eng wk 9 3rd - enrich and excel

Post on 27-Apr-2022






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Word MeqninComplete the crossword Puzzle

Acrossl. not kind4. the cost5. speciol clothing8. lo shut9. this one ond this one

2. o girl relotive3. whot you think with6. the opposite of sink7. o six-sided squore

.l0. to remoin

My Spelling DictotionWrite the sentences. Circle the spelling words.



1 2



5 6



q t0







Building Spelling Skills, Doily Proctice t EMC2707 5q @ Evon-Moor Corp.

Word StudCircle the letters thot moke the long vowel sound.Write the long vowel sound you heor on the line.

l. woy ffi 6.broin ll.uniformz.these 7.meon lz.sloyed3.niece S.close 13.Price

4. show q. tried5. f Ioot .l0. cube

no chonge

Add ed to the words. Write the words in the correct column.

l. stoy

2. try

3. floot

4. show

5. cry

6. hurry

7 . plont

8. worry

q. plqy.l0. scurry

chonge y to i

@ Evon-Moor Corp. 55 Euilding Spelling Skills, Doily Proctice . EMC 2707

Nome yourself lost when you ore tolkingobout onother person ond yourself.

Jim ond I ploy soccer.

The teocher ond I worked the problem together.

Do you wont to ploy with Jim ond me?

Billy sits of the some toble os Tonyo ond me.

Jim ond I ploy soccer.? ^t^,& FJrUy 5uL{-ryr.

Jim ond me ploy soccer.W* ryl*y %*tr&{.

Give it to Fronk ond me.&iv* it t* wruw.

Give it to Fronk ond I.rSive it tc tr"

i:r$ I SI

To heor if you hove used I ond me correctly, leove the other person'snome out. Which would you soy?

@ Evon-Moor Corp. 35 Grommor ond Punctuotion . EMC 2713


My sister ond


Wrile I or me in eoch blonk

wenl to the zoo with my fomily

enjoyed wolching the monkeys.

My mom ond liked wotching the elephonts.

Our porents gove Soroh ond o bog of popcorn.

some money to buy dessert

dripped some on my ponts

My sister gove holf of her sondwich.

gove my sister holf of my hot dog

My dod gove my sister ond

We enjoyed eoting ice-creom cones, but

'Moor Corp 36 Grommqr ond Punctuotion o EMC 27]3




e o 0o ldentifying fact or opinion



News or Views?Facts are true stotement ond can be proven. Opinions ore a person's own personol viewsor beliefs.

n people tolk obout things, they often mix news with opinions. Reod eochWrite News in lhe box if il is o foct. Write Views in the box if it is o person's

personol opinion.

Punky Starr is thebest rock singerthat eYer lived!




I like our newpresident. I think he isintelligent and kind.




3. Oranges were 3 forS1.OO at the Farmer's

Market today.

4'Nobody likes me.Everyone thinks


I am utly.

5. When it gets dark, w€+will be able to see the

S, Big Dipper and the" North r*"r:


The city councilwill meet on

Monday to voteon the new



gdHa ha ha ha! This

show is funny. \\7

The mathhomework for


1today Pate


is on 14.

Your messy roomlooks like a pigpen!

1r. 4


Scholastic Success With Reading Comprehension. Grade 3 31



© Shell Education #50924—180 Days of Reading for Third Grade 63


1. Y N

2. Y N

3. Y N

4. Y N

5. Y N

___ / 5


Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________


1. What is this text about?

A having a lot of energy B a ballet dancer C being quiet D music and movement

2. Which is the best description of José?

A José is not nice. B José loves ballet, even though

some people believe boys don’t do ballet.

C José has a lot of energy. D José is three years old.

3. Which definition of focus is used in this text?

A a point on a cone B clear image C effort D concentrate

4. Which of these words means the same as recently?

A always B tomorrow C lately D never

5. What does the phrase had a mind of his own mean in this text?

A José did not behave well. B José was torn between

two hobbies. C José decided things for himself. D José could not make

a decision.

Read the text and then answer the questions.

José had been a dancer since he was three. He had always loved to dance, but he recently started to focus more on ballet. José enjoyed the quiet way to tell a story. The music and the movement gave him so much energy. He did not listen to people who told him that boys don’t do ballet. He did ballet, and he loved it. José had a mind of his own.



Name: ____________________________


Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

examples: old—young long—short awake—asleep

Read each sentence. Write an antonym from the word box to replace the underlined


long slow warm worst full

over never close out float

old messy smallest quiet

1. The best movie I’ve ever seen is Lion King. _____________________________

2. There is a crack in the wall under the window. _____________________________

3. My bedroom is usually very clean. _____________________________

4. The meeting was too short. _____________________________

5. The store will open at nine o'clock. _____________________________

6. Tim always finishes his homework right after school. _____________________________

7. The cold weather will return next week. _____________________________

8. That is the biggest watermelon I’ve ever seen. _____________________________

9. My uncle bought a new pickup truck. _____________________________

10. Come in and play with us. _____________________________

11. If you drop a potato in water, it will sink. _____________________________

12. Uncle Jim has a fast boat. _____________________________

13. Jennifer is a talkative person. _____________________________

14. The milk carton in the fridge is empty. _____________________________

Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com


l. woy

2. these

3. niece

4. might

5. show

6. floot

7 . broin

8. meon

q. close

10. tried

ll. cube

12. uniform

13. stoyed

14. price

15. usuolly


Spelling ListThis Week's Focus:

. Spell words with long vowel sounds

. Add -ed to verbs



bonus word

17bonus word

Building Spelling Skills, Doily Proctice . EMC2707 52 O Evon-Moor Corp

&It t

Visuol MemoUnscromble the words. Motch them to the correct spelling

1. yow* close

2. thees

3. neice

4. hows

5. onme

6. locse

7. deirt


8. beuc

9. ripce

10. mitgh

ll. foolt

.l2. niorb

.l3. formuni

14. edstoy













Circle the misspelled words.Write them correctly on the lines

l. My new bond youniform is silver.

2. Cloze the door when you go oul.

3. The boys mite go fishing next Soturdoy

4. Put on ice kube in thol gloss.

5. Grondpo stoid in bed until 8 o'clock.

6. The fox tryed to cotch o robbit.

7. Con you shoo me how to ploy this gome?

8. Did you ever drink o root beer flote?

O Evon-Moor Corp. 53 Building Spelling Skills, Doily Proctice . EMC 2707


An X and Me StoryWrite I or me in eoch blonk.

"Don't worry. Just moke sure your life jqcket is on tight,,, my

mother soid to right os stepped into the conoe

checked my jocket, with one fool on shore ond one foot in the

conoe. Bul the conoe wosn't plonning to woit for It begon

to move into the loke lost my bolonce, ond my mother grobbed

for We bolh fell into the loke. My mother qnd

were hoppy thot we were weoring our life jockets!

O Evon-Moor Corp. Grommor ond Punctuotion r EMC 27]3




Write a StoryWrite o story obout whot you do of school. Use the words I ond me in your story

@ Evon-Moor Corp. 38 Grqmmor ond Punctuotion . EMC 2713

*i mxmem#

#51526—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education44




Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________1DAY



_____ It is the coldest place on Earth.

_____ I really enjoy playing in the snow.

_____ Many scientists work in Antarctica.

_____ Penguins, whales, and seals can be found there.

North America

_____ It has the lowest point on the continent, Death Valley, which is below sea level.

_____ It is the third-largest continent.

_____ The 50 states are all very interesting.

_____ It has every type of climate.


_____ The variety of wild animals you see on a safari is very cool.

_____ It is the second-largest continent.

_____ It has the longest river on Earth, the Nile River.

_____ The largest desert, the Sahara Desert, is located in Africa.


_____ It is the largest continent on Earth.

_____ I really like the traditions that Asian countries celebrate.

_____ It has the highest population rate.

_____ Asia contains 48 countries in it, including India and Thailand.

Directions: Read the sentences about four of our seven continents. Write O if the sentence is an opinion and F if it is a fact.




#51526—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education46




Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________3DAY


1. Soccer dominant game in South America.



2. Tree frogs, hedgehogs, and wild boars major animals in Europe.



3. Mr. Scientist said that Antarctica coldest place on Earth.



Directions: The sentences are incomplete. Revise them so that they have complete subjects and predicates.




Boost Your Learning!

A complete sentence needs a subject and a predicate. The subject is who or what the sentence is about. The predicate is what happens.

Example: Antarctica is very large. (subject) (predicate)


#50924—180 Days of Reading for Third Grade © Shell Education64


1. Y N

2. Y N

3. Y N

4. Y N

5. Y N

___ / 5


Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________


1. Which title best fits this text?

A Not Your Typical Cats and Dogs

B Phoebe’s Pets

C Pets

D Pet Friends

2. What is the setting?

A the pet store

B Phoebe’s house

C the dog park

D the doghouse in Phoebe’s yard

3. Which word has the same vowel sound as fight?

A crib

B tie

C ought

D bit

4. Which words from the text are antonyms?

A pets and dog

B love and care

C friends and fight

D friends and enemies

5. Which phrase is an example of a simile?

A not enemies

B love and care

C fight like cats and dogs

D pets at home

Read the text and then answer the questions.

Phoebe loved having pets at home to love and care for each day. She had two dogs and one cat. The strangest thing was that the three of them were very good friends. Phoebe knew that cats and dogs were supposed to be enemies, but her pets were definitely not enemies. They certainly did not fight like cats and dogs!



© Shell Education #50924—180 Days of Reading for Third Grade 65


1. Y N

2. Y N

3. Y N

4. Y N

5. Y N

___ / 5


Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________


1. Which picture would tell a reader more about this text?

A a picture of two cats sleeping next to each other

B a picture of two friends wearing a baseball uniform

C a picture of two friends playing

D a picture of an umbrella

2. Who are the main characters?

A Henry and his brother

B James and his brother

C Henry and his father

D Henry and his neighbor

3. Using context clues, what is the definition of report?

A account

B research

C essay

D news

4. Which word means declared?

A cried

B stated

C yelled

D argued

5. What is the tone of this text?

A factual

B accusing

C cautioning

D excited

Read the text and then answer the questions.

Henry walked to school each morning with his neighbor, James, whom he had been friends with for many years. One morning, Henry met James at the corner, and they began walking. “Where is your umbrella?” James asked Henry. “The sky looks so dark.”

“It’s not going to rain,” declared Henry. “I watched the weather report this morning.”

“Don’t believe everything you hear,” replied James as the first drops started to fall.


#50924—180 Days of Reading for Third Grade © Shell Education66

Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________


Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle. She lived with her mother and father, the king and queen. She had no brothers or sisters. As she grew up, her parents began to talk to her about whom she might marry. Her marriage would be very important. This new spouse would be an heir to the throne.

Many princesses wait for the day they can marry a handsome prince. Yet this was no usual princess. She preferred her hunting clothes to any fancy dress. She wore her hair in a ponytail instead of having long waves topped with a tiara. She hated spending her days in the castle. She did not like to just sit around and do nothing. The princess always tried to find someone to take her out to the forest. She would ride a horse and feel the wind blow through her hair. She loved adventure.

On this day, the princess did not want to talk about a marriage. She was not going to marry anyone that her parents had in mind for her. She was not even sure she wanted to be married at all. Today, she just wanted to ride her horse.

She walked around the castle. Finally, she found a servant boy. She asked him to help her get a horse ready to ride. They talked a lot. The princess really enjoyed his company. The servant boy was surprised by the princess. He expected her to be snobby. He liked talking to her, too. The princess wondered why she could not spend more time with boys like him. Why did her parents only introduce her to the sons of their friends? All this princess knew was that things were going to change. She was going to spend some time with her new friend. She was going to make her own decisions. She was going to be a different kind of princess.

A Different Kind of Princess




© Shell Education #50924—180 Days of Reading for Third Grade 67


1. Y N

2. Y N

3. Y N

4. Y N

5. Y N

6. Y N

___ / 6


Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________


1. Which prediction makes the most sense after reading the title?

A This is a tale of a princess who is not a human.

B This tale is about a princess who cannot meet a prince.

C This is a tale of a princess who behaves in different ways.

D This tale is set in a faraway land.

2. Which is most likely the author’s opinion?

A A story set in a castle must have a happy ending.

B A princess with no magic is sad.

C Princesses can look, sound, and think differently.

D All princesses want to find a handsome prince.

3. Which statement shows a personal connection to this text?

A I like to go on adventures, too, even if my parents hate it when I get dirty.

B I saw a castle in a movie.

C I have four sisters.

D I read a book about a family that has servants.

4. Which quality of the princess makes her a different kind of princess?

A She does not like wearing a tiara.

B She does not want to get married to a prince right away.

C She likes to talk to servants.

D all of the above

5. Why is the theme of this fairy tale different from many other fairy tales?

A Most fairy tales do not include horseback riding.

B Most fairy tales include a princess who is looking for a handsome prince.

C Most fairy tales include wicked stepsisters.

D Most fairy tales do not include servants.

6. Which fairy tale is the opposite of this story?

A “Cinderella”

B “The Little Mermaid”

C “Jack and the Beanstalk”

D “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

Read “A Different Kind of Princess” and then answer the questions.




#50924—180 Days of Reading for Third Grade © Shell Education68


___ / 4

Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________


The character in this story is not a typical princess. In what ways are you not a typical third-grader? What makes you unique and special?


















Reread “A Different Kind of Princess.” Then, read the prompt and respond on the lines below.


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