eoi oral anglès intermedi

Post on 19-Nov-2015






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exemple de prova oral anglès certificat nivell intermedi eoi


Angls. Certificat de nivell intermedi

Expressi i interacci oral

- Temps previst: 20-25 minuts

- Es puntua la capacitat d'interacci de la persona candidata, la pronncia, la competncia gramatical i l's de vocabulari.

Most teenagers in Britain receive pocket money (a small amount of money each week) from their parents. A report by the Bank of Scotland interviewed over 1,000 young people in Britain and found that 77% get pocket money. Different families give different amounts of pocket money of course. The average for eight- to fifteen-year-olds in the UK is about 6 a week. Children in Scotland receive more than the national average and Londoners get the most. Teenagers, logically, get more money than younger children. Some fifteen- to nineteen-year-olds receive more than 100 a month. The report found that many children save at least a quarter of their weekly pocket money and that more boys than girls save their money.

1. Look at the picture and ask your partner for details about his/her picture. Talk about the

similarities and differences between them.

2. Tell your partner what your text is about. Listen to each other and then exchange opinions

about the topic and the content of the texts.

3. To know more on the topic:

In turns, ask your partner three questions about the following subjects and answer his/her questions. Start with the first one.

- a childhood memory related to money

- his/her saving money habits

- changes in his/her use of mobile phones

- what to do to protect children and teenagers from internet dangers- opinion about parental control of phone useFinally, the examiner may ask you some questions related to the subject.

Angls. Certificat de nivell intermedi

Expressi i interacci oral

- Temps previst: 20-25 minuts

- Es puntua la capacitat d'interacci de la persona candidata, la pronncia, la competncia gramatical i l's de vocabulari.

Parents want their kids to be safe. Are teenagers safer with a mobile phone or without? Many parents want their children to have a phone so that they can be in contact at any time or in any place. On the other hand, for lots of parents a phone is a source of possible danger. Parents worry that their child may meet the wrong kind of friends on social networking sites or that they might receive cruel messages from school bullies. Some parents have rules about their childrens mobile phone and internet usage and bad behavior can result in removal of mobile privileges.

1. Look at the picture and ask your partner for details about his/her picture. Talk about the

similarities and differences between them.

2. Tell your partner what your text is about. Listen to each other and then exchange opinions

about the topic and the content of the texts.

3. To know more on the topic:

In turns, ask your partner three questions about the following subjects and answer his/her questions. Start with the first one.

- a childhood memory related to money - his/her saving money habits

- changes in his/her use of mobile phones

- what to do to protect children and teenagers from internet dangers- opinion about parental control of phone useFinally, the examiner may ask you some questions related to the subject.

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