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Functional Graphene: Top-DownChemistry of theπ-SurfaceTimothy SwagerACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 3-5

Hierarchical Structures byWettingPorousTemplateswithElectrospun Polymer FibersJiun-Tai Chen,Wan-Ling Chen,and Ping-Wen FanACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 41-46

ATRPunderBiologically RelevantConditions:Grafting fromaProteinSaadyahAverick,AntoninaSimakova,SangwooPark,DominikKonkolewicz,AndrewJ.D.Magenau,RyanA.Mehl, andKrzysztofMatyjaszewskiACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 6-10

Two-DimensionalMolecularAssembly of BacteriochlorophyllaDerivativesUsing SyntheticPoly(ethyleneglycol)-LinkedLight-HarvestingModelPolypeptides onaGoldElectrodeModi�edwithSupported Lipid BilayersTsuyoshi Ochiai,MorioNagata,Kosuke Shimoyama,TomoyaKato, Takahide Asaoka,MasaharuKondo, TakehisaDewa, KeijiYamashita, Ayumi Kashiwada,Shiroh Futaki,Hideki Hashimoto,andMamoruNangoACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 28-32

Catalyst Chelation EffectsinOrganocatalyzed Ring-OpeningPolymerization of LactideDaniel J. Coady, AmandaC. Engler,HansW.Horn, KrishnaM. Bajjuri,Kazuki Fukushima, GavinO. Jones,AlshakimNelson, Julia E. Rice,and James L. HedrickACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 19-22

Decoupling BulkThermodynamicsandWetting Characteristicsof Block CopolymerThin FilmsSangwonKim, Paul F. Nealey,and Frank S. BatesACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 11-14

Double Stimuli-ResponsiveCopolymer Stabilizers forMultiwalled CarbonNanotubesSebastian Soll,Markus Antonietti,and JiayinYuanACSMacro Letters 2012, 1, pp 84-87

Network Formation in anOrthogonally Self-AssemblingSystemTristanMes,MarcelM. E. Koenigs,Vincent F. Scalfani, Travis S. Bailey, E.W.Meijer, andAnja R. A. PalmansACSMacroLetters2012,1,pp105-109

Now indexedinWeb of Science.

ACSMacro Letters complementsMacromolecules and offers thefastest time to publication inpolymer science. Papers have fullcitation, including page numbers,when �rst published to theweb.

Go topubs.acs.org/macroletters

Timothy P. Lodge,Editor,University ofMinnesota

Stuart J. Rowan

Deputy Editor,CaseWestern ReserveUniversity

Selected articles from Issue1:

View the full text of themore than 50 Letters in issue 1 free atpubs.acs.org/macroletters

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Bioclusters: Western U.S.

In This Issue

Scientists, entrepreneurs, and educators in the western U.S.

bioclusters are trailblazers: energetic, enthusiastic, and optimistic.

They live in hubs of creative research institutions and bold life

sciences companies. As one biotech investor says, �the fear of

failure here is zero.� Bioclusters enliven their communities, raising

scienti�c awareness and diversifying economic opportunities. Each

western U.S. biocluster has its own history, unique personality,

and distinct area of focus. Find your place in the pioneering West,

whether your �eld is research, business, education, or global health.

See full story on page 617.

Upcoming FeaturesBiotech/Pharma: Navigating Mergers/Acquisitions�June 8

Diversity: Promoting New Perspectives�July 20

Annual Postdoc Survey�August 24

Produced by the Science/AAAS Custom Publishing Office

Western U.S.


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Congratulations to Dr. Tiago Branco on winning the 2011 Eppendorf & Science Prize for his studies on how

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Newly offered instrumentation, apparatus, and laboratory materials of interest to researchers in all disciplines in academic, industrial, and governmental organizations are

featured in this space. Emphasis is given to purpose, chief characteristics, and availability of products and materials. Endorsement by Science or AAAS of any products or

materials mentioned is not implied. Additional information may be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier.

Electronically submit your new product description or product literature information! Go to www.sciencemag.org/products/newproducts.dtl for more information.


The Ingenuity iReport for Real-Time PCR is optimized for TaqMan

Gene Expression Assays. The new solution is an interactive report

that extends analysis beyond Ct or fold-changes to an accurate

and dynamic view of the biological information most relevant to a

gene expression experiment. In contrast to time consuming manual

searches for relevant publications and gene relationships, Ingenuity

iReport for Real-Time PCR provides a more rapid and comprehen-

sive understanding of pathways, processes, and diseases relevant

to gene expression results. With its engaging and intuitive design,

iReport for Real-Time PCR can be used by bench scientists to easily

and accurately understand the biological meaning of their experi-

ment within minutes. Peer-reviewed literature is cited throughout the

report, allowing the underlying evidence to be easily accessed and

referenced. iReport for Real-Time PCR has been optimized for sev-

eral TaqMan Gene Expression assay formats, including TaqMan Ar-

ray Card and OpenArray � le types.

Ingenuity Systems/Life Technologies

For info: 650-381-5056 www.lifetechnologies.com/ireport


LabSolutions DB Software offers liquid and gas chromatogra-

phy (LC/GC) laboratories fast and secure management for their

LC/GC data. LabSolutions DB integrates a data management func-

tion with LabSolutions LC/GC control and analysis software. Opti-

mally con� gured for PC-based laboratories, LabSolutions DB can

be connected to up to four LC/GC instruments for simultaneous use.

The integrated database is compliant with electronic records and

electronic signature regulations. LabSolutions DB’s project man-

agement function enables management suited to tasks and system

operations. It improves the ef� ciency of data searches and manage-

ment tasks by enabling equipment and user management, security

policy, and data processing to be set on a project-by-project basis.

The database allows multidata report creation using Microsoft Ex-

cel. This enables users to coordinate report creation with sched-

uled analyses, making it possible to quickly create reports when

testing ends.

Shimadzu Scienti� c Instruments

For info: 800-477-1227 www.ssi.shimadzu.com

New Products: Software/Data Analysis

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Thermo Scienti� c CONNECTS for the Paperless Lab is a combined

methodology, technology, and service offering that transforms labo-

ratories into tightly integrated paperless environments. CONNECTS

leverages existing investments in software systems, databases, and

laboratory instrumentation from a wide variety of commercial vendors

to bridge the islands of data generated in laboratories, transforming

that data into information that can be used across the enterprise.

CONNECTS is designed to enable real-time access to information

and improve regulatory compliance and data integrity while helping

save time and costs by automating processes and reducing manual

data handling. CONNECTS for the Paperless Lab comprises three

unique components—methodology, technology, and services—that,

when combined, are designed to deliver seamless and continuous

data � ows from the lab into the enterprise to improve results analy-

sis, enable faster decision-making, and improve productivity.

Thermo Fisher Scienti� c

For info: 800-395-5467 www.thermoscienti� c.com/paperlesslab


The CompassCDS 3.0 software is designed for multi-instrument gas

chromatograph (GC) laboratories. With its unique capacity for cus-

tomization, CompassCDS provides operators with a powerful tool for

a variety of analytical operations. Available as a standalone or fully

networked client/server application, CompassCDS meets the broad-

est spectrum of customer’s requirements. Designed to operate in

24/7 production environments with current Windows versions as well

as with Virtualized and Citrix metaframe installations, CompassCDS

controls all of the current Bruker GCs and custom analyzers manu-

factured for speci� c industrial analytical applications. CompassCDS

provides operators with customizable, single-screen user interfaces

that simplify day-to-day operation of GCs in routine analytical labs.

Multichannel reporting, the ability to include complex custom calcu-

lations, and summary statistical reporting are all standard features.

The CompassCDS product suite also includes a number of industry-

focused plug-in modules for PIONA, Simulated Distillation, Detailed

Hydrocarbon Analysis, Transformer Oil Gas Analysis, and Natural

Gas Analysis.

Bruker Corporation

For info: 510-683-4300 www.bruker.com/CompassCDS

SEMI AUTOMATED DILUTER/DISPENSER SOFTWAREEnhanced software for the Microlab 600 series diluter and dispensers provides important new

functionality for users in many applications. A new package of compliance features for labs in

regulated environments, password protection, and the ability to print documentation. These

functions are tamper-evident for additional security and adhere to 21 CFR Part 11 and FDA

GLP/GMP requirements. A new Con� guration Wizard walks the user through the system setup,

including security and method logging settings. The new Microlab 600 software, which is � eld-

upgradable and included in all new instruments, is now available in 10 languages, adding con-

venience for customers worldwide. For labs that require report printing directly from the instru-

ment, the software update integrates with a new printer accessory kit. It is also compatible with

LyncStore, a PC-based log � le management system that allows users to sort, � lter, compare,

save, and print � les from any computer.

Hamilton Company

For info: 800-648-5950 www.hamiltoncompany.com

www.sciencemag.org/products SCIENCE VOL 336 4 MAY 2012


The latest imaging technologies are enabling new discoveries by helping scientists visualize the detailed in-

ner workings of the cell. Super-resolution microscopy is now providing resolution approaching that of some

electron microscopes, enabling scientists to literally see previously unimaginable molecular-level detail—

even in live cells. At the same time, high content analysis can automatically image and analyze > 100 param-

eters per cell at high throughput, removing human subjectivity and speeding data acquisition. Using these

technologies together provides a powerful approach, enabling scientists to answer complex questions previ-

ously too difficult or time consuming to undertake using more traditional techniques. In this webinar our key

opinion leaders will share their views on how these synergistic technologies are advancing their research.

The latest imaging technologies are enabling new discoveries by helping scie

ner workings of the cell. Super-resolution microscopy is now providing resolu

electron microscopes, enabling scientists to literally see previously unimagina

even in live cells. At the same time, high content analysis can automatically im

eters per cell at high throughput, removing human subjectivity and speeding

technologies together provides a powerful approach, enabling scientists to an

ously too difficult or time consuming to undertake using more traditional tech

opinion leaders will share their views on how these synergistic technologies a

May 17, 201212 noon ET, 9 a.m. PT, 4 p.m. GMT, 5 p.m. UK

DECIPHERING THE CELLApplying Super Resolut ion Imaging

and HCA to Reveal Cellular Processes

REGISTER NOW!webinar.sciencemag.org


• Learn how experts are combining super-resolution microscopywith HCA in their research

• Discover the advantages and challenges in using these techniquestogether

• Obtain insight into handling rapid data acquisition, analysis,and presentation

• Have their questions answered live by our in-studio panel!


Laurence Pelletier, Ph.D.

Lunenf ield Research Institute

Toronto, Canada

Nick Thomas, Ph.D.

GE Healthcare

Cardif f, Wales

Brought to you by theScience/AAAS Custom

Publishing Office Webinar sponsored by

A GE Healthcare Company

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