el pretérito a review of all groups. ar regulars verbs include amarto loveam caminarto walkcamin...

Post on 25-Jan-2016






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El PretéritoA Review of All Groups

AR Regulars Verbs Include

Amar to love am Caminar to walk camin Cantar to sing cant Escuchar to listen escuch Hablar to talk habl Mirar to watch mir Sentarse to sit sent Tomar to take tom

AR Regulars Endings

é amos

aste asteis

ó aron

AR Regulars Practice

Yo / dibujar Tú / bailar Él / cantar Ella / estudiar Nosotros / deseñar They sang We watched You all sat down I walked You studied

AR Regulars Practice

Yo / dibujar dibujé Tú / bailar bailaste Él / cantar cantó Ella / estudiar estudió Nosotros / deseñar deseñamos They sang cantaron We watched miramos You all sat down se sentaron I walked caminé You studied estudiaste

ER/IR Regulars Verbs Include

Aprender to learn aprend Beber to drink beb Comer to eat com Conocer to meet conoc Dividir to divide divid Encender to turn on encend Abrir to open abr Mover to move mov

ER/IR Regulars Endings

Note: conocer normally means to know, but in the preterite it means to meet someone.

í imos

iste isteisió ieron

ER/IR Regulars Practice

Yo / leer Tú / encender Él / aprender Ella / imprimir Nosotros / sentirse They moved We ate You drank I grew You divided

ER/IR Regulars Practice

Yo / leer leí Tú / encender encendiste Él / aprender aprendió Ella / imprimir imprimió Nosotros / sentirse nos sentimos They moved movieron We ate comimos You drank bebiste I grew crecí You divided dividiste

AR Stem Changers (Car/Gar/Zar) Verbs Include

Suplicar to beg/apply Tocar to play (music) Jugar to play (sport) Pagar to pay Apagar to turn off Comenzar to start Cazar to hunt Danzar to dance

AR Stem Changers (Car/Gar/Zar)

Car quéGar guéZar cé

Only the YO form is affected

AR Stem Changers (Car/Gar/Zar) Endings

Any verb that ends in car, gar, or zar is in this group, so they have regular AR endings.

é amos

aste asteisó aron

AR Stem Changers (Car/Gar/Zar) Practice

Yo / jugar Tú / jugar Él / tocar Yo / tocar Nosotros / pagar I paid They danced We hunted I applied He started

AR Stem Changers (Car/Gar/Zar) Practice

Yo / jugar jugué Tú / jugar jugaste Él / tocar tocó Yo / tocar toqué Nosotros / pagar pagamos I paid pagué They danceddanzaron We hunted cazamos I applied supliqué He started comenzó

ER/IR Stem Changers (Sandals) Verbs Include

Morir to die o-u Dormir to sleep o-u Medir to measure e-i Mentir to lie e-i Pedir to ask for e-i Preferir to prefer e-i Sentirse to feel e-i Vestirse to get dressed e-i

ER/IR Stem Changers (Sandals) Endings

Because all these verbs end in IR, they have regular ER/IR endings.

í imos

iste isteisió ieron

ER/IR Stem Changers (Sandals) Only the THIRD PERSON forms are

affected. To remember morir and dormir, think of

your eyes. Normally they look like O’s. But if you morir or dormir, they look like U’s.

Full list of e-i includes: advertir, sugerir, repetir, seguir, conseguir, competir, servir, teñir, reñir, impedir, concebir

ER/IR Stem Changers (Sandals) Practice

Yo / mentir Tú / repetir Él / dormir Ella / competir Ud. / servir I slept You all suggested He warned You got dressed She measured

ER/IR Stem Changers (Sandals) Practice

Yo / mentir mentí Tú / repetir repetiste Él / dormir durmió Ella / competir compitió Ud. / servir sirvió I slept dormí You all suggested sugirieron He warned advirtieron You got dressed te vestiste She measured midió

Los Locos (Short Verbs)

Ir (to go)

Fui Fuimos

Fuiste Fuisteis

Fue Fueron

Ser (to be)

Fui Fuimos

Fuiste Fuisteis

Fue Fueron

Los Locos (Short Verbs)

Dar (to give)

Di Dimos

Diste Disteis

Dio Dieron

Ver (to see)

Vi Vimos

Viste Visteis

Vio Vieron

Los Locos (Short Verbs)


They used to have accents on the yo and él/ella form, but no longer!

Los Locos (Short Verbs) Practice

Yo / ir Tú / ser Él / dar Ellas / ver Nosotros / ir We were I saw You all gave They went You (formal) went

Los Locos (Short Verbs) Practice

Yo / ir fui Tú / ser fuiste Él / dar dio Ellas / ver vieron Nosotros / ir fuimos We were fuimos I saw vi You all gave dieron They went fueron You (formal) went fue

U Group (Pus/Pud/Tuv) Verbs Include

Poner to put pus Poder to be able to pud Tener to have tuv Estar to be estuv Saber to know sup Andar to walk anduv Suponer to suppose supus Mantener to maintain mantuv

U Group (Pus/Pud/Tuv) Endings

These you need to memorize.

e imos

iste isteiso ieron

U Group (Pus/Pud/Tuv) ¡NO ACENTOS! “Hubo” is also in this group – it means

there was or there were - the past tense of “hay”

Saber in general means “to know”, but in the preterite means “to find out”

U Group (Pus/Pud/Tuv) Practice

Yo / poner Tú / poder Él / tener Ella / pertener Nosotros / andar You were We found out They maintained You supposed She could

U Group (Pus/Pud/Tuv) Practice

Yo / poner puse Tú / poder pudiste Él / tener tuvo Ella / pertener pertuvo Nosotros / andar anduvimos You were estuviste We found out supimos They maintained mantuvieron You supposed supusiste She could pudo

I Group (Quis/Vin/Hic)Querer (to want)

Quise Quisimos

Quisiste Quisisteis

Quiso Quisieron

Hacer (to make/do)

Hice Hicimos

Hiciste Hicisteis

Hizo Hicieron

I Group (Quis/Vin/Hic)

Venir (to come)

Vine Vinimos

Viniste Vinisteis

Vino Vinieron


Quis – kissy Hiz – H to the IZO Vino - wine

I Group (Quis/Vin/Hic)


I Group (Quis/Vin/Hic) Practice

Yo / querer Tú / venir Él / hacer Ellas / querer Nosotros / prevenir We did I made You all wanted They became (hacerse) You (formal) prevented

I Group (Quis/Vin/Hic) Practice

Yo / querer quise Tú / venir viniste Él / hacer hizo Ellas / querer quisieron Nosotros / prevenir previnimos We did hicimos I made hice You all wanted quisieron They became (hacerse) se hicieron You (formal) prevented previno

J Group (Traj/Dij) Verbs Include

Bendecir to bless bendij Conducir to drive conduj Decir to say dij Maldecir to curse maldij Producir to produce produj Traducir to translate traduj Traer to bring traj

J Group (Traj/Dij) Endings

Highlight the ELLOS ending.

e imos

iste isteiso eron

J Group (Traj/Dij) ¡NO ACENTOS! Check the irregularity in the ellos form.

J Group (Traj/Dij) Practice

Yo / decir Tú / producir Él / traducir Ella / conducir Nosotros / bendecir We said They produced I translated You drove She brought

J Group (Traj/Dij) Practice

Yo / decir dije Tú / producir produjiste Él / traducir tradujo Ella / conducir condujo Nosotros / bendecirbendijimos We said dijimos They produced produjeron I translated traduje You drove condujiste She brought trajo

Y Group (Screaming I Group) Verbs Include

Caer to fall ca Creer to believe cre Leer to read le Oír to hear o Proveer to provide prove Construir to build

constru Destruir to destroy destru Excluir to exclude exclu

Y Group (Screaming I Group) Endings í ímos

íste ísteisyó yeron

Y Group (Screaming I Group) Endings for the verbs that end in –uir

don’t have all the accents

í imos

iste isteisyó yeron

Y Group (Screaming I Group) MUCHOS ACENTOS Caer means to fall, caerse means to fall


Y Group (Screaming I Group) Practice

Yo / caerse Tú / construir Él / creer Ella / destruir Nosotros / oír You heard We fell They built He provided I excluded

Y Group (Screaming I Group) Practice

Yo / caerse me caí Tú / construir construiste Él / creer creyó Ella / destruir destruyó Nosotros / oír oímos You heard oíste We fell caímos They built construyeron He provided proveyó I excluded excluí

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