emerging technologies in the classroom huzefa dossaji

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers


Emerging Technologies in the Classroom Huzefa Dossaji National Educational Technology Standards for Students National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers What is Web 2.0 Online applications fostering creativity and collaboration - Web Based Tools Anyone can be a contributor Turns passive observers into active creators Social / Interactive Component Tagging How Does Web 2.0 Change Instruction? Collaboration Enhancing Observation Dynamic Reporting Capabilities Streamlines Data Sharing Web 2.0 Examples Web 2.0 Classroom Examples Bookmarking/Mark-up - Delicious, Diigo Web Design - Wikis, pbworks, wikispaces Presentations-Prezi Concept Mapping - MyWebspiration MindMeister, Bubbl.us Multimedia - Animoto, OneTrueMedia, Blabberize, Zamzar, Wordle Slideshows - SlideRocket, SlideRoll, SlideShare Journaling - EduBlogs, Blogger, ClassChatter Timelines - TimeGlider, Photos - Flickr, Snapfish, Scrapblog Videos - TeacherTube, YouTube Online Whiteboards - DabbleBoard, Skrbl, Scriblink Stickies - Wallwisher Back Channels - CoveritLive, Twitter LinkedIn - Professional FaceBook Delicious Social Bookmarking Online anywhere Learn what others are bookmarking Office - Online Concept Mapping CoverItLive VoiceThread Blogging Journal in reverse chronological order Multimedia Slideshows Photos Videos Online Whiteboards Stickies and Ideas Feeders How to Web 2.0 Sign up UseMake Password Start using the site Keep a record of passwords Ways to Start Create student collaborative groups Assign a group writing assignment (zoho writer) Respond to a prompt Summarize a reading Outline a chapter (mindomo) Analyze data from a lab (zoho sheets) Create a list of useful links (del.icio.us) Create a storyboard / slideshow (animoto) Share your photos (flickr) Questions

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