ein incl171212

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Chris Barber

JISC Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire and Humber


What we’re going to be looking at

• Regional round up

• What constitutes a “reasonable adjustment”?

• Resources for inclusivity


Regional round up

Henshaws College – Mike ThrussellACCESS: Images

Students finding images for posters and projects can find it difficult to save and/or copy images for use due to the need for right clicking and selecting an option. Using the Google images API, a new interface will be developed that would offer a simplified method to find images online for use in documents or projects. This platform would have the ability to easily print or copy images from the Internet.

ACCESS: Feedback

This new bespoke evaluation platform would offer symbol supported methods for learners to have an independent voice; answering tutor composed questions using assistive technologies. Data can be easily compiled and presented, saving both time and printed resources. Students with literacy difficulties will be supported using text-to-speech technologies.


This platform would offer symbol supported methods for learners to setup and use their own personal email account using any assistive computer access methods; specifically aimed at simplifying the content for screen-reader use. For learners requiring literacy support who are not using screen-readers, high-quality text-to-speech technologies will be employed to read out emails.

ACCESS: YouTube (Version 2)

In order to include this successful resource to be included in the ACCESS: Technology suite ACCESS: YouTube will be updated to match in style and link to the other web resources in the suite.

Regional round up

The Sheffield College Games to Learn


Whoever is "not allowing" assistive technology had better have a good alternative reasonable adjustment that is acceptable to the learner otherwise they could find themselves attracting unwelcome publicity as well as a rather large settlement claim. Too many disabled learners still accept poor service and unacceptable barriers because they are not aware of the range of adjustments that could be made, the technologies that could be used or the procurement policies that ought to be in place to ensure that no organisation wide systems are purchased unless accessibility has been considered.

The Law

Reasonable adjustments need to be made to ensure disabled persons do not suffer substantial disadvantage.

………..institutions need to be anticipatory and proactive in encouraging disabled persons to participate in the education provision and the various activities of each institution…..

The Law

It is unlawful to discriminate against a disabled student•In respect to student services provided or offered.

Student services has a broad meaning but will include teaching and learning, examinations and access to learning resources including digital resources and facilities.

Quick check

Do you:--•Ensure all your documents are fully accessible and provide these in alternative formats, if requested?

• E.g. do you use style sheets in Word, speaker notes in PowerPoint, provide transcripts or a brief text summary of video material

•Ensure all your information is accessible by portable devices 24/7?•Offer support to tutors or obtain support to make material accessible?•Offer support in examinations?•Make “reasonable adjustments”?

Link to JiscTechdis

Reasonable adjustments

Depends on many factors:-•Cost and effectiveness•The nature of the institution, its size and resources available•However…….cost must be balanced against rights and is not a defence in law, especially if a person suffers a “substantial disadvantage” - clearly open to interpretation.

Link to JiscLegal

So….the main consideration of this session is what constitutes a reasonable adjustment. Please feel free to comment at any time.


But….what are the real motivators for inclusion?•Achievement and retention•Desire to ensure that all students have the best learning experience•Personalised learning•Reputation•Care for the student•Fear of the law? Well….maybe but on a personal level, probably not.


Sarah has moderate visual impairment which means that she needs a magnifier to read documents and needs a similar approach for reading material online. She recently arrived at the college from a school and wants to study on a Health and Social Care course. The school supplied her with a large and rather cumbersome magnifier which she did not bring with her.

What are the issues and how would you potentially deal with them?


Paul has been diagnosed with mild autistic spectrum disorder (Asperger’s Syndrome) and wishes to study A level physics and maths. His grades at school would allow him to do this. His academic performance overall at school was above average in his chosen subjects but he did not form friendships, except on a limited basis and is very much a “loner”

What are the issues and how would you potentially deal with them?

Tools and Technologies for Inclusion

• Sources of information• Jisc TechDis – www.jisctechdis.ac.uk• Jisc Legal – www.jisclegal.ac.uk• Jisc Infonet- www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk

• Viewing resources• QR Codes• Scoop.It• Robobraille

• Blogs etc

• Xerte

• Using mobile technology• Pearltrees• Apps• Built in accessibility features

Technological fixes

Converting text files to sound files


Converting text files to sound files


Assistive Technology Blog


Assistive Technology Blog



Pearltrees – www.pearltrees.com

An overview of apps for inclusivity

Tablet Apps for Accessibility and Inclusion

Kevin Hickey

• Tobii SonoFlex

• Free & paid for versions available

• Wide range of words/symbols

• Use camera to create own symbols

Image Communication

Grid Player Uses grids from

The Grid 2 Comes with

some basic symbol sets

Works well with additional speaker

Image Communication

Image communicationMyChoicePadMakaton Symbols & sign language videos

TaptoTalk Wide range of devices

• Predictable

• Symbols, keyboard or handwritten

• Send messages to facebook & twitter

Text To Speech



Ivona Pronunciation Pro

Text to Speech

• VoiceOver Text-To-speech

Built-In Text to Speech

Dragon Dictate

Speech to Text iSpeechDictation

Dictation/ speech to text



Note taking with audio




Note taking/Storage






• Allows the user to annotate photos, sketches, screenshots etc.

• Useful for taking photos and asking questions

• Questions (e.g. where am I?) can be emailed to a tutor or sent via Twitter or Facebook.

• Save in EverNote for viewing later – the same people have developed it

• Allows the user to use genuine MS Office to create or edit documents

• Works with your DropBox account

• View virtually any type of file and send via e.mail

• View and edit PowerPoint slides in true PP mode (not as a .pdf emulation)

• Automatically saves documents

• View and edit documents on any device

• Useful for capturing ideas and writing notes as they come to you

• Organise your work and export as document or other file

• Useful for managing and structuring project work

• Reveals old photos near your current location

• Overlays them onto your screen

• You can add your photos using your iPhone camera

• Explore the history of an area through your iPhone using the in built GPS

Chris BarberChris Barber

Jisc Regional Support Centre for Jisc Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire and HumberYorkshire and Humber


0113 343 10000113 343 1000


The presentation is available from:The presentation is available from:


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