environmental hygiene report - boarddocs · 2019-05-31 · brian colandrea safety & risk...

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Brian Colandrea Safety & Risk Coordinator

5 BOCES Road • Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Telephone: 845-486-8087 • Facsimile: 845-486-4818 Email:brian.colandrea@dcboces.org

Environmental Hygiene Report

Submitted to: Elliot Garcia Director Of Facilities III

Hyde Park Central School District Prepared by: Brian Colandrea


Project No. 017-1819

Site Visit(s) September 5 & 6, 2018

Report Date September 7, 2018

Investigator(s) Brian Colandrea

Dutchess County BOCES Health, Safety &Risk Management does not assert that all potential health or safety hazards at this site were evaluated during this survey. This survey is strictly limited to that which is identified in the

Project Scope of the report.

Dutchess County Board of Cooperative Educational Services Participating Districts: Arlington-Beacon-Dover-Hyde Park-Millbrook-Pine Plains-Poughkeepsie-Red Hook


Dutchess BOCES S A F E T Y A N D R I S K

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North Park Elementary School

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1

Project Scope 1

Materials & Methods 1

Results Summary 2

Discussion 3

Comments & Recommendations 4

References 5

Appendix Full Laboratory Results


Author’s Note: Parenthetical numerals at the end of a sentence reference the work with the

corresponding notation in the References section. Please read this report in its entirety,

including any attached appendices, to fully understand this investigation.

Executive Summary

This report is an additional follow up of report # 015-1819. The samples shown in this

report were taken on 9/5/18 & 9/6/18 after recommendations for mitigation offered in report

015-1819 were followed. Results showed increases in Pencillium/Aspergillus on 9/5/18 in Rooms

5 and 16, and then significant decrease in all types of spores on 9/6/18 (see Results Summary).

Further visual inspections will take place. Additional samples were taken on 9/7/18. A further

report will be issued once the results of these additional samples is received. Additional

recommendations were also made (see Comments/Recommendation).

Project Scope

Review results of samples taken on 9/5/18 & 9/5/18 and prepare a written report for the


Materials & Methods

Air sampling for fungal spores was performed using a Zefon, Bio-Pump Plus calibrated to 15 liters

per minute (LPM), each sample was collected for 6 minutes. Each sample was collected on a Zefon Air-O-Cell cassette. The samples, once collected were then packaged and delivered via UPS to Aerobiology Laboratory Associates Inc., (AIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747) located in Pennsauken, New Jersey for analysis. All samples were taken by a NYS Certified Mold Assessor (Cert # MA01300)


Results Summary

All sample results and other data were reported to the administration of the local educational agency (LEA) via phone, fax, or e-mail as they became available to our department.

*For Full Sampling Results See Appendix

Air Sampling For Fungal Spores** 9/5/18

Sample ID Sample Location

Spore Identification in spr/m3* 9/5/18

Spore Identification in spr/m3* 8/27/18

9518-NP1 Room 2 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 711

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 533

9518-NP2 Room 3 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 267

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 800

9518-NP3 Room 5 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 4533

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 222

9518-NP5 Room 16 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 4178

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 37867

9518-NP4 Room 17 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 1333

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 11911

9518-NP6 Room 21 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 578

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 2044

9518-NP7 Outdoor Comparison

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 711

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 178

*spores per meter cubed

**Only Pen/Asp result shown as these are the main group of concern, full laboratory results may be found in the appendix


Air Sampling For Fungal Spores** 9/6/18

Sample ID Sample Location

Spore Identification in spr/m3* 9/6/18

Spore Identification in spr/m3* 8/27/18

9618-NP1 Room 2 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 267

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 533

9618-NP2 Room 3 Penicillium/Aspergillus- none detected

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 800

9618-NP3 Room 5 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 89

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 222

9618-NP4 Room 16 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 133

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 37867

9618-NP5 Room 17 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 267

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 11911

9618-NP6 Room 21 Penicillium/Aspergillus- 267

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 2044

9618-NP7 Outdoor Comparison

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 311

Penicillium/Aspergillus- 178

*spores per meter cubed

**Only Pen/Asp result shown as these are the main group of concern, full laboratory results may be found in the appendix


The National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), a division of the

Center for Disease Control, uses the term Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) to describe the perception of the indoor environment by occupants of non-industrial facilities like offices and schools. Occupants of these facilities frequently report a variety of physical symptoms (e.g. headache, fatigue, eye & skin irritation) that they attribute to poor indoor air. If air is the culprit, there may be a number of causes, including chemical, physical, and biological contamination. These contaminants can create odors, cause occupant discomfort, and, occasionally, create a health hazard. Frequently the cause of poor indoor air quality is inadequate or poorly modulated ventilation. This can result in uneven heating and cooling


(which can affect the comfort of building occupants) and the provision of inadequate outside air.

Bioaerosols, airborne particles that are living or originate from living organisms, are ubiquitous in nature and may be modified by human activities. (1) They become an occupational hygiene concern when, as a result of indoor sources, the kinds and levels of microorganisms inside a building or facility are different than those in the surrounding outdoor environment. Microbiological growth inside building is normally the result of water intrusion (e.g. from roof leaks), standing water, or high humidity and dew point. Bioaerosols of concern include fungi, bacteria, viruses, allergens, and other metabolic by-products. Locating sources of bioaerosols inside buildings is heavily dependent upon good investigative techniques. Such techniques include, but are not wholly dependent upon, sampling. Sampling for bioaerosols

Includes air sampling and source (e.g. bulk, swab, tape-lift) sampling.

Comments & Recommendations

This report is an additional follow up of report # 015-1819. The samples shown in this

report were taken on 9/5/18 & 9/6/18 after recommendations for mitigation offered in report

015-1819 were followed. Results showed increases in Pencillium/Aspergillus on 9/5/18 in Rooms

5 and 16, and then significant decrease in all types of spores on 9/6/18 (see Results Summary).

Further visual inspections will take place. Additional samples were taken on 9/7/18. A further

report will be issued once the results of these additional samples is received. Additional

recommendations were also made.

Recommendations are listed below:

Continue to clean all surfaces, desks, tables, chairs, cabinets, etc. with soapy water applied with a damp rag, once cleaned employ a dry rag and/or paper towels to dry the area. Perform this throughout the building as necessary

Continue to employ HEPA to “scrub” the air. HEPA filters have the ability to capture fungal spores from the air that is cycled through the unit (already begun)


Continue to employ dehumidifiers to help lower humidity levels below 60%, this will help

inhibit mold growth (already begun)

Continue to remove any superfluous organic material that provide food sources for fungal growth, these may include paper, cardboard, soil, and food stuffs

Continuous visual inspections have revealed that certain pieces of furniture seem to be a good medium for mold growth and have proven difficult to effectively clean and therefore it is recommended that these pieces (see pictures below) be replaced.


1. University of Minnesota: Fungal Glossary. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Department of Environmental health & Safety, 2004

Appendix Laboratory Results

1054 Spore Trap Analysis: SOP 3.8Client Sample Number 9518-NP1 9518-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032822-001 18032822-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 10 444 12 1/2 23 1022 7 -

basidiospores 52 2311 62 1/3 171 7600 52 -

Cercospora - - - - 2 89 1 -

Cladosporium 2 89 2 1/55 109 4844 33 -

Curvularia 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

hyphal elements 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 16 711 19 1/1 16 711 5 -

Pithomyces 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 1 1/2 2 89 1 -

Zygophiala - - - - 2 89 1 -

Debris Rating 2 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 84 3733 ~100% 1/4 329 14622 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 1 of 7

Client Sample Number 9518-NP2 9518-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032822-002 18032822-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 6 267 7 1/4 23 1022 7 -

basidiospores 71 3156 82 1/2 171 7600 52 -

Cercospora - - - - 2 89 1 -

Cladosporium 1 44 1 1/109 109 4844 33 -

Curvularia 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

hyphal elements - - - - 1 44 <1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 6 267 7 1/3 16 711 5 -

Pithomyces 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes - - - - 2 89 1 -

Unknown 1 44 1 - - - - -

Zygophiala - - - - 2 89 1 -

Debris Rating 2 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 87 3867 ~100% 1/4 329 14622 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 2 of 7

Client Sample Number 9518-NP3 9518-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032822-003 18032822-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 2 89 1 1/12 23 1022 7 -

basidiospores 30 1333 21 1/6 171 7600 52 -

Cercospora - - - - 2 89 1 -

Cladosporium 6 267 4 1/18 109 4844 33 -

Curvularia - - - - 1 44 <1 -

hyphal elements - - - - 1 44 <1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 102 4533 71 6/1 16 711 5 -

Pithomyces 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Rusts 1 44 1 - - - - -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 1 1/2 2 89 1 -

Zygophiala - - - - 2 89 1 -

Debris Rating 2 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 143 6356 ~100% 1/2 329 14622 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 3 of 7

Client Sample Number 9518-NP4 9518-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032822-004 18032822-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 2 89 3 1/12 23 1022 7 -

basidiospores 40 1778 53 1/4 171 7600 52 -

Cercospora - - - - 2 89 1 -

Cladosporium - - - - 109 4844 33 -

Curvularia - - - - 1 44 <1 -

hyphal elements - - - - 1 44 <1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 30 1333 39 2/1 16 711 5 -

Pithomyces 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 1 1/2 2 89 1 -

Stachybotrys 1 44 1 - - - - -

Unknown 1 44 1 - - - - -

Zygophiala - - - - 2 89 1 -

Debris Rating 2 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 76 3378 ~100% 1/4 329 14622 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 4 of 7

Client Sample Number 9518-NP5 9518-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032822-005 18032822-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 5 222 3 1/5 23 1022 7 -

basidiospores 50 2222 32 1/3 171 7600 52 -

Cercospora - - - - 2 89 1 -

Cladosporium 3 133 2 1/36 109 4844 33 -

Curvularia - - - - 1 44 <1 -

hyphal elements - - - - 1 44 <1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 94 4178 61 6/1 16 711 5 -

Pithomyces 1 44 1 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 1 1/2 2 89 1 -

Zygophiala - - - - 2 89 1 -

Debris Rating 2 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 154 6844 ~100% 1/2 329 14622 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 5 of 7

Client Sample Number 9518-NP6 9518-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032822-006 18032822-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria 1 44 3 1/1 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 2 89 6 1/12 23 1022 7 -

basidiospores 14 622 41 1/12 171 7600 52 -

Cercospora - - - - 2 89 1 -

Cladosporium 1 44 3 1/109 109 4844 33 -

Curvularia - - - - 1 44 <1 -

hyphal elements 1 44 3 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 13 578 38 1/1 16 711 5 -

Pithomyces 1 44 3 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes - - - - 2 89 1 -

Unknown 1 44 3 - - - - -

Zygophiala - - - - 2 89 1 -

Debris Rating 3 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 34 1511 ~100% 1/10 329 14622 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 6 of 7

Footnotes and Additional Report Information

Debris Rating Table1 Minimal (<5%) particulate present Reported values are minimally affected by particulate load.

25% to 25% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Negative bias is expected. The degree of bias increases directly with the percentof the trace that is occluded.

326% to 75% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Negative bias is expected. The degree of bias increases directly with the percentof the trace that is occluded.

475% to 90% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Negative bias is expected. The degree of bias increases directly with the percentof the trace that is occluded.

5Greater than 90% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Quantification not possible due to large negative bias. A new sample should becollected at a shorter time interval or other measures taken to reduce particulateload.

1. Penicillium/Aspergillus group spores are characterized by their small size, round to ovoid shape, being unicellular, and usually colorless to lightly pigmented.There are numerous genera of fungi whose spore morphology is similar to that of the Penicillium/Aspergillus type. Two common examples would bePaecilomyces and Acremonium. Although the majority of spores placed in this group are Penicillium, Aspergillus, or a combination of both. Keep in mind thatthese are not the only two possibilities.2. Ascospores are sexually produced fungal spores formed within an ascus. An ascus is a sac-like structure designed to discharge the ascospores into theenvironment, e.g. Ascobolus.3. Basidiospores are typically blown indoors from outdoors and rarely have an indoor source. However, in certain situations a high basidiospore count indoorsmay be indicative of a wood decay problem or wet soil.4. The colorless group contains colorless spores which were unidentifiable to a specific genus. Examples of this group include Acremonium, Aphanocladium,Beauveria, Chrysosporium, Engyodontium microconidia, yeast, some arthrospores, as well as many others.5. Hyphae are the vegetative mode of fungi. Hyphal elements are fragments of individual Hyphae. They can break apart and become airborne much like sporesand are potentially allergenic. A mass of hyphal elements is termed the mycelium. Hyphae in high concentration may be indicative of colonization.6. Dash (-) in this report, under raw count column means 'not detected (ND)'; otherwise 'not applicable' (NA).7. The positive-hole correction factor is a statistical tool which calculates a probable count from the raw count, taking into consideration that multiple particlescan impact on the same hole; for this reason the sum of the calculated counts may be less than the positive hole corrected total.8. Due to rounding totals may not equal 100%.9. Analytical Sensitivity for each spores is different for Non-viable sample when the spores are read at different percentage. Analytical Sensitivity is calculatedas spr/m3 divided by raw count. spr/m3 = raw counts x (100/ % read) x (1000/Sample volume). If Analytical Sensitivity is 13 spr/m3 at 100% read, AnalyticalSensitivity at 50% read would be 27 spr/m3, which is 2 times higher. Analytical Sensitivity provided on the report is based on an assumed 100% of the tracebeing analyzed.10. Minimum Reporting Limits (MRL) for BULKS, DUSTS, SWABS, and WATER samples are a calculation based on the sample size and the dilution plate onwhich the organism was counted. Results are a compilation of counts taken from multiple dilutions and multiple medias. This means that every genus of fungi orbacteria recovered can be counted on the plate on which it is best represented.11. If the final quantitative result is corrected for contamination based on the blank, the blank correction is stated in the sample comments section of the report.12. The results in this report are related to this project and these samples only.13. For samples with an air volume of < 100L, the number of significant figures in the result should be considered (2) two. For samples with air volumesbetween 100-999L, the number of significant figures in the result should considered (3) three. For example, a sample with a result of 55,443 spr/m3 from a 75Lsample using significant figures should be considered 55,000. The same result of 55,443 from a 150L sample using significant figures should be considered55,400 spr/m3.14. If the In/Out ratio is greater than 100 times it is indicated >100/1, rather than showing the real value.Terminology Used in Direct Exam ReportingConidiophores are a type of modified hyphae from which spores are born. When seen on a surface sample in moderate to numerousconcentrations they may be indicative of fungal growth.

Suzanne S. Blevins, B.S., SM (ASCP)Laboratory Director

© 2018 Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARK ELEMENTARYCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/05/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/06/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032822Page 7 of 7

1054 Spore Trap Analysis: SOP 3.8Client Sample Number 9618-NP1 9618-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032826-001 18032826-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores - - - - 34 1511 9 -

basidiospores 2 89 14 1/140 280 12444 77 -

Cladosporium 3 133 21 1/11 34 1511 9 -

Curvularia 1 44 7 - - - - -

Epicoccum 1 44 7 - - - - -

Fusarium - - - - 3 133 1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 6 267 43 1/1 7 311 2 -

Pithomyces - - - - 2 89 1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes - - - - 1 44 <1 -

Unknown 1 44 7 - - - - -

Debris Rating 1 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 14 622 ~100% 1/26 362 16089 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARKCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/06/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/07/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032826Page 1 of 6

Client Sample Number 9618-NP2 9618-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032826-002 18032826-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 1 44 8 1/34 34 1511 9 -

basidiospores 6 267 50 1/47 280 12444 77 -

Cladosporium 1 44 8 1/34 34 1511 9 -

Curvularia 1 44 8 - - - - -

Drechslera/Bipolaris group 1 44 8 - - - - -

Fusarium - - - - 3 133 1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group - - - - 7 311 2 -

Pithomyces 1 44 8 1/2 2 89 1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 8 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Debris Rating 1 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 12 533 ~100% 1/30 362 16089 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARKCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/06/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/07/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032826Page 2 of 6

Client Sample Number 9618-NP3 9618-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032826-003 18032826-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores - - - - 34 1511 9 -

basidiospores 3 133 23 1/93 280 12444 77 -

Cladosporium 4 178 31 1/9 34 1511 9 -

Fusarium - - - - 3 133 1 -

hyphal elements 1 44 8 - - - - -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 2 89 15 1/4 7 311 2 -

Pithomyces 1 44 8 1/2 2 89 1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 8 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Unknown 1 44 8 - - - - -

Debris Rating 1 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 13 578 ~100% 1/28 362 16089 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARKCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/06/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/07/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032826Page 3 of 6

Client Sample Number 9618-NP4 9618-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032826-004 18032826-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores - - - - 34 1511 9 -

basidiospores 25 1111 81 1/11 280 12444 77 -

Cladosporium - - - - 34 1511 9 -

Fusarium - - - - 3 133 1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 3 133 10 1/2 7 311 2 -

Pithomyces 1 44 3 1/2 2 89 1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes - - - - 1 44 <1 -

Spegazzinia 1 44 3 - - - - -

Unknown 1 44 3 - - - - -

Debris Rating 1 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 31 1378 ~100% 1/12 362 16089 ~100% -

Client Sample Number 9618-NP5 9618-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032826-005 18032826-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores 1 44 6 1/34 34 1511 9 -

basidiospores 8 356 44 1/35 280 12444 77 -

Cladosporium 1 44 6 1/34 34 1511 9 -

Fusarium - - - - 3 133 1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 6 267 33 1/1 7 311 2 -

Pithomyces 1 44 6 1/2 2 89 1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 6 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Debris Rating 1 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 18 800 ~100% 1/20 362 16089 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARKCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/06/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/07/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032826Page 4 of 6

Client Sample Number 9618-NP6 9618-NP7


Sample Volume (L) 90 90

Lab Sample Number 18032826-006 18032826-007

Spore Identification Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out Raw Ct spr/m³ % Ttl In/Out

Alternaria - - - - 1 44 <1 -

ascospores - - - - 34 1511 9 -

basidiospores 24 1067 67 1/12 280 12444 77 -

Cercospora 1 44 3 - - - - -

Cladosporium - - - - 34 1511 9 -

Curvularia 1 44 3 - - - - -

Fusarium 1 44 3 1/3 3 133 1 -

Penicillium/Aspergillus group 6 267 17 1/1 7 311 2 -

Pithomyces - - - - 2 89 1 -

Smuts,Periconia,Myxomycetes 1 44 3 1/1 1 44 <1 -

Unknown 2 89 6 - - - - -

Debris Rating 1 Debris Rating 3

Analytical Sensitivity Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³ Analytical Sensitivity: 11 spr/m³


Total *See Footnotes 36 1600 ~100% 1/10 362 16089 ~100% -

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARKCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/06/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/07/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032826Page 5 of 6

Footnotes and Additional Report Information

Debris Rating Table1 Minimal (<5%) particulate present Reported values are minimally affected by particulate load.

25% to 25% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Negative bias is expected. The degree of bias increases directly with the percentof the trace that is occluded.

326% to 75% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Negative bias is expected. The degree of bias increases directly with the percentof the trace that is occluded.

475% to 90% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Negative bias is expected. The degree of bias increases directly with the percentof the trace that is occluded.

5Greater than 90% of the trace occluded withparticulate

Quantification not possible due to large negative bias. A new sample should becollected at a shorter time interval or other measures taken to reduce particulateload.

1. Penicillium/Aspergillus group spores are characterized by their small size, round to ovoid shape, being unicellular, and usually colorless to lightly pigmented.There are numerous genera of fungi whose spore morphology is similar to that of the Penicillium/Aspergillus type. Two common examples would bePaecilomyces and Acremonium. Although the majority of spores placed in this group are Penicillium, Aspergillus, or a combination of both. Keep in mind thatthese are not the only two possibilities.2. Ascospores are sexually produced fungal spores formed within an ascus. An ascus is a sac-like structure designed to discharge the ascospores into theenvironment, e.g. Ascobolus.3. Basidiospores are typically blown indoors from outdoors and rarely have an indoor source. However, in certain situations a high basidiospore count indoorsmay be indicative of a wood decay problem or wet soil.4. The colorless group contains colorless spores which were unidentifiable to a specific genus. Examples of this group include Acremonium, Aphanocladium,Beauveria, Chrysosporium, Engyodontium microconidia, yeast, some arthrospores, as well as many others.5. Hyphae are the vegetative mode of fungi. Hyphal elements are fragments of individual Hyphae. They can break apart and become airborne much like sporesand are potentially allergenic. A mass of hyphal elements is termed the mycelium. Hyphae in high concentration may be indicative of colonization.6. Dash (-) in this report, under raw count column means 'not detected (ND)'; otherwise 'not applicable' (NA).7. The positive-hole correction factor is a statistical tool which calculates a probable count from the raw count, taking into consideration that multiple particlescan impact on the same hole; for this reason the sum of the calculated counts may be less than the positive hole corrected total.8. Due to rounding totals may not equal 100%.9. Analytical Sensitivity for each spores is different for Non-viable sample when the spores are read at different percentage. Analytical Sensitivity is calculatedas spr/m3 divided by raw count. spr/m3 = raw counts x (100/ % read) x (1000/Sample volume). If Analytical Sensitivity is 13 spr/m3 at 100% read, AnalyticalSensitivity at 50% read would be 27 spr/m3, which is 2 times higher. Analytical Sensitivity provided on the report is based on an assumed 100% of the tracebeing analyzed.10. Minimum Reporting Limits (MRL) for BULKS, DUSTS, SWABS, and WATER samples are a calculation based on the sample size and the dilution plate onwhich the organism was counted. Results are a compilation of counts taken from multiple dilutions and multiple medias. This means that every genus of fungi orbacteria recovered can be counted on the plate on which it is best represented.11. If the final quantitative result is corrected for contamination based on the blank, the blank correction is stated in the sample comments section of the report.12. The results in this report are related to this project and these samples only.13. For samples with an air volume of < 100L, the number of significant figures in the result should be considered (2) two. For samples with air volumesbetween 100-999L, the number of significant figures in the result should considered (3) three. For example, a sample with a result of 55,443 spr/m3 from a 75Lsample using significant figures should be considered 55,000. The same result of 55,443 from a 150L sample using significant figures should be considered55,400 spr/m3.14. If the In/Out ratio is greater than 100 times it is indicated >100/1, rather than showing the real value.Terminology Used in Direct Exam ReportingConidiophores are a type of modified hyphae from which spores are born. When seen on a surface sample in moderate to numerousconcentrations they may be indicative of fungal growth.

Suzanne S. Blevins, B.S., SM (ASCP)Laboratory Director

© 2018 Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.

Certificate of AnalysisAIHA-LAP EMLAP# 102747

7184 North Park DrivePennsauken, New Jersey 08109

(856) 486-1177www.aerobiology.net

Dutchess BOCES5 Boces RoadPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Attn: Brian ColandreaProject: HYDE PARK CSD, NORTH PARKCondition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable

Date Collected: 09/06/2018Date Received: 09/06/2018Date Analyzed: 09/07/2018Date Reported: 09/07/2018

Project ID: 18032826Page 6 of 6

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