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Ensure your home performs better.

Using Homestar as a tool to guide projects will create better-performing homes. But how do you apply it? This guide outlines key facts about Homestar and typical steps to achieve a 6 Homestar rating. Homestar is the comprehensive, independent rating tool that measures and rates the performance of New Zealand homes. Homestar takes into account energy, water, waste, ventilation, health and comfort, and other environmental factors. Its aim is to improve the performance of new and existing homes, making them warm, healthy and comfortable. 6 Homestar is now required for developments in Auckland’s Special Housing Areas.

How much will it cost?Building a 6 Homestar home doesn’t have to cost more than a standard build. Homestar rewards good design and planning. Good site orientation is critical, and can be achieved for no cost. Consider:• maximise glazing on north and east sides; minimise glazing

on south and west sides

• good-sized eaves on north aspects (600 – 900 mm)

• thermal mass (eg exposed concrete) directly adjacent to north facing windows.

Independent research showed that taking an average 3 bedroom home and adding items to acheve 6 Homestar added 2.2% to the build cost. However, a 6 Homestar home doesn’t need to cost more, and should be possible on any budget. For the best outcome, start with the end in mind.

How does Homestar relate to NZ Building Code?Typical new homes built to minimum Building Code standard will achieve 3 - 4 Homestar. A 6 Homestar home will use significantly less energy and water, and will have less moisture or condensation issues, making it healthier to live in and more affordable to run.

Feature Building code or common practice

6 Homestar recommendations

Ceiling Insulation R 2.9 (NI), R 3.3 (SI) R 3.6

Wall insulation R 1.9 (NI), R 2.0 (SI) R 2.8

Concrete slab Raft / pod style, R 1.3 Raft / pod with slab edge insulation, R 2.2

Windows Standard double glazing, R 0.26

Thermally broken double glazing, R 0.31

Ventilation Total opening window area of 5% of floor area

Dedicated extraction in kitchen and bathrooms

Water efficiency Not required WELS 3 star showerWELS 4 star toiletsWELS 4 star taps

Construction Waste Management

Not required REBRI waste management plan in place to achieve less than 20 kg waste per m2 floor area

By achieving 6 Homestar, a house design will exceed the minimum requirements of Clause H1 (Energy Efficiency), of the Building Code. The Homestar Certified Tool can be used to check compliance by automatically calculating the Building Performance Index (BPI).

Will it add value?• International research shows environmentally certified

homes sell for around 9% more than non-certified homes in the same market.

• Early NZ evidence suggests the same trend: valuation of one 7 Homestar home showed it attracted a 10% premium.

• Surveys show 87% of NZ home buyers place a value on good orientation for sun and 82% value high energy efficiency.

How do I get my development certified?Homestar certification usually happens in two stages:• during design to ensure planning is on-track• post-construction to certify the building. Assessments are carried out by trained Homestar Assessors, so you should talk to one early in your project. Longer term you may find it more cost effective to have a trained Homestar Assessor working in-house.

Find a Homestar training calendar at www.nzgbc.org.nz

Find a Homestar assessor at www.homestar.org.nz/findanassessor

Homestar for builders and developers

Whole house thermal performance• Good house orientation to maximise

winter sun; good ventilation.• Use of thermal mass (such as concrete

slab) for year-round low energy use. • High levels of insulation in walls, ceilings

and under floor (including edge of the concrete slab).

• Double glazing with low-e glass or thermally broken window frames.

Space heating & appliances • Efficient heating – e.g. wood burner,

pellet burner or ENERGY heat pumps.

• High energy rating labels on all appliances: 3.5 star min for fridges, 4 star min for dishwashers and clothes washers.

Moisture control• Kitchen and bathroom extractor fans,

and clothes dryers, vented to outside.• Sinks and baths with built-in overflows• No carpet in kitchens or bathrooms

Lighting• Energy efficient lighting (CFLs or LEDs)• No recessed downlights; OR downlights

that can be covered with insulation • Daylight and motion sensing controls

for o utdoor lights

+• A site waste management plan that

follows REBRI guidelines.• Construction waste to landfill less

than 15 kg per m2 of finished floor area (under 2.7 tonnes for a 180 m2 house).

Other options: installing composting / recycling facilities.

• A home user guide covering operation (templates at www.homestar.org.nz/hug)

• Well defined front entrance with clear street number

• Smoke alarms within 3m of all bedrooms, or sprinkler system; easily accessible fire extinguisher

• Secure locks and catches on all ground floor doors and windows.

Other options: outdoor security lighting; child resistant storage; clear views from house to street.


Homestar™ Checklist6 For more information email us at technical@homestar.org.nz or call 09 379 3996 and ask for the Homestar team.

Other options: universal design features such as Lifemark; renewable energy (photovoltaics) and provision of washing lines.

An option is to build modest sized houses with a smaller footprint. Note - this isn’t mandatory. Modest-sized benchmarks (excluding garage) are:• less than 110m2 for 2 bedrooms• less than 150m2 for 3 bedrooms• less than 182m2 for 4 bedrooms.Other options: permeable land area; swales for storm water runoff; space for vegetable gardens, native planting.

The Homestar tool awards points in six categories. These options are some of the features to help you achieve 6 Homestar. The most important category covers thermal performance of the whole house. There are minimum requirements for insulation, ventilation and water efficiency.

• High water efficiency (WELS) fittings: 5 stars+ for taps; 3 stars+ for showers; 4 stars+ for toilets; 5 stars+ for clothes washers; 4 stars+ for dishwashers.

Other options: rainwater harvesting tanks / plumbing to use rainwater.

• All paints and sealants are low-VOC (volatile organic compounds)

• Plasterboard, paints, insulation, carpets and floor coverings are Environmental Choice certified

Other options: FSC certified timber where practical; no non-FSC certified tropical hardwoods for decking.


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