eligibility criteria for agri consultants

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria

forforAgri ConsultantAgri Consultant

Paccific agro teamPaccific agro team

Eligible criteria for Agri Consultant

Graduate in any discipline, mobile and bike compulsory & any block they can do the work, lacks of home sickness, hard working, positive thinking always try to growth take the task in time being capacity to future leader way of taking fast personally conduct meeting as per farmer levelSalary structureSalary- 6000

Traveling allowance Criteria

►Allowance if consultant do the 25000 above Business Company provide 20 litter petrol do not considerable below 25000 company cant provide any allowance or commission

Commission structure

►Commission structure – as per as 25000 according

►Boost+ (3), care pro(5), booster(7), enhancer(7) shatavar, allovera(175)

►Incentive criteria –Individual 3 month continue 95000 thousand business then company provide 4500 incentive

Promotion criteria

If consultant do the work properly and circular according and give the business start month to closing month 75000 then having eligible for block coordinator (as per senior recommendation)


Company provide 15 liter petrol as per personal level for the target of 30000 thousand then field support 15 liter for the target of consultant achieve 25000 business each candidate if the personal level not achieve the task as per circular company decrease your petrol allowance as per your senior report.


►Daily allowance B.C eligible for daily allowance criteria as per 1+5 manpower personal performance achieve, group performance achieve then company provides 1800 hundred rupees daily allowance for every month.

►Condition apply if B.C not achieve the task then company cant provide the D.A.

►MOBILE – Every month 300 pay for mobile as per rule

Commission Structure

►Commission structure as per 30000 business according Boost+(4) carepro(6) booster(8) enhancer(8) shatavar allovers(250)

►Commission structure (if personal achievement 60% below group ratio below 60% company can not provide any commission slab

Promotion criteria

► If B.C. give business of 92000 thousand or group business 215000 then eligible for the promotion (Team coordinator) condition apply start month to closing month applicable in slab

►Promotion should be achieve as per senior recommendation,

►Daily basis performance allowance to all consultant and self make a try to regarding the performance for daily basis or monthly basis win to all consultant


Take the knowledge about product from senior. Feel proud to doing job under paccific. Daily meet 30 persons and 2 villages per day 5 appointments meet in hand 5 appointments closing skill observation scheme communication skill time punctuality customer objection handling capacity confident our product and company daily discussion with seniors our growth and performance follow circular respective nature taking every month.

Good package to company set a goal in mind this month I want 20000, 30000, 40000 Rs. then discussion with immediate senior how can I achieve the task don’t miss any appointment don’t do reference work do not believe over acting farmers always compare with positive farmer and suspensble farmers thought creativemind hard working as per need daily personal analysis our performance front of task calculated per day performance per day analysis performance this is the main source for growth and timely achieve the task always attend the meeting any how any condition and take winner for good listener then implement as per field level if that type of activity having consultant then I assure to all consultant directly achieve the task in time being as per as personal experience.



If block Coordinator having fully confident company product knowledge communication skill planner daily report analysis personal meeting group meeting make relation ship with junior observation skill daily routine working follow company circular senior guide lines taking awarded by company self motivated group confident build up capacity leadership quality learning nature marketing skill daily planning analysis report deviation business in group and also participate in business competitive sprit according to performance and promotion goal setting target achievement creative mind fully dedicated to company and seen the future with pacific agro every month in group ready to the number of two block coordinator under him if that type of capacity .

Then survive in marketing sector :Then survive in marketing sector :

SalarySalary 75007500

PetrolPetrol 21902190

DADA 18001800

Commission 10000Commission 10000

Incentive Incentive 2000 2000 (every three (every three month)month)

Mobile 300Mobile 300

Cumulative 21790Cumulative 21790

►Always follow the circular system for paccific agro ex respect junior and senior product distribution criteria booking criteria deposition in closing date if any problem regarding this circular then inform to Immediate senior and take the valuable solution

►Block coordinator is responsible for appreciating gift (ask for senior) all necessary data available in planning dairy name, DOJ planning weekly product wise individual first week achievement % second week achievement% 3rd week achievement% as per the planning always checked dress code, bike folder or bag time for field routine returning time daily works norms .

►At the time of branch meeting block c- give the commitment to immediate senior personal and group and daily planed for the task and performance analysis regarding the task and commitment

►Each consultant monthly 25000 monthly achieve planned below 25000 achieve not provide any commission for upper level personal 30000 each month condition apply every week

►5000 ----------- Consultant (weekly) ►6000------------Block coordinator (weekly)

►Daily reporting at evening time to immediate seniors

►Block coordinator responsible for documentation, field preparation planning, amount collection, deposition product distribution planning with bike or vehicle arrange to local market in the time being closing date clear account stock clear, amount submission without clearance company can not provide salary or any things.

► If B.C maintains 1+5 manpower in group then maintain stock issue register product ease individual documentation product planning with juniors amount collecting or pending due to reason final closing date on submitted all stock record

► New month as per as need folder, illiterate catlike New month as per as need folder, illiterate catlike revenue book & visiting card issue by the revenue book & visiting card issue by the immediate senior and also planning report after immediate senior and also planning report after meeting B.C. discussion with our consultant meeting B.C. discussion with our consultant regarding the sales and find capacity for our team regarding the sales and find capacity for our team weekly always try to increase business day by day weekly always try to increase business day by day and take the promotion as per as circular.and take the promotion as per as circular.

► At the time of evening meeting short out in group At the time of evening meeting short out in group positive member about company and this product positive member about company and this product if any member think negative attitude front of if any member think negative attitude front of farmers or seniors then the spot take diplomacy farmers or seniors then the spot take diplomacy action give the one more chance or out of the action give the one more chance or out of the company (terminate job) any confliction between company (terminate job) any confliction between group members suddenly short out and discussion group members suddenly short out and discussion with immediate seniors.with immediate seniors.

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