energy and change

Post on 18-May-2015






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it is a 9 and 10 th presentation its good for people and i can wet you will get a1 if you download from here.


Ed Energy explains the five basic rules of Energy and Change

Energy and Change: the basic five lawsLaw # 1. “An unbalanced force acting on a body results in a change in motion”.

What this means: the balancing scales will not move…until…we do what???

Apply a weight (an unbalanced force!)

Energy and Change: the basic five lawsLaw # 2: Objects remain stationary or in constant motion under the influence of balanced forces

What this means: The wheel will continue to spin and spin and spin…until…what???

We unbalance it (here, with brakes). Note that, once it stops, the wheel is once again in balance.

Energy and Change: the basic five lawsLaw # 3: Energy can be transferred from one medium to another.

What this means: When we heat the pot…what happens?

The energy from the fire is transferred to the water!

Energy and Change: the basic five lawsLaw # 4: Transfers of energy can vary according to the medium in which it travels.

What this means: When you put a pencil into a glass of water…what happens?

Thanks to the refracting property of water, the pencil appears to be bent!

Energy and Change: the basic five lawsLaw # 5: Energy is conserved when it is transferred or transformed

What this means: When you turn on a bulb, you get energy in the form of light, but you get what other form of energy as well?

Stumped? Then, do the experiment with your teacher!

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