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Translational Science

ER Stress Signaling Promotes the Survival ofCancer"PersisterCells"Tolerant toEGFRTyrosineKinase InhibitorsHideki Terai1, Shunsuke Kitajima1, Danielle S. Potter1, Yusuke Matsui2,Laura Gutierrez Quiceno3, Ting Chen3, Tae-jung Kim1, Maria Rusan1, Tran C. Thai1,Federica Piccioni4, Katherine A. Donovan5,6, Nicholas Kwiatkowski6, Kunihiko Hinohara1,Guo Wei7, Nathanael S. Gray5,6, Eric S. Fischer5,6, Kwok-Kin Wong3, Teppei Shimamura2,Anthony Letai1, Peter S. Hammerman1, and David A. Barbie1


An increasingly recognized component of resistance to tyrosinekinase inhibitors (TKI) involves persistence of a drug-tolerantsubpopulation of cancer cells that survive despite effective erad-ication of the majority of the cell population. Multiple groupshave demonstrated that these drug-tolerant persister cells undergotranscriptional adaptation via an epigenetic state change thatpromotes cell survival. Because this mode of TKI drug toleranceappears to involve transcriptional addiction to specific genes andpathways, we hypothesized that systematic functional screening ofEGFR TKI/transcriptional inhibitor combination therapy wouldyield important mechanistic insights and alternative drug escapepathways. We therefore performed a genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9enhancer/suppressor screen in EGFR-dependent lung cancer PC9cells treated with erlotinib þ THZ1 (CDK7/12 inhibitor) combi-nation therapy, a combination previously shown to suppressdrug-tolerant cells in this setting. As expected, suppression of

multiple genes associated with transcriptional complexes (EP300,CREBBP, and MED1) enhanced erlotinib/THZ1 synergy. Unex-pectedly, we uncovered nearly every component of the recentlydescribed ufmylation pathway in the synergy suppressor group.Loss of ufmylation did not affect canonical downstream EGFRsignaling. Instead, absence of this pathway triggered a protectiveunfolded protein response associated with STING upregulation,promoting protumorigenic inflammatory signaling but alsounique dependence on Bcl-xL. These data reveal that dysregulationof ufmylation and ER stress comprise a previously unrecognizedTKI drug tolerance pathway that engages survival signaling, withpotentially important therapeutic implications.

Significance:Thesefindings reveal anovel functionof the recentlydescribed ufmylation pathway, an ER stress survival signaling indrug-tolerant persister cells, which has important biological andtherapeutic implications. Cancer Res; 78(4); 1044–57. �2017 AACR.

IntroductionDespite efficacy of targeted therapy with tyrosine kinase inhi-

bitors (TKI) in EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma and other

cancers, acquired resistance limits durable clinical benefit (1, 2).An increasingly recognized reason for treatment failure involvesdrug-tolerant persister (DTP) populations of cancer cells thatsurvive and rapidly adapt to therapy (3–6). Understanding thepathways that facilitate DTP emergence is therefore critical todesigning more effective combination therapies that can achievecure.

Adaptive transcriptional responses have been well character-ized to promote stress tolerance and cancer cell survival (5, 7, 8).We recently found that the CDK7/12 inhibitor THZ1 (9), whichrepresses RNA polymerase II–mediated transcription and inhibitscertain cancers (10), also synergizes with EGFR, ALK, and MEKinhibitors by eliminating DTPs (11). Similarly, others havereported synergy between the BRD4 inhibitor JQ1 and MEKinhibition to inhibit adaptive transcriptional responses (7). How-ever, detailed mechanism and additional pathways that couldbuffer these cells against stress remain incompletely characterized.

The balance between prosurvival and proapoptotic BH3 pro-teins also modulates response to cancer chemo- and targetedtherapies (12, 13). Regulation of this balance is particularlycritical for cancer cells upon depletion of the addicted oncogenicsignal inmultiple cancer models (14, 15), such as changes in BIMlevels following EGFR-TKI treatment of EGFR-mutant lung can-cer (16). Moreover, Bcl-xL and BCL-2 have been implicatedspecifically in EGFR TKI DTP cell survival (5). Activation of other

1Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Mas-sachusetts. 2Department of Systems Biology Nagoya University, GraduateSchool of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan. 3Laura & Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center,NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New York. 4Genetic PerturbationPlatform, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts.5Department of Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massa-chusetts. 6Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular PharmacologyHarvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. 7Cancer Program, Broad Insti-tute or MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer ResearchOnline (

H. Terai and S. Kitajima contributed equally to this article.

Current address for P.S. Hammerman: Novartis Institutes for BiomedicalResearch Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Corresponding Authors: David A. Barbie, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 450Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Phone: 617-632-6049; Fax: 617-394-2876;E-mail:; and Peter S. Hammerman,

doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

�2017 American Association for Cancer Research.


Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 20181044

on August 8, 2021. © 2018 American Association for Cancer Research. Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

post-transcriptional stress response pathways such as the unfold-ed protein response (UPR) also regulates cell survival in diversecancermodels (17, 18). Althoughwell described inother contexts,whether these pathways contribute to EGFR TKI DTP survival andhow they might interface with apoptosis remains unknown.

Novel regulators of ER stress, such as protein ufmylation, havealso been identified (19). Indeed, the enzymatic components ofthe ufmylation pathway were only recently characterized (20).This pathway is evolutionarily conserved in metazoans andthought to be important for ER homeostasis in several contextsincluding hematopoietic stem cells, and regulates the expressionof the autophagy-related protein SQSTM1 through modificationof ER stress (19, 21–23). Genetic alterations of this pathway areoccasionally found in several types of cancer including lung cancer(24) and can cause unique cancer dependencies (25). Theoreti-cally, engagement of such mechanisms could bypass certainaspects of transcriptional inhibition and promote survival.

Unbiased genetic screens provide a powerful tool to probebiologicalmechanism in preclinicalmodels of cancer (26, 27). Toelucidate potentially novel pathways that regulate EGFR DTP cellsurvival we performed a genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 enhancer/suppressor screen with the Avana sgRNA library (28), focusing onpathways that suppress the effect of erlotinib/THZ1 treatment onDTP eradication.

Materials and MethodsCell lines and culture

PC9 cells and HCC827 cells were obtained from collaboratinglabs primarily in 2014 and authenticated by a short tandem repeat(STR) analysis. 293T/17 cell line was purchased from ATCC in2016. PC9 cells and HCC827 cells were cultured in RPMI-1640growth medium (Thermo Fisher Scientific), supplemented with10% FBS and 293T/17 cells was cultured in DMEM growthmedium (Thermo Fisher Scientific), supplemented with 10%FBS. All cell lines were cultured at 37�C in a humidified 5% CO2

incubator. All cell lines were mycoplasma tested and negative.

Genome-scale CRISPR screenAvana barcoded library contains 73,687 barcoded sgRNAs

targeting 18,454 genes and 1,000 nontargeting guides (28). Foreach screen, three infection replicates were performed with asufficient number of cells per replicate that allowed to achieve500 cells per guide following puromycin selection (4 � 107

surviving cells containing 74,687 sgRNAs); 3 � 106 cells per wellwere seeded in 12-well plates and were infected with the amountof virus determined during optimization with a final polybreneconcentration of 4 mg/mL. After 4 days of puromycin selection,4� 107 cells were stocked for the gDNA extraction at day 0 (earlytimepoint sample), and 4 � 107 cells were treated with drugs(100 nmol/L erlotinib or 100 nmol/L erlotinib plus 50 nmol/LTHZ1). Cells were passaged or fresh drug-containing media wasadded every 4 days. Cells were harvested 18 days after initiation oftreatment.

Toharvest cells, cellswere trypsinized, spundown,washedwithPBS, and resuspended in PBS. Then, the cell pellets were frozen at�80�C. Genomic DNAwas extracted using the Qiagen Blood andCell Culture DNA Maxi Kit or Midi kit according to the manu-facturer's protocol. PCR and sequencing were performed asdescribed previously (28). Samples were sequenced on aHiSeq2000 (Illumina). For analysis, the read counts were nor-

malized to reads per million and then log2 transformed. The log2fold-change of each sgRNAs was determined relative to the initialtimepoint for each biological replicate.

Lentiviral infectionLenti-Guide or Lenti-CRISPR v2 vectors were cloned as

described previously (28). Briefly, HEK-293T/17 cells were trans-duced with lentiGuide puro and packaging plasmids usingX-treme Gene 9 (Roche) according to the manufacturer's instruc-tions. On day 2, target cells (PC9 cells or HCC827 cells) wereseeded, and allowed to adhere overnight and change themedia ofHEK293T/17 cells. On day 3, the supernatant of transducedHEK293T/17 cells was collected and added to the target cellsthrough a 0.45-mm filter. On day 5, puromycin (1mg/mL for PC9cells andHCC827 cells) was added to select infected cells (for fourdays).

Oligonucleotides coding for guide RNAs that target UFM1,UBA5, UFC1, UFL1, and UFSP2 genes were chosen from theAvana sgRNA library or the Brunello sgRNA library (28). Non-targeting sgRNAs from the Avana library were used as ControlsgRNA #1 or Control sgRNA #2. Each sgRNA target sequence isdescribed in Supplementary Table S1.

Quantitative RT-PCRTotal cellular RNAwas isolated fromcells using anRNeasyMini

Kit (Qiagen) and 1.0 mg was then reverse transcribed to cDNAusing the High Capacity RNA-to-c-DNA Kit (Life Technologies).Quantitative PCR reactions were performed using SYBR GreenPCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) on an ABI Prism 7300platform (Life Technologies). The relative expression was nor-malized with the expression of the housekeeping gene 36B4. Thesequences of primers used have been listed in SupplementaryTable S1.

RNA-seq analysisRNAwas isolated by RNeasyMini Kit (Qiagen) from the UFM1

knockout PC9 cells or control PC9 cells following treatment withDMSO, 50 nmol/L THZ1, 100 nmol/L erlotinib, or 100 nmol/Lerlotinib þ 50 nmol/L THZ1 (combination therapy). Cells wereharvested in themedia for 48 hours. Libraries were prepared usingIllumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA sample preparation kits from500 ng of purified total RNA according to the manufacturer'sprotocol. The finished dsDNA libraries were quantified by Qubitfluorometer, Agilent TapeStation 2200, and qRT-PCR using theKapa Biosystems library quantification kit according to manufac-turer's protocols. Uniquely indexed libraries were pooled inequimolar ratios and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq500withsingle-end 75 bp reads by the Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteMolecular Biology Core Facilities.

Principal component analysisPrincipal component analysis (PCA) was performed for average

FPKM values of each condition and resulting PCA scores were usedto create Fig. 4C. The single-sample gene set enrichment analysis(ssGSEA) considering directions (positive and negative genescores) was performed to derive in Fig. 4C using GO gene sets(c5.all.v5.2.symbols.gmt) downloaded from MsigDB and genescores defined by the loadings (i.e., the contributions to PC1 andPC2 of each genes) from the PCA results. On the basis of thenormalized enrichment scores for the gene sets that were denotedas "stat" in the Table; P valueswere derived from10,000 times gene

Ufmylation-Regulated ER Stress and EGFR TKI Cell Persistence Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 1045

on August 8, 2021. © 2018 American Association for Cancer Research. Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

permutations and false discovery rate (FDR) was calculated. Thecomplete gene sets lists are included in Supplementary Table S2.

Immunoblotting assayFor immunoblotting assay, cells were lysed in RIPA buffer

containing 1� protease inhibitors (Roche) and PhosphataseInhibitors Cocktails I and II (Calbiochem). Protein concentra-tions were determined using a Bradford assay (Bio-Rad). Proteinswere separated by SDS gel electrophoresis using NuPAGE 4%–

12% Bis-Tris gels in MOPS buffer or 3%–8% Tris-Acetate gels inTris Acetate buffer (Life Technologies). Resolved protein wastransferred to nitrocellulose membranes, blocked in 5% milk,and probed with primary antibodies in HIKARI Signal EnhancerSolutions 1 (Nacalai). After incubation with the appropriatesecondary antibody diluted in 2.5% milk [Pierce anti-mouseIgG/IgM (31444, Thermo Scientific) and anti-rabbit IgG(31460, Thermo Scientific)], blots were imaged on film. For theinformation of primary antibodies used in this study, see Sup-plementary Methods.

Cell viability assayCells (1,500) were seeded in 96-well plates, allowed to attach

overnight, and then incubated with growth media containingdrugs as indicated for 96 hours. Values of CellTiter-Glo Lumines-cent Cell Viability assay (Promega) after 96 hours were normal-ized to vehicle-treated cells. Plates were read on a Tecan InfiniteM200 Pro plate reader and analysis was performed using Prism7(GraphPad Software). All conditions were tested in triplicate. Thevalues represent the average of three technical replicates and arepresentative experiment from at least two independent experi-ments (biological replicates).

Crystal violet stainingA total of 1� 105 cells were seeded in 6-well plates, allowed to

attach overnight, and then incubated with media-containingdrugs as indicated for 18 days. Media and drugs were replacedevery four days unless otherwise noted. After 18-day culture, cellswere fixed with 1% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and then stainedwith 0.1% crystal violet as described previously ( Duplicate plates were made the number of viable cellscounted by Vi-cell counter (Beckman Coulter) for quantification.

In vivo treatment of EGFR xenograftsAll breeding, mouse husbandry and in vivo experiments were

performed with the approval of the NYU LangoneMedical Center(New York, NY) Animal Care and Use Committee.

Nu/Nu mice were purchased from Charles River LaboratoriesInternational Inc. PC9-sgDummy and PC9-sgUFM1 cells weredetected as pathogen free at Charles River Laboratories Interna-tional Inc. and cultured in RPMI1640 with 10% FBS. Cells wereresuspended in serum-free mediummixed with an equal amountof Matrigel (BD Biosciences). Mice were injected with 2 millioncells per shot and 2 locations per mouse in the flanks. The micewere randomly grouped (vehicle and THZ1 þ erlotinib combogroups for each cells). Each cohort included5mice. Treatmentwasstarted when tumor size reached 100 to 200 mm3. Tumor sizeswere monitored weekly, and volumes were calculated with thefollowing formula: (mm3) ¼ length � width � width � 0.5.

THZ1was dissolved inDMSO:5%dextrose (1:10) and dosed as25 mg/kg twice daily via intraperitoneal route. Erlotinib was

prepared in 0.5% HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), anddosed as 25 mg/kg daily orally.

Electron microscopyPC9 cells were incubated with 100 nmol/L erlotinib for 13

days then the specimens fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 1.25%paraformaldehyde, and 0.03% picric acid in 0.1 mol/L sodiumcacodylate buffer (pH 7.4). The cells were washed in 0.1 mol/Lsodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4), postfixed for 30 minutes in1% osmium tetroxide (OsO4)/1.5% potassiumferrocyanide(KFeCN6), washed 2� in water and 1� in maleate buffer, andincubated in 1% uranyl acetate in maleate buffer for 30 minutesfollowed by 2 washes in water and subsequent dehydration ingrades of alcohol (5 minutes each; 50%, 70%, 95%, 2� 100%).The samples were subsequently embedded (on the aclar) inTAAB Epon (Marivac Canada Inc. St. Laurent) and polymerizedat 60�C for 48 hours. After polymerization, the aclar was peeledoff and Ultrathin sections (about 80 nm) were cut on a ReichertUltracut-S microtome, picked up on to copper grids stained withlead citrate, and examined in a TecnaiG2 Spirit BioTWIN andimages were recorded with an AMT 2k CCD camera.

For additional information, see Supplementary Methods.

ResultsGenome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen to identify geneticmodifiers of erlotinib and THZ1 treatment

To identify genes that, when deleted, enhance or suppress theimpact of erlotinib/THZ1 combination therapy in EGFR-depen-dent PC9 cells, we performed a genome-wide CRISPR screen. Wefirst optimized treatment conditions for pooled screening (Sup-plementary Fig. S1A) in EGFR-dependent PC9 or HCC827 cells,identifying erlotinib 100 nmol/L � THZ1 50 nmol/L (for PC9cells) or erlotinib 30 nmol/L � THZ1 50 nmol/L (for HCC827cells) as the minimum doses that inhibited cell viability andshowed a differential impact between single and combinationtherapy. We focused the initial screen on PC9 and infected cellswith the Cas9-expressing vector, PLX-311, which achieved highCas9 activity (Supplementary Fig. S1B). Following infection ofPC9 cells with the Avana sgRNA library (28), targeting 500 cellsper each sgRNAwith each replicate as aminimum representation,cells were incubated for 18 days with the indicated treatments(Fig. 1A). We isolated genomic DNA from these cell populationsbefore (ETP: early time point sample) and after treatment, thenanalyzed sgRNA depletion or enrichment over time by next-generation sequencing. Overall proliferation curves of AvanasgRNA library infected cells were similar with those of controlEGFP vector–infected PC9 cells under each treatment condition(Fig. 1B; Supplementary Fig. S2A). As the Avana sgRNA librarycontains 1,000 nontargeting sgRNAs, we confirmed these non-targeting sgRNAs were distributed near the average position(Supplementary Fig. S2B and S2C). We also confirmed strongcorrelation between each treatment condition replicate (Supple-mentary Fig. S2D).

To assess gene-level effects, we used the STARS algorithm (28)to rank genes according to the impact ofmultiple sgRNAs for eachgene. We then distinguished between highly ranked genes whosedeletion modified the impact of erlotinib treatment or erlotinib/THZ1 combination treatment, as well as genes shared across bothtreatments (erlotinib and erlotinib/THZ1; Fig. 1C).Whenweuseda FDRof <0.25 as a cutoff, 142 geneswere identified that rendered

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Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 Cancer Research1046

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Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

Figure 1.

Overview of pooled sgRNA screening. Overview of genome-wide CRISPR screen with PC9 cells treated with erlotinib or combination therapy. A, A workflow ofCRISPR screen. PC9 cells were infected with Cas9-expressing plasmid (PLX311), selected, and then transduced with Avana sgRNA library. After antibiotic selection,PC9 cells were treated with 100 nmol/L erlotinib � 50 nmol/L THZ1 for 18 days. Genomic DNA was isolated from each cell population before (ETP, early timepointsample) and after treatment, then analyzed by next-generation sequencing to see the enrichment or depletion of each sgRNA. B, Proliferation curves ofPC9 cells infectedwith sgRNA library under the indicated treatment.C, Scatter plot for the result of CRISPR screen. Each dot indicates average of four sgRNAs for onetarget gene. Horizontal axis and vertical axis indicate log2 fold change (LFC) of sgRNA during erlotinib treatment or combination treatment compared with earlytimepoint sample. D, Venn diagram indicates the number of genes significantly enriched (FDR < 0.25) after the treatments by the STARS algorithm (28).

Ufmylation-Regulated ER Stress and EGFR TKI Cell Persistence Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 1047

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Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

cells resistant to erlotinib treatment and 121 genes were found torender cells resistant to erlotinib/THZ1 treatment, with 68 genesshared between both groups (Fig. 1D). As expected, the genes thatwere rescued from both single and combination therapies con-tained previously reported erlotinib resistance–related genes andgenes that have scored in multiple prior screens across an array ofcancer therapeutics (e.g., NF1, PTEN, KEAP1; refs. 29–31).Because erlotinib/THZ1 treatment preferentially eradicates DTPcells (11),we instead focused on genes that uniquelymodified theresponse to combination treatment, to isolate pathways especiallyimportant for the survival of this treatment-refractory cellpopulation.

Erlotinib/THZ1 synergy enhancer and suppressor genesExamination of deleted genes that uniquely enhanced synergy

of the erlotinib/THZ combination identified multiple compo-nents of the transcription initiation complex (e.g EP300, CREBBP,MED1; Fig. 2A; Supplementary Table S3). These results are con-sistent with an on-target effect of THZ1 in mediating transcrip-tional inhibition and suppressing an adaptive transcriptionalresponse to oncogene-targeted therapy that would be furtherpotentiated by genetic loss of one of these factors (11). Positiveelongation factor complex b (P-TEFb) including CDK9 is neces-sary for the initiation and elongation of transcription by RNApolymerase II, which is also regulated by the activity of the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK7, 12, and 13. Inhibition of CDK7 andCDK12 by THZ1 can disrupt active enhancers and target tran-scriptionally addicted cancer cells (9, 10, 32). EP300 and MED1are used as markers for active enhancer regions and are alsoconsidered to be functionally important (33, 34). Consistentwith this, we confirmed that the EP300 inhibitor SGC-CBP30enhances the synergistic effect of combination therapy (Supple-mentary Fig. S2E). The drug efflux transporter ABCG2 was alsohighly ranked in this group, suggesting drug export as a potentialmechanism of acquired resistance unique to THZ1 therapy (35).Together, these findings further validate the success of ourCRISPR/Cas9 screen in uncovering biologically meaningfulresults.

Interestingly, analysis of the top ranked synergy suppressorgenes unveiled nearly every component of the ufmylation path-way (UFM1, UFSP2, UBA5, UFC1, and UFL1; Fig. 2B; Supple-mentary Table S3).We further confirmed this result byperforminga confirmatory independent CRISPR screen with a customizedmini sgRNA library to validate top hits in PC9 cells. Consistentwith initial screen, most of these ufmylation pathway genes werereidentified as synergy suppressors (Supplementary Table S3). Asmentioned above, this posttranslational modification pathway islikely to play an important role in cell survival but overall verylittle is known about the function of ufmylation in cancer cells.Notably, while only a few target proteins have been identified inthis pathway, two reported substrates CDK5RAP3 and DDRGK1were also highly ranked as synergy suppressor genes (Supplemen-tary Table S3).

As the screen identified the majority of known genes in thispathway, we focused on understanding how suppression ofufmylation might impact survival of drug-tolerant persisters andrescue the synergistic effect of erlotinib/THZ1 combination ther-apy. First, we confirmed the efficiency of ufmylation pathwaysgRNAs in the library by immunoblot, as compared with controlnontargeting sgRNAs (Fig. 3A). We also analyzed protein levels ofpreviously reportedUFL1 complexmembers (36), and confirmed

degradation of DDRGK1 and CDK5RAP3 specifically followingUFL1deletion.Deletion of ufmylation pathway genes in PC9 cellsslightly inhibited their proliferation, possibly reflecting the dys-regulation of ER homeostasis by ufmylation pathway deletion(Fig. 3B). However, in short-term drug sensitivity assays (96hours), deletion of this pathway did not significantly affect theproliferation of PC9 cells in the context of THZ1or erlotinib singletherapy (Supplementary Fig. S3A). We next tested the impact ofufmylation pathway gene deletion on PC9 cell colony formationfollowing erlotinib or erlotinib/THZ1 treatment. Consistent withresults from the screen, UFM1 or UFSP2 deletion rescued day 18colony growth despite eradication of erlotinib DTPs by THZ1 incontrol cells (Fig. 3C). Rescue of persister cell survival was alsoconfirmed following deletion of multiple other ufmylation path-way genes (UBA5, UFC1, UFL1; Supplementary Fig. S3B).

We previously showed that transcriptional adaptation to EGFRTKI treatment in PC9 cells begins as early as 48 hours, resulting inan enhancer landscape that is sustained for up to 7 days andpromotes survival of DTP cells (11). We therefore pretreated PC9cells with erlotinib for 48 hours and monitored the impact ofTHZ1 treatment with control or ufmylation knockout. Consistentwith prior results, as compared with DMSO pretreatment, erlo-tinib pretreatment enhanced THZ1 sensitivity in sgControl PC9cells, which was significantly attenuated in sgUFM1, sgUBA5,sgUFC1, sgUFL1, or sgUFSP2 PC9 cells (Fig. 3D).UFM1 orUFSP2deletion in another EGFR-dependent cancer cell line (HCC827)also impaired the combinatorial effect of THZ1 relative to controlcells by colony formation and in the pretreatment assay (Fig. 3Eand F; Supplementary Fig. S3C). We further examined the impactof erlotinib/THZ1 on tumor growth impairment of sgControl orsgUFM1 PC9 xenografts in vivo. Consistent with our in vitro data,whileUFM1knockout PC9 tumors grewmore slowly than controltumors, the impact of the drug combination was significantlyattenuated (Fig. 3G; Supplementary Fig. S3D). Finally, weassessed the specificity of these results relative to additionalcombination therapies that have been reported toovercomeEGFRTKI resistance (37). Importantly, absence of ufmylation did notaffect the synergistic impact of erlotinib plus trametinib treat-ment, revealing a specific impact on erlotinib/THZ1 synergy(Supplementary Fig. S3E). Together, these data confirm thatsuppression of ufmylation pathway genes rescues DTP survivalfollowing transcriptional inhibition.

Disruption of ufmylation promotes inflammatory signalingand ER stress

To investigate the role of ufmylation in EGFR TKI DTP cellsurvival, we first interrogated canonical EGFR downstream sig-naling pathways in the presence or absence of ufmylation. We didnot observe any clear differences in pERK, pAKT, or pSTAT3 levelsbetween control cells and both UFM1 or UFSP2 knock out cells(Fig. 4A). To uncover potentially novel pathways activated byUFM1 knockout that promote survival, we performed RNA-seqand compared profiles of PC9 sgControl or sgUFM1 cells in theabsence or presence of drug.Gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA)revealed that UFM1 knockout–upregulated pathways were asso-ciated with EMT and NFkB activation (Fig. 4B; SupplementaryTable S2), and consistent with increased IL6 production in ufmy-lation-deficient PC9 cells (Supplementary Fig. S4A and S4B).Next, to interrogate the impact of the different drug perturbationson these cells, and identify the unique features activated inerlotinib/THZ1–treated PC9 cells following UFM1 loss, we

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Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

performed PCA. SgUFM1 PC9 cells were located in a similarposition with control PC9 cells at basal status, but after erlotinibtreatment both cells moved toward the positive direction in PC1.Interestingly, UFM1 knockout PC9 cells were located in acompletely different place to control PC9 cells after combinationtreatment. We therefore also performed GSEA to uncover featuresassociated with PC1 and PC2, that revealed dominant GO terms

associated with ER protein localization as the main factor formovement toward the negative direction of PC1 and positivedirection of PC2 (Fig. 4C; Supplementary Table S2). Given thisobservation and the known link between loss of ufmylation andER stress, we next performed electron microscopy of PC9 sgCon-trol and sgUFM1 persister cells to assess for specific ultrastructuraldifferences. Indeed, following inhibitor pretreatment, we noted

Figure 2.

Identified synergy enhancers and synergy suppressors. Genome-wide CRISPR screen dissects synergistic effect of THZ1. A and B, Scatter plots for synergyenhancer genes (A) or synergy suppressor genes (B). Horizontal axis indicates average log2 fold change (LFC) from early timepoint sample after erlotinib treatment.Vertical axis indicates delta log2 fold change between erlotinib treatment and combination treatment. Tables indicate the most enriched (FDR < 0.25) genesranked by STARS algorithm for synergy enhancer genes (A) or synergy suppressor genes (B). GO analysis was performed with the enriched synergysuppressor genes (B).

Ufmylation-Regulated ER Stress and EGFR TKI Cell Persistence Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 1049

on August 8, 2021. © 2018 American Association for Cancer Research. Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

that PC9 sgUFM1 cells in particular accumulated abnormal ERwith elongated membranes (Fig. 4D).

We therefore assessed whether disruption of ufymylationinduces well-known markers of ER stress. CRISPR-mediated

deletion of either UFM1 or UFSP2 increased pIRE1a andsplicing of XBP1 (Fig. 4E and F). We further confirmed thisresult with additional sgRNAs targeting UFM1 and other ufmy-lation pathway components (Fig. 4G). As regulation of

Figure 3.

Absence of ufmylation pathway genesattenuates cell killing effect by THZ1over erlotinib treatment. A,Immunoblotting analysis of ufmyationpathway genes. B, Cell proliferationassay of PC9 cells transducedindicated sgRNAs. C, Umylationpathway-depleted or control PC9 cellswere treated with 50 nmol/L THZ1(THZ1), erlotinib (erlotinib), or 50nmol/L THZ1 þ erlotinib (combo) for18 days (100 nmol/L erlotinib wasused for PC9 cells and 30 nmol/Lerlotinib was used for HCC827,respectively). The viable number ofthe cells was counted by Vi-cellcounter at day 18 to quantify the cellproliferation. Each bar indicates themean and SD of triplicate. D,Ufmylation-depleted PC9 cells werepretreated with 100 nmol/L erlotinibfor 48 hours, then treated with 100nmol/L THZ1. Cells were incubatedwith THZ1 for 96 hours. Each barindicates mean � SD. E, UFM1- orUFSP2-depleted HCC827 cells weretreated as in C. F, UFM1-depletedHCC827 cells were treated as in D. G,Xenograft experiments with PC9 cellstransduced indicated sgRNAs.Detailed experimental proceduresdescribed in Materials and Methods inSupplementary information.

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Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 Cancer Research1050

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Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-1904

Figure 4.

Absence of ufmylation induces inflammatory signaling and ER stress. A, Immunoblotting of EGFR signaling pathway components. UFM1- or UFSP2-depletedPC9 cells or control PC9 cells were treated with DMSO, 50 nmol/L THZ1, 100 nmol/L erlotinib (erlotinib), or 50 nmol/L THZ1 plus 100 nmol/L erlotinib (combo)for 72 hours. B, Top 5 upregulated pathways in UFM1 knockout PC9 cells compared with control PC9 cells analyzed by GSEA analysis. C, PCA was performedfor average FPKM values of each condition and resulting PCA scores were used. GO term analysis was performed against each principal component and ERGO terms were highly ranked with the indicated directions. D, Representative pictures of electron microscopic experiments. Each arrow in UFM1 KOpersister cells indicates accumulation of abnormal ER. E, Immunoblotting of unfolded protein response pathway components in UFM1- or UFSP2-depleted orcontrol PC9 cells. Cells were incubated with DMSO, 50 nmol/L THZ1, 100 nmol/L erlotinib (erlotinib), or 50 nmol/L THZ1 plus 100 nmol/L erlotinib (combo) for72 hours. F, qRT-PCR of spliced or total XBP1 in PC9 cells after 100 nmol/L erlotinib treatment. PC9 cells were transduced with indicated sgRNAs. Each bar indicatesmean � SD. G, Immunoblotting analysis of ufmylation pathway genes in PC9 cells transduced with indicated sgRNAs.

Ufmylation-Regulated ER Stress and EGFR TKI Cell Persistence Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 1051

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SQSTM1 (also known as p62; ref. 21) by ufmylation wasrecently reported, we also examined levels of this autophagyadaptor in control versus UFM1 or UFSP2 knockout cells.Although we did not identify significant changes in baselinelevels of p62 in PC9 cells in the absence of ufmylation (Fig. 4Eand G), the decrease in p62 levels following erlotinib treatment(38) was blunted following UFM1 or UFSP2 knockout. Incontrast, we failed to observe significant activation of PERK orits downstream signaling components, including DDT3 orATF4 (Supplementary Fig. S4C and S4D). Moreover, whereasIRE1a was activated at baseline following UFM1 knockout,pPERK was only induced at high tunicamycin concentrations(Supplementary Fig. S4E). In addition, we could not detect aclear impact of the PERK inhibitor GSK2606414 (39) ondownstream signaling, in contrast to the IRE1a inhibitor KIRA6(40), which suppressed XBP1s levels and impaired DTP cellviability, which correlated with sgRNA data from the screen(Supplementary Fig. S4F–S4I). Thus, ufmylation regulates spe-cific posttranscriptional stress response pathways that couldcontribute to survival of erlotinib DTP cells.

ER stress enhances STING induction in EGFR drug–tolerantpersister cells

We considered the possibility that STING, an ER residentprotein with an increasingly recognized role in inflammation andcancer (41), might link increased inflammatory signaling with ERstress in erlotinib DTP cells. We therefore measured multiplemarkers of STING signaling in sgControl or sgUFM1 PC9 cellsat baseline, or following erlotinib pretreatment to enrich for DTPcell populations. We observed modest upregulation of STINGlevels in control DTP cells, which was significantly enhancedfollowing UFM1 knockout (Fig. 5A and B). This induction ofSTING correlated with activation of NFkB signaling as measuredbyp-p65 levels, aswell increased expressionof IL6 (Fig. 5AandC).Importantly, while STING levels were increased, and primed toinduce pIRF3 in response to the dsDNA mimic poly dAdT inUFM1 knockout PC9 DTP cells, we did not observe significantactivation of pIRF3 at baseline (Supplementary Fig. S5A), suggest-ing preferential activation of prosurvival NFkB signals. However,given a known role for STING-IRF3 signaling in triggering apo-ptosis (42, 43), and propensity of these cells to activate IRF3, thesedata also suggested a precarious balance associated with thiscellular state.

To confirm these results, we next examined the consequences ofinducing ER stress in via alternative means. Indeed, pharmaco-logic treatment of PC9 persister cell populations with tunicamy-cin also increased STING levels as well as IL6 (Fig. 5D; Supple-mentary Fig. S5B and S5C). Consistent with this data, low-dosetunicamycin or brefeldin A treatment recapitulated the effect ofUFM1 deletion on rescuing the impact of THZ1 treatment onerlotinib DTP cell viability (Fig. 5E; Suppementary Fig. S5D).Taken together, these data reveal that ER stress enhances STINGinduction in erlotinib DTP cells, with preferential activation ofprosurvival NFkB signals that could support stress tolerance andcell survival.

UFM1 loss also results in enhanced dependency on Bcl-xLSTING induction has also been linked to ER stress–induced

apoptosis (42, 44). Given the known role of BCL-2 family mem-bers in EGFR-mediated survival, we wondered whether loss ofufmylation in EGFR TKI drug–tolerant persister cells might acti-

vate specific BCL-2 family members to counterbalance cell death.We first examined whether THZ1 treatment impacted the expres-sion of any BH3 proapoptotic or antiapoptotic family members.Wewere unable to detect a consistent impact of single-agent THZ1or combined erlotinib/THZ1 treatment on either protein ormRNA levels of these family members in the presence or absenceof ufmylation (Supplementary Fig. S5E and S5F).

We next utilized dynamic BH3 profiling as a more sensitivemeasure to determine whether loss of ufmylation might impactapoptotic priming and dependency on specific BCL-2 familymembers in persister cells at a posttranscriptional level. Acti-vation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway results in mitochon-drial outer membrane permeability, which is regulated by theBCL-2 family of proteins. The balance between anti- andproapoptotic BCL-2 family members determines how close tothe apoptotic threshold a cell is, termed apoptotic priming, andis a more sensitive indicator as compared with gross changesin BCL-2 family member levels or binding interactions (15).Briefly, this assay uses synthetic BH3 peptides derived from theBH3 domain of the proapoptotic BH3-only proteins to provokea response from the mitochondria (12). Apoptotic priming isrelative and perturbations to a cell can alter apoptotic primingas measured by promiscuously binding BH3 peptides such asBIM. Perturbations that alter antiapoptotic dependencies canbe determined by enhanced response to the more selective BH3peptides such as HRK or NOXA, which are specific Bcl-xL andMCL-1 antagonists, respectively (13, 43, 45). We thereforeperformed BH3 profiling on UFM1 or UFSP2 knockout PC9cells or control PC9 cells after 10-day incubation with 100nmol/L erlotinib (persister) or DMSO treatment, to elucidatewhether activation of the UPR pathway alters mitochondrialpriming. Interestingly, UFM1 or UFSP2 knockout PC9 cellsdisplayed a unique increased dependency on Bcl-xL after erlo-tinib exposure, shown by a significant increase in cytochrome creleased signal to the HRK BH3 peptide. This was also observedwith the BAD BH3 peptide that binds Bcl-xL as well as BCL-2and BCL-w (Fig. 5F). There was no significant change independency to MCL-1 measured by the MS1 peptide (specificMCL-1 antagonist; ref. 46) or overall priming measured by theBIM BH3 peptide, confirming unique dependency on Bcl-xL(Supplementary Fig. S5G).

Bcl-xL inhibition triggers cell death following ER stressinduction in EGFR TKI persister cells

To further validate the role of Bcl-xL in mediating survivaldownstream of UPR pathway activation, and to assess the poten-tial therapeutic implications of this dependency, we next utilizedthe recently reported Bcl-xL inhibitor, A1331852 to disrupt thiscritical prosurvival signal (47). Loss of ufmylation in PC9 cells viaUFM1 or UFSP2 knockout modestly enhanced sensitivity toA1331852 treatment across a range of doses regardless of erlotinibexposure, supporting a more general dependency on Bcl-xL forsurvival that becomes particularly critical in erlotinib DTP cells(Fig. 6A). HCC827 cells transduced with sgUFM1 also showed amodest increase in sensitivity to A1331852 treatment comparedwith sgControl cells (Supplementary Fig. S6A). Importantly,treatment of UFM1- or UFSP2-deleted PC9 cells with the selectiveBCL-2 inhibitor ABT-199 or selective Mcl-1 inhibitor S63845failed to show a significant difference compared with controlPC9 cells, while the dual specificity BCL-2 and Bcl-xL inhibitorABT-263 showed only a slight differential impact on survival in

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Figure 5.

STING induction and mitochondrial priming in erlotinib DTP cells. A, Immunobloting analysis of STING in parental or erlotinib DTP PC9 cells transducedwith indicated sgRNA. B and C, qRT-PCR of IL6 UFM1 knockout PC9 cells or control PC9 cells. D, Immunobloting analysis of STING in PC9 cells after the incubationwith 300 ng/mL of tunicamycin for 24 hours. E, UFM1- or UFSP2-deleted PC9 cells and control PC9 cells were pretreated with erlotinib or DMSO for 48 hours.Pretreatment with ER stress inducer tunicamycin or brefeldin A could attenuate the enhanced effect following 100 nmol/L THZ1 treatment. F,BH3 profiling revealingalteration of mitochondrial permeability following incubation with the indicated BH3 peptides. Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 1053

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Figure 6.

Enhanced dependency on Bcl-xL in the absence of ufmylation. A, Drug sensitivity assay performed with UFM1- or UFSP2-depleted or control PC9 cells. Relativeproliferation was measured by CellTiter Glo assay on day 4 after indicated treatment. B, Colony formation assay at day 18 � 1 mmol/L A1331852 treatment.PC9 cells transduced with indicated sgRNAs were incubated with DMSO, 50 nmol/L THZ1, 100 nmol/L erlotinib (erlotinib), or 50 nmol/L THZ1 plus 100 nmol/Lerlotinib (combo). C, PARP immunobloting following 8-hour treatment with 1 mmol/L A1331852 in parental or erlotinib DTP PC9 cells transduced with indicatedsgRNAs. D, PARP immunoblot of parental PC9 cells and erlotinib persister PC9 cells were transduced with indicated sgRNAs. Cells were incubatedwith 300 ng/mL tunicamycin for 24 hours and 300 nmol/L A1331852 for 3 hours before protein extraction.

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both PC9 and HCC827 cells (Fig. 6A; Supplementary Fig. S6A).Together, these results confirmed that Bcl-xL becomes especiallyimportant for cell survival in the absence of ufmylation.

We next measured the relative impact of A1331852 treatmenton erlotinib DTP cells. A1331852 treatment partially suppressedviability of erlotinib-only–treated cells, while it robustly reversedthe impact of UFM1 knockout on rescue of erlotinib/THZ1combination therapy (Fig. 6B). Importantly selection of PC9persisters by erlotinib pretreatment also resulted in increasedPARP cleavage following A1331852 exposure, which wasenhanced by UFM1 deletion relative to control (Fig. 6C). Wefurther confirmed these results using tunicamycin as a pharma-cologic inducer of ER stress, as low-dose tunicamycin treatmentresulted in enhanced PARP cleavage (Fig. 6D) and viabilityimpairment of PC9 and HCC827 erlotinib persister cells (Sup-plementary Fig. S6B and S6C).

Thus, although loss of ufmylation and ER stress facilitate EGFRTKI drug tolerance and can bypass transcriptional inhibition, italso creates enhanced dependency on Bcl-xL for mitochondrialprotection and cell survival.

DiscussionDespite the remarkable impact of EGFR-targeted therapy in

lung adenocarcinoma, drug resistance inevitably develops andfew patients with advanced disease are cured. It has becomeincreasingly apparent that a subpopulation of DTP cells contri-butes to relapse. Thus, understanding the multiple cellular adap-tations that enable these cells to survive is an important steptoward designing effective combination therapies that will enabledurable disease control. Here we specifically interrogatedmechanisms that promote EGFR TKI resistance of this subpop-ulation using genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 enhancer/suppressorscreening in EGFR-dependent PC9 cells. By focusing on hits incells treated with erlotinib combined with THZ1, we enriched forgenes that specifically enhance or suppress the impact of tran-scriptional inhibition in drug-tolerant persisters. As expected,deletion ofmultiple components of the transcriptional activationmachinery enhanced perister cell loss, consistent with theimportance of transcriptional adaptation and mechanism ofTHZ1 action as a CDK7/12 inhibitor (9). In contrast, in thesynergy suppressor group, we identified striking enrichment ofgene deletion along the ufmylation enzymatic cascade. Mecha-nistically, ufmylation gene deletion failed to alter canonicaldownstream EGFR survival signals involving the MAPK or PI3Kpathway axes. Instead, we found a key role for regulation ofER homeostasis. Specifically, depletion of this pathwayresulted in moderate activation of the UPR and induction ofSTING, associated with increased prosurvival NFkB signaling aswell as a unique dependence on Bcl-xL–mediated mitochondrialprotection.

The role of adaptive transcription as a mechanism contrib-uting to drug-tolerant persister cell survival has been welldescribed in the context of EGFR-dependent PC9 cells. Indeedthis mechanism was originally discovered in PC9 cells, whichwere shown to exhibit this state after erlotinib treatmentthrough histone modification, which could be prevented byHDAC inhibition (3). Hata and colleagues also recentlyreported a PC9 cell subpopulation of drug-tolerant persistercells that express specific adaptive transcriptional responseswhen compared with parental cells and showed enhanced

dependency on both BCL-2 and Bcl-xL, although the mecha-nistic basis for this phenomenon has remained unclear (5). Herewe uncover an additional role for ER stress and activation of theUPR, which have also become increasingly appreciated to playimportant roles in protumorigenic and immunomodulatorysignaling over the last several years (18). While rapid or sus-tained ER stress induces cell death, tolerable levels of ER stressparadoxically promotes survival of tumor cells. For example,activation of the IRE1a–XBP1 pathway is a key component oftumor-initiating cell survival in breast cancer (48). Adaptiveactivation of the UPR has also been implicated in tumor cellheterogeneity and escape from specific stress in the context ofpancreatic cancer (17). However, while the UPR can be activatedby intrinsic (e.g., genetic or epigenetic) or extrinsic (e.g., hyp-oxia, glucose deprivation, or lactic acidosis) factors in vivo,further work will be needed to understand how this pathwaybecomes activated and the specific role of ufmylation in drugtolerant cells in actual tumors (18). Recently Liu and colleaguesdescribed that one of the UFM1 adaptor proteins, DDRGK1, canbind and regulate one of the UPR sensor proteins, IRE1a (23).Furthermore Simsek and colleagues found UFM1 can conjugateto some of ribosomal proteins, suggesting their involvement intranslation regulation (49). These reports highlight the potentialthat the ufmylation pathway may represent a more generalregulatory component of protein quality and quantity, andpotentially a novel checkpoint that, when deficient, engageslow-level ER stress and attempts to maintain cell survival.Furthermore, it is also possible that somatic genetic alterationsin this pathway may be selected for in drug-tolerant persistercells by emerging combination therapies such as erlotinib/THZ1and promote acquired resistance.

Notably, we identified upregulation of the ER-resident proteinSTING in PC9 persister cells, which was enhanced by UFM1knockout or pharmacologic induction of ER stress with tunica-mycin. A sensor of cytoplasmic DNA via the intermediate pro-duction of cyclic dinucleotides, STING activation is increasinglyrecognized as an important link between inflammation andcarcinogenesis, as well as a potential target for cancer immuno-therapy and autoimmune disease (50). Consistent with ourfindings, STING activation has also been recently associatedwith ER stress in the context of innate immune sensing of specificmicrobes, promoting stress-mediated autophagy of ER mem-branes (51). Although we also identified upregulation of p62, anautophagy adaptor, a definite link between UFM1 knockout andautophagy induction has remained inconclusive (21). Insteadwe found that STING and p62 induction coincided with pref-erential activation of prosurvival NFkB signals including IL6.Furthermore, although we did not detect pIRF3 activation atbaseline in these cells, stimulation of sgUFM1 PC9 persister cellswith the dsDNA-mimic poly dAdT strongly enhanced IRF3phosphorylation. Taken together, these findings are consistentwith a cellular state in which low-level STING and p62 activationsupport ER stress tolerance via NFkB, but are hypersensitive toexcess stimulation by dsDNA and are potentially caught in aprecarious balance with prodeath signals (52).

Indeed, to further understand how the UPR promotes sur-vival of in UFM1-deleted PC9 drug-tolerant persister cells, weperformed BH3 profiling and observed enhanced dependencyon Bcl-xL, without an increase of Bcl-xL mRNA or protein levels.We also confirmed that ER stress induced by tunicamycin bothrescued erlotinib/THZ1 persister cell depletion and promoted Cancer Res; 78(4) February 15, 2018 1055

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Bcl-xL dependence. Mechanistically, the inability of THZ1 toinhibit BcL-xL transcripts may explain the ability of this state torescue erlotinib/THZ1 combination therapy. Although othershave reported that CDK7 can regulate expression of BCL-2family members, our findings suggest this to be cell type andcontext dependent (53). Interestingly, STING–IRF3 signalinghas been previously implicated in ER stress–mediated hepato-cyte apoptosis via direct activation of BAX, potentially explain-ing this dependency on Bcl-xL (42, 54). Moreover, BCL-2 familymembers are known to localize not only to mitochondria butalso the ER, and these ER localized BCL-2 family memberproteins are reported to modulate apoptotic signals throughER mitochondria calcium signaling (55). Importantly leakageof mitochondrial DNA into the cytoplasm is a well-knowntrigger STING-induced IRF3 activation and IFN signaling (56),suggesting that increased mitochondrial permeabilization fol-lowing Bcl-xL inhibitions may tip the balance toward IRF3activation, promoting a feedforward signal that leads towardcell death. Further work will be necessary to dissect in greaterdetail how these signaling networks directly converge in EGFRdrug-tolerant persister cells.

The discovery of Bcl-xL as a unique antiapoptoticeffector of this adaptive response may have important clinicalimplications. A clinical trial combining the nonselective BCL-2/Bcl-xL inhibitor ABT-263 with the third-generation EGFRTKI osimertinib is ongoing in EGFR TKI–resistant lung cancerpatients (NCT02520778; ref. 5). Our findings suggest thatmore selective targeting of Bcl-xL may provide more optimalon-target activity with an improved therapeutic window. Fur-thermore, given the renewed focus on eliminating drug-tol-erant persister cells with transcriptional inhibitors, incorpo-rating intermittent treatment with a selective Bcl-xL inhibitoror driving excessive IRF3 activation with STING agonists mayultimately represent the most effective way in which to suc-cessfully eradicate these tumor subclones and achieve durableclinical activity.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestN.S. Gray has ownership interest (including patents) and is a consultant/

advisory board member for Syros. A. Letai reports receiving a commercialresearch grant from AbbVie, AstraZeneca, and Novartis. D.A. Barbie is a con-sultant for N-of-One. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed by theother authors.

Authors' ContributionsConception and design: H. Terai, M. Rusan, P.S. Hammerman, D.A. BarbieDevelopment of methodology: H. Terai, T. Chen, F. Piccioni, D.A. BarbieAcquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients,provided facilities, etc.): H. Terai, S. Kitajima, D.S. Potter, L.G. Quiceno,T. Chen, T.-J. Kim, T.C. Thai, K.A. DonovanAnalysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics,computational analysis): H. Terai, S. Kitajima, D.S. Potter, Y. Matsui,L.G. Quiceno, T. Chen, M. Rusan, F. Piccioni, K.A. Donovan, K. Hinohara,N.S. Gray, K.-K. Wong, T. Shimamura, A. Letai, P.S. HammermanWriting, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: H. Terai, S. Kitajima,D.S. Potter, L.G. Quiceno, K.A. Donovan, N. Kwiatkowski, G. Wei, N.S. Gray,E.S. Fischer, P.S. Hammerman, D.A. BarbieAdministrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizingdata, constructing databases): H. Terai, S. Kitajima, G. Wei, P.S. HammermanStudy supervision: E.S. Fischer, P.S. Hammerman, D.A. Barbie

AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to P. Choi, Y. Mitsuishi, for providing materials, technical

instruction and useful discussion, and Molecular Biology Core Facilities atDana-Farber Cancer Institute for the preparation and sequencing of RNA-seq.

This work was supported by NCI-P01 CA154303 (to P.S. Hammerman),NCI-R01 CA19632-02 (to P.S. Hammerman), NCI-R01 CA190394-01 (to D.A.Barbie), the Schaubert, Gloria T.Maheu, andHeerwagen Family Funds for LungCancer Research (to D.A. Barbie), NCI-R01 CA179483 (to N.S. Gray), and Lillyoncology fellowship (to H.Terai).

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by thepayment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby markedadvertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicatethis fact.

Received June 29, 2017; revised November 13, 2017; accepted December 13,2017; published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017.

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Ufmylation-Regulated ER Stress and EGFR TKI Cell Persistence

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2018;78:1044-1057. Published OnlineFirst December 19, 2017.Cancer Res   Hideki Terai, Shunsuke Kitajima, Danielle S. Potter, et al.   Cells'' Tolerant to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase InhibitorsER Stress Signaling Promotes the Survival of Cancer ''Persister

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