employee retention

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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• Employee Retention


Central Intelligence Agency Training

1 Following the end of the Cold War, the CIA's training was slashed, which

had a negative effect on employee retention



1 The Unthink Strategy guides businesses and entrepreneurs

through a transparent & honest evaluation of their current process and management to improve sales,

employee retention and growth. Evolution plays its course, and as our

culture changes so must the way conduct ourselves.


Security guard - Types of security personnel and companies

1 "Scheduler", Security Officer assignment and strategic scheduling

resulting in client satisfaction, employee retention and cost

maintained within District financial plans.


Non-profit organization - Problems experienced by NPOs

1 In addition, unreliable funding, long hours and low pay can result in employee retention



Slide.com - History

1 On August 6, 2010, Google agreed to buy Slide.com for $182 million, as

well as an extra $46 million in employee retention bonuses.

Founder Levchin, who had invested $7 million of his own money into the company, received $39 million from

the acquisition.


Training and development - Talent development

1 While talent development is reserved for the top management it is becoming

increasingly clear that career development is necessary for the Employee retention|

retention of any employee, no matter what their level in the company. Research has shown that some type of career path is

necessary for job satisfaction and hence job retention. Perhaps organizations need to

include this area in their overview of employee satisfaction.


Synergy - Human synergy

1 And companies with highly engaged people outperform firms with the most disengaged folks- by 54% in

employee retention, by 89% in customer satisfaction, and by

fourfold in revenue growth (Goffee Jones, pg


Employee engagement - Definitions

1 In 1993, Schmidt et al. proposed a bridge between the pre-existing concept of 'job satisfaction' and employee engagement

with the definition: an employee's involvement with, commitment to, and

satisfaction with work. Employee engagement is a part of employee

retention. This definition integrates the classic constructs of job satisfaction (Smith

et al., 1969), and organizational commitment (Meyer Allen, 1991).


Employee engagement - Involvement

1 In both studies, high-involvement management practices were

positively associated with employee morale, employee retention, and firm

financial performance


Stanford University centers and institutes - Research

1 * [http://www.stanford.edu/group/gender/ResearchP

rograms/TopTech/index.html Climbing the Technical Ladder: Obstacles and Solutions for

Mid-Level Women in Information Technology], The Michelle R. Clayman Institute and the Anita Borg Institute, 2008. This report provides an in-depth

look into the barriers to Employee retention|retention and advancement of technical women

in Silicon Valley's high tech industry and provides practical recommendations to employers on

overcoming these barriers.


Onboarding - New employee characteristics

1 Prior occupational experience, anticipatory socialization, and employee retention


Onboarding - Executive onboarding

1 Effective onboarding of new executives can be one of the most important contributions any hiring manager, direct supervisor or human

resources professional can make to long-term organizational success, because executive

onboarding done right can improve productivity and Employee retention|executive retention, and build shared corporate culture. A study of 20,000 searches revealed that 40

percent of executives hired at the senior level are pushed out, fail, or quit within 18 months.


Organisation climate - Climate surveys

1 Other studies support the links between organizational climate and

many other factors such as employee retention, job satisfaction, well-being,

and readiness for creativity, innovation and change


Mentoring - Corporate mentorship programs

1 Corporate mentoring programs are used by mid to large organizations to

further the development and retention of employees. Mentoring

programs may be formal or informal and serve a variety of specific

objectives including acclimation of new employees, skills development,

employee retention and diversity enhancement.


Employee retention

1 'Employee retention' refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees.

Employee retention can be represented by a simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the efforts by which employers

attempt to retain employees in their workforce. In this sense, retention becomes

the strategies rather than the outcome.


Employee retention

1 Employee retention is the practice of reducing turnover of employees in an organization


Volunteering - Corporate volunteering

1 According to the information from VolunteerMatch, a service that provides

Employee Volunteering Program solutions, the key drivers for companies that produce

and manage EVPs are building brand awareness and affinity, strengthening trust and loyalty among consumers, enhancing

corporate image and reputation, improving employee retention, increasing employee productivity and loyalty, and providing an effective vehicle to reach strategic goals.


Corporate social responsibility - Human resources

1 A CSR program can be an aid to recruitment and Employee retention|retention,Bhattacharya, C.B., Sankar

Sen and Daniel Korschun (2008), Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Win the War for Talent, MIT Sloan Management Review, 49 (2), 37-44; particularly within the competitive graduate school|graduate student


CIA - Training

1 Following the end of the Cold War, the CIA's training budget was

slashed, which had a negative effect on employee retention


Workforce Planning - Steps in Workforce Planning

1 ::Resourcing, Learning and Professional development|

Development, Remuneration, Industry Relations, Recruitment, Employee retention|Retention,

Knowledge Management, Job design.


Positive Psychology in the Workplace - Background

1 The recent research on job satisfaction and employee retention has created a greater need to focus

on implementing positive psychology in the workplace.


Employer branding - Employer brand management

1 By doing so it supports both external recruitment of the right kind of talent sought by an organisation to achieve its goals, and the subsequent desire for effective employee engagement

and employee retention.


Compensation and benefits - Bonus plans

1 'Employee retention' – retention is not a primary objective of bonus plans, yet

bonuses are thought to bring value with employee retention as well, for three

reasons: a) a well designed bonus plan is paying more money to better performers; a competitor offering a competing job-offer to

these top performers is likely to face a higher hurdle, given that these employees are already paid higher due to the bonus


PR Week

1 PRWeek also produces research into the size and shape of the UK public

relations industry including the annual ranking of Top 150 PR

consultancies and Salary Survey as well as surveys into industry-relevant issues such as Employee retention|

staff retention.


Security Officer - Types of security personnel and companies

1 *Scheduler, Security Officer assignment and strategic scheduling

resulting in client satisfaction, employee retention and cost

maintained within District financial plans.


Teacher education - Induction of beginning teachers

1 London: DCSF suggests that such programmes can: increase the

Employee retention|retention of beginning teachers in the profession;

improve teaching performance; promote the teachers' personal and

professional well-being.Huling-Austin, J



1 'Kenexa, an IBM Company' provides employment and Employee

retention|retention solutions to assist organizations in hiring and keeping



Health workforce

1 The field of health human resources deals with issues such as workforce

planning|planning, development, performance, human resource management|management,

employee retention|retention, information, and research on human resources for the health care sector


Employee voice

1 Employees are given a voice through informal and formal means to

minimise conflict, improve communication and encourage

Employee retention|staff retention through motivation and fair

treatment (Stone, 2005)


Employee referral

1 Proponents of employee referral schemes claim the benefits to be an improved candidate quality, ‘fit’, and Employee retention|retention levels, while at the same time delivering a significant reduction in recruitment expenditure.However, there are a number of potential drawbacks


Microinequity - In culture

1 Elimination of micro-inequities is a current focus of universities, businesses and government

agencies, as a key diversity strategy. Micro-inequities can slowly and methodically erode a person’s motivation and sense of worth

according to some experts. This may result in absenteeism, poor

employee retention and loss of productivity.


Justason Market Intelligence - Waste management

1 Justason Market Intelligence completed qualitative and

quantitative components of the Municipal Water and Waste

Management Labour Market Study with 'ECO Canada'. This study uncovered an aging workforce,

shallow candidate pools for critical positions in this category, and

employee retention challenges in water/wastewater treatment



Sprint PCS - Unlimited, My Way and My All-In

1 Sprint offers a number of service plans including Unlimited, My Way and My All-In -

that include Unlimited Anytime Minutes, Messaging, and Data, as well as Mobile

Broadband, Phone Connect, Tablets, and No Contract. SERO (Separating Employee

Retention Offer) is a rate plan option for separating Sprint employees and Advantage

Club subscribers; it is no longer being offered but has been grandfathered for those

who subscribed to it.


Japan Self-Defense Forces - Recruitment and conditions of service

1 Because the forces are all volunteer and legally civilian, members can resign at any time, and Employee retention|retention is a problem


Share Incentive Plan - Benefits of a SIP

1 Increasing employee retention in this way results in less expenditure for the company on overheads such as recruitment and the training of new



Private security - Types of security personnel and companies

1 * Scheduler, Security Officer assignment and strategic scheduling

resulting in client satisfaction, employee retention and cost

maintained within District financial plans.


Australian Secret Intelligence Service - Alleged management and staffing problems

1 The unnamed officers pointed out various problems within the agency that were plaguing

the organisation's ability to collect vital and timely intelligence, such as the pitting of ...young

mostly white university educated agents with limited language skills and little knowledge of

Islam against poor, zealous extremists intent on becoming suicide bombers., the inappropriate assignment of ...young female IOs (Intelligence

Officers) against Islamic targets..., poor Employee retention|staff retention rates, and general lack of officers possessing meaningful field experience.


Job embeddedness

1 'Job embeddedness' is the collection of forces that influence

employee retention. It can be distinguished from turnover

(employment)|turnover in that its emphasis is on all of the factors that keep an employee on the job, rather than the psychological process one

goes through when quitting.


Job embeddedness - Theoretical background

1 attachment to working groups) that have also been shown to affect

employee retention, but were not included in these traditional models.


Employee satisfaction - Strategic employee recognition

1 Strategic employee recognition is seen as the most important program not only to improve employee

retention and motivation but also to positively influence the financial situation.[http://www.cfo-


programmes-improves-retention/ How Employee Recognition Programmes Improve Retention] CFO

Insight Magazine, January 2013 The difference between the traditional approach (gifts and points) and strategic recognition is the ability to serve as a

serious business influencer that can advance a company’s strategic objectives in a measurable way


Corporate responsibility - Human resources

1 A CSR program can be an aid to recruitment and Employee retention|retention, particularly within

the competitive graduate school|graduate student market. Potential recruits often consider a firm's CSR policy. CSR can also help improve the perception of a company among its staff, particularly when staff can become involved

through payroll giving, fundraising activities or community volunteering. CSR has been credited with encouraging customer orientation among

customer-facing employees.


HomeAdvisor - Timeline

1 In January 2014, HomeAdvisor's Women Executive Leadership and Learning program was recognized

alongside Offerpop's Ladies for Offerpop, as a program to increase female employee retention in the

male-dominated technology industry.


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