english american colonies

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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English American Colonies. Section 2. England’s Early Exploration. John Cabot- sailed to America for England Arrived in Canada (Nova Scotia) Never returned from 2 nd voyage England doesn’t hunt for colonies (no money, Spain has claim, no gold). The Reformation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


English American Colonies

Section 2

England’s Early Exploration

John Cabot- sailed to America for England

Arrived in Canada (Nova Scotia) Never returned from 2nd voyage England doesn’t hunt for colonies

(no money, Spain has claim, no gold)

The Reformation

1517- Martin Luther accuses Catholic church of corruption

Protestant Reformation begins Ideas of Luther lengthened by John

Calvin Believed that churches should decide

their individual leaders, not the pope or king

The English Reformation Henry VIII is

king of England Wants a male

heir Wife- Catherine

of Aragon has a daughter

Catherine is the king of Spain’s aunt

Henry wants a divorce

The Pope, as leader of the church, will not grant it (didn’t want to trouble Spain)

The English Reformation

Henry starts the Church of England (Anglican)

The Anglican Church kept all of the organization and rituals of the Catholic Church

Some Anglicans began to want to Purify the Catholic influences

Called Puritans

Economic Changes in England

1500- lords own land and rent to tenant farmers

Early 1500s, there is a huge demand for English wool

Lords fence in land and start sheep farms

Called enclosure movement Many tenants evicted By 1550, wool prices fall Joint-stock companies formed to find

new market Joint-stock company- individuals pool

$- share in profit & loss


England supports privateers to raid Spanish shipping

Need a base to function in America Walter Raleigh founds a colony to be

a base Colony called Roanoke Governor of colony goes back to

England to get supplies Delayed 3 years When he returns, colony is


Jamestown - Early Trouble

Jamestown founded by Virginia Company

Most colonists did not know how to hunt, farm, or fish

Upper-class colonists decline to work

A tough leader emerged- John Smith Traded with home Native Americans

for food

Tobacco Saves Jamestown

First couple years were tough and unproductive

New crop made Jamestown profitable- tobacco

Tobacco was John Rolfe’s scheme

The House of Burgesses

To draw settlers, colonists are allowed to elect local officials

New reprehensive body called House of Burgesses

First legislature in the colonies

Headright System

Promised 50 acres to anyone who paid for voyage to Jamestown

Also, an additional 50 acres for every person that came with you, over 15 year old

Caused families to immigrate

A Royal Colony

Great immigration to Jamestown results in a Native American assault

King is tired of unrest Makes Virginia a royal colony Royal colony- overseen by governor

who was appointed by the king

Founding Maryland

Founded by George Calvert, Lord Baltimore

Baltimore is Catholic- but sociable to King James

Needs a secure place for Catholics Colony named Maryland The majority of settlers were


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