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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com


Effects of Volume-Delay Function on Time, Speed and Assigned Volume in

Transportation Planning Process

Lee Vien Leong

Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia.


In transportation planning process, especially in trip

assignment, volume-delay function is essential to determine

travel time on the network links when traffic is assigned on a

network. In this study, the road network in Balik Pulau area

which is located on the southwestern part of Penang Island,

Malaysia, including other areas on the southern part of Penang

Island such as Gertak Sanggul, Teluk Kumbar, Bayan Lepas

and Batu Maung were modelled using a transportation demand

forecasting software. Traffic volumes at twenty-two junctions

located within the study area were collected during the morning

and evening peak hours and subsequently used in the calibration

process. Two types of volume-delay functions, namely the

well-known BPR function and revised BPR function were used

in this study, and the effects of these volume-delay functions on

time, speed and assigned volume on links for base year of

morning and evening peak hour models and future year,

morning and evening peak hour models were investigated. The

results obtained from this study indicated that the original BPR

functions with α and β values of 0.15 and 4.0 respectively were

found to have less impact on delay when volume is less than

3000 pcu/h for all road categories but the calibrated BPR

functions with α and β values of 0.8298 and 3.361 were found to

produce higher delay when volume exceeds 600 pcu/h,

especially for lower hierarchy roads. Models with revised BPR

functions also show more variations in terms of time, speed and

assigned volume between base year and future year models for

both morning and evening peak models. The output from this

research is very important as better understanding of delay

functions which is the determining factor in trip assignment can

produce better estimate of link travel times and hence better

planning for future scenarios.

Keywords: Traffic assignment, transportation planning,

volume-delay functions


The four-stage demand models are the most popular travel

demand forecasting models. The first stage which is trip

generation, determines the frequency of origin or destination

trips in each zone, as a function of land use intensity and its

associated activities. In Malaysia, trips generated by a

particular development are calculated based on Malaysian Trip

Generation Manual 2010 [1] which is the fourth edition of

manual. The second stage which is trip distribution is to

recombine trip ends, which has two ends; an origin and a

destination to generate a zone-to-zone trip matrix of

origin-destination pairs. The third stage in the transportation

planning process is mode choice, in which mode choice

effectively factors the origin-destination trip matrix from trip

distribution to produce mode-specific trip matrices. However,

according to the guidelines for traffic impact assessment in

Malaysia, for the purpose of traffic impact analysis, modal split

between private and public transport shall not be considered

and there shall be no reduction in the projected generated traffic

due to the anticipated usage of public transport except for the

case of a transit-oriented development [2]. Therefore, in the

study, only origin-destination trip matrix for private vehicles is

developed. Trip assignment is the last step in the four-stage

demand modelling, in which an equilibration of demand and

performance is finally produced. Trip assignment will assign

forecasted and generated peak hour trips on the accessible

junctions surrounding the development area and it is usually

based on the estimates of link travel times. In order to calculate

travel time between origin and destination, a function

presenting the relationship between link delays and link flows is

used. This function is known as volume-delay function and it is

the fundamental component of equilibrium trip assignment



Volume-delay function has characteristic that will represent a

traveler’s behavior which is essential to resemble the actual

behavior of a road network modeled. Volume-delay function

contributes to delay time on a link to stimulate the properties of

the lanes on the link which attributes to the driving behavior of

road users. In most traffic assignment models, volume-delay

function is used to express travel times of a road link as a

function of traffic volume. Usually these functions are

expressed as the product of the free flow time multiplied by a

normalized congestion function as shown in Eq. (1).

vvfTT o (1)


T = Travel time (minute)

To = Free flow travel time (minute)

v = Traffic volume (passenger car unit/hour)

c = Capacity (passenger car unit/hour)

Some of the earlier developed volume-delay functions are by

Overgaard (1967) in which he has proposed an exponential

function while Mosher (1963) suggested logarithmic and

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com


hyperbolic functions (as cited by Branston [3]). These functions

are as shown in Eqs (2), (3) and (4) respectively.

Exponential: )( c


oTT (2)

Logarithmic: v

TT o ln for v < α (3)

Hyperbolic: v

TT o )( for v < α (4)

According to Jastrzebski [4], any type of volume-delay function

should meet two major conditions which are the mathematical

and behavioural conditions. According to him, from the

mathematical point of view, the function should be continuous,

strictly increasing and non-negative in order to satisfy system

optimal principle. As for the behaviour conditions, he

mentioned that the following issues should be considered:

• In urban areas, most of trips are made every day and

therefore, user area familiar with the traffic conditions

during different time of the day on different paths.

• User can make ad-hoc decision in which if he/she

encountered congestion on the street in front of

him/her or heard about it from the radio, he/she can

turn and choose another path.

• Time spent in congestion weighs much more for the

user than travel time with acceptable speed, therefore

the user is forced to choose another path.

• Free flow speed is by definition the speed of vehicles

without any disturbances on the road and hence will

decrease when interrupted with traffic light junctions

or any type of stop-controlled junctions. Therefore,

user will tend to choose a path with less interruption so

that the free flow speed can be maintained throughout

the journey.

However, one of the best known and the most widely-used

volume-delay function is the function known as BPR function

which was developed by U.S. Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) in

1964 [5] and as shown in Eq. (5).

)](1[ cvTT o (5)

But according to Singh [6], the problems with the BPR function

is that it overestimates speeds when v/c > 1 and underestimates

speeds when v/c < 1. Spiess [7] also has discovered some

inherent drawbacks in the BPR function and has developed a

new class of volume-delay functions which is the conical

functions. According to Spiess [7], the interpretation of the

parameters used to characterize the specific congestion

behaviour of a road link, i.e. capacity and steepness, is the same

for both BPR and conical function, which makes the transition

to conical functions particularly simple. Also, since the

difference between a BPR function and a conical function with

the same parameter is very small within the feasible domain, i.e.

v/c < 1, the BPR parameters can be transferred directly in most

cases. However, he commented that further research is needed

to develop statistical methods for directly estimating the

parameters of the conical functions using observed speeds and

volumes. The conical function is as shown in Eq. (6).

222 )1()1(2(cv

cvTT o


where 22


However, these volume-delay functions are developed mainly

for homogeneous traffic. These volume-delay functions relate

stream speed of single class vehicle with stream volume and do

not account for speeds of various classes present in the stream.

Thus, they may not be directly suitable for many applications in

heterogeneous traffic as motorists do not follow a perfect lane

discipline. Thus, the concepts of vehicle density, lane

occupancy and queuing theory based on homogeneous

lane-based traffic cannot be applied for mixed traffic. In

addition, heterogeneous traffic is characterized by frequent

changes in lanes by vehicles due to the interaction between

fast-moving and slow-moving vehicles [8]. Si et al. [9]

conducted a study to calibrate the function of link performance

for different breadths and traffic conditions. In their model as

shown in Eq. (7), volume, va of each class was converted into

equivalent units of bikes, b.

))(1())(1())(1( 321








o cv




where ca = Practical capacity on link a

Therefore, in this study, volume-delay functions were

investigated for the purpose of transportation planning process.

The road network in Balik Pulau area which is located on the

southwestern part of Penang Island, Malaysia, including other

areas on the southern part of Penang Island such as Gertak

Sanggul, Teluk Kumbar, Bayan Lepas and Batu Maung were

modelled using a transportation demand forecasting software.

Primary data such as traffic volume were collected at

twenty-two junctions located at different types of arterial roads

to derive the parameters required in the volume-delay functions.


The traffic study is structured to fulfill the main objective of

mitigating the impact of generated trips by five proposed

developments and to identify appropriate solution to minimize

the adverse impact onto the existing road network. The

methodology adopted to evaluate the above objective takes the

following steps:

1. Inventory review of the existing roadway facilities and

rationalization of future road network based on the

local plan were conducted.

2. Traffic survey conducted at twenty-two main junctions

in the study area as well as major corridor junctions

surrounding the study area on typical weekday.

3. Existing traffic network model that simulates land use

activity using a transportation planning software was

developed based on the following steps:

i. Peak hour origin-destination trip matrix based on

passenger car unit was built.

ii. Base model with assumed volume-delay functions was


iii. Calibrations of the base year models which are the

morning and evening peak hour models, by applying

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com


different conditions for the volume-delay functions

were conducted.

iv. Validations of the above-mentioned base year models

based on existing peak hour traffic flow surrounding

the area were conducted.

4. Development of future year transport planning

models, which include:

i. Selection of appropriate trip generation rates based on

information for future land use, peak hour trips and

directional traffic splits from the Malaysia Trip

Generation Manual 2010.

ii. Building the future year models for the morning and

evening peak hours to investigate the distribution and

assignment of forecasted and generated peak hour

trips on the accessible junctions surrounding the area.

The road network is first developed by applying assumed

volume-delay functions. In Malaysia, traffic consultants and

transport modelers often adopt volume-delay functions

developed from other countries but calibrated them manually

based on much localized traffic conditions. Different traffic

consultants in Malaysia adopt different volume-delay functions.

However, the common conditions shown in Table1 which are

applicable for link/roads in urban areas can be used to calibrate

the volume-delay functions based on the general BPR function.

In this study, each section of lane is assigned with a different

level of volume-delay function based on the general BPR

equation shown in Eq. (5), initially with α = 0.15 and β = 4 and

subsequently changed to different values of α and β. Levels of

volume-delay functions are based on the link/road conditions as

presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Link/road conditions used to calibrate volume-delay


Link / Road Speed limit (km/hr) Capacity, c (pcu/hr/ln)

Expressway 110 2000 ≤ c < 2200

Highway 90 1900 ≤ c < 2000

Primary Road 80 1800 ≤ c < 1900

Secondary Road 70 1600 ≤ c < 1800

60 1400 ≤ c < 1600

50 1200 ≤ c < 1400

Local Road 20, 30, 40 1000 ≤ c < 1200

In this study, speed limit is used instead of free-flow speed due

to the reason that speed limit is more practical and can be

determined easily from site observations. In addition, a study

conducted by Deardoff et al. [10] to estimate free-flow speed

from posted speed limit signs at ten sites in South Dakota, have

shown that average free-flow speeds are strongly associated

with posted speed limits with correlation coefficients of +0.99,

+1.00, and +1.00 for urban streets, multilane highways and

freeways respectively. In that regard, the determination factor

of volume-delay function is affected by vehicle speed limit on

the links. Higher speed limits represent shorter time taken from

one place to another, hence taking shorter travel time. In view of

this representation, volume-delay function acts as to help user

to define the lanes on links in the modeled road network to

resemble the actual road situation. This is essential as the

impact on travel time on links contributes to how the trip is

assigned, which is based on shortest time travel on a specific

route. The ranges of vehicle speed limit to be defined based on

road network in study area are from 20 km/h to 110 km/h.

Lower speed is assigned to smaller roads where capacity of the

roads are significantly lower as well as windy and narrow roads

where lower speed is necessary for safety purpose. On the other

hand, higher speeds were applied to wide and multiple lanes

with higher capacity, such as the federal highway where road

users can travel up to 110 km/h. The maximum number of lanes

in the road network is three lanes per direction. The range of

maximum road capacity for each lane section is from 1000

pcu/h to 2200 pcu/h. The volume-delay function used in the

model, which is the revised BPR function is as shown in Eq. (8).







L = Length of link (km)

vs = Speed limit (km/h)

lanes = Number of lanes at link

volau = Estimated volume at the link (pcu/h)

α, β = Parameters to be determined


The traffic volume data collected from survey indicates that the

morning peak hour is from 0700 to 0800 while the evening peak

hour is from 1745 to 1845. Traffic in the morning peak hour is

higher with a total of 26,424 pcu/h than evening peak hour with

only 23,404 pcu/h. Among all junctions surveyed, Junction B

recorded the highest traffic volume during morning peak hour

with 3,688 pcu/h and Junction C recorded the highest traffic

volume during evening peak hour with 3,305 pcu/h. Junction G

shows the lowest traffic volume during both peak hours with

1,054 pcu/h in the morning and 799 pcu/h in the evening.

Existing traffic is forecasted up to year 2025 assuming that

traffic growth will persist at 1.17%. The assumed growth rate is

based on the nearby HPU census station PR204 and PR 205



Trip generation refers to the development traffic within the

study area as a consequent of the proposed development. Trip

generation is estimated by referring to the latest Malaysian Trip

Generation Manual. Based on the details of the development

given, the appropriate land use category is identified. Then the

best independent variable predictor of trip generations for that

land use is selected. The relevant trip generation regression

equation or average rate is then chosen from the manual. There

were five major developments proposed in the study area. The

estimated trips produced and attracted in passenger car units are

given in Tables 2 and 3 for morning and evening peak hours

respectively. During the morning peak hour, Development 3,

D3 generates the highest trip with 489 pcu/h whereas

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com


Development 5, D5 generates the highest trip during evening

peak hour which is 799 pcu/h.

Table 2: Total trips generated by the proposed developments

during morning peak hour

Development Trips generated Trips attracted


Trips produced

(pcu) Vehicles Pcu

D1 255 222 88 134

D2 597 489 176 313

D3 428 367 138 228

D4 272 247 78 169

D5 173 147 98 49

TOTAL 1725 1472 578 893

Table 3: Total trips generated by the proposed developments

during evening peak hour

Development Trips generated Trips attracted


Trips produced

(pcu) Vehicles pcu

D1 305 258 144 115

D2 638 504 289 215

D3 485 404 228 176

D4 277 243 142 101

D5 840 799 425 374

TOTAL 2545 2208 1228 981


The traffic zoning system in this study is determined by the

district boundary and distribution of land uses in the vicinity of

the study area. A total of 40 traffic analysis zones were created

for the study area in which 10 of them are external zones

representing various inter-urban roads leading to external

regions. For base year traffic models, traffic assignment is

achieved based upon the estimated peak hour demand matrices,

which is based on passenger car unit.

Figure 1 shows the function graph plotted for (a) BPR functions

and (b) the revised BPR functions. Based on the graph shown in

Figure 1(a), the delay calculated based on BPR function with α

= 0.15 and β = 4 has only slight increment when volume is less

than 3000 pcu/h for all road categories. Subsequently, α and β

values of 0.8298 and 3.361, which were used by consultants in

the road network model of Kuala Lumpur were tested in this

study. The function chart in Figure 1(b) indicated that the

calculated delay based on the revised BPR function will

increase significantly when volume has exceeds 600 pcu/h,

especially for lower hierarchy roads.

Scatterplot of turn volume is used for calibration and validation

of the assigned volume-delay functions for base year model.

The R-squared values obtained from scatterplot based on the

BPR functions were lower than those obtained based on the

revised BPR functions for both morning and evening peak

hours. Figure 2 shows the results of turn scatterplots for

morning and evening peak hours based on the BPR and revised

BPR functions. The R-squared values of more than 0.95 based

on revised BPR functions obtained for both morning and

evening peak hours showed that the based year traffic models

are well calibrated.



Figure 1: Volume-delay functions (a) BPR function (b) revised

BPR function

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com






Figure 2: Turn scatterplot for base year model (a) AM peak

model based on BPR function (b) PM peak model based on

BPR function (c) AM peak model based on revised BPR

function (d) PM peak model based on revised BPR function

For future year traffic models, traffic assignment scenarios were

prepared for a design life of ten years. In developing future year

traffic models, consideration has been given to the future

changes in the road network and growth in traffic demand (i.e.

changes in the trip matrices). Growth in traffic demand has been

based on the understanding of committed and planned land

development and future pattern of vehicle trip distribution.

Following the successful validation of the base year traffic

model, the future year models were developed for a time period

of ten years. The combined base year background traffic

volume and the forecast vehicles trips for the developments

were used to derive the trip matrices for assignment onto the

road network. Further analyses were then conducted to

investigate the effect of volume-delay functions on time, speed

and assigned volume obtained for 255 links based on the

following models:

Model 1: AM peak base year model with BPR


Model 2: AM peak base year model with revised

BPR function

Model 3: AM peak future year model with BPR


Model 4: AM peak future year model with revised

BPR function

Model 5: PM peak base year model with BPR


Model 6: PM peak base year model with revised

BPR function

Model 7: PM peak future year model with BPR


Model 8: PM peak future year model with revised

BPR function

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com


In order to determine the effect of volume-delay functions

which are the BPR and revised BPR functions on time, speed

and assigned volume on links for base year and future year

models, scatterplots with linear regression lines were plotted.

Figures 3(a) and 3(c) show the differences between the time on

links obtained for base year and future year models based on a

particular function during AM peak hour and PM peak hour

respectively while Figures 3(b) and 3(d) show the differences

between times on links obtained using different functions

during AM peak hour and PM peak hour respectively for a

particular year model. The results indicated that the BPR

function yields the same travel time on links for AM peak,

between base year and future year models, and the same trend

for PM peak models. However, the models with revised BPR

function yield higher time on links for future year model as

compared to base year model for both AM and PM peaks and

similarly, higher time on links were noted for base year and

future year models with the revised BPR function as compared

to the models with BPR function for both AM and PM peak






Figure 3: Comparison of time on links for (a) AM peak base

year and future year models based on functions (b) AM peak

models with revised BPR and BPR functions based on

particular year model (c) PM peak base year and future year

models based on functions (d) PM peak models with revised

BPR and BPR functions based on particular year model

Figures 4(a) and 4(c) show the differences between speed on

links obtained for base year and future year models, based on a

particular function during AM peak hour and PM peak hour

respectively. Figure 4(b) shows the differences between speeds

on links obtained using different functions for AM peak hour

and Figure 4(d) for PM peak hour for base year and future year


Based on the results shown in Figures 4(a) and 4(c), reduction

in speed for the future year model is more evident for the

revised BPR functions as compared to the BPR function, for

both AM and PM peak models and between the AM and PM

peak models, the PM peak model yields higher reduction. Apart

from that, lower speeds, that are less than 40 km/h were also

recorded for models with the revised BPR function, with lowest

speed of 11.55 km/h recorded for AM peak base year model

(Model 2), 8.14 km/h for AM peak future year model (Model

4), 27.31 km/h for PM peak base year model (Model 6) and

20.72 km/h for PM peak future year model (Model 8), but for

models with BPR function, the lowest speed recorded is 40

km/h for all models.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com


Also, lesser variations in speeds were observed for models with

BPR function as compared to the models with revised BPR

functions. This can be seen in Figures 4(c) and 4(d) in which the

speeds for models with revised BPR function when plotted

against the speeds for models with BPR function for either base

year or future year model for AM or PM peaks, the data points

plotted from models with BPR function will tend to be in groups

of 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90 km/h and with more data points observed

in the 50 km/h group for both AM and PM peak models.

Comparisons of between the assigned volumes on links based

on BPR and revised BPR functions for base year and future year

models are shown in Figure 5(a) for AM peak and Figure 5(c)

for PM peak. The increase in assigned volume on links for

future year models with both BPR and revised BPR function

were found to be more apparent for the PM peak models as

compared to the AM peak models and between the future year

models with BPR function and revised BPR function, the future

year models with revised BPR function yield higher increment

in assigned volume on links, for both AM and PM peaks. Figure

5(b) shows the differences between assigned volumes on links

obtained using different functions for AM peak hour and Figure

5(d) for PM peak hour, for base year and future year models.

Based on the scatterplots plotted in Figures 5(b) and 5(d), the

assigned volumes obtained from both base year and future year

models with revised BPR functions were higher than the

assigned volumes from models with BPR function, for both AM

and PM peaks and between the AM and PM peak models, the

PM peak future year models yields higher assigned volume on

links as compared to the base year models, for both BPR and

revised BPR functions.





Figure 4: Comparison of speed on links for (a) AM peak base

year and future year models based on functions (b) AM peak

models with revised BPR and BPR functions based on

particular year model (c) PM peak base year and future year

models based on functions (d) PM peak models with revised

BPR and BPR functions based on particular year model


International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com





Figure 5: Comparison of assigned volume on links for (a) AM

peak base year and future year models based on functions (b)

AM peak models with revised BPR and BPR functions based on

particular year model (c) PM peak base year and future year

models based on functions (d) PM peak models with revised

BPR and BPR functions based on particular year model

Network summary for the models are presented in Table 4 for

morning peak hour and Table 5 for evening peak hour. The

results indicated that the base year and future year models with

BPR function for both AM and PM peaks exhibit practically the

same value of average time and speed, but different values of

average time and speed were recorded for base year and future

year models with revised BPR function for AM and PM peaks.

Generally, the models with revised BPR functions show more

variations in terms of time and speed between base year and

future year models for both AM and PM peaks as the estimated

delay based on revised BPR function will increase significantly

when volume exceeds 600 pcu/h especially for lower hierarchy

roads but for the BPR function, delay will only show significant

increment when volume exceeds 3000 pcu/h. Therefore,

application of BPR function in Malaysia, especially in urban

areas is not suitable as the BPR function is less sensitive to the

changes of traffic volume. This is because in urban areas in

Malaysia, many different categories of roads can be found even

in a small area, and hence, a more sensitive volume-delay

function such as the revised BPR function is needed in the

assignment process in order to produce a better and more

practical transportation planning model.

Table 4: Network performance summary for base year and

future year models during morning peak hour

Model Description Length Time Speed Volume

1 Sum 180.58 189.88 - -

Average 0.71 0.74 53.84 581

2 Sum 180.58 203.10 - -

Average 0.71 0.80 50.25 579

3 Sum 180.58 189.89

Average 0.71 0.74 53.83 711

4 Sum 180.58 218.36 - -

Average 0.71 0.86 47.81 735

Table 5: Network performance summary for base year and

future year models during evening peak hour

Model Description Length Time Speed Volume

1 Sum 180.58 189.88 - -

Average 0.71 0.74 53.84 586

2 Sum 180.58 201.53 - -

Average 0.71 0.79 50.64 575

3 Sum 180.58 189.89 - -

Average 0.71 0.74 53.83 757

4 Sum 180.58 213.39 - -

Average 0.71 0.84 47.98 732


In this study, two types of volume-delay functions, namely the

BPR and revised BPR functions were investigated in eight

transport planning models. The results indicated that in general

the BPR function was found to have less impact on delay and

hence less sensitive when volume is lower than 3000 pcu/h for

all road type but the revised BPR function was found to be more

sensitive when volume exceeds 600 pcu/h especially for lower

hierarchy roads. In addition, the effects of BPR function on

time, speed and assigned volume were also found to be less

significant as compared to that of the revised BPR function.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 13 (2016) pp 8010-8018

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com



The author wish to express her sincere gratitude to the Ministry

of Education, Malaysia for funding this study under the FRGS

grant, project no. 203/PAWAM/6071240, entitled

“Investigation of Volume-Delay Functions for Arterial Roads”.

The author would also like to express her appreciation to Mrs.

Shafida Azwina Mohd Shafie and Ms. Shafida Azyanti Mohd

Shafie for their support.


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