epi-bowman keratectomy[e.b.k] with the epi-clear*,a new device for corneal epithelial ablation....

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1

Epi-Bowman Keratectomy[E.B.K] with the Epi-Clear*,A new device for corneal epithelial ablation. First 10 treated patients Matsliah Taieb M.D., Ben Nissan David M.D., Andrew Fink M.D., Yariv Bar-on E.S.C.R.S. Milan 2012 The authors have a financial interest in the subject matter. Slide 2 Purpose Clinical study of a new disposable device for corneal epithelial ablation. Slide 3 Device Single-use device Bio-compatible Polymer Multi-blade geometry with collecting grooves Ergonomic Titanium Handle Ergonomic device holder Slide 4 Methods Group A (EBK) Epi-Clear device 20 eyes from 10 Myopic patients; Range sph equivalent; from -1.75dt to -7.25dt Age Range: from 19 to 27 2 eyes EBK enhancements Goup B (PRK ) P.T.K. 35 microns + hockey knife 89 eyes from 46 Myopic patients ; Range sph equivalent; from -1.00dt to -10.50dt Age Range: from 18 to 43 Slide 5 Patients Non-consecutive cases / same surgeon Wavelight allegretto 400Hz Drugs: Oxybu-procain dilution with Diclofenac, Dexamethasone, Quinolone, Artificial tears Bandage: Soft contact lens (Dispo) Protocol: Control at D1-D2-D3-D7 Slide 6 Clinical Analysis Procedure estimation: Duration Handiness Epithelial ablation zone (EAZ) quality : Debris-free Round shaped regular borders Healthy epithelial borders Retains Integrity of the Bowmans Membrane Patient recovery Re-epithelization duration Pain intensity and number of anesthesic drops used UCVA back to activity Slide 7 Surgical Procedure Human eyeAnimation Slide 8 Clinical Results Group A Epi-Clear Device Group B Control, Hockey Knife Percentage (%) of patients reporting any kind of pain or discomfort. Maximum pain at daily intervals Slide 9 Epithelium Recovery Time Group A Epi-Clear Device Group B Control, Hockey Knife Mean % of epithelium recovery Slide 10 Discussion Procedure quick, safe and precise Short learning curve Mean procedure duration; 10 seconds Epithelial ablation zone (EAZ) quality Intact Bowmans membrane Free of debris with graduated borders Patient recovery Functional UCVA seems to be faster with EBK compared to PTK/ASA Post-operative pain notably reduced compared to PTK/ASA 95% of the 20 eyes were completely healed 48 hours post-procedure Slide 11 Conclusions The EBK procedure for surface ablation in refractive surgery, seems precise, safe for surgeons to perform. Allows the patient functional UCVA (6/10) within the first 48 hours. Following theses results a multi-center study has begun.

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