egl conference 2011 - futures

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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EGL futures and strategy (mobile, HTML5, and more). See for more information.


EGL Conference 2011 April 5/6 Wiesbaden, Germany

EGL Futures and Strategy

Will Smythe, IBM, Product Line Manager for IBM EGL Tools and Migration Solutions

EGL Conference 2011



EGL mobile web



Road map

EGL Conference 2011


EGL Mobile Web

Businesses are needing to develop mobile applications to address the needs of its customers, users, and partners

Developing a native application has its advantages but requires deep skills in multiple platforms

The common platform across all modern smartphones is the Web

EGL mobile web enables development of mobile Web applications that take on look/feel of native device (iPhone or Android)

Mobile UIs developed just like “traditional” browser-targeted EGL Rich UIs (all code in EGL)

Unsupported EGL Mobile Web

library now on the Café!

EGL Conference 2011


Mobile Visual Editing Support in RBD

Visual editor which supports WYSIWYG editing of web and mobile web applications

For mobile, a set of mobile-specific widgets appear on the palette (widgets can be dropped on and move around the canvas)

Preview tab shows a live, running version of the app

App can be launched in an external browser to simulate native look and feel For iPhone – Firefox or Safari For Android - Chrome

For testing, app can be accessed from browser in Android or iPhone emulator (provided by SDKs)

Visual editor included with the Eclipse-based Rational Business Developer 8.0.1 workbench

EGL Conference 2011


EGL Mobile Web

Current status: Unsupported (available as a technology preview)

Based on Dojo 1.5

Plan (subject to change): Move to Dojo 1.6 to pick up latest enhancements

Toolbar actions

Footer area

Other widgets

EGL Conference 2011



HTML5 is the latest HTML standard Enables richer browser-based applications

Local storage, geolocation, widgets, web sockets, etc * (note: some of these capabilities are not part of the official HTML5 specification)

Newer browsers support a subset of capabilities

EGL library available on the EGL Café today as a sample. Supports: Geolocation – enables access to the user’s precise location (based on GPS or wifi)

Local storage – enables storage of artifacts on the user’s machine (useful for caching large amounts of data, etc)

Future updates (subject to change): Support for HTML5 widgets (data/time pickers, etc)


Web sockets

Simple/local SQL database

EGL Conference 2011


EGL HTML5 Samples

EGL Conference 2011


EGL Support in RAA

Rational Asset Analyzer provides deep application understanding for COBOL, PL/I, Java, etc applications Code metrics

Impact analysis

Rule mining

Program flow diagrams

.. And more

Current status: Joint prototype effort between EGL and RAA teams

EGL Conference 2011


Explore EGL Assets

Search EGL Parts by: Name and name patterns Attributes (Type, length, Application)

View counts, lists, and detail pages

Follow links to navigate through an application, answering questions such as:

What program is invoked by a batch job or CICS transaction?

What subroutines are called?

What files are used?

Overview of EGL Assets, know what you have

Counts and Metrics

Understand Quality and Complexity

EGL Conference 2011


EGL Impact analysis

Determine what Parts are affected based on: Changes to field declarations (Record, Dataitem)

Changes to a section of program source code

Changes to an function name or parameter

Determine impact across EGL, Database, COBOL, Java Impact to EGL by changes in Database

Impact to COBOL/Java by changes in an EGL called program (and vice versa)

EGL Conference 2011


Application Understanding

Quickly understand code with little or no documentation, and relationships across the enterprise

Program Diagram

Structure Diagram

Control Flow Diagram

Batch Job Diagram

EGL Conference 2011


EGL Support in RAA

Delivery plans No defined plan (preview in 2011 under consideration)

EGL Conference 2011


EGL Roadmap




RBD V7.1• VAGen Migration (TUI, IMS,

DLI, /MQ, Webtrans)• Portal Support• Usability Enhancements• BIRT Reports• System i Enhancements• Services Enhancements

EGL Rich Web on alphWorks

RBD V7.5 (currency)• Eclipse 3.4 / RAD 7.5• WAS 7.0• Portal 6.1

RBD V7.5.1• Rich UI / Web 2.0• REST Services• COBOL Runtime for VSE• RBD Extension for VSE

RDz EGL 7.5 RDi SOA 7.5

EGL CE 1.0• Free subset of RBD• Rich UI / Java support


RBD V8.0.1• Currency• Roll up of CE features• Performance• Token licensing

EDT Vx• Open source subset

of RBD hosted on

• Comparable capabilities to CE

RBD V.Next• Built on EDT


8.0.x fix packs quarterly through 2011

EGL Conference 2011 April 5/6 Wiesbaden, Germany

Thank You

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