emotional health lesson 1: what is emotional health? careers, well-being and life issues

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Emotional Health

Lesson 1: What is emotional health?

Careers, Well-Being and Life Issues


Fill in your yellow booklets…

Topic: Emotional Health and Drugs

Summary: We will become aware of strategies to help us cope with emotional issues we may encounter in year 9 and beyond.

 We will develop our emotional awareness skills and thinking skills.

Key Pieces of Work: Drugs worksheets, speech about emotional wellbeing

Key words in this topic: Emotions, Drugs, Well-being, Depression, Suicide, self harm.


Name 5 things that can make you feel good/better physically. What makes your body healthy?

Name 5 things that can make you feel ill physicallyName 5 things that you can do to ensure you feel

physically well all the time

What is physical well-being?

Physical well-being is basically the body’s physical fitness and general health

Physical well being can be improved with exercise and good diet; and equally damaged by lack of exercise, poor diet and substance abuse.

So what do you think emotional well-being is?

You have 2 minutes, either in your pairs, or by yourself, write a definition for what you think emotional health/ wellbeing is...

Be prepared to share your definition!

What do we think emotional health/ wellbeing is?

Definition – is it the same as yours?

“Emotional Health is something that everyone has to deal with on a day to day basis, it is how balanced you are feeling and how you deal with stress and disruption to your life.”

What factors can effect your emotional well-being?

In the centre of the page name 10 things that can positively affect your emotional well-being! ( Basically 10 things that can make you feel good in your head)

Draw a circle around these 10 things

Around the circle, like a spider diagram, write down at least 10 ways that these positive things can make you feel, react or do: 10 ways that they affect your emotions and behaviour ( e.g can’t stop smiling).

What factors can effect your emotional well-being?

Now, in the centre of the page name 10 things that can negatively affect your emotional well-being! ( Basically 10 things that can make you feel bad in your head)

Draw a circle around these 10 thingsAround the circle, like a spider diagram, write down at

least 10 ways that these things can effect your behaviour and emotions ( e.g can’t stop crying)

Everyone’s emotional well-being can change on a daily basis

You could wake up happy, and then have an argument with your friends or family

You could wake up frightened because you haven’t done your homework, but the teacher doesn’t shout and gives you another chance

You are really confident for a test, and then your mind goes blank and you get upset

There could be a sudden tragedy or accident

Can emotional well-being affect physical well-being?

Discuss in your pairs if you think that poor emotional wellbeing can affect your physical health- if so how? .

Can emotional well-being affect physical well-being?

Feel sickHeadachesEating habitsSleepConcentrationHeart

What could be some of the most extreme behaviours that someone with poor emotional wellbeing could display?

On your own write down three extremes of behaviour that could be caused by poor emotional wellbeing

What could be some of the most extreme behaviours that someone with poor emotional wellbeing could display?


Drug abuse

Excessive drinking

Extreme behaviour: anger


Eating disorders

Mental illness: depression


How can you improve your own emotional well-being , even when things are tough?

Discuss in your pairs ways that you could make yourself feel better/ improve your emotions when things are tough. List five things!

How can you improve your own emotional well-being , even when things are tough?

Talk to a friendTalk to a teacherSeek professional helpTry to solve the problemDo something to relaxAvoid the situation: online etcMAKE SURE YOU TELL SOMEONE AND ASK


How could your behaviour affect the emotional well-being of a friend?

List 3 positive ways you can affect a friend’s emotional well-being and 3 negative things you could do to make their wellbeing worse


Write down in your own words how emotional wellbeing can affect your everyday life , and what you can do to make things better when the going gets tough!

What is my emotional health at this moment in time?

By yourselves, fill in the emotional health chart sheet on your desk, and answer the questions.

Analyse where you feel your emotional health is at the moment, seriously, and think of reasons why.

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