The scope of the re-audit will be decided by the lead auditor. The re-audit focuses exclusively on those elements of the standard for which non-conformities were identified.

4.14 "Certificates" means all regulatory approvals listed below, e.g. official records, statements of validity, and certificates in the narrow sense of the word. "Certification" means all evaluation, auditing, validation and certification processes. Based on these tests the decision to grant/ denial of certification is made. After positive review of the certification documentation, we will issue the certificate(s). The certificate(s) will be sent to the client. The certificate(s) shall only be issued if all non-conformities have been corrected. The certificate(s) shall be issued for the defined period.

4.15 To maintain validity of the certificate, on-site surveillance audits shall be carried out depending on the standard in question. Unless the surveillance procedure, including a positive decision on certificate maintenance, is completed by the Certification Body, the certificate shall become invalid. In this case, all copies of the certificate must be returned to the Certification Body.

4.16 In the surveillance audit, the key elements of the standard shall be verified as a minimum requirement. Additionally, surveillance audits evaluate proper use of the certificate (and the certification mark, where appropriate), complaints related to the management system and the effectiveness of corrective action taken to address nonconformities. Each surveillance audit shall be documented in a report communicated to the client.

4.17 The geographical (e.g. additional branches) and technical (e.g. additional products) scope can be extended/reduced and/or certification upgraded to include further standards within the scope of surveillance or re-certification audits and/or separate extension or upgrade audits. The number of auditor days required for extension or upgrade shall depend on the scope of extension or upgrade which shall be clearly defined by the organization prior to the audit.

4.18 Should changes in the details on which the procedure is based (e.g. details of the organization, accreditation requirements) arise during the term of the contract, these changes must be appropriately considered in the procedures and the other contracting party informed without delay. The same applies to any changes in the number of auditor days for certification resulting from such changes.

4.19 Integrated management systems covering various standards and requirements may be certified by means of a combined certification procedure. Depending on the standards and requirements involved, these combined certifications will be offered individually.

4.20 The costs incurred for additional efforts caused by unscheduled audits or re-audits and the verification of corrective actions to eliminate non-conformities revealed in previous audits shall be borne by, and invoiced to, the client on a time and cost basis. The same applies to costs incurred for short-notice special audits as defined in Article 1.4 of the Special Terms and Conditions of Certification.

4.21 The client commits to comply with the relevant certification and accreditation regulations, to assist supervision and inspections by certification supervision authorities, and to provide truthful and relevant materials and information in response to inquiries or during investigations.

4.22 If the client holds a certificate accredited by CNAS, he shall comply with the respective requirements outlined in CNAS-R01:2015.

5 Confidentiality

5.1 For the purpose of this agreement, "confidential information” is defined to include all information, documents, images, drawings, know-how, data, samples and project documentation which one party (“disclosing party“) hands over, transfers or otherwise discloses to the other party (“receiving party”). Confidential information also includes hardcopies or electronic copies of such information.

5.2 The disclosing party shall mark all confidential information disclosed in written form as confidential before passing it on to the receiving party. The same applies to confidential information transmitted by e-mail. If confidential information is disclosed orally, the receiving party shall be appropriately informed in advance.

5.3 All confidential information which the disclosing party transmits or otherwise discloses to the receiving party - may only be used by the receiving party for the purposes defined

above, unless expressly otherwise agreed in writing with the disclosing party;

- may not be copied, distributed, published or otherwise disclosed by the receiving party. An exemption from the above rule applies to confidential information, which must be passed on to supervisory and/or accreditation bodies within the scope of an accreditation procedure;

- must be treated by the receiving party with the same level of confidentiality as the receiving party uses to protect its own confidential information, but never with less than the objectively required due diligence.

5.4 The receiving party shall disclose any confidential information received from the disclosing party only to those of its employees who need this information to perform services required for the subject matter of this contract. The receiving party undertakes to place these employees under the obligation to observe the same level of secrecy as that set forth in this non-disclosure clause.

5.5 Information for which the receiving party can furnish proof that - it was generally known at the time of disclosure or has become

general knowledge without violation of this agreement, or - it was disclosed to the receiving party by a third party entitled to

disclose this information, or - the receiving party already possessed this information prior to

disclosure by the disclosing party, or - the receiving party developed it itself, irrespective of disclosure by

the disclosing party;

shall not be deemed confidential information as defined in this agreement.

5.6 All confidential information shall remain the property of the disclosing party. The receiving party hereby agrees to immediately (i) return all confidential information, including all copies, to the disclosing party, and/or, on request by the disclosing party, to (ii) destroy all confidential information including all copies, and confirm the destruction of this confidential information to the disclosing party in writing, at any time if so requested by the disclosing party but at the latest and without special request after termination or expiry of this contract. Excluded from the above shall be all reports and certificates which we, in performance of our contractual obligations hereunder, prepared exclusively for, and which remain with, the client. We are entitled, however, to retain copies of these reports and certificates and of any underlying confidential information to furnish proof that our results are correct and to fulfil general documentation purposes.

5.7 From the start of this contract and for a period of five years after termination or expiry of this contract, the receiving party shall maintain strict secrecy of all confidential information and shall not disclose this information to any third parties or use it itself.

6 Termination 6.1 Both contracting parties shall be entitled to terminate this contract observing

a period of 6 months to the end of the contractually agreed term.

6.2 We are also entitled to terminate the certification contract without notice for important reason.

6.3 For the purpose of this contract “important reason“ for us shall be defined as follows - The client fails to notify us without delay of any changes or

indications of changes in the organization which are relevant for certification,

- The client misuses a certificate and/or certification mark or uses them contrary to the contract,

- Insolvency proceedings are opened in respect of the client’s assets or an application for such insolvency proceedings is rejected due to lack of assets,

6.4 In addition to the above, we shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice, should the client be unable to comply with the time periods we scheduled for auditing/service provision as applicable to a certification procedure and should withdrawal of the certificate consequently be necessary (e.g. conducting of surveillance audits).

7 List of certified organizations

Version No. 10.3 Date: 1 May 2017 Page 3 of 3

7.1 TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH is obliged to hold a directory of certificate holders which includes the following information: name of certificate holder, applicable standards documents, scope of validity, geographical location (for multiple site certifications: geographical location of the head office and each location within the scope of validity).

7.2 Suspended certifications according to Article 3.16 and withdrawn certificates according to Articles 3.9 and 3.17 are included in the directory.

7.3 TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH is entitled to provide the directory specified in Section 7.1 to the public on request.

8 Right of TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd. or TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. to enter the contract

TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd., located at No. 01/03B-08, Floor 7 and No. 01/04B-08, Floor 11, AVIC Building, No. 10B Central Road East 3rd Ring Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 100022 China or TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd., located at 11F., No.758, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan

is entitled to enter the certification contract underlying these Terms and Conditions of Certification at any time.

9 Certificate replacement

9.1 Observing a period of notice of 1 month, we are entitled to replace issued certificates with new certificates (replacement certificates) at any time in the event of a change in the accredited certification body named on the certificate, provided replacement has not caused a change in the certification scope .

9.2 In the event of replacement, the client will be obligated as set forth in Article 9.1 to return to us the certificate to be replaced without delay.

10 Complaints

10.1 Complaints must be presented in writing to us.

10.2 Should the complaint be justified, we shall the initiate appropriate measures.

10.3 Should the complaint prove to be unsustainable in our view, the complainant will be informed of this and asked to comment within a period of 30 calendar days. If no amicable solution can be reached with the complainant, the parties may mutually agree on the performance of arbitration proceedings, failing which legal action will be taken.

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德國德國德國德國萊萊萊萊茵茵茵茵 TÜV 集團大中華區集團大中華區集團大中華區集團大中華區


I. 驗證的驗證的驗證的驗證的一般條款和條件一般條款和條件一般條款和條件一般條款和條件

1 範圍範圍範圍範圍

1.1 本驗證條款和條件適用於所約定的驗證服務及驗證


1.2 本驗證條款和條件優先適用於《德國萊因 TÜV 集


1.3 客戶的格式條款和條件,包括客戶的採購條款和條

件(如有的話),不得適用並在此被明確排除。 即



1.4 在本驗證條款和條件中,術語”認證機構”包括批准


2 服務的範圍服務的範圍服務的範圍服務的範圍

2.1 對我們持有認可資格、獲得批准或承認的專案,我


者的體系和產品進行評審和驗證(稱為 “認可驗



品進行評審和驗證(稱為“標準驗證”); 我們也提

供我們自己的協力廠商驗證服務(稱為 “內部標


2.2 我們將按照通用技術規則並遵守驗證合約簽訂時的




2.3 我們根據驗證合約約定的標準以及/或者驗證合約中



格認證機構規定的認可要求)進行認可驗證。 如果







2.4 如果驗證完成後的結果是正面的,我們將根據本驗

證的一般條款和條件的第 3 條頒發相應的證書。

2.5 如果客戶向我們提出充足並合理的理由,客戶有權


2.6 稽核組聘請萊因德國 TÜV 集團的非專職人員(外




2.7 在認可驗證中,我們有權允許相關認證機構的稽核




2.8 對我們所做的稽核內容及驗證過程的投訴或申訴,


2.9 客戶有權對驗證決定提起申訴。

3 證書和驗證標誌使用權限的範圍證書和驗證標誌使用權限的範圍證書和驗證標誌使用權限的範圍證書和驗證標誌使用權限的範圍

3.1 如果約定的驗證程序已經成功完成,我們會頒發相




3.2 如上述第 3.1 條規定的證書核發後,根據以下第

3.3 條至第 3.15 條的規定,客戶將被授予直接的不





3.3 我們僅允許客戶在被驗證的領域內為證書適用範圍




3.4 對於管理系統驗證的驗證標誌,客戶只能為與其機









- 客戶的公司名稱或客戶的公司名稱和品牌

- 對於多種管理系統,應分別注明相應的管理系統

Version No. 10.3 Date: 1 May 2017 Page 2 of 5


- 驗證機構:TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH,或萊茵



注 : 對 產品 包 裝和 附 帶資 訊的 定 義 ,應 當 參 考

ISO17021-1:2015 第 8.3.3 章節。

3.5 客戶保證將僅僅為對客戶的被驗證機構或符合驗證



3.6 客戶無權更改證書或驗證標誌。

3.7 客戶保證將在其廣告和類似素材中說明驗證是自願



3.8 如果客戶不再持有有效的證書,特別是當證書的有



3.9 如果客戶違反以上第 3.1 條至第 3.8 條的規定或驗




3.10 客戶使用證書及/或驗證商標的權利,將在協商同意



3.11 如果行政法規或法院禁止繼續維持證書的有效性,


3.12 如果證書及/或驗證標誌的使用權失效,那麼客戶有


3.13 如客戶違反了驗證合約的條款與條件,我們將保留


3.14 使用證書不得危害我們的聲譽。

3.15 客戶無權針對證書做出我們認為未經授權的誤導性


3.16 如果預見到客戶暫時不能滿足驗證要求,可以暫停


用驗證證書。在本驗證的一般條款和條件第 7 條所



3.17 如果導致暫停的原因在約定的期限內沒有得到糾


3.18 客戶有責任記錄證書在有關商業用途中的使用情




3.19 如發現協力廠商不合理使用證書的情況,客戶應立


3.20 客戶如需向他人提供驗證檔,必須保證這些檔的完


4 客戶參與驗證客戶參與驗證客戶參與驗證客戶參與驗證稽核稽核稽核稽核的義務及一般規則的義務及一般規則的義務及一般規則的義務及一般規則

4.1 客戶應按照相關標準提交驗證所需的所有資訊。這



4.2 客戶應在稽核開始前適宜的時間內免費向驗證機構


- 管理系統檔案

- 對照表(標準要素跟機構管理系統檔的對照)

- 組織計畫/組織機構圖

- 過程及其銜接與配合的陳述

- 控管的管理檔案清單

- 官方及法律要求的清單

- 報價中提到的其它文件 4.3 客戶應向我們的稽核組以及/或稽核員披露所有跟驗



4.4 客戶應當指定一名或多名稽核代表,擔任客戶的聯



4.5 證書頒發後,在驗證合約有效期內,客戶有義務將



- 被驗證的管理系統的變化;

- 被驗證產品的設計或規格方面的變化;

- 組織結構及機構本身的變化;該點同樣適用於倒



- 任何影響產品或服務的品質安全事故;

- 任何產品或服務被市場監管部門或政府執法部門


4.6 客戶有義務記錄關於管理系統的來自公司外部的所


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4.7 如我們要求,在稽核期間,客戶有義務向稽核員遞



4.8 在產品驗證範圍內,如果我們認為對以上第 4.5 條




4.9 對於產品驗證,一旦產品不再滿足產品驗證的要


4.10 客戶應承諾始終符合驗證要求,包括履行相應的變



4.10 不適用,包含在 4.6 章節中。

4.11 如果客戶和我們都一致認為需進行預先稽核,則雙


4.12 已建立的管理系統的有效性應通過在被稽核機構的






4.13 在稽核最後,稽核的結果應在結束會議時向客戶報






4.14 “證書”意味著下列所有的管理許可,例如:官方記








4.15 為了保持證書的有效性,必須根據相關驗證標準進




4.16 在監督稽核過程中,最低要求是要對標準的關鍵要






4.17 在監督稽核或換證稽核及/或者獨立的擴展稽核或者







4.18 在驗證合約有效期間,如果稽核程序所依據的細節






4.19 涉及多種標準和要求的整合管理系統可以通過合併



4.20 由非計畫中的稽核或複審所引起的額外費用,以及




特別條款和條件第 1.4 條進行的臨時通知的特別稽


4.21 客戶應承諾,其將遵守驗證認可相關法規的規定,



4.22 如果客戶持有經 CNAS 認可的證書,其還應當遵守

CNAS-R01:2015 中的相關要求。

5 保密事項保密事項保密事項保密事項

5.1 為驗證合約以及本驗證條款和條件的目的,“保密資






5.2 在向接受方披露之前,披露方應將披露的所有保密





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5.3 對於由披露方向接受方發送或以其他形式披露的所


- 除披露方以書面形式另行明確約定外,僅供接受


- 除在認可程序範圍內向監督或認證機構遞交保密



- 接受方必須以保護其自身保密資訊的保密程度保



5.4 接受方可將披露方的保密資訊披露給需要這些資訊



5.5 如接受方可證明披露方披露的資訊存在如下任一情


- 披露時已被公眾所知悉的資訊,或並非由於接受


- 由有權披露資訊的協力廠商向接受方披露的資


- 接受方在披露方披露前即已獲知的資訊;

- 接受方完全自行開發的資訊,不論披露方是否披




5.6 所有保密資訊仍然是披露方的專有財產。接受方在












5.7 自驗證合約生效起至驗證合約終止或驗證合約有效




6 合約合約合約合約終止終止終止終止

6.1 合約雙方在驗證合約協定期限結束前 6 個月有權終


6.2 我們有權出於重要原因不通知客戶而終止驗證合


6.3 為驗證合約之目的,前述的”重要原因”有如下定義∶

- 客戶沒有將一切與驗證相關的被驗證機構出現的


- 客戶濫用證書以及/或驗證標誌或違反合約規定


- 針對客戶資產的破產清算程式被啟動或由於資產


6.4 除上述規定以外,如果客戶沒有遵守我們根據驗證




7 被驗證機構清單被驗證機構清單被驗證機構清單被驗證機構清單

7.1 TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH 有權持有驗證所有者的





7.2 根據本驗證的一般條款和條件第 3.16 條暫停的驗

證,根據第 3.9、3.17 條撤回的證書,都包含在這


7.3 一經公眾要求,TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH 有權公

開本驗證的一般條款和條件第 7.1 條所述清單。

8 萊茵檢測萊茵檢測萊茵檢測萊茵檢測認認認認證服務證服務證服務證服務((((中國中國中國中國))))有限公司或臺灣德國萊因有限公司或臺灣德國萊因有限公司或臺灣德國萊因有限公司或臺灣德國萊因


位於中國北京市朝陽區東三環中路乙 10 號艾維克 大廈第 7 層第 01、03B-08 號,第 11 層第 01、 04B-08 號的萊茵檢測認證服務(中國)有限公司

位於臺北市松山區八德路四段 758 號 11 樓的臺灣 德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司



9 證書替換證書替換證書替換證書替換

9.1 如果證書上經認可的驗證機構名稱有變化,在替換




9.2 遇到證書替換的情況,客戶有義務及時按上述第

9.1 條所述退回被替換的證書。

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10 投訴投訴投訴投訴

10.1 投訴必須以書面形式呈現給我們。

10.2 一旦投訴被證實,我們將會採取適當的措施。

10.3 一旦我們認為投訴不成立,將告知投訴人並要求其

在 30 個日曆天內給出回應。如果未能與投訴人達


Terms and Conditions of Certification of TÜV Rheinland Group in Greater China

II. Special Terms and Conditions of Certification

The regulations set forth herein apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions of Certification and are restricted to accredited certification schemes, i.e. schemes based on a national or international standard or code with accreditation, approval or recognition ("accredited certification schemes"). For the purpose of these Special Terms and Conditions of Certification, the term "Accreditation Body" will also include approval and recognition bodies and the terms "Accreditation Rules", "Accreditation Requirements", "Accreditation Standards" and "Accreditation Procedures" will apply mutatis mutandis also to the procedures of these bodies. Accredited certification schemes are governed by generally valid international accreditation standards plus any associated application guidelines, accreditation standards specific for the certification standard in question plus any associated application guidelines, certification standards plus any associated application guidelines, and the accreditation rules defined by the respective accreditation body including in particular:

- Generally valid international accreditation standards: e.g. ISO/IEC 17021, ISO 19011.

- Accreditation standards specific for the relevant certification standard: e.g. ISO 22003 for the food industry or ISO 27006 for IT, EN 9104-001, EN 9101 in the field of aviation.

- Certification standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949, BS OHSAS 18001, SCC, ISO 50001.

- Accreditation rules defined by the respective accreditation body.

1 General Terms and Conditions for Accredited Certification Schemes

1.1 Certification audit

1.1.1 Certification audits consist of two stages. Stage 1 aims at obtaining an overview of the management system and its maturity (status of implementation). After this information has been obtained, the stage 2 audit may be performed, which assesses the establishment of and compliance with the management system.

1.1.2 The stage 2 audit may be carried out directly after the stage 1 audit. Should the stage 1 audit reveal, however, that the organization is not yet ready for certification, the stage 2 audit may not be carried out directly after completion of the stage 1 audit. In this case, the client must first take appropriate action to make the organization ready for certification. Any additional costs arising therefrom for the client or for us, i.e. including travel costs, travel times and time lost, shall be borne by the client.

1.1.3 The interval between the stage 1 and the stage 2 audit must not exceed 6 months. Should more than 6 months elapse between the stage 1 and the stage 2 audit, the stage 1 audit shall be repeated. Any additional costs arising therefrom for the client or for us, i.e. including travel costs, travel times and time lost, shall be borne by the client.

1.1.4 When the interval is set between the stage 1 and the stage 2 audit, allowance shall be made for both the client’s requirements and sufficient time for the correction of weaknesses. Generally, most of the auditing time is spent on the stage 2 audit.

1.1.5 If we are not able to verify the implementation of corrections and corrective actions of any nonconformity within 6 months after the last day of stage 2, we have to conduct another stage 2 prior to recommending certification.

1.2 Surveillance audit

1.2.1 To maintain validity of the certificate, on-site surveillance audits shall be carried out at least annually. The due date is determined by the date of the certification decision of the initial certification audit. The first surveillance audit after the certification audit has to be carried out not later than 12 months after the certification audit decision.

1.3 Re-certification audit

1.3.1 To renew certification for another three-year period, a re-certification audit shall be held at the client’s organization prior to expiry of certificate validity.

1.3.2 The procedure is similar to that of a certification audit, where the necessity and scope of a stage 1 audit are determined subject to changes in the client’s management system, the client’s organization or the context in which the client’s management system is operating.

1.3.3 Upon successful re-certification, the term of the certificate is extended by another 3 years, starting from the date of expiry date of the previous certificate. The re-certification audit and the positive certification decision must have been done by the expiry date.

1.4 Short-notice audits

A special audit may become necessary at short notice for the following reasons: - Serious complaints and other circumstances of which the

certification body becomes aware, which challenge the effectiveness of the client’s certified management system and which cannot be eliminated in written form or within the next scheduled audit (e.g. alleged violation of law on the part of the client or its executives).

- Changes at the client which impair the management system’s effectiveness in such a way that the organization no longer complies with the requirements of the standard.

- As a consequence of a suspension of the client’s certification.

1.5 Multi-site certifications

1.5.1 Multi-site certifications may be applied to organizations maintaining multiple sites or branches functioning exclusively as field offices.

1.5.2 Multi-site certification is possible if the following criteria are fulfilled: - All sites maintain a legal or contractual relationship with the

organization’s headquarters. - Products/services are basically identical at all sites and are

produced using identical methods and processes. - A uniform management system has been defined for, and is

established and maintained in, all branches/production facilities. - The entire management system is monitored centrally under the

direction of the Management Representative at the organization’s central office, who is authorized to issue management system-related instructions to all branch offices/production sites.

- Internal audits and management reviews have been carried out at all branch offices sites.

- Certain areas carry out centralized activities on behalf of all branch offices/production sites, e.g. product and process design and development, purchasing, human resources (HR), etc.

1.5.3 In cases involving multi-site certification, the on-site auditing of sites may be spread over certification and surveillance audits. Headquarters must be audited annually in addition to the sampled sites.

1.5.4 We select the sites to be audited.

2 Standard-specific terms and conditions for accredited certification schemes

Terms and conditions applicable to certain accredited certification schemes, which must be observed in addition to the General Terms and Conditions outlined under Art. 1 above, are listed below, separately for each specific standard concerned.

2.1 Supplementary terms and conditions for environmental management systems as per ISO 14001 and/or EMAS

2.1.1 These supplementary terms and conditions apply to the certification of environmental management systems as per ISO 14001 and to verification and validation in accordance with EMAS (Eco Management Auditing Scheme).

2.1.2 Supplementary terms and conditions for stage 1 audits as per ISO 14001:

In cases involving initial certification, the stage 1 audit shall always be conducted on site.

Exceptions to the above rule shall only be possible if the following criteria are fulfilled: - The audit team is familiar with the client’s organization and its

typical environmental aspects from previous audits, - The client’s organization already operates a certified management

system as per ISO 14001 or EMAS, or - most sites of the client’s organization are classified as being of low

or limited environmental relevance. Document review shall cover the applicable system documentation and an

overview of environmental aspects and legal requirements (including permits based on environmental law) to be complied with by the client.

2.1.3 Certification as per EMAS is governed by the basic EU Regulation and, in Germany, particularly by the Environmental Audit Act (Umweltauditgesetz, UAG) plus its Fees Regulation (UAG-Gebührenverordnung, UAGGebV).

2.2 Supplementary terms and conditions for certification schemes in the automotive industry IATF 16949, VDA 6.x

2.2.1 The regulations set forth in the certification standards for the automotive industry listed below shall have priority. - IATF 16949 – Automotive certification scheme for IATF 16949:

Rules for achieving and maintaining IATF recognition, 5th edition for IATF 16949, 1 November 2016 (IATF: International Automotive Task Force).

- VDA 6.x – Certification scheme for VDA 6.1, VDA 6.2 and VDA 6.4 based on ISO 9001 (VDA-QMC Verband der Automobilindustrie - Qualitäts Management Center).

2.2.2 The client: - cannot refuse the presence of an IATF representative - cannot refuse our request to provide the final report to the IATF - cannot refuse an IATF witness audit - cannot refuse the presence of an internal witness auditor of us - cannot refuse the presence of an IATF representative or their


2.2.3 Consultants to the client cannot be physically present at the client's site

during the audit or participate in the audit in any way. 2.2.4 Failure by the client to inform us of a change is considered a breach of the

legally enforceable agreement and may result in the withdrawal of the client's ISO/TS 16949 certificate by us. Changes may be related to: - legal status - commercial status (e.g. joint ventures, sub-contracting with other

organizations) - ownership status (e.g. mergers and acquisitions) - organization and management - contact address or location - scope of operations under the certified management system - IATF subscribing OEM customer special status - major changes to the management system and processes

2.2.5 Audit termination: - if a stage 2 audit is terminated, the client shall start over with a

stage 1 readiness review, - if a surveillance audit is terminated, the certificate shall be

suspended and a full repeat surveillance audit shall be conducted within ninety (90) calendar days of the closing meeting,

- if a recertification audit is terminated, the client shall have another recertification audit in accordance with section 5.1.1. If the timing is exceeded, the client shall start over with an initial certification audit (stage 1 and stage 2),

- if a transfer audit is terminated, the client shall start over with an initial certification audit (stage 1 readiness review and stage 2)

2.2.6 Nonconformity management: We shall require the client to submit, within a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit, evidence of the following: - implemented correction, - root cause including methodology used, analysis, and results, - implemented systemic corrective actions to eliminate each

nonconformity, including consideration of the impact to other similar processes and products,

- verification of effectiveness of implemented corrective actions. - In cases where the accepted corrective action plan for a nonconformity is found not acceptable, we shall resolve the outstanding issues with the client within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closing meeting of the audit. If resolution cannot be completed, the final audit result shall be considered failed and the IATF database shall be updated. The certification decision shall be negative and the client shall start over with an initial certification audit. The current valid certificate shall be immediately withdrawn. A major nonconformity shall require onsite verification.

In exceptional case(s) where the implementation of corrective actions cannot be completed within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit, we shall consider the nonconformity open but 100% resolved when the following conditions have been met: - scheduled onsite follow-up audit based on the accepted action plan

and prior to the next audit. - Containment of the condition to prevent risk to the customer has

been taken, including a review of the systemic impact on the client`s process

- Documented evidence of an acceptable action plan, instructions, and records to demonstrate the elimination of the nonconformity condition, including a review of the systemic impact on the client`s process

For minor nonconformities we may verify the effective implementation of the identified corrective actions at the next audit instead of verification during an additional onsite verification visit. In cases where the accepted corrective action plan is found to be not effectively implemented, a new major nonconformity shall be issued against the corrective action process and the previous minor nonconformity shall be reissued as a major nonconformity. This will lead to automatic suspension of the certificate. When a nonconformity is identified during a recertification audit by us, then the decertification process (see section 8.0 of the rules) shall be initiated on the last audit day (see section 8.1.c of the rules).

2.2.7 Special Audits It may become necessary for us to conduct audits of certified clients to investigate performance complaints (see section 8.1 a/b of the rules), in response to changes to the client's quality management system (see section 3.2 of the rules), significant changes at the client’s site or as a result of a suspended certificate (see section 8.3 of the rules). Clients cannot deny Special Audits.

2.2.8 Transfer audit The client has to notify the former certification body about the intend to transfer to us. A legal enforceable agreement has to include provisions to ensure that it can be extended until all transfer activities to us are completed.

2.3 Supplementary terms and conditions for the food industry as per ISO 22000 / FSSC 22000

2.3.1 These supplementary conditions apply for: - ISO 22000 - Management systems for food safety - Requirements

for any organisation in the food chain - ISO / TS 22002-1 - Prerequisite programmes on food safety - Part

1: Food manufacturing - ISO / TS 22002 - 4 - Prerequisite programmes on food safety –

Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing 2.3.2 The basis for the implementation of the entire audit and certification

process, including logo usage, are the specifications of the applicable standards and additional documents of Foundation for Food Safety Certification, e.g. FSSC 22000 Certification scheme for food safety systems, PART I (http://www.fssc22000.com).

2.3.3 The standards ISO/TS 22002-1 and/or ISO/TS 22002-4 may only be audited in combination with ISO 22000.

2.3.4 Multi-site certifications for ISO 22000 are only possible for up to 25 sites in the areas of animal breeding, plant breeding, catering, distribution and/ or transportation/ storage.

2.3.5 Multi-site certifications for FSSC 22000 are not performed. 2.3.6 If the client becomes aware that his product poses health risks or that

statutory requirements are not being met, he shall inform us immediately.

2.3.7 The client is obliged to inform us immediately if he becomes aware of any possible legal steps regarding product safety or product compliance.

2.3.8 In the event of a product recall, the client has the obligation to inform us of the situation and of the details that have led to this situation.

2.3.9 The client will irrevocably authorize us to submit the following data via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH to Foundation for Food Safety Certification, Stephensonweg 14, , 4207 HB Gorinchen, The Netherlands - The contract for auditing as per FSSC 22000. - The results – also in detail – concerning the FSSC 22000 contract,

auditing and certification – irrespective of auditing success. These data will be saved in an online database at Foundation for Food Safety Certification.

2.3.10 The client agrees to grant unlimited access to the Foundation for Food Safety Certification and its respective officers and employees to all necessary information, and grant them the right - to enter the property, the business, operational and storage areas

and to the means of transport during business or operation hours, - to carry out inspections, - to view and examine all written and electronic business documents,

and - to request necessary information.

If serious discrepancies are found, Foundation for Food Safety Certification may establish sanctions against the Contractor, which may lead to the withdrawal of the certificate.

2.4 Supplementary terms and conditions for product certification as per the IFS Feature Standards: IFS Food / IFS Logistics / IFS Broker / IFS Cash & Carry / Wholesale

2.4.1 These supplementary terms and conditions apply to product certification as per the following internationally recognized standards: - IFS Food – Standard for auditing quality and safety of food

products - IFS Logistics – Standard for logistical services in relation to product

quality and –safety - IFS Broker - standard for auditing Trading Agencies, Importers and

Brokers services compliance in relation to product quality and safety

- IFS Cash & Carry / Wholesale – Standard for auditing Cash & Carry markets and wholesalers

2.4.2 The entire auditing and certification process, including logo use, is governed by the provisions set forth in the respective standard as amended as well as supplementing documents of IFS Management GmbH, like e.g. IFS Compendium of Doctrin.

2.4.3 Audit planning cannot be effected until the readiness review has been completed with a positive result and all differences of opinion between the certification body and the client eliminated.

2.4.4 Multi-site certifications are not performed, expect for the IFS Cash & Carry / Wholesale and IFS Logistics.

2.4.5 We do not accept any responsibility for the client’s ability to use the IFS certificate/logo without any restrictions, for purposes of competition, in particular for advertising purposes.

2.4.6 The client will irrevocably authorize us to submit the following data via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH to IFS Management GmbH, Am Weidendamm 1A, 10117 Berlin: - The contract for auditing as per IFS - The results – also in detail – concerning the IFS contract, auditing

and certification – irrespective of auditing success. These data will be saved in an online database at IFS Management GmbH.

2.4.7 IFS Management GmbH will be irrevocably authorized to make successful procedures, excluding detailed results, accessible to food retailers and wholesalers via the online database.

2.4.8 Whether IFS Management GmbH shall be allowed to disclose failed certification procedures and detailed results of failed and successful certification procedures to food retailers and wholesalers in its online database is in the client’s discretion.

2.4.9 The client undertakes to inform us via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH within 3 working days of any health risk or or that statutory requirements are not being met of which the client becomes aware.

2.4.10 The client is obliged to inform us immediately if he becomes aware of any possible legal steps regarding product safety or product compliance.

2.4.11 In the event of a product recall, the client has the obligation to inform us at least within 3 working days of the situation and of the details that have led to this situation.

2.4.12 The client commits to granting IFS Management GmbH and its respective agents and employees unrestricted access as regards content to all required information within the framework of the “IFS Integrity Program” and to entitle it to - enter properties, business premises, working areas and storage

rooms as well as means of transport during business hours or operating time

- perform inspections - inspect and verify all written and electronic business documents

available and

- demand any required information. If serious nonconformities are identified, IFS Management GmbH may

define sanctions against the certification body which may lead to the withdrawal of the certificate, as the case may be.

2.4.13 Optionally the client can choose an unannounced IFS Food audit instead of the announced IFS Food audit. Registration for the unannounced audit is possible in written form from the 1st October 2016. More information (e.g. audit protocol unannounced audits) are written on the homepage of the standard owner (www.ifs-certification.com)

2.5 Supplementary terms and conditions for product certification as per BRC Global Standard for Food Safety / /BRC/IoP Global Standard For Packaging and Packaging Materials / BRC Global Standard For Consumer Products

2.5.1 These supplementary terms and conditions apply to product certification as per the internationally recognized BRC (British Retail Consortium) standards:

BRC Global Standard For Food Safety. BRC/IoP Global Standard For Packaging and Packaging Materials. BRC Global Standard For Consumer Products

2.5.2 The entire auditing and certification process shall be governed by the provisions set forth in the applicable standard as amended.

2.5.3 Audit planning cannot be effected until the readiness review has been completed with a positive result and all differences of opinion between us and the client eliminated.

2.5.4 This standard does not provide for multi-site certification.

2.5.5 Should the client become aware that the client’s products cause health hazards or violate legal regulations, the client shall inform us without delay.

2.5.6 The client undertakes to inform us at least within 3 working days of any legal steps related to product safety or product compliance of which the client becomes aware.

2.5.7 In cases involving product recalls, the client undertakes to inform us of the situation and the details leading up to this situation.

2.5.8 In cases involving certificate suspension or withdrawal, the client undertakes to inform the client’s customers immediately of the root causes leading to certificate suspension or withdrawal. Information on the corrective actions to be taken in order to reinstate certification status has also be provided to customers.

2.5.9 The term of the contract covers at least one cycle of 3 regular audits (one initial certification audit and 2 regular audits) and ends exactly on the certificate’s current date of validity at that time.

2.5.10 The client shall irrevocably authorize us to submit the following data via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH to "British Retail Consortium": - The contract for auditing as per BRC. - The results – also in detail – concerning the BRC contract, auditing

and certification – irrespective of auditing success (e.g. copy of the audit report, certificates and all documents in relation to the audit).

2.5.11 The client agrees to grant unlimited access to the "British Retail Consortium" and its respective officers and employees to all necessary information, and grant them the right - to enter the property, the business, operational and storage areas

and to the means of transport during business or operation hours, - to carry out inspections, - to view and examine all written and electronic business documents,

and - to request necessary information. If serious discrepancies are found, "British Retail Consortium" may establish sanctions against the Contractor, which may lead to the withdrawal of the certificate

2.6 Supplementary terms and conditions for the aerospace industry EN/ AS 9100

2.6.1 These supplementary terms and conditions apply to certification as per the internationally recognized EN 9100 standard:

2.6.2 To the extent required for verifying that criteria and methods within the scope of certification as per the EN 9100 series of standards are correctly applied, we shall be authorized, via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH, to grant access to the following parties: the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH, aviation authorities and member organizations of the German Aerospace Industries Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V., BDLI).

2.6.3 The Client must allow us to register data via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH at level 1 (i.e. information about issued certificates for AQMS standards ("AQMS" = Aerospace Quality Management System) - the public area) and level 2 (e.g. information and on results of audits, assessments, nonconformance, corrective actions, reviews and suspensions - in the private sector) in the OASIS database (" OASIS" = online Aerospace Supplier Information System). The Client must grant access to the data contained in the OASIS data bank of the level 2 to his customers from the aviation industry, aerospace industry and defensive industry and authorities on inquiry, unless, justified reasons stand against it (e.g., competition, confidentiality, conflicts of interests).

2.6.4 The Client must designate an employee who will register himself as OASIS database administrator for the organization in the OASIS database.

2.6.5 The Stage 1 audit of the initial certification audit must be conducted on site. Stage 1 and Stage 2 may not directly follow each other in time.

2.6.6 For organizations with multiple sites belonging to the scope of certification, the organization of a structure is assigned on the basis of the criteria of the appendix B of EN in 9104-001. This allocation is the basis for audit days that are to be audited at each site.

2.6.7 The Client is obliged to provide to its customers and potential customers copies of the audit report and related documents and records available upon request, unless entitled refusal reasons exist (e.g., competition, confidentiality, conflicts of interests).

2.6.8 A certificate will only be issued when all nonconformities have been corrected by means of a root cause analysis and corrective actions have been accepted and verified by the certification body.

2.6.9 In accordance with EN 9101 correction actions to non-conformities - according to classification - must be submitted to the lead auditor by the organization within max. 30 days after the finding of the non-conformities. We must via TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH initiate the process for the suspension of the certification if an organization is unable to prove within 60 days after the creation of a non-conformance report (NCR) that the conformance with the referring norm is restored.

If AQMS-certificated organizations lose their certification according AQMS standard, they must inform about this their customers of the aviation, aerospace and defense immediately.

2.6.10 Classified material/ export control requirements: Prior to contracting for and conducting audits, the client has to inform the Certification Body about classified material or export control requirements, so that these aspects can be included in the contract and audit planning. In case that access restrictions related to auditors and, if necessary, Witness / Other Party assessors occur in specific areas during the audit it has to be clarified between client and Certification Body how access to these areas can be made during the audit, since only areas / processes can be listed within the scope of the certificate which have been audited adequately. Exclusions from processes are only permitted as given in requirements of the standard.

2.7 Supplementary terms and conditions as per BS OHSAS 18001 and SCC

2.7.1 These supplementary terms and conditions apply to the certification of occupational health and safety management systems as per the following internationally recognized standards: BS OHSAS 18001 and management systems in the area of safety, health and environmental protection as per SCC (contractors/ production sector) and SCP (providers of personnel services).

2.7.2 In cases involving initial certification as per BS OHSAS 18001, the stage 1 audit shall always be carried out on site.

2.7.3 In cases involving SCC certification, the client undertakes to give auditors access to representative construction/work sites. An appropriate list of construction/work sites shall be submitted to the auditor three weeks prior to the audit.

2.7.4 In cases involving SCP certification, the client undertakes to grant access to representative construction/work sites or projects. Should the lessee refuse access to its company, construction/work sites or projects, the personnel leasing agency shall send a representative sample of temporary agency workers to the client’s headquarters or its respective branch office, to ensure the auditor(s) can interview these workers within the scope of the audit.

2.7.5 Clients certified according to SCC or SCP may file an application for use of the SCC mark during their certificates’ period of validity.

2.8 Supplementary terms and conditions of other TÜV Rheinland Organizations

For management system certifications with accreditations hold by other TÜV Rheinland Organizations (e.g. SA 8000, IRIS) additional standard specific certification requirements apply.

2.9 Supplementary terms and conditions for ISMS as per ISO/IEC 27001

Complementing the requirements for multi-site certifications set forth under Art. 1.5, the following supplementary terms and conditions apply to the certification of Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) as per ISO/IEC 27001:

2.9.1 Multi-site certifications may be performed in organizations which maintain several similar sites and have established an ISMS which covers the requirements of all sites.

A certificate applying to an organization and its sites may be issued if the following criteria are fulfilled:

a) All sites maintain the same ISMS, which is managed and monitored by a central function and subject to internal auditing and management review;

b) All sites are included in the organization’s audit and management-review programme;

c) Initial contract review ensures that the differences between the individual sites are taken appropriately into account in sample selection

d) The certification body has sampled a representative number of sites taking the following aspects into account:

- The results of the internal audits carried out at the central office and at the sites

- The management review result

- The different sizes of sites

- The different business purposes of sites

- the level of ISMS complexity

- The complexity of the information systems at the different sites

- The different types of work operations

- The differences in ongoing activities

- The possible interaction with critical information systems or information systems processing sensitive data

- The different legal requirements

e) The representative sample refers to all sites included in the scope of the client’s ISMS; the sites included in the sample are selected on the basis of the criteria listed under d) above and by means of random sampling.

f) Prior to certification all sites involving significant risks must be audited.

g) The surveillance programme ensures that all sites will be audited within a reasonable timeframe

h) Corrective actions taken at one site will be applied to the entire multi-site organization covered by the scope of the certification.

2.10 Supplementary terms and conditions for certification of Energy Management Systems as per ISO 50001

2.10.1 The rules of Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) „Akkreditierung von Zertifizierungsstellen für den Bereich Energiemanagementsysteme – EnMS“ (71 SD 6 022) apply (www.dakks.de/doc_zm).

2.10.2 For multi-site certifications, the conditions set out in Section II.1.5. apply. Sites without employees are not considered in the calculation, but should be appropriately considered/ audited in terms of sampling over the entire audit cycle (3 years). If there are several companies with at least one employee at a given site (except for the central office of the multi-site unit), which are integrated into the central EnMS, these are not to be considered as separate "additional sites" as regards the determination of the audit time, and are to summarised as a single additional site in calculations.

2.10.3 Only in reasonable exceptional cases (very small enterprises, sufficient knowledge of certification body, because customer is already certified for ISO 14001, EMAS, §41-EEG, GHG at the respective locations) an on-site visit during stage 1 audit can be resigned and stage 2 audit can be conducted immediately after stage 1 audit. The customer has to be informed about the risks of audit termination. The decision about above procedure falls to the responsible certification office.

德國德國德國德國萊茵萊茵萊茵萊茵 TÜV集團大中華區集團大中華區集團大中華區集團大中華區


II. 驗證的驗證的驗證的驗證的特別條款和條件特別條款和條件特別條款和條件特別條款和條件




證特別條款和條件》的目的,術語“認證機構”也包括批准、承認機構。術語“認可規則”、“認可要求”、“認可標準”及“認可程序”也相應地指這些機構執行的程序。認可驗證服務應根據以下標準和規則進行,包括(1)國際通用的認可標準及其應用指南;(2)相關驗證標準的特定認可標準及其應用指南;(3) 驗證標準及其應用指南;以及(4)相關認證機構定義的認可規則,特別包括:

- 有效的國際通用認可標準 如 ISO/IEC 17021, ISO 19011

- 針對相關驗證標準的認可標準 如:食品工業的ISO 22003和 IT行業的 ISO 27006和航空領域的EN 9104-001, EN 9101

- 驗證標準 如 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949, BS OHSAS 18001, SCC,ISO 50001

- 相關認證機構規定的認可規則

1 認可驗證服務的一般條款認可驗證服務的一般條款認可驗證服務的一般條款認可驗證服務的一般條款


1.1.1 驗證稽核包含兩個階段,第一階段稽核旨在對管理系統及其完善程度(實施狀態)取得大致瞭



1.1.2 第一階段稽核完成後可直接進入第二階段稽核。







1.1.3 兩個階段的稽核間隔時間不能超過 6 個月。如果

間隔時間超過 6 個月,應重新進行第一階段稽核。客戶應當承擔客戶自身或我方由此產生的額


1.1.4 在確定兩個階段稽核的時間間隔時,應考慮客戶



1.1.5 如果我們不能在第二階段的最後一天之後的 6 個



1.2 監督監督監督監督稽核稽核稽核稽核

1.2.1 為保持證書的有效性,至少應每年進行現場監督稽核,到期日應當為出具初次驗證稽核結果當


出具之後的 12個月內進行,但不得晚於到期日當天。

1.3 換證換證換證換證稽核稽核稽核稽核

1.3.1 為了更新為期三年的驗證,應在證書有效期滿前在客戶的被稽核機構處進行換證稽核。

1.3.2 換證稽核程序與驗證稽核程序類似,但第一階段




1.3.3 換證稽核一旦完成,驗證期限順延到下一個 3




1.4 臨時通知臨時通知臨時通知臨時通知稽核稽核稽核稽核



- 驗證機構瞭解到存在嚴重的投訴及其他對客戶





- 客戶發生了妨礙其管理系統有效性的變化,致


- 客戶的驗證被暫停。

1.5 多場地驗證多場地驗證多場地驗證多場地驗證

1.5.1 多場址驗證可適用於具有多個場地或多個專門用作外地辦事機構的分支機搆的機構。

1.5.2 符合以下標準即可進行多場址驗證:

- 所有場地與被驗證機構的總部具有法律或合約


- 所有場地的產品/服務基本相同,並採用相同的方法和過程進行生產。

- 建立有統一的管理系統,且所有分支/生產場地採用和維持同樣的管理系統。

- 機構總部的管理者代表直接集中監管整個管理


- 所有的分支機搆/場地都已進行了內部稽核和管理評審。

- 在某些領域,所有分支機搆/生產場地的活動都集中統一進行,如產品和過程設計開發、採

購、人力資源等。 1.5.3 如果要進行多場地驗證,各場地的現場稽核可以



1.5.4 由我們選擇稽核場地。

2 認可驗證方案的特定標準條款認可驗證方案的特定標準條款認可驗證方案的特定標準條款認可驗證方案的特定標準條款

除上述第 1 條所述的一般條款,以下是適用於特定認可驗證方案的條款和條件,與各個特定標準相關的條款都


2.1 ISO 14001 和和和和/或或或或 EMAS 環境環境環境環境管理系統管理系統管理系統管理系統驗證的補充驗證的補充驗證的補充驗證的補充


2.1.1 如下補充條款適用於以下環境管理系統的驗證:

- ISO 14001;及

- 依據 EMAS (生態管理稽核方案)驗證及生效。

2.1.2 ISO14001第一階段稽核的補充條款:




- 稽核小組通過以前的稽核已經熟悉了客戶的組


- 客戶的機構已經運行按照 ISO 14001或 EMAS標準通過驗證的環境管理系統;或

- 客戶機構的大多數場所被歸類為與環境有較低

或者有限的關聯性。 檔評審應稽核相關的體系檔,以及對環境因素及



2.1.3 EMAS 驗證受歐盟基本規定的約束,在德國,尤

其受《環境稽核法令》(Umweltauditgesetz, UAG)及其《費用規定》 (UAG-Gebührenverordnung, UAGGebV)的約束 。

2.2 汽車工業汽車工業汽車工業汽車工業 IATF 16949, VDA 6.x驗證方案的補充條驗證方案的補充條驗證方案的補充條驗證方案的補充條


2.2.1 以下在汽車工業驗證標準中的規定應優先適用:

- IATF 16949 – ISO/TS 16949汽車工業驗證方案:為獲取並持有 IATF的 IATF 16949 標準,(版本 5, 2016 年 11 月 1 號)的認可IATF : International Automotive Task Force)。

- VDA 6.x –基於 ISO9001 標準的 VDA6.1,VDA6.2 和 VDA6.4 的 驗 證 方 案 (VDA-QMC Verband der Automobilindustrie - Qualitäts Management Center)。

2.2.2 客戶:

- 不能拒絕 IATF代表人的出現

- 不能拒絕我們提出的向 IATF 遞交最終報告的要求

- 不能拒絕 IATF執行的見證稽核

- 不能拒絕我們派出的內部見證稽核員

- 不能拒絕 IATF的代表或委託人

2.2.3 客戶的諮詢顧問不能出現在被審場地或以任何方


2.2.4 客戶未能告知我們“變化”的行為將會違反法定協

議,這可能導致我們取消客戶 ISO/TS 16949 標準的證書。“變化”可以關於:

- 法人資格

- 商業現狀 (例如合資企業, 與其他機構的分包合約)

- 所有權現狀 (例如合併,收購)

- 組織和管理

- 聯繫地址及場所

- 被驗證的管理系統下的經營範圍

- IATF推崇顧客的特殊狀態

- 管理系統及過程的重大變化

2.2.5 稽核終止

- 如果第二階段稽核終止,客戶將重新開始一階


- 如果監督稽核終止,證書將會被暫停,並且在

結束會議的 90 個日曆天內執行完整的換證監督稽核。

- 如果換證稽核終止,客戶需要依據 5.1.1 部分進行新的再驗證稽核。如果超出時限,客戶將



- 如果轉機構稽核終止,客戶將開始新一輪的首



2.2.6 不符合項管理

在現場稽核的結束會議結束的最多 60 個日曆天內,我們要求客戶提交以下證據:

- 執行的糾正措施

- 根本原因,包括使用的方法,分析及結論

- 為消除各個不符合項所執行的系統的糾正措



- 對所執行糾正措施有效性的驗證


我們將在稽核結束會議結束的最多 90個日曆天內同客戶共同解決問題。如果未能徹底解決,最終

的稽核結果將無效並且 IATF資料庫將及時更新。驗證決定失敗,並且客戶將開始新一輪的首次驗




多 90天內沒有完成執行的糾正措施,我們將考慮公開不符合項,但一旦滿足下列條件,不符合項


- 基於可接受的行動計畫,安排了現場跟蹤稽核


- 採取了可能對客戶造成風險的遏制措施,包括


- 證明已經消除不符合項的檔,可接受的行動計










項,那麼取消認可的過程 (參照規則第 8.0 部分)將會在稽核的最後一天開始 (參照規則第8.1c部分)

2.2.7 特殊稽核

我們將對被驗證客戶進行必要的稽核以調查投訴 (參照規則 8.1 a/b),回應客戶品質管制體系 (參照規則 3.2 部分),及場地的重大變化,或證書被暫停的情況(參照規則 8.3 部分)。客戶不能拒絕特殊稽核。

2.2.8 轉機構稽核






2.3 ISO 22000/FSSC22000食品工業的補充條款食品工業的補充條款食品工業的補充條款食品工業的補充條款

2.3.1 這些補充條款適用於:

- ISO22000-食品安全管理系統-對食品行業內所有機構的要求

- ISO/TS 22002-1-食品安全的前提條件-第一部分:食品生產

- ISO / TS 22002 - 4 -食品安全的前提條件-第四部分:食品包裝的生產

2.3.2 整個稽核及驗證過程,包含商標的使用,是基於


檔,例如 FSSC 22000 食品安全體系驗證計畫,第一部分(www.fssc22000.com)

2.3.3 ISO/TS 22002-1及/或 ISO/TS 22002只能同 ISO


2.3.4 在畜牧業,種植業,餐飲業,流通業及/或交通/倉

儲領域,ISO 22000 的多場所驗證只適用于多達25個場所的機構。

2.3.5 FSSC 22000沒有多場所驗證。

2.3.6 如客戶得知其產品有健康隱患或未能滿足法定要


2.3.7 如客戶得知任何關於產品安全或產品合規的法律


2.3.8 如產品被召回,客戶有義務告知我們此情況以及


2.3.9 客戶將不可撤銷地授權我們通過萊因向位於

Stephensonweg 14 4207 HB Gorinchen The Netherlands 的食品安全驗證基金會(Foundation for Food Safety Certification)遞交以下資料:

- FSSC22000的稽核合約

- 無論稽核是否通過,關於 FSSC22000 合約、稽核和驗證的具體結果,包括詳細資料。這些



2.3.10 客戶同意給予食品安全驗證基金會 (Foundation

for Food Safety Certification)及其各自代理人和員工以不受限權利查看所有必要資訊,並給予他


- 進入廠家,業務區,操作機儲藏區域,商業運


- 查看及檢查所有紙檔及電子的業務檔以及

- 要求提供所要求的任何資訊


(Foundation for Food Safety Certification)可以對立約人發起制裁,這會導致證書的撤銷。

2.4 IFS 特定標準特定標準特定標準特定標準::::IFS 食品食品食品食品/ IFS 物流物流物流物流/ IFS 經紀人經紀人經紀人經紀人/

IFS現購自運現購自運現購自運現購自運/ 批發標準的產品驗證的補充條款批發標準的產品驗證的補充條款批發標準的產品驗證的補充條款批發標準的產品驗證的補充條款

2.4.1 這些補充/附加條款適用於根據以下國際認可的標準進行的產品驗證:

- IFS食品 - 食品產品的品質安全稽核標準

- IFS 物流-涉及產品品質及安全的物流服務的標準

- IFS 經紀人標準 - 貿易代理商,進口商及經紀人遵守產品品質及安全規定的稽核標準

- IFS現購自運/批發 - 現購自運市場和批發商的稽核標準

2.4.2 整個稽核和驗證程序(包括標識的使用)都受不

時修訂的相關標準及 IFS Management GmbH的補充檔(如 IFS綱要)的約束。

2.4.3 在預備評審完成並有正面的評審結果,以及驗證



2.4.4 除了 IFS現購自運/批發和 IFS物流,我們不進行


2.4.5 我們不負責保證客戶可以為競爭的目的(尤其是

廣告宣傳目的)而無約束地使用 IFS 證書或標識。

2.4.6 客戶將不可撤銷地授權我們,通過萊因 (TÜV

Rheinland Cert GmbH)向位於

Am Weidendamm 1A 10117 Berlin 的 IFS Management GmbH遞交以下資料:

- IFS的稽核合約

- 關於 IFS合約\稽核和驗證的具體結果,不論稽核通過與否。這些資料將會被保存在 IFS Management GmbH的線上資料庫中。

2.4.7 IFS Management GmbH 將不可撤銷地被授權通



2.4.8 是否授權 IFS Management GmbH通過線上資料




2.4.9 客戶應保證在三個工作日內,通過萊因 (TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH)通知我們其所知悉的任何健康隱患或未能滿足的法定要求。

2.4.10 客戶有義務立即告知我們其所知悉的任何關於產


2.4.11 如產品被召回,客戶有義務在至少 3 個工作日內


2.4.12 客戶同意授權 IFS Management GmbH及其代理

人和員工以不受限權利訪問“IFS 整合計畫”範圍內所要求的所有資訊,並授權其

- 進入場地、經營場所、工作區域、儲存室及營


- 實施檢驗

- 檢查並驗證所有可獲得的書面及電子形式的業


- 要求提供所要求的任何資訊

如果發現嚴重不符合項, IFS Management GmbH 可視情況給予驗證機構制裁,甚至可能撤銷驗證機構的驗證證書。

2.4.13 客戶可選擇不進行明訪的 IFS 食品稽核而進行暗訪的 IFS食品稽核。自 2016年 10月 1日起,可書面登記進行暗訪稽核。更多資訊,如暗訪稽核


2.5 BRC 食品安全全球標準食品安全全球標準食品安全全球標準食品安全全球標準/BRC/loP 包裝及包裝包裝及包裝包裝及包裝包裝及包裝素材素材素材素材

全球標準全球標準全球標準全球標準/BRC 消費產品全球標準的產品驗證的補消費產品全球標準的產品驗證的補消費產品全球標準的產品驗證的補消費產品全球標準的產品驗證的補


2.5.1 這些補充條款適用於根據國際認可的 BRC(英國零售商協會)標準進行的產品驗證:

- BRC食品安全全球標準

- BRC/loP 包裝及包裝素材全球標準

- BRC消費產品全球標準 2.5.2 整個稽核和驗證程序必須依據不時修訂的相應標


2.5.3 在預備評審完成並通過,以及我們和客戶之間所



2.5.4 本標準不適用於多場址驗證。

2.5.5 如果客戶發現自身產品危害健康或違反法律規


2.5.6 客戶承諾會將其所知悉的就產品安全或產品合規

問題所採取的任何法律措施,在至少 3 個工作日


2.5.7 涉及產品召回時,客戶承諾通知我們其產品被召


2.5.8 如果證書被暫停或撤銷,客戶承諾立即通知其顧




2.5.9 驗證合約有效期間應至少包括三次常規稽核(一



2.5.10 客戶應不可撤銷地授權我們通過 TÜV Rheinland

Cert GmbH向 BRC 遞交以下資料:

- BRC稽核合約

- 關於 BRC 合約的稽核和驗證結果和細節,不管稽核是否通過,例如,稽核報告、證書及所


2.5.11 客戶同意給予英國零售商協會(British Retail Consortium)及其各自代理人和員工以不受限權利查看所有必要資訊,並給予他們權利

- 進入場地、經營場所、工作區域、儲存室及營


- 實施檢驗

- 檢查並驗證所有可獲得的書面及電子形式的業


- 要求提供所要求的任何資訊 如果發現嚴重不符合項,英國零售商協會

(British Retail Consortium)可以對立約人發起制裁,這會導致證書的撤銷。

2.6 航空工業航空工業航空工業航空工業 EN/AS 9100的補充條款的補充條款的補充條款的補充條款

2.6.1 這些補充條款適用於根據國際認可的 EN9100 標準進行的驗證。

2.6.2 為按照要求核實在根據 EN 9100系列標準進行驗


們有權通過 TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH與以下機構進行溝通: Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH,以及航天局及德國宇航工業協會( Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V., BDLI)的各會員機構。

2.6.3 客戶應准許我們通過萊因在 OASIS資料庫裡錄入

資料(OASIS=線上航空航太供應資訊系統),包括第一等級 (例如 AQMS 標準的已發證書的相關資訊(“AQMS“=航空航太品質管制體系)-公開部分以及第二等級(例如稽核,評審,不符合



業的顧客,在 OASIS資料庫的第二等級裡獲取資料的許可權,以及問詢的權利。除非存在拒絕的


2.6.4 客戶應任命其某個員工在 OASIS資料庫裡註冊為


2.6.5 初審的第一階段稽核必須為現場稽核。第一、第


2.6.6 對屬於被驗證範圍內的多現場客戶,客戶的框架

以 EN in 9104-001中附錄 B作為尺規。每個現場的稽核天數將以此分配為依據。

2.6.7 一經要求,客戶有義務向其顧客及潛在顧客提供



2.6.8 只有在所有不符合項通過根本原因分析得到糾



2.6.9 依據 EN 9101,對不符合項採取的糾正措施-依據

不同類別-在發現不符合項後的最多 30 天內,必須由被驗證客戶遞交給稽核組長。如被驗證客戶

在不符合報告完成後的 60天內,未能證明所涉及規範得到恢復,我們必須通過萊因執行驗證暫停


如獲得 AQMS 驗證的客戶失去 AQMS 標準的驗



2.6.10 在委託我們進行稽核和我們進行稽核之前,客戶









2.7 BS OHSAS 18001和和和和 SCC的補充條款的補充條款的補充條款的補充條款

2.7.1 這些補充條款適用於根據下列國際認可標準進行的職業健康和安全管理系統驗證

- BS OHSAS 18001

- 安全,健康和環境保護領域的管理系統

- SCC (分包方/生產部門) ;以及

- SCP (人事服務提供者)

2.7.2 對於 BS OHSAS 18001標準的首次驗證,第一階


2.7.3 在進行 SCC驗證時,客戶承諾允許稽核員進入有


2.7.4 在進行 SCP驗證時,客戶承諾允許稽核員進入有




2.7.5 按照 SCC 或 SCP 標準驗證的客戶可以在證書有

效期內申請使用 SCC標誌。

2.8 其他其他其他其他 TÜV Rheinland機構的補充條機構的補充條機構的補充條機構的補充條款款款款

由其他 TÜV Rheinland機構享有認可資格的的管理系統驗證(如:SA 8000,IRIS),適用另外的針對具體標準的驗證要求。

2.9 ISO/IEC 27001資訊安全資訊安全資訊安全資訊安全管理系統管理系統管理系統管理系統的補充條款的補充條款的補充條款的補充條款

作為對第 1.5 條規定的多場址驗證要求的補充,以下的補充條款適用於根據 ISO/IEC 27001標準進行的資訊安全管理系統驗證:

2.9.1 如果被驗證的機構有多個類似的場地,且已經建





a) 所有的場地有相同的資訊安全管理系統,由某一部門集中管理和監控,並接受內部審計和管


b) 機構審計和管理評審涵蓋所有場地。

c) 初次合約評審已確保在抽樣選取過程中已恰當地考慮到各個場地的區別。

d) 驗證機構已經考慮以下因素抽取了一組有代表性的場地:

- 總部和所有場地的內審結果

- 管理評審的結果

- 場地的大小差別

- 場地商業目的的不同處

- ISMS的複雜程度

- 不同場地的資訊系統的複雜性

- 工作運行的不同模式

- 正在進行的活動的不同點

- 與重要資訊系統或處理敏感資訊的資


- 不同的法律要求。

e) 代表性樣品指客戶 ISMS範圍內的各個場地;作為樣品的場地是根據上述條款 d)中規定的標準隨機選取的。

f) 在驗證之前,必須對有重大風險的場地進行稽核。

g) 監督方案確保在合理的期限內完成對所有場地的審計。

h) 在一個場所採取的糾正措施要適用到驗證範圍內的擁有多場址的被驗證機構。

2.10 ISO 50001能源能源能源能源管理系統管理系統管理系統管理系統驗證的補充條款驗證的補充條款驗證的補充條款驗證的補充條款

2.10.1 適用 Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) „Akkreditierung von Zertifizierungsstellen für den Bereich Energiemanagementsysteme – EnMS“ (71 SD 6 022) 規 則 (www.dakks.de/doc_zm)。

2.10.2 對於多場所驗證,適用 II.1.5.部分所列出的條


個 3 年驗證週期的抽樣中,適當考慮稽核。當在一個給定的場所裡有幾個至少一名員工的公司




2.10.3 只有在合理的例外情況下(很小規模企業,對驗


ISO 14001, EMAS, 041-EEG, GHG 的驗證資格), 可以省略第一稽核階段中的現場訪查,同時第二稽核階段可以在第一階段稽核結束後立即



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