ergonomics is our constant focus€¦ · smw had to adapt its layout and turn progressively from...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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Ergonomics is our constant focus


Mach1 Machinery answers to fast truing with 2 wrenches:

T2W and T2Wa have merged in one only model : FT2W.

Generally, main interest of managers is productivity, but considering ergonomics at all times is also a great productivity improvement. Of course, first purpose of ergonomics is that the people and machines interact most efficiently and safely.To be efficient, the machine must be easy to use and as comfortable as possible for continuous operation (one shift). On wheel building, the more demanding task is wheel lacing. This first working station is also strategical as it defines performance of the whole wheel building line.On wheel lacing operation, the balance of gesture is a key point. It enables productive work all day long and on a long term perspective it reduces tremendously the risk of RSI : Repetitive strain


Mach1 releases a range of new accessories to enable wheel

builders to improve their pro-duction standard


Sport Mechanical Workshop SRL reflects the perfect

example of a flexible and high efficiency layout.

injury. With our lacing machines, operator works back straight, shoulders parallel to the machine with balanced movements for both left and right arm and hand. The operator can work seated or standing which is our recommendation with possible use of a standing stoll. A manager willing to avoid working diseases should always consider RSI in overall machine performance evaluation.

The second improvement point is the layout around the lacing machine. A balanced design of the machine, opened on both left and right side enables to fit easier in your workshop. An operator can receive rims and hubs from left side and deliver laced wheel on right side or vice-versa. Operator’s access to the machine is also fast, easy and with small footprint, our lacing machines can accommodate with reduced floorplan.

Mach 1 offers speed and ergonomics with innovating solutions to reduce the cost per wheel. It is not over, come and visit us to find out more.

Ergo Non-Ergo

Back to Europe

Mach 1 Machinery keeps pace with exhibitions shifting datesFor exhibitions also, times are changing.



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On one side, the Internet is a very fast, efficient and reduced cost source of information for customers, on the other side companies closely look at their expenses and have some difficulties to measure returns on the significant investment exhibitions require.Fair organizers in the cycle industry, as it is the case in other businesses, struggle to attract exhibitors and visitors. Playing on an international market, they need to take into account what happens in

This year, Taipei Cycle scheduled back to its original date in March, less than 6 months after its preceding edition. Nevertheless, Mach 1 Machinery decided to participate in the 2019 event because we still believe that our customers value our presence and the possibility to check our latest equipment in operation during demonstrations. As some visitors had skipped the 2018 show, they were expecting to meet with us this year.

Besides the sales team, our technical experts are also available on the booth to discuss customer needs and recommend the most efficient equipment. Mach 1 Machinery were also present in India last March and in China last May with the new MAT manual truing bench as a world premiere.


For the past few years, the trend of bike production has been reversed. Indeed, Taiwanese and Chinese companies have been investing in Europe, setting part of their production or even building factories.

This trend started with the reversal of the exchange rate EUR/USD. Since the Euro dropped in the early 2015, it became more interesting to produce directly in Europe to address this market. Now, the anti-dumping taxes decided by thea European commission to preserve the European bike industry, and more specifically E-bikes, combined with the boom in this category, have clearly led to intensified investments made in Europe by countries of the Far East.

Those investments are mainly focused on Central and Eastern Europe countries as, for instance, Poland and Ideal Bikes, or Romania and DHS. However, it is important to note that Portugal is also benefiting from this favourable situation.

Far-Eastern companies mainly choose to settle an European headquarters and then to produce through a local partner, for instance Keola and Wuxi Shengda, or build a factory as Fritz Jou did 2 years ago in Portugal.However, despite the strong development of these “emerging” bike economies, we should not forget that Italy and Germany remain in the top 3 of European bike producers.

other countries and on other continents. Shanghai, for example, added another event in Asia, where Taiwan used to be the only place to host bicycle exhibitions.

In 2018, Mach 1 participated in CFOSE India in March, Shanghai show in May, Eurobike in July , Interbike in September and Taipei Cycle in October. It implied a lot of paperwork to ship machines back and forth and involved our people worldwide, from India to China to France.

AGENDA2019 - 2020

04-07 SEPTEUROBIKE, Hall 6, Booth 210Friedrichshafen, Germany

28 FEV - 01 MARCHCFOSELudhiana, India

06-09 MAY

CHINA CYCLEShanghai, China


As a consequence, Europe is definitely an area we must focus our attention on. Our recently increased sales team is fully committed to this challenge and we will pay specific attention to addressing this market : Please read the interview of Waïfre (page 4), our new area sales manager, and get to know him.



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Offset, Dish, Campanatura, Déport, Versatz, Centrado, Chapéu,…

It’s more an evolution than a revolution, T2W and T2Wsa have merged in one only model FT2W : the fastest 2 wrench machine in the market. To improve speed, FT2W is using the same motors controller range than FT3W series. FT2W is now including automatic diameter adjustment and is prepared for new e-hub clamp option. It supports also the other options of previous T2W series such as stabilization, Fat Wheel capability or screen on swivel arm.Last but not least the price remains the same as the former simple T2W.

Three defects must be corrected on a bicycle wheel : side to side, up and down and offset.

Once side to side and up and down are fixed, offset must be dealt with. In order to mount wheels on different frames and forks, to ease V-brake adjustment and have a smooth drive, it has become standard practice to center a wheel on frame brackets in order to have an offset as small as possible. Centered means that the rim is equidistant from the ends of the hubs. Whether your wheel is front or rear, with internal gears, disc, ATV or road, it is supposed to be centered.

To check this centering, you have to measure this offset. With Mach1 wheel assembly machines, you will have no difficulty: All our truing robots have a sensor dedicated to actual offset measurement. Mach1 is the only manufacturer proposing machines whose reading of offset value is true without adding any option.

This said, it is also possible to measure this offset manually.

By convention, all Mach 1 machines measure and display offset values in the same way the manual tool does. So if you accept a rim is deviated 0.7mm to the left or the right from the center of the hub, you will need to set-up a tolerance value of 1.4mm.

Defect value reading being a source of controversy, Mach 1 offers now a tool with a digital readout for immediate and direct offset reading with no room for interpretation.

OMT : This Offset Measurement Tools will be available for purchase from

September 2019

The offset measurement tool is very easy to use. Place it on the wheel and make sure 3 points are in contact with the wheel. Then place the tool opposite by turning the wheel over. If there’s no longer 3 points touching the wheel, there is a defect. But this tool has a kind of magic : it magnifies offset and makes it easier to read. As it is put on both sides of the wheel, the displayed value is twice the actual offset value.



Mach1 answer to fast truing with2 wrenches : FT2W

Main features


Range : 12” to 29”Automatic loading and unloading of the wheel.Semi-automatic change-over through selection from the list of stored wheels (200).Display of actual side/side, up/down and offset values by direct measurement on the rim.Configurable spoke tightening cycle before truing with adjustable torque value.

High efficiency and improved throughputReduced costs of ownershipEasy maintenance thanks to use of standard commercial components.

Know more about Waïfre, new salesmanat Mach1 Machinery

You were used to work at Mach1 Wheel Components, how is it that you joined Mach1 Machinery?Indeed, I spent more than 3 years at Mach1 Wheel Components as a sales manager in charge of many different European countries such as Italy, Poland or the U.K.Emmanuel Gaillard, the Managing Director, wanted to give a new impetus, increase

Mach1 Machinery, 294 route des Grands Bois, 74370 Villaz, France – Tel : +33 4 50 22 06 39 - - Directeur de la publication : Emmanuel Gaillard - Création :


0 to 500 000 bikes in 3 years for SMWSPORT MECHANICAL WORKSHOP SRL, started producing the first bicycle 3 years ago, and this year more than 500 000 units are forecasted for Decathlon.On wheel building section, Mach1 has started this success story together with SMW and has been able to progressively enlarge production capacity and adapt to volume and variety of production.At the beginning, a combination of LTA and FT3W was the right answer: A fast and versatile lacer together with the fastest robot to tight, stabilize and finally true the wheels. A production capacity of 40 to 50 wheels per hour was progressively reached in the first 6 months of activity. This was very challenging, as all staff was very new and a lot of training and site support were required.The support of Telai Olagnero (shareholder of SMW) has also been essential to provide with training and expertise in bicycle assembly.


With constant growth of production, SMW had to adapt its layout and turn progressively from flexible lines to mass production wheel building lines.2 original flexible lines have been extended with an additional lacer and a V4iA (4 head tightening machine).With these 2 additional machines, the production of these lines has reached 80 wheel/hour or more.To process the 20% of references that are representing 80% of the volume, such a wheel building line is the right answer.The original flexible lines continue dedicated to small batches where fast and easy changeover is required.Finally, this is the perfect example of a flexible and high efficiency layout. Fast production lines for big series and some flexible lines for short series.To continue improving its wheel building workshop productivity, SMW is

experiencing LTS, the fast and simple lacer from Mach1. With good components quality, as SMW is using, LTS is very efficient and for a lower cost of ownership. Now SMW is experienced and can prepare to reasonably double its capacity over the next 3 years. No doubt that for future expansion, SMW will bet on LTS.

the presence on the field and of course the sales. He thought he could benefit from my knowledge of the customers, countries and languages. That is why he offered me to join them a few months ago.I was very honoured and enthusiastic with this proposal. It is a great opportunity I am given to move forward in the bike industry in a very challenging field.

You are a salesman entering a very technical world, how do you deal with your integration?It is true that I have a Sales background. However, after more than 3 years spent in the wheel components field, I acquired skills. I am aware that I have a lot to learn but I always have been curious and interested in machines and technical fields. I am very excited by all the technical topics I am

OMT offset measurement tool

Coming soon

Benefits Direct numeric reading (some seconds) of Offset value X2Ergonomic and ease of use

Technical SpecificationDiameter : 12" to 29" with or without tireDisplay accuracy: 0,01 mmUnit : mm or inchesAll hubs supported: E-hubs, thru axle, etc…Crash to the floor protected

STT : spoke tensionmeter toolStandalone or connected to MAT,with wireless option SCT : Spoke calibration toolStandalone or connected to MAT


dealing with and learning about. Moreover, we work as a team and I am very well supported by everyone in the company.On the other hand, as I said, I know many of our customers and I am familiar with many of the countries I am responsible for. The priority is given to remaining close to our customers. And I know how to do that.

Which area are you in charge of?I am by and large responsible for the same countries I used to deal with:Southern Europe except Portugal, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland and all Spanish speaking countries of Latin America. We will see in the future if we have to make some changes and tailor this area to the needs of our customers.

Mach1 releases a range of new accessories to enable wheel builders to improve their production standard

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