engineering south australia, february 2013

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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Engineering South Australia February Edition



With SA Power Networks delivering power to approximately 830,000 customers across the state and ElectraNet preparing for the growth and future power demand, it is evident that power is a very important topic. Join Doug Schmidt, General Manager Network Management at SA Power Networks and Hamish McCarter FIEAust EngExec,

Senior Manager Engineering at ElectraNet, as they discuss ‘Electricity: Peaks, Prices and Policy’ and ‘The Transition for Transmission’. Information on how to register on page 6.

POWERINGsouth australia

Wednesday 13th March 2013

Adelaide Pavilion Veale Gardenscnr South Terrace & Peacock Rd

7.00am arrival, 7.15am start





President’s Message

Division Updates

Member Profile

Upcoming Events





Division Partner

Division Supporters

This Engineering South Australia newsletter is published by the South Australia Division of Engineers Australia and reports impartially on items of interest to Engineers in South Australia. The statements made or opinions expressed in the newsletter do not necessarily reflect the view of Engineers Australia.

Are your details up to date?

Just a reminder to all the South Australia Division members that it may be time to log on to the Engineers Australia Website and confirm that your details are up to date.

With everything being so hectic when changing jobs or moving house it is easy to overlook updates to your Engineers Australia membership contact details.

While you’re there why not reacquaint yourself with your membership benefits, the advocacy and policy papers, upcoming South Australia Division events or update your CPD record?

Members of Engineers Australia are able to access Continuing Professional Development (CPD) from a number of locations around Australia through the online CPD. Access this at any time through:

Many other presentations are available through the South Australia Division Website at:

Online CPD

Reconciliation Action Plan

Through our Strategic Plan and Code of Ethics, Engineers Australia has emphasised its commitment to "use our members' knowledge and skills for the benefit of the community to create engineering solutions for a sustainable future."

A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is Engineers Australia's commitment and response to 'closing the gap'.

Engineers Australia's RAP details steps and priorities that the organisation will undertake to assist in helping to achieve Indigenous equality and to help build positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

To view Engineers Australia's RAP please visit:

2013 Sir EricNealAddress

Hosted by Engineers Australia South

Australia Division, the Sir Eric Neal Address

celebrates leadership within the engineering

profession. The evening includes the presentation of the University

Medals, Craig Gilbert Leadership Award and Hall of Fame


KeyNote SpeakerHon. Jay Weatherill MP LLB BEc GDLPPremier of South AustraliaWednesday 27th Feb 2013Sebel Playford Hotel6.30pm Pre-dinner Drinks7.00pm Official Start

For more information and to register visit:

Contact Events and Communications Coordinator Sharryn Fensom with any 8202 7140

President John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD

Deputy Presidents Dr Cris Birzer MIEAustFernando Gonzalez MIEAust CPEng

Immediate Past President Gerry Doyle FIEAust CPEng

Executive Director Caroline Argent MAICD

Deputy Director Sarah CareyProduced By Engineers Australia South Australia Division

Level 11, 108 King William Street Adelaide South Australia 5000 tel 08 8202 7100 fax 08 8211 7702


How quickly the year progresses. Christmas break is a distant memory, children are back at school, Valentine’s Day has just been and gone (did you remember?), Mad March is nearly upon us and the shops have been selling hot cross buns and Easter eggs for nearly a month! Phew, I hope the year starts to slow down soon but I suspect not.

In my first President’s Message last month, I introduced my theme for 2013 of “Engagement”. In this article, and in the following two President’s Messages, I’d like to explore each of the three elements of this theme, namely “Member Engagement”, “Community Engagement” and “Government Engagement”. I’d also like your help in responding to the challenges presented to us if we, as a professional body, are to successfully engage with our members, with the community at large and with government.

At the Annual Division Meeting last December, I highlighted four issues under the Member Engagement heading, namely Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Group Health and Sustainability, Support for our Regional Engineers and Young

Engineer Engagement. Let’s look at each of these in turn.

Division Committee receives a quarterly report of CPD delivered within Engineers Australia SA Division. For the last six months of 2012, our records show that a total of 3,294 hours of CPD was delivered by SA Division. Sound impressive? Let’s look closer. Of the 145 events recorded over that six months, 68 (47%) were committee meetings. These meetings are essential for the proper planning and delivery of CPD and I applaud the tireless efforts of the many volunteers who serve on Engineers Australia committees. However, committee meetings in themselves do not deliver CPD. For the remaining 77 events, and excluding non-member participation, there were approximately 1,280 member attendances (totalling around 1,780 CPD hours). Assuming the same trend for the first half of 2013, SA Division members will participate in around 3,500 hours of CPD during the 2012-13 membership year. This equates to a little over 1 hour per non-student member of SA Division – not so impressive!

While I acknowledge that our Division records do not show participation of our members in national Engineers Australia conferences, nor participation in non Engineers Australia CPD, it is still clear we have two key CPD related challenges. (1) Are we delivering interesting and relevant CPD to the 10-20% of our non-student membership who actively participate? How can we improve? (2) How do we engage with the 80-90% of our membership who do not actively participate in Engineers Australia organised CPD? Deputy President Cris Birzer MIEAust and I would welcome your ideas on both these issues. I look forward to hearing from you via the email address.

Group health, including committee sustainability, is critical to the successful delivery of CPD. My recent meetings with the majority of SA Division Group Chairs has revealed a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment amongst our various committees. However, some committees rely heavily on a dedicated few. Your help is needed to ensure that all committees remain actively involved in development and delivery of CPD and networking events for the engineering profession in SA. If you are interested, contact Executive Director Caroline Argent, or one of her team in the Division Office for further information. Committee appointments are generally for one year, with elections every November/December at annual group meetings – not a huge time commitment but an important one for the profession in SA.

I’m excited about the recent formation of a regional engineering group at Roxby Downs. With the advent of video streaming technology and broadband access, live transmission of worthwhile events from the Division Office to remote locations throughout the state will soon be a reality in SA. This will enable regional groups like Roxby Downs (and perhaps others) to remotely tap into valuable CPD sessions while meeting locally and enjoying networking opportunities. I’m looking forward to my planned Division President regional visits to Port Lincoln in April and to Roxby Downs in October.

Over the last few years I have met a number of enthusiastic Young Engineers Australia SA reps working on various committees. I am so impressed that these young people are contributing back to the profession, via YEA-SA, so early in their careers. However, broader engagement with our total young engineer membership is more challenging. We fail to convert enough of our student members (currently around 2,800) into graduate members (currently around 800). We also fail to attract a lot of our graduate members to YEA-SA or other SA Division events. How can we be more relevant to Young Engineers?

Speaking of member engagement, don’t forget that there is still time to register for this year’s Sir Eric Neal Address on 27th February. I’m looking forward to hearing more from the Premier of South Australia, the Honourable Jay Weatherill MP, about his vision for South Australia, following on from his highly successful breakfast presentation last year at ELC 2012. The Sir Eric Neal Address is also a great opportunity to network amongst your peers.

John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD President Engineers Australia South Australia Division


One of the world’s leading engineering, architecture and environmental consulting companies, GHD, is proud to commend Alexander Chapman on receiving the prestigious 2012 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Australia Young Professional Award.

This award was presented at the National awards ceremony dinner held in Melbourne on Wednesday 28 November.

Alexander is an ITS Design Engineer with more than 5 years’ experience in the design of ITS solutions, as well as other traffic and transport projects.

Alexander graduated earning a Bachelor of Engineering (IT and Telecommunications) (Honours) and Bachelor of Finance from the University of Adelaide in 2006. He worked full time for 6 months with Arup Consultants in Leeds, UK, while playing semi-professional League cricket. Upon returning to Adelaide towards the end of 2007, Alexander was offered a position with GHD as part of the local ITS team.

Alexander has been involved in both large motorway upgrades and smaller local council projects throughout his time at GHD.

Alexander is pleased that his contribution to these projects has been recognised with such a significant National award.

As the recipient of this award, Alex receives an expenses paid trip to attend the 2013 ITS World Congress in Tokyo.




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Raimond Sils FIEAust CPEng presenting Chartered certificates to Sher Zamani MIEAust CPEng (image one) and Mark Duerden MIEAust CPEng (image two).

Two Santos engineers were Chartered and accepted into the Mechanical College late last year.

Santos is proud to have Sher Zamani MIEAust CPEng, a highly skilled engineer, working for us. Sher joined Santos two years ago and has improved the capabilities of the reliability and conditioning monitoring disciplines within the plant integrity department. Sher is an inspiration to the young engineers in Santos, being the first female Santos engineer to become Chartered and Registered in the east Australian business unit and being able to do so after living Australia for only three years.

“I became a Chartered Engineer through writing my Engineering Practice Report and having a Professional Interview. The main reason that I wanted to get registered as a Chartered Professional Engineer was to receive an internationally recognised badge of competence and of course to be more employable in competitive marketplaces.” Sher said.

Santos is equally proud of Mark Duerden MIEAust CPEng – one of the most respected and longest serving field support engineers in the company’s history. Qualified in Civil Engineering, Mark has worked his entire career in the Cooper Basin oil and gas fields, designing, installing, commissioning and technically supporting key network infrastructure.

Santos congratulate both Sher and Mark on achieving career milestones by becoming Professional Engineers.

Raimond Sils FIEAust CPEngPrincipal Mechanical Engineer, PDP CoordinatorSantos


The South Australia Division would like to congratulate the following members who attained or were readmitted for Chartered Status between 1st October 2012 and 31st December 2012:

• Arah Asadi-Khansari MIEAust CPEng

• Victor Awata MIEAust CPEng

• Michael Grage MIEAust CPEng

• Andrew Keeler MIEAust CPEng

• Keith McGrath MIEAust CPEng

• Ben Miners MIEAust CPEng

• Dane Noble MIEAust CPEng

• Michael Paschke MIEAust CPEng

• Daniel Prudencio MIEAust CPEng

• David Reid MIEAust CPEng

• Yuriy Solomonov MIEAust CPEng

• Hans Wicklander FIEAust CPEng

• Sher Zamani Baranji MIEAust CPEng


The SA Structural Branch hosted Dr John Holmes FIEAust CPEng (pictured), chair of the Standards Australia Wind Code Committee, at Engineers Australia South Australia Division on Wednesday 5th December 2012. Dr Holmes presented the changes made to the wind code for the 2011 edition and the amendments to the code. Dr Holmes gave background information on why the changes have occurred and limitations of the code and where specialist advice should be sought. All those present gained a greater understanding on the background of the code and the changes from the earlier editions.

Dr Greg Klopp MIEAust CPEngChairStructural Branch (SA)



2013 CAMPUS COORDINATORSThe South Australia Campus Coordinator Program is an initiative to establish a permanent, supported and guided network of young Engineers Australia members, with a view to contributing to the professional and personal development of engineering students. Now in its fifth year since its reinvigoration in 2009 the South Australia Division has great pleasure in introducing the Campus Coordinators for 2013.

In 2013 Henry will be completing his final year of Civil and Structural Engineering. Henry has held a range of leadership and organisational positions including roles in the Australian Defence Force, the Adelaide University Engineering Society, the Faculty Board of Engineering Computer and Mathematical Sciences and the past two Clipsal 500 events. His passion for both Engineering and Project Management has given him the opportunity to present at the University of Adelaide, Uni SA and to primary school students. He was the recipient of the 2011 Engineers Australia Craig Gilbert Leadership Award.

Henry’s role as Campus Coordinator will see him endeavour to significantly increase the number of student members of Engineers Australia as well as continue to improve the benefits of student membership with more site visits, increased integration with student run engineering clubs and improved social media presence.

Robbie is currently studying a combined degree in Civil & Structural Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering within the University of Adelaide. He has been passionate about developing and maintaining infrastructure from a young age and from the experience and knowledge gathered over time, Robbie became convinced that as a Civil engineer, he could make a significant impact on society.

Robbie enjoys being an active member within the engineering profession and looks for opportunities wherever possible to build his professional network, whilst appreciating the many different engineering disciplines that exist. As a current South Australia committee member of Young Engineers Australia South Australia, Robbie will also look to expand on the division’s objectives to represent the interests and views of young engineers and in particular students.

Robbie has undertaken numerous motivational roles and will look to use his skills to encourage active participation amongst students in as many engineering events as possible. He understands the importance of good career advice and will look to promote opportunities for which students will benefit from, beginning with an Engineers Australia Student Membership. Robbie looks forward to this opportunity as he enjoys participating actively within his community, taking on greater challenges and enhancing his own personal development.

Josh is currently studying a Bachelor of Engineering: Electrical & Mechatronic at UniSA. His main areas of interest are renewable energy systems & automation and control.

Josh’s final year project is in planning and will take him to Cambodia to build an off the grid solar power system for a rural community. Josh enjoys being actively involved in cultural experiences which is also what stemmed his interest in the project.

Josh has been involved in various engineering group projects including the Engineers Without Borders Project, building a Rube Goldberg machine, participating in the Warman competition and also programming a FESTO DIDACTIC System.

Josh plays football for his local club Lockleys, in which he participates in various community events and fundraisers. Josh looks forward to using his role as campus coordinator to help students adapt to the demands of the engineering profession so that they may start learning as soon as possible. He hopes that he can stimulate the student’s interest in networking and professional development by organising social events and site tours which will be rewarding for all involved.

Nathan is completing his fourth year of the BE (Mechanical) and ME (Biomedical) at Flinders University, and holds a BSc in Biomedical Physiology and a Dip. Business. Upon completion of his engineering degree, Nathan aims to work on the development and commercialisation of medical devices.

Nathan continues to amass a strong engineering profile by building professional relationships with academic staff and students, networking, and accumulating valuable work experience. He is also the recipient of academic merit awards, was a finalist for the 2012 Craig Gilbert Leadership Award, and founded the Flinders Photography Club in 2010.

As campus coordinator, Nathan aims to help engineering students realise the importance of focusing on their career early in their degree. Most students don’t realise that upon finishing, they must compete for jobs against not only the top students at their university, but also top students and experienced professional from around Australia and the world. Engineers Australia provides professional development opportunities that help students stand out beyond just their academic results. These services should be exploited by students.

Henry Harch StudIEAust - University of Adelaide

Robbie Goedecke StudIEAust - University of Adelaide

Josh Romeo StudIEAust - University of South Australia

Nathan Hill StudIEAust - Flinders University

Hamish McCarter FIEAust EngExecWhy did you decide to become an engineer?

I have always had a passion for creating things from nothing and wondering why and how other things work (my first car suffered from this curiosity). One day an elderly neighbour wandered past home when I was welding up some big steel gates

when I was about 15 or 16, and after watching me for several minutes asked, “Who taught you to build a gate like that?” When I replied that I taught myself he said “You should become an engineer”, so I did, and the gates lasted 20 years before being replaced…

What do you like the most about the engineering profession?

It’s the ability to use your knowledge of science, maths, logic (as rare as that may seem at times!), economics/finance and appropriate experience or tacit knowledge to finding suitable solutions to projects and problems within those projects. Evaluating different design choices on their merit and choosing the solution that best meets specific requirements and making informed compromises can be challenging and exciting and really ignites my passion for engineering!

If you could have worked on any engineering project, throughout history, what would you choose?

Tough question, but either the great pyramid developments in Egypt or the development of the Hoover Dam.

What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the engineering profession?

Ensuring the profession is truly valued for what it delivers and that opportunities continue (and are actively championed) for younger engineers to develop their skills on a first principles basis, not through a convenient ‘sausage machine’ process to achieve an end point.

What is the greatest piece of technology released in the last decade?

It’s hard to go past the smart phone particularly the iPhone. They have revolutionised our lives through information management, navigation, music, film, books, photography, games, internet and social media connectivity to name just a few things. 40 million+ iPhone users can’t be that wrong.

Why are you an Engineers Australia member?

I felt the need to be a contributing member of national forum that focuses on the advancement of engineering and the professional development of its members. The continuing professional development focus, networking events and knowledge dissemination through technical information, resources and events also offers members significant value.

If you could take a year off to study anything, what would it be?

Physics, quantum mechanics and studying the evolving theories surrounding the ‘electric universe’.

What do you feel is the engineering professions strongest asset?

Any profession’s strongest asset is its people, but those people who are motivated to help others beyond themselves are the best of the best.

What are your hobbies?

Mountain biking, either cross country or downhill, beach fishing, camping, bushwalking and (responsible) 4WDing. Basically anything interesting outdoors.

What is your motto?

Do less better (I just need to practice what I preach).

What would be your ideal working holiday?

I was fortunate enough to actually do this through an opportunity that arose a couple of years ago, when I attended an international conference with my wife in Paris, France in summer. So either to do that again (but with my children this time) or to sit on a beach and get paid to think…

Who would you most like to meet?

In history, Nicola Tesla or James Maxwell. Both men were undisputed genius’. In terms of living in the present, Barack Obama, I personally think he is a truly resilient, resourceful, humane and inspirational leader.

Hamish McCarter FIEAust EngExec is the Senior Manager Engineering at ElectraNet. Hamish will be presenting at the ‘Powering South Australia’ breakfast on Wednesday 13th March 2013, discussing ElectraNet’s intended plans for the future of the transmission network.


POWERINGsouth australia

Wednesday 13th March 2013

Adelaide Pavilion Veale Gardenscnr South Terrace & Peacock Rd

7.00am arrival, 7.15am start


For further information on the speakers, prices and to register, visit the following link: may also contact Events and Communications Coordinator Sharryn Fensom

with any



Unless published otherwise all presentations are scheduled to be held at the Engineers Australia South Australia Division. Event details are subject to change. Please check our website prior to

the event for current information and updates. Level 11, 108 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000.

Please register online at where you see this symbol

Wednesday 27th

Engineers Australia Retired Engineers Group (SA) and the IET Retired Engineers Group - Sound Engineering: Engineering Sound - Adelaide Film & Screen Centre

Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries:

Wednesday 27th

Engineers Australia South Australia Division, 2013 Sir Eric Neal Address Venue: Sebel Playford Hotel, 120 North Terrace, Adelaide Enquiries:

Thursday 28th

Engineers Australia ITEE Branch (SA) and Australian Computer Society (ACS), Enterprise Integration - “Social” Business Process Management Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries:


MARCHWednesday 13th

Engineers Australia South Australia Division - Powering South Australia

Venue: Adelaide Pavilion Veale Gardens, Cnr South Terrace and Peacock Road Enquiries:

Wednesday 27th

Structural College, Eminent Speaker Professor Mark Bradford - Designing Structures for End-of-life Deconstructability Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries:

Articles WelcomeWe would love to hear from you if you have any stories to share about engineering related activities that you or your workplace have participated in. Potential articles and photos can be submitted to Events and Communications Coordinator Sharryn Fensom:

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