emerging pest problems in india and critical issues in their management

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Some information about emerging insect pests of the decade.




“Emerging pest problems in India and critical “Emerging pest problems in India and critical issues in their management”issues in their management”

Presented By Nitish B.GhodakeNitish B.Ghodake

Seminar Incharge

Dr. U.P.BarkhadeHead,

Department of Agricultural Entomology,Post Graduate Institute, Dr. PDKV, Akola.

Advisory committee

� Dr. U.P. Barkhade (Chairman)

� Dr. S.M. Thakare (Member)

� Shri S.S. Munje (Member)

� Dr. G.K. Lande (Member)

� Dr. R.M. Gade (Member)

Topics to be covered

� Introduction� Losses caused due to pests�What is an emerging pest ?� Causes of emerging pests� Causes of emerging pests� Potential impact of climate change on emerging insect pests

� Examples of some emerging pests� Critical issues in management� conclusion

Introduction� Green revolution led to increased food supplies but caused

several ecological, environmental and socioeconomic problems.

� Green revolution technology relied on use of dwarf, semi dwarf, high yielding varieties; increased use of dwarf, high yielding varieties; increased use of agrochemicals and irrigation.

� These practices favoured build up of pests, increased intensity.

� Several minor pests became major and new pest problems appeared.

• Misuse of pesticides led to problem of pesticide resistance, resurgence and contamination of environment.

• Biotechnology has added new dimension in pest management but its potential and effect on humans are debatable.

• In addition, the climate change has profound effect on the intensity of pest problems.intensity of pest problems.

• Hence, there is considerable shift in insect pest problems and crop losses.

• Many insects having minor or secondary status are becoming major problems.

Global losses (%) due to various categories of pests in major crops

Crop Pests Weeds Pathogens Viruses Total

Cotton 12.3 8.6 7.2 0.7 28.8

Maize 9.6 10.5 8.5 2.7 31.3

Potato 10.9 8.3 14.5 6.6 40.3Potato 10.9 8.3 14.5 6.6 40.3

Rice 15.1 10.2 10.8 1.4 37.5

Soybean 8.8 7.5 8.9 1.2 26.4

Wheat 7.9 7.7 10.2 2.4 28.2

Average 10.8 8.8 10.0 2.5 32.1

Oerke (2006)

Estimation of losses caused by insect pests to major agricultural crops in India

Crop Actual production* (milliontonne)

Approx. estimated loss in yield

Total% (million tonne)

Hypothetical production


Value of loss in

million Rs.

Cotton 44.03 30 18.9 62.9 339660

Rice 96.7 25 32.2 128.9 240138

Maize 19 20 4.8 238 29450

Sugarcane 348.2 20 87.1 435.3 70667


5.8 20 1.5 7.3 26100

groundnut 9.2 15 1.6 10.8 25165

Other oilseeds 14.7 15 2.6 17.3 35851

Pulses 14.8 15 2.6 17.4 43551

Coarse cereals 17.9 10 2.0 19.9 11933

Wheat 78.9 5 4.1 82.7 41368

Total/average 17.5 863884Production and MSP fixed by GOI for 2007-08, are adpted from anonymous (2010)

Worldwide crop losses (%) due to insect and mite pests during pre- and post- green

revolution era

Crop Pre-green revolution (1965)(1)

Post-green revolution (88-90)


Changes in losses (2 - 1)

Rice 27.5 2.7 - 6.8

Wheat 5.1 9.3 + 4.2Wheat 5.1 9.3 + 4.2

Potato 5.9 16.1 + 1.2

Maize 13.0 14.5 + 1.5

Cotton 16.0 15.4 - 0.6

Soybean 4.4 10.4 + 6.0

Barley 3.9 8.8 + 4.9

Average 10.8 13.6 + 2.8

Benedict (2003)

Crop losses (%) due to insect pests during pre- and post- green revolution in India

Crop Pre-green revolution (1960s)(1)

Post-green revolution (early 2000s) (2)

Changes in losses (2 - 1)

Cotton 18.0 50.0 + 32.0

Groundnut 5.0 15.0 + 10.0

Other oilseeds 5.0 25.0 + 20.0Other oilseeds 5.0 25.0 + 20.0

pulses 5.0 15.0 + 10.0

Rice 10.0 25.0 + 15.0

Maize 5.0 25.0 + 20.0

Sorghum and millets 3.5 30.0 + 26.5

Wheat 3.0 5.0 + 2.0

sugarcane 10.0 20.0 + 10.0

Average 7.2 23.3 + 16.1

Dhaliwal et al. (2007)

What is an emerging pest?

� The pest reported from an area for a particular crop whose population has been increasing over a period of time considerably to cause damage above EIL.damage above EIL.

� The pest, whose status has been changing from minor to major or secondary to primary.

Causes of emerging pests

� Favourable Prevailing weather condition� Absence of natural enemies� Abundant food supply

Use of pesticides� Use of pesticides� Use of fertilizers� Irrigation� Bt cotton in case of emergence of sucking pests

Potential impact of climate change on emerging insect pests

Increased CO2 concentration

1) May induce plant growth and enhance the availability of food for the insects associated with their host plants.

2) Under high growth rate of plants, they may produce denser canopies 2) Under high growth rate of plants, they may produce denser canopies with high humidity thus providing favourable microclimate.

3) Expected to cause changes in physical or chemical defense, and chemical composition of their tissues, decrease in protein content and increase in C:N ratio may reduce the nutritive quality of food.

4) Slow rate of plant material decomposition is expected to leave plant residue undecomposed for longer period which could favour the survival rate of hibernating insects.

Rising temperature

1) Host exposure to more number of pest generations per growing season due to high ambient temperature could trigger deactivation of host plant resistant gene.

2) Increase in food quality due to increase in nitrogen under stress i.e. increased C:N ratio resulting in increased feeding of herbivores to derive more amino acids and sudden emergence of pests.

3) Increase in temperature and in the length of crop growing season for tropical and subtropical crops will reduce the development period and increase the number of subtropical crops will reduce the development period and increase the number of generations resulting in increased pest load.

4) Some cultivars could become more vulnerable to insect pests as a result of stress caused by higher temperature or other climate change.

5) Some natural control mechanisms could ‘decouple’ insect pests and their natural enemies as they react differently to changes in temperatures. e.g. Brown plant hoppers are 17 times more tolerant to 400C than its predator.

6) New biotypes could evolve with greater possibility in multivoltine insect pests.

Precipitation1) The water stress changes the plant process and its thermal

environment in such a way that he stressed plants become more susceptible and suitable to certain phytophagousinsects.

2) The stressed plant become more susceptible through erosion of their defense system and may become more suitable due to accumulation of certain constituents, which lead to faster of their defense system and may become more suitable due to accumulation of certain constituents, which lead to faster growth, higher survival and more reproduction of insects.

3) The insect outbreaks are often preceded by the periods of unusual drought conditions.

4) There could be population explosions in species that respond favourably to high rainfall or drought by increasing their feeding and/or breeding behavior.

Emerging pestspests

Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley

� P. solenopsis appeared on cotton in Pakistan during 2005 and attained pest status in cotton growing areas of Punjab and Sindh provinces.

� Survey across 47 locations of the country between months of late 2007 and early 2008 established the predominance of P. solenopsis in India.in India.

� Widespread infestation of the pest and economic damage to cotton growing states of the country viz. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra during 2008-09 crop season.

� This pest prefers cotton among all other host � This pest prefers cotton among all other host plants.

Paracoccus marginatus� Incidence and severity of papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus on cotton

with its expanding host range across crops of industrial importance viz., cotton mulberry, tapioca, papaya and jatropha was found in Tamil Nadu. (Anonymous,2010)

� The Papaya mealybug has caused havoc in agricultural and horticultural crops, ever since its first report from Coimbatore in 2007 .

� In 2009, it caused severe damage to economically important crops and huge � In 2009, it caused severe damage to economically important crops and huge losses to farmers in Coimbatore, Erode, Tirupur and Salem districts of Tamil Nadu.

� In the same year, standing mulberry crop over 1,500 hectares in Tirupur was destroyed by the pest.

� Recently noticed in Karnataka, certain parts of Andhra and Mallapuram and Thrissur districts of Tamil Nadu.

� Now it has spread to Pune area of Maharashtra and also likely to be reported from other parts of the country as well.




1 – Adults of papaya mealybug2 – on Congress grass3 – on Papaya4 – on Cotton

Spodoptera litura� There was an outbreak of S. litura on soybean in Kota region of Rajasthan

and a loss of Rs 300 crore was estimated.

� The pest also struck in epidemic form on soybean in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in August 2008 and caused severe losses in yields to the tune of 1392 crores.

� As Bt cotton (BG-1) does not provide protection against the pest, it inflicts heavy losses in cotton. The intensity of S. litura is likely to further increase under the potential climate change, as it has been found to consume more than 30 per cent cotton leaves at elevated CO2 levels (Kranthi et al., 2009).

� Outbreaks of S. litura were noticed in major sunflower � Outbreaks of S. litura were noticed in major sunflower growing areas of Central and Southern India. During 2005, the outbreak of S. litura led to more than 90 per cent defoliation of sunflower cultivar germplasm (Sujatha and Lakshminarayana, 2007).

Spodoptera mauritia Boisduval

� During the last few years it has emerged as serious pest in eastern India and caused severe losses to wet season rice production.

� In eastern India, it has become a regular pest in western Orissa and has also been recorded in coastal districts of the state. This pest also shares the same status in Jharkhand, Bihar and Chhatisgarh.

� During kharif 2007, a severe outbreak was observed in Tangi Block � During kharif 2007, a severe outbreak was observed in Tangi Block of Cuttack district.

� During kharif 2008, outbreak was reported in 13 blocks of Sonepur district in western Orissa where 6-8 larvae/hill were recorded in the initial stage.

� During 2009 severe outbreak of this pest was observed in about 1.25 lakh hectares of kharif paddy in 13 districts of western Orissa recording about 80-90% districts of western Orissa recording about 80-90% damage.

Mirid bug� 4 species are known to cause damage

Brown mirid, Creontiades biseratence (Major in TN and MH)

Brown mirid, C. dilutus

Green mirid, C. pacificus

Crop mirid, Sydnia kingbergii

� Recently the cotton mirid bug has emerged as an important insect pest on Bt � Recently the cotton mirid bug has emerged as an important insect pest on Bt cotton and its incidence in India was recorded during 2006 in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.

� The study undertaken during 2008-09 on the population level of the bug covering 7 districts as well as other reports showed that C. biseratense could be considered as an emerging threat to cotton cultivation in Karnataka.

� Mirid bug incidence on cotton squares and bolls causes shedding and leads to significant reduction in yield.

Parrot beaking

Ceratovacuna lanigera� Invasion of sugarcane woolly aphid, Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehntner in

Maharashtra in 2002 is another example of pest’s reaction to climate change and getting mostly naturally regulated.

� The aphid appeared in epidemic form in July, 2002 in Sangli Province of Maharashtra. It spread to other parts of Maharashtra covering an area of 1.43 lakh hectares by March, 2003 and caused upto 30 % losses in sugar 1.43 lakh hectares by March, 2003 and caused upto 30 % losses in sugar yields.

� Then it migrated to throughout the state except Konkan region and gradually spread to parts of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

� In Karnataka, it was first detected in August 2002 in Athani, Belgaum. However, within an year, it quickly spread to Bagalkot, Gulbarga, Bidar, Bijapur, Haveri, Dharwad, Davangere and down south in Shimoga (Bambawale et al.,2009).south in Shimoga (Bambawale et al.,2009).

Maruca vitrata (Geyer)

� M. vitrata is becoming predominant insect pest in recent years in all pigeonpea

growing areas of India.

� Maruca has emerged as one of the major constraint because of the coincidence of

high humidity and moderate temperature in September – October coinciding with high humidity and moderate temperature in September – October coinciding with

the flowering of the crop in India.

� In the field experiments undertaken during 2005 and 2009 at Agricultural Research

Station, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. Results indicated that incidence of spotted pod

borer was high in early (140-150 days) and late maturing (190-200 days) varieties,

moderate in medium duration (170-180 days). It is noteworthy to mention that the

incidence was high in late sown conditions and also in varieties having clustering type

of branching habit.

Bemisia argentifolii

� The silver leaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii, or 'B' biotype of B. tabaci, has been identified for the first time in India, near Bangalore.

� This whitefly has wider host range, rapid reproduction ability rapid reproduction ability inflicts more damage more resistant to insecticides

� Recently, High populations of the B biotype caused failure of the tomato crop in an important vegetable production area near Bangalore, through direct damage to plants, as well from vectoring tomato leaf curl virus.

� The silverleaf whitefly could soon spread to affect a wider range of crops, including many vegetables, tobacco and cotton.

Myllocerus spp. & Pyrilla perpusilla

� The grey weevil, Myllocerus spp. and sugarcane lear hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Walker have assumed pest status on sorghum and pearl millet.

� The grey weevil attacks the crop both at early and late � The grey weevil attacks the crop both at early and late stages of development.

� Heavy incidence or Pyrilla was recorded on grain and fodder sorghums in the entire northern belt of the country. A perfect hopper burn was also observed on some sorghum varieties at the farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

� Pearl millet was equally attacked by Pyrilla(Kishore Prem,2005).

Tanaostigmodes cajaninae La Salle

• A wasp, Tanaostigmodes cajaninae, which was earlier considered as

a minor pest is on the increase in recent years emerging as a major

pest on pigeonpea.

• This pest was first reported from India by Lateef (1977) on

pigeonpea .

•In a survey made during 2006-2008 in Tamil Nadu on the occurrence

of pest, its seasonal incidence and their natural enemies, it was

observed that the pest is on the increasing trend over the years.

Plutella xylostella,,

� An outbreak of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) on

cauliflower was reported in Aligarh, western part of Uttar Pradesh, during

September to first fortnight of October during 2006.

� The infestation increased gradually from first fortnight of August and lead to

total loss (100 % yield loss) of the crop (Ahmed et al., 2009).

� Moreover, the current climatic change may lead to increase in severity of this

pest in many regions of the world. For instance, P. xylostella may have two

additional generations per year in Japan (Cheri, 2007)

Oryctes rhinoceros

� The rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros (Linnaeus) is an

established pest of coconut palms in India. Quite recently,

it has become a problem for oil palm in southern states of

India. India.

� The incidence of the pest in oil palm plantations closer to

natural forest areas has been noticed at many places.

Helopeltis antonii Signoret• ,

• Tea mosquito bug, Helopeltis antonii Signoret is a serious constraint in

cashew (west coast-Kerala, Karnataka, and east coast-Tamil Nadu).

• Cashew tracts of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Orissa are free from this

pest. The hot spot areas of the bug across the cashew tract of the whole pest. The hot spot areas of the bug across the cashew tract of the whole

country have been demarcated.

• Taking into consideration the optimum temperature during

flushing and following stages. The pest may spread to new areas

under current scenario of climate change and states like Andhra

Pradesh, West Bengal and Orissa may come under attack (Gupta

et al., 2009).

Trymalitis marginatus Meyric

� Sapota seed borer is introduced pest in Konkan region of

Maharashtra. (Puri and Mote, 2003).

� First noticed in ‘ Kankradi’ area of Dahanu, Thane. The crop � First noticed in ‘ Kankradi’ area of Dahanu, Thane. The crop

suffered badly during 1999-2000 to the extent of 40-90 % during

September- March. (Patel, 2001).

� The area of 225 ha was found to be affected by this pest comprising

of 19 villages in Dahanu tahsil during February, 2000.

Larvae Pupa Adult

Sapota seed borer: stages and damage

Damaged fruitDamaged seed kernel

Sapota seed borer: stages and damage

Insect pest Scientific name Crops

Whitefly Bemicia tabaci (Gennadius) Cotton, tobacco

Fruit fly Bactrocera spp. Fruits and vegetables

Mealy Bugs Several species Several field and horticultural crops

Thrips Several species Groundnut, cotton, grapes, citrusand pomegranate

Wheat aphid Macrosiphum miscanthi(Takahashi)

Wheat, barley, oats

Insects likely to become serious in changing ecosystems


Gall midge Several species Fruit crops

Polyphagous pests Several species Many agroecosystems

Serpentine leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) Cotton, tomato, cucurbits, several other vegetables

Hoppers Several species Mango

Pyrilla Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) Sugarcane or rice at times

Gall midge Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason)


Modified from Puri and Rammurthy (2009)

Critical issues in management Sucking pest – these pests inflicts direct as well as indirect losses by acting as

vectors of plant viruses.� Being vectors, it is difficult to establish ETL for these pests.� Thick coating of waxy secretion, dust deposits over webs makes chemical

pesticides ineffective; hence wax dissolving organic solvent with insecticides is required.

� Hidden infestation makes it difficult to understand the start of infestation as in case of woolly apple aphids, mealy bugs, mites etc.in case of woolly apple aphids, mealy bugs, mites etc.

� It is difficult to apply pesticides in case of dense plant canopy crops as sugarcane also it requires application of pesticides at proper site and time.

� Control measures needs to be taken up by all cultivators on campaign basis. Especially in case of pests spread by wind.

� Proper management of nitrogenous fertilizers and water to avoid vulnerability of crop and favourable climate to the pest.

� Use of optimum plant density, inter or mixed cropping to facilitate better aeration, pesticide application and movement of natural enemies.


� Conservation and augmentation of generalist predators is necessary. The specialist predator and parasitoids of sucking pests may be identified, protected, collected, reared and released on routine basis.

� Farmers’ training in respect of identification of pests and natural enemies to protect them and to avoid unnecessary application of pesticides.

� Due to wise host range of suckers, it is very difficult to control as all host plants cannot be sprayed.

� Presence of preferred host throughout the year.

� Systemic insecticides leads to residue problem while synthetic pyrethroids � Systemic insecticides leads to residue problem while synthetic pyrethroids leads to outbreaks of different pests. So therefore frequent applications of these pesticides are not advisable.

Internal feeders/soil pests – these pests require careful monitoring for accessing pest status and for implementation of management strategy.

� Being internal feeder, it is difficult to understand the start of infestation. By the time of appearance of external symptoms, damage is already done; hence there is need to develop some effective system of monitoring the externally visible stages. Control measures needs to be applied on community basis.

� Clean cultivation, collection and destruction of infested fruits and plant parts throughout year on regular basis. E.g. fruit flies.

� It is difficult to apply pesticides on trees due to tallness and thick canopy. E.g. � It is difficult to apply pesticides on trees due to tallness and thick canopy. E.g. mango fruit fly

� Information on realistic or potential yield loss and package of nematode management is lacking. There is need to develop eco friendly approaches. Emphasis should be given on development of integrated nematode management programme.

� Nematode may transmit plant viruses or may interact with other pathogens to cause disease complex that are worse than disease caused by pathogen alone.


� Nematode infestation may increase host plant susceptibility to other

environmental stresses such as higher temperature or moisture. Nematode

infestation may nullify host plant resistance to pathogens.

� Some nematode diseases are vectored by insect pests.

e.g. Pine wilt nematode – long horn beetle

Red ring of coconut – palm weevilsRed ring of coconut – palm weevils

Polyphagous, sporadic and cosmopolitan pests –

� As these pests have wide host range, common approach should be made.

� Repeated application of an insecticide should be avoided as they have developed resistance against large number of insecticides. Insecticides of different chemical group may be used to avoid resistance development.

� These pests have large number of natural enemies, care should be taken to � These pests have large number of natural enemies, care should be taken to protect those. Botanical or microbial pesticide may be used to avoid the bad impact of chemical pesticides.

� Augmentation of indigenous species of natural enemies by undertaking missed cropping with maize, cowpea and sorghum in cotton; greengram, black gram, and sorghum in pigeon pea; mustard in reducing the Helicoverpa menace. While sparse planting of castor in groundnut results in reduced infestation of spodoptera.

Conclusion� The ever increasing human population in our country require

increased amount of food and fibre from decreasing agricultural land.

� Modern agriculture has largely achieved these objectives but intensive cultivation of HYV’s and use of agrochemicals in intensive cultivation of HYV’s and use of agrochemicals in geometric rate has resulted in environmental deterioration and aggravation of pest problems.

� Many reported or hitherto unknown species have assumed serious status and some of the serious pests have developed resistance to one or more group of pesticides.

� On the top of this, we have to increase rather than maintaining production and productivity levels from existing agricultural land. This will put further strain on our fragile agroecosystem.

� We, the entomologists have to work hand in hand with other agricultural scientists and farmers to meet this need of an hour.hour.

� The emerging and future insect pest problems have to be tackled with IPM approach as a part of a sustainable crop production technology.

51 Thank You . . .Thank You . . .Thank You . . .Thank You . . .Thank You . . .Thank You . . .Thank You . . .Thank You . . .

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