endocrine part 1

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  • 8/3/2019 Endocrine Part 1


    Biochemical Aspect of Endocrine Glands- I.

    Biomedical Importance:

    1. Survival depends on- ability to adapt to a constantly changing

    environment.2. Necessity of intercellular communication.

    Definition: Hormone: (Greek - arouse to activity).

    Is a substance that is synthesized in one organ and transported by

    the circulatory system to act on another tissue. (endocrine)

    Overview of Hormonal cascade & Important Endocrine glands:

    Environmental/ internal signal


    Limbic System


    Ant. Pituitary

    Target gland

    Final hormone

    Systemic effects

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    Nature of Hormones

    Hormones can be divided into five major classes:

    (1) amino acid derivatives- (dopamine, catecholamine, and thyroid


    (2) small neuropeptides- ( gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH),

    thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), somatostatin, and vasopressin)

    (3) large proteins- (luteinizing hormone (LH), and PTH)

    (4) steroid hormones- (cortisol and estrogen that are synthesized from

    cholesterol-based precursors)

    (5) vitamin derivatives- (retinoids (vitamin A) and vitamin D).

    A variety ofpeptide growth factors, most of which act locally,

    share actions with hormones.

    As a rule, amino acid derivatives and peptide hormones

    interact with cell-surface membrane receptors.

    Steroids, thyroid hormones, vitamin D, and retinoids are lipid-

    soluble and interact with intracellular nuclear receptors.


    General Features of Hormone Classes

    Group I Group II

    Types Steroids, iodothyronines,calcitriol, retinoids

    Polypeptides, proteins, glycoproteins, catecholamines

    Solubility Lipophilic HydrophilicTransport

    proteinsYes No

    Plasma half-life

    Long (hours to days) Short (minutes)

    Receptor Intracellular Plasma membrane

    Mediator Receptor-hormone complex cAMP, cGMP, Ca2+, metabolites of complexphosphinositols, kinase cascades


    Hormone Synthesis & Processing.

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    Secretion, Transport & Degradation.

    Classification of Hormones byMechanism of Action

    I. Hormones that bind to intracellular receptors

    Steroid hormonesRetinoic acidThyroid hormones (T3 and T4 )

    II. Hormones that bind to cell surface receptors A. The second messenger is cAMP

    Adrenergic catecholamines (2, )TSH,FSH, LH, MSH, ACTH, PTH


    B. The second messenger is cGMP

    Atrial natriuretic factorNitric oxide

    C. The second messenger is calcium orphosphatidylinositols (or both)

    1 -Adrenergic catecholaminesAngiotensin IIAntidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)Gastrin, CCKGnRHOxytocinThyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)

    D. The second messenger is a kinase orphosphatase cascade

    AdiponectinChorionic somatomammotropinEGF, FGF,IGF 1 & 2, GHErythropoietinLeptinProlactin

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    Hormone Action & Signal transduction:

    a. A hormonereceptor interaction results in generation of an

    intracellular signal:

    b. Regulate the activity of a select set of genes,c. Affect the activity of specific proteins.

    d. The signal can influence the location of proteins in the cell and

    e. Affect general processes such as protein synthesis

    I. Intracellular Receptors:-

    (Steroid and thyroid hormone("superfamily") Receptors)

    Composed of a single polypeptide chain that has, in the

    simplest analysis, three distinct domains:

    The amino-terminus: In most cases, this region is involved in

    activating or stimulating transcription by interacting with other

    Membrane Receptor Families and Signaling Pathways

    Receptors Effectors Signaling Pathways

    G ProteinCoupled Seven-Transmembrane (GPCR)

    -Adrenergic, LH, FSH, TSH Gs, adenylate cyclase

    Stimulation of cyclic AMP production,protein kinase A


    Ca2+ channels

    Calmodulin, Ca2+-dependent kinases

    -Adrenergic, Somatostatin Gi

    Inhibition of cyclic AMP production

    Activation of K+, Ca2+ channels

    TRH, GnRH Gq, G11

    Phospholipase C, diacylglycerol, IP3, proteinkinase C, voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels

    Receptor Tyrosine Kinase

    nsulin, IGF-I Tyrosine kinases, IRS MAP kinases, PI 3-kinase; AKT, also knownas protein kinase B, PKB

    EGF, NGF Tyrosine kinases, ras Raf, MAP kinases, RSK

    Cytokine ReceptorLinked Kinase

    GH, PRL JAK, tyrosine kinases STAT, MAP kinase, PI 3-kinase, IRS-1

    Serine Kinase

    Activin, TGF-, MIS Serine kinase Smads

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    components of the transcriptional machinery. The sequence is highly

    variable among different receptors.

    DNA binding domain: Amino acids in this region are responsible

    for binding of the receptor to specific sequences of DNA.

    The carboxy-terminus or ligand-binding domain: This is the

    region that binds hormone.

    In addition to these three core domains, two other important

    regions of the receptor protein are a nuclear localization

    sequence, which targets the the protein to nucleus, and a

    dimerization domain, which is responsible for latching two

    receptors together in a form capable of binding DNA.

    Hormone-Receptor Binding and Interactions with DNA

    When hormone binds to receptor, a characteristic series of events occurs:

    Receptor activation is the term used to describe conformational

    changes in the receptor induced by binding hormone. The major

    consequence of activation is that the receptor becomes competent

    to bind DNA.

    Activated receptors bind

    to "hormone response

    elements", which areshort specific sequences of DNA which are located in promoters of

    hormone-responsive genes. In most cases, hormone-receptor

    complexes bind DNA in pairs.

    Transcription from those genes to which the receptor is bound is

    affected. Most commonly, receptor binding stimulates transcription.

    The hormone-receptor complex thus functions as a transcription


    I. Cell-Surface receptors:-

    a. cAMP Mediated.

    Synthesised from ATP by adenylyl cyclase located on theinner side of the plasma membrane.

    Adenylyl cyclase is activated by a range of signalingmolecules through the activation of adenylyl cyclase

    stimulatory G (Gs)-protein-coupled receptors and inhibitedby agonists of adenylyl cyclase inhibitory G (Gi)-protein-coupled receptors.

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    Liver adenylyl cyclase responds more strongly toglucagon, and muscle adenylyl cyclase responds morestrongly to adrenaline.

    cAMP decomposition into AMP is catalyzed by the enzymephosphodiesterase.

    cyclic AMP works by activating protein kinase A (PKA, a

    heterotetrameric molecule consisting of two regulatorysubunits (R) and two catalytic subunits (C).)

    a. cGMP Mediated.

    Guanylate cyclase (GC) catalyzes cGMP synthesis. This

    enzyme converts GTP to cGMP. In turn, peptide hormones

    such as the atrial natriuretic factor activate membrane-

    bound GC, while soluble GC is typically activated by nitric

    oxide to stimulate cGMP synthesis.

    cGMP is a common regulator ofion channelconductance,

    glycogenolysis, and cellular apoptosis. It also relaxes

    smooth muscle tissues & causes vasodilation to increase

    blood flow.

    a. Calcium/ Phosphatidylinositol.

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    b. Kinase/ Phosphatase Cascade. (Insulin)

    Pathologic Mechanisms of Endocrine disease:1. Hormone Excess.

    2. Hormone deficiency.

    3. Resistance.

    (IGFBP, insulin-like growth factor binding protein; IRS 14, insulin receptor substrate isoforms 14; PI-3 kinase, phosphatidylinositol3-kinase; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin; PKD1, phosphoinositide-dependent kinase; PKB, protein kinase B; SGK, serum andglucocorticoid-regulated kinase; aPKC, atypical protein kinase C; p70S6K, p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase; mTOR, mammalian targetof rapamycin; GRB2, growth factor receptor binding protein 2; mSOS, mammalian son of sevenless; MEK, MAP kinase kinase andERK kinase; MAP kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase; mTOR, mammalian Target Of Rapamycin).

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  • 8/3/2019 Endocrine Part 1


    The Glands & Various Axes:

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    The Anterior Pituitary

    The Master Gland Produces 6 Hormones: PRL, GH, ACTH, TSH, FSH & LH Secreted in a pulsatile manner,(-Hypothalamic RF) . Specific responses in peripheral target tissues. Feedback control.

    Hormone deficiency may be inherited or acquired. Diagnoses are often elusive Performing the correct laboratory diagnostic tests.

    Anterior Pituitary Hormone Expression and Regulation

    Cell Corticotrope Somatotrope Lactotrope Thyrotrope Gonadotrope



    6 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks


    Protein Polypeptide Polypeptide Polypeptide Glycoprotein , , subunits

    Glycoprotein , , subunits

    Amino acids 266 (ACTH 139)

    191 199 211 210, 204

    Stimulators CRH, AVP, GHRH, ghrelin Estrogen,TRH, VIP

    TRH GnRH, activins,estrogen

    Inhibitors Glucocorticoids Somatostatin, IGF-I Dopamine T3, T4, dopamine,somatostatin,glucocorticoids

    Sex steroids, inhibin

    Target gland Adrenal Liver, other tissues Breast, other tissues

    Thyroid Ovary, testis



    IGF-I production,growth induction,

    insulin antagonism


    T4 synthesis andsecretion

    Sex steroidproduction, follicle

    growth, germ cellmaturation


    ACTH, 422pg/L

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    Hormone Test Blood Samples Interpretation


    Insulin tolerance test:

    Regular insulin (0.050.15 U/kgIV)

    30, 0, 30, 60, 120 min forglucose and GH

    Glucose < 40 mg/dL; GH should be >3g/L

    GHRH test: 1 g/kg IV 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120 min for


    Normal response is GH >3 g/L

    L-Arginine test: 30 g IV over30 min

    0, 30, 60, 120 min for GH Normal response is GH >3 g/L

    L-Dopa test: 500 mg PO 0, 30, 60, 120 min for GH Normal response is GH >3 g/L

    Prolactin TRH test: 200500 g IV 0, 20, and 60 min for TSHand PRL

    Normal prolactin is >2 g/L and increase>200% of baseline

    ACTH Insulin tolerance test: regularinsulin (0.050.15 U/kg IV)

    30, 0, 30, 60, 90 min forglucose and cortisol

    Glucose 7g/dL or to

    >20 g/dL

    CRH test: 1g/kg ovine CRHIV at 8 A.M.

    0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 min forACTH and cortisol

    Basal ACTH increases 2- to 4-fold andpeaks at 20100 pg/mL

    Cortisol levels >2025 g/dL

    Metyrapone test: Metyrapone(30 mg/kg) at midnight

    Plasma 11-deoxycortisol andcortisol at 8 A.M.; ACTHcan also be measured

    Plasma cortisol should be 7.5g/dL or ACTH >75 pg/mL

    Standard ACTH stimulationtest: ACTH 1-24 (cosyntropin),0.25 mg IM or IV

    0, 30, 60 min for cortisol andaldosterone

    Normal response is cortisol >21 g/dL andaldosterone response of >4 ng/dL above


    Low-dose ACTH test: ACTH1-24 (cosyntropin), 1 g IV

    0, 30, 60 min for cortisol Cortisol should be >21 g/dL

    3-day ACTH stimulation testconsists of 0.25 mg ACTHgiven IV over 8 h each day

    Cortisol >21 g/dL

    TSH Basal thyroid function tests:T4, T3, TSH

    Basal measurements Low free thyroid hormone levels in thesetting of TSH levels that are notappropriately increased indicate pituitaryinsufficiency

    TRH test: 200500 g IV 0, 20, 60 min for TSH andPRL

    TSH should increase by >5 mU/L unlessthyroid hormone levels are increased

    LH, FSH LH, FSH, testosterone, estrogen Basal measurements Basal LH and FSH should be increased inpostmenopausal womenLow testosterone levels in the setting oflow LH and FSH indicate pituitaryinsufficiency

    GnRH test: GnRH (100 g) IV 0, 30, 60 min for LH andFSH

    In most adults, LH should increase by 10IU/L and FSH by 2 IU/L.

    Multiplehormones Combined anterior pituitarytest: GHRH (1 g/kg),CRH (1g/kg), GnRH (100

    g), TRH (200 g) are given IV

    30, 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120min for GH, ACTH, cortisol,LH, FSH, and TSH

    Combined or individual releasinghormone responses must be elevated in thecontext of basal target gland hormonevalues and may not be uniformlydiagnostic.

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    Pituitary Adenomas: (e.g., acromegaly, prolactinomas, or Cushing's syndrome) .

    When a pituitary adenoma is suspected based on MRI, initial hormonal evaluation usually includes

    (1) basal PRL; (2) insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I; (3) 24-h urinary free cortisol (UFC) and/or overnightoral dexamethasone (1 mg) suppression test; (4) subunit, FSH, and LH; and (5) thyroid function tests.

    Screening Tests for Functional Pituitary Adenomas

    Test Comments

    Acromegaly Serum IGF-I Interpret IGF-I relative to age- and sex-matchedcontrols

    Oral glucose tolerance test with GHobtained at 0, 30, and 60 min

    Normal subjects should suppress growth hormone to

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    At high concentrations, AVP also causes contraction of smooth muscle in

    blood vessels and in the gastrointestinal tract, induces glycogenolysis in the

    liver, and potentiates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release by

    corticotropin-releasing factor. These effects are mediated by V1a or V1b

    receptors that are coupled to phospholipase C.

    1. Oxytocin.

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    Table:Characteristics of Circulating T4 and T3

    Hormone Property T4


    Serum concentrations

    Total hormone 8 g/dL 0.14 g/dL

    Fraction of total hormone in the free form 0.02% 0.3%Free (unbound) hormone 21 1012M

    6 1012M

    Serum half-life 7 d 0.75 d

    Fraction directly from the thyroid 100% 20%

    Production rate, including peripheral conversion 90 g/d 32 g/d

    Intracellular hormone fraction 20% 70%

    Relative metabolic potency 0.3 1

    Receptor binding 1010M


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    Investigation of primary hypothyroidism

    Serum TSH is the investigation of choice; a high TSH level confirms primaryhypothyroidism. A low free T4 level confirms the hypothyroid state (and is

    also essential to exclude TSH

    deficiency if clinical hypothyroidism is strongly suspected and TSH is normal

    or low).

    Thyroid and other organ-specific antibodies may be present. Other

    abnormalities include the following:

    anaemia, which is usually normochromic and normocytic

    in type but may be macrocytic (sometimes this is due toassociated pernicious anaemia) or microcytic (in women,

    due to menorrhagia)

    increased serum aspartate transferase levels, from muscle and/or liver

    increased serum creatine kinase levels, with associated myopathy

    hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia

    hyponatraemia due to an increase in ADH and impaired free water




    Serum TSH is suppressed in hyperthyroidism

    (< 0.05 mU/L), except for the very rare instances of TSH


    A raised free T4 or T3 confirms the diagnosis; T4 is

    almost always raised but T3 is more sensitive as there

    are occasional cases of isolated T3 toxicosis.

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