eglinton station early works: deep excavation...2 deep excavation through 2018/2019 • excavation...

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Eglinton Station Early Works: Deep Excavation December 4, 2018


Deep Excavation through 2018/2019

• Excavation for the station boxes and underpinning of the TTC box is the next major activity at Eglinton Station, and will start as early as December.

• Spoils will be hauled from the TTC bus depot and Salvation Army sites. Existing approved haul routes will be used (Duplex to Eglinton and Cowbell to Soudan to Yonge).

• Dump trucks , excavators, and other equipment mobilized Monday-Saturday. • Approximately 100,000 cubic metres of spoils to be excavated.

Excavation Activities

Excavation Activities


Early Start for Deep Excavation

• Crosslinx Transit Solutions (CTS) is targeting a 4am start for deep excavation and delivery activities from both the TTC bus depot and Salvation Army sites to increase productivity as early as December 10, 2018. A 4am start will: • Support the delivery of Eglinton Station on schedule,

• Reduce the overall duration of the excavation activities by approximately

3 months, and

• Begin re-instating the intersection to its final state approximately 3 months sooner than it would be otherwise

• Municipal Licensing and Standards at the City of Toronto has provided official notification to CTS, the Metrolinx AFP partner, that they are no longer required to seek Noise Exemption permits for overnight work. Provided CTS meets its other obligations under the Project Agreement including timely notification to the public and reasonable mitigation efforts works proceed on this basis.

Noise Mitigation Plan

• Operation controls will include: • White noise/broadband back-up alarms on all trucks and equipment. • Loading soil only into the trucks (no large debris or rocks that would create

banging noises). • Avoiding shaking of the excavator buckets. • Lowering the drop height so soil/debris falls closer to the truck bed. • Securing tailgates on trucks to limit banging noise. • Limiting acceleration of the trucks as they ingress/egress. • Turning off truck engines while they wait or are staging.

• Crosslinx will offer, upon request, noise mitigation instruments for residents immediately adjacent the work including noise dampening drapes and white noise machines.

• Crosslinx will continuously monitor for improvements and endeavor to minimize noise throughout the delivery period.


Comparative Noise Levels (at 43 Eglinton east façade)


Ambient 4am-7am

~58-63 dB

Operations with mitigations 4am-7am

~ 70-75 dBA

Community Feedback Options

Stakeholders can express concerns, raise complaints and request additional information in the following ways.

• In Person:

• Community Offices:

• Community Liaisons can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

• Online:

• Email the .

• Connect via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

• Sign – up for additional info email blasts at

• Explore information available at


Crosstown West Community Office 1848 Eglinton Avenue West (at Dufferin St) Call: 416-782-8118

Crosstown East Community Office 660 Eglinton Avenue East, Unit 110 (at Bayview) Call: 416-482-7411

Call Center: West and East call in numbers now operate on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis

Addressing Concerns During Overnight Works

• Address all public complaints, enquiries, and suggestions with immediate acknowledgement and target resolution within 48 hours

• Maintain a CRM complaints tracking system

• Produce monthly contact reports

• Produce and analyze monthly complaint reports

Express concern Forward (Revision


Stakeholder Crosstown Office (CRM database Record)

CTS Communication

Construction Team (Technical Revision)

Forward (Revision Required)

Response Response Response

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