environmental protection agency of montenegro

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro


Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro established in March 2009

Role of the Environmental Protection Agency

Accomplishing of the principle of healthy environmental management in Montenegro

Performance of professional and related administrative affairs; Organizing and planning of environmental monitoring

Conducting of the first instance administrative procedures in the field of air protection, climate changes, ozone layer protection, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation etc.

Montenegro will be one of the countries where people will live in harmony with the environment


Active improvement of the environmental status of Montenegro in a professional way by serving nature, health and economic interests of the present and future generations.


In its professional aproach, the Environmental Protection Agency recognizes four major requirements

Staff- the most efficient personnel;

Environmental protection;

Communication with interested parties - openness;

Priority over all the other organisations in the public

sector that are dealing with environmental protection.

Basic activities of the Agency

Issue of permits, environmental monitoring, inspection, daily

communication with national and international organizations as well

as with the public;

All those activities are done through 5 Sectors of the Agency:1) Sector for Monitoring, analysis and reporting;

2) Sector for the issue of permits;

3) Sector for Communication and Information System Management;

4) Department of Environmental Inspection;

5) Service for Legal and Financial Affairs.

By establishing the Environmental Protection Agency one of the

basic conditions for joining the European Union (EU) is fulfilled;

With the work of the Agency, adequate environmental protection will be enabled

Organisation of the Environmental Protection Agency

Executive Director

Service for legal and financial affairs

Sector for ccommunication and

information system


Sector for the issue of permits

Sector for monitoring, analysis

and reporting

Department of environmental


Sector for monitoring, analysis and reporting

Sector for Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting

Authorized for total management of monitoring activities in the field of the environment

Defines monitoring activities on the basis of national and international responsibilities in accordance with the strategy needs and requirements

Deals with the integrated data analysis based on monitoring , keeps records of all necessary reports

Responsible for all environmental reports to the line ministry, Government, the public, and international organizations

Sector for monitoring, analysis and reporting - employees-

Milena Bataković

Ivana Bulatović

Aleksandar BožovićIrena Tadić

Tatjana ĐokovićNataša Bjelica

Msc Gordana ĐukanovićLidija Šćepanović

Nemanja Čavlović

Grad. maritime engineer – independent advisor I

Grad. biologist - Independent advisor III

Grad. biologist - Independent advisor III

Grad. engineer of inorganic technology– independent advisor


Spec. med.nuc. physics – independent advisor ISpec. crim. chemistry –

independent advisor I

Grad. inorganic technology engineer– independent advisor I

Grad. technology engineer – independent advisor I

Grad. art historianArchaeologist-trainee

Dr Vladan Božović

Assistant Director – Doctor of molecular biology and physiology

Dr Sanja DamjanovićGrad. physicist

Sector for monitoring, analysis and reporting- implemented projects-

1) Air quality control;

2) Analysis of the content of hazardous and harmful substances in soil;

3) Analysis of radio-nuclides in the environment;

4) Monitoring of the marine ecosystem state of Montenegro (MED POL monitoring)

5) Monitoring of the biodiversity state;

6) Noise measuring in the environment;

Sub-programme - Bio-monitoring of the Skadar Lake;

Sub-programme - Preparation of the Radon map of Montenegro

Drafting of the Monitoring Programme of the environmental status for 2009 that includes 6 programmes and 2 sub-programmes:

Tender has been implemented for conducting the monitoring of the environmental state for 2009

Programmes of:

Sector for monitoring, analysis and reporting- implemented projects -

• The following items have been chosen on tenders: “ PI Center for eco-toxicological testing of Montenegro”:

Programme of air quality control;

Programme of analysis of the content of hazardous and harmful substances in soil

Programme of analysis of radio nuclides with sub-programme Radon map of Montenegro

Programme of monitoring of the marine ecosystem of Montenegro

“ Republican Nature Protection Institute” :

Programme of biodiversity monitoring

“ PI Institute for development and research in the field of safety at work” :

Programme of noise measuring in the environment.

• The Environmental Protection Agency has prepared information

on the environmental state for 2008 .

• Drafting of the environmental data base is underway.

Sector for the issue of permits

Sector for the issue of permits

• Sector for the issue of permits mainly deals with the issue of

environmental permits and drafting of remediation (cleaning)


• It also deals with drafting of other permits and issue of the same;

• Cooperate with interested bodies;

• Participates in environmental impact assessments.

• Within the sector is established and water registers regulated

community which provides support and sector for inspection.

• Documentation required for a license can be found at the agency:


Sector for the issue of permits - employees -Ilija Radović

Sava Vuletić Boris Nišavić

Tatjana Đurčević Vladimir Pavićević

Milorad Kustudić

Slavko Radonjić

Msc Dragana ŽugićIva Kolinović

Tamara Brajović

Coordinator of affairs Grad. technology eng. Independent advisor I

Grad. biologistIndependent advisor I

Grad. eng. of mechanical engineeringIndependent- advisor II

Grad. agriculture eng. Independent advisor I

Grad..biologistIndependent advisor I

Grad. chemical technology eng – independent advisor I

Prof. physics and electrical engineeringIndependent advisor I

Grad. ecology and environmental protection eng- Independent advisor I

Grad. physicist- trainee

Grad. biologist – independent advisor I

Danilo KujovićEnvironmental protection


Licenses for ionizing radiation

Milorad Kustudić

Slavko Radonjić

Jasmina JankovićStanislava Lazarević Grad. biologist-

ecologist - traineeGrad. biologist -

ecologist - traineeMilica Milanović

Milena Savović

Jelena MugošaGrad. agriculture eng-


Bachelor of environmental protection - trainee

Grad.biologist- trainee

Jovana ŽarićGrad.biologist - trainee

Tatjana MujičićGrad.technology engineer-


Bosiljka KneževićGrad.biologist- trainee

Radoman VukićGrad.agriculture eng. –

environmental inspector I

Sector for the issue of permits – employees-continuation

Sector for the issue of permits-implemented projects -

This Sector issued permits in the period from 1/3/ 09 (the beginning of work of the Agency) until 31/12/09

Updates the public book containing 42 files on “Environmental Impact assessment”

Sector issued 15 permits for the import of products that contain substances that deplete the ozone layer

Sector issued 10 CITES permits – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora

Permits for plants and animals – issued 13 permits Trainings for the regular use and servicing of refrigerators and air

conditioners were organized, after which the participants received Certificates.

For the cross-border movement of non-dangerous waste: TRANSIT - 203 permits issued; IMPORT - 26 permits issued. EXPORT - 5 permits issued

Sector for the issue of permitsimplemented projects

• Consents given in the field of impact assessment: Initiated total: 100 In a decision making process regarding the need for impact assessment: 27 Decision not requiring impact assessment : 15 decision requiring the drafting of the Study: 22 Procedure of the Study evaluation underway:16 Consent to the need for impact assessment: 20

• The issue of permits for the import and export of ionizing sources (X - ray machines and linear accelerator), and for the import of radioactive materials and spare parts; From the start of work of the Agency, 91 permits have been issued:

Ex port of lead containers for radioactive material transport: 1 Movement of ionizing radiation sources: 35 Movement of radioactive material: 3 Movement of spare parts for ionizing radiation sources: 26 Movement of spare parts for non-ionizing radiation sources: 2 Decision for the use of ionizing radiation sources: (x-ray machines): 24

Sector for the issue of permitsimplemented projects

• Presence at the meeting that was held on March 2-3 2009 with representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna on the subject ’’Managing of the medical radioactive waste’’;

• Presence at the working meeting that was held on 27 March 2009 with the representatives of IAEA in Vienna on the subject “Legislation for natural radio elements and those that are created after technological process”;

• Active presence at meetings with representatives of the IAEA in Vienna that referred to the project of monitoring radioactivity in the environment in western Balkan countries and project of assessment of regulatory infrastructure, nuclear safety and radiation protection in western Balkan countries;

• Participation in drafting a report on environmental impact assessment of eventual building of a nuclear power reactor in Albania;

• Creating forms that refer to conditions that must be fulfilled by legal persons for doing measurements for the assessment of the level of exposure to ionizing radiation of persons, who work with radiation sources, patients, and decontamination .

Sector for communication and information system


Sector for Communication and Information System Management

• Provides the application of EU directives and other regulations

• Exercises international agreements

• Ensures communication and coordination with national and international organizations and


• Manages information system in environmental area

• Keeps the register of pollutants

• Collects relevant information from environmental area

• Publishes relevant information concerning the environment;

• Organizes educational events and campaigns;

• Enables the public participation in decision making procedures;

• Plays the role of a domestic information center which provides data on where professional

information and knowledge can be found;

• Cooperates with various networks and organizations (e.g. EEA, EIONET, IMPEL, ECENA and

other networks which act within the European Union).

Miroslav Jaramaz

Zdenka Rakočević

Valentina AranđelovićHelena Đurović

Adnan Đečević

Radomir Simović

Ivan Popović

Milena Popović

Jovana Mrvaljević

Ivana Marković

Bojan Bašanović

Anđela Kolinović

Sector for Communication and Information System Management

Assistant Director– grad.economist

Grad. mathematician - trainee

Grad. maritime engineer- consultant

Prof. of English language - consultant

Spec applied computer science-trainee

Grad. ecc for tourism - trainee

Bachelor of applied computer science-trainee

Bachelor of English language -trainee

Spec. of English language - trainee

Spec. politicologist- trainee

Grad.sociologist - ConsultantBachelor of

politicology- trainee

Jelena AsanovićComputer eng. -


Sector for Communication and Information System Management -implemented projects-

• The internet presentation of the Agency has been drafted;

• The site of the Agency has been completed, through which all interested

entities, at any time, can acquire important information on the status of the

environment and get acquainted with the work of the Agency;

• The data base concerning issued permits and environmental consents is

available at any time

• There will be questionnaires that inspectors shall fulfill when going on site

• Although not being implemented, the Project related to GIS (Geographic-

Information System) is in preparation and its implementation is expected soon;

• EIONET – Program that will connect all national and international institutions

that perform the task of collecting and sharing data on the state of the


Sector for Communication and Information System Management

-implemented projects-

• A range of other activities is performed every day which are related to

the following and analysis of written media and archiving of all texts

and newspaper articles and notifications concerning activities of the

Agency and environmental protection in in general;

• Data Collection related to the work of sectors for the issue of permits

and inspection is performed;

• Information system maintenance represents everyday maintenance and

updating of hardware and software and monitoring of the overall

information system of the Agency

Department of environmental inspection

Waste disposal prohibited

Department of Environmental inspection

Plans and performs environmental inspection and prepares relevant reports;

Environmental inspection Plan has been drafted by municipalities for June-December 2009;

Establishes cooperation with municipalities and other relevant bodies such as: police, ministries, customs, etc;

The information collected by this sector is transferred to the sector for the issue of permits and a competent ministry.

Department of Environmental Inspection- employees -

Vesna Zarubica

Olivera Radinović Pavle Radoman

Mladen Bešić Sejdo Đukić

Vesna Vučinić Dragan Raičević

Đorđije Grdinić Jelena Nikčević

Dejan FilipovićIlija Gojović

Vesna Bigović

The Head of the Department, Grad. metallurgy engineer- the chief environmental inspector

Grad. metallurgy engineer- - environmental inspector I

Grad. metallurgy engineer- environmental inspector I


Grad. metallurgy engineer- environmental inspector I

Grad. technology engineer-environmental inspector I


Grad. metallurgy engineer- -

environmental inspector II

Grad. metallurgy engineer- -

environmental inspector III

Grad. metallurgy engineer- - environmental inspector II

Grad.biologist -trainee Bachelor of chemical technology-



Ana L azović

Ranka ZarubicaGrad.biologist –

environmental inspector I

Bachelor of environmental protection- trainee

Marija PetričevićTourism techinician

Department of environmental inspection - implemented projects -

The Environmental Inspection has performed, until 31/12/ 09Environmental inspection 1302

Decisions 699

Misdemeanor charges 46

Criminal charges 3

Notifications to other inspections 246

The number of controlled permits for waste transport 17 9

The number of controlled deliveries of the transport of ionizing radiation sources 97

The number of controlled deliveries of the transport of goods containing substances that deplete ozone layer


The number of controls on the radioactivity of goods during import in cooperation with authorized institutions

The number of controls for the import of chemicals



Department of Environmental inspection - implemented projects -

• The procedure of integral cadastre drafting has been initiated

• The framework inventory of all companies and entrepreneurs

in Montenegro who can affect the state of the environment

quality has been drafted

• The collection of data for the drafting of the central registry of

ionizing radiation sources

Service for legal and financial affairs

Service for legal and financial affairs

Performs preparation and adopts regulations and general acts of the


• Monitors the implementation of EU regulations and directives;

• Keeps Central and staff records on civil servants and state employees;

• Performs affairs of public procurements for needs of the Agency;

• Performs preparation and pre-accounting of funds;

• Drafts a financial plan;

• Keeps business books;

• Drafts periodic accounts and final budget, etc.

• Archives and the courier service function within this Department

Service for legal and financial affairsZoran Mitrović

Nikola Golubović

Nela Vukčević

Hamid Š abović

Sandra Džudović Kojadinov ić

Mladen Đuranović

Milan JovanovićNebojša Vasiljević

Nikola BožovićDejan Gazivoda

Marina DamjanovićRada Petrović

Head of the Service Grad.economist - Senior state employee I

Grad. economist - Independent consultant I

Law graduate- Independent consultant I

L aw graduate- Independent consultant I

Grad. economist - Independent consultant III

SVS-state employee IV

SVS -state employee IV

SVS – state employee IVSVS- state employee IV

SVS – state employee IV

SVS – state employee IVSVS – state employee IV

Snežana KepićSnežana Milićević

Sonja VešovićSVS-state employee IV

SVS- state employee IV

SVS- state employee IVFilip PopovićSVS -state employee IV


Nada Jovanović

Amela Haverić

Zoran Amidžić

Željka Jovović

Verica Čolović

Siniša Novaković

Milan Luković

Vladimir Radunović

Jelena Čabarkapa

Grad.industrial manager- trainee

Bachelor of finance and accounting manager - trainee

Law graduate- trainee

Grad. economist--trainee

Bachelor of economics - trainee

Grad.tourism manager-trainee

Bachelor of economics.-trainee

SVS (V degree) - trainee

Bachelor of tourism and hospitality - trainee

Milena Adžić

SVS - employee IV

Service for legal and financial affairs - implemented projects -

• Communication with the state bodies of Montenegro; Secretariat for the European Integration;

Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection;

State Prosecution.

• Unit for law implementation has been formed;

• Participation in preparation of drafting of the proposal of the Regulation on

manner and procedure of registration, putting a vehicle onto the market,

establishment of the system of take, collection and processing of wasted

vehicles and work of the system;

• Drafting of materials for the Ecology Fair and Seminar on establishment and

functioning of the Environmental Protection Agency.

• Drafting of the budget proposal for 2010

Goals of the Environmental Protection Agency

• Protection and progress of the environment in Montenegro to the benefit of present and future generations (which is the basic principle of sustainable development);

• Performance of the transparent and responsible implementation of laws, regulations and policies in the environmental protection ;

• Provision of reliable and timely information to the public , national bodies and international organizations on the status of the environment in Montenegro

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