er&l 2010 - can we build it? yes we can!

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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~ Benjamin Heet, Robin Malott


Can We Build It? Yes, We Can!

Building an ERM solution at the University of Notre Dame

Robin Malott, Benjamin HeetER&L 2010

University of Notre Dame

What’s on tap for today?

• Background»Our situation

• Do It Yourself»Our approach

• ERM Components»Modules

• Next StepsER&L 2010

About Us

• What we’ve got»CEP (checklist for electronic products)


• What we want»What everybody wants

• Where we’ve looked»Here, there, everywhere»What we found…

ER&L 2010

If you build it…

• Why build it?»No one size fits all solution• Not our first choice

»Meeting priorities• Flexibility, workflows, selector initiation,

and more

»Modular units, modular system• Just show me the information I need to

do my jobER&L 2010

ERM System Development

ER&L 2010

• One component at a time• Each component specialized for it’s own task• Inter-connected, not inter-dependent

Modular System Development

ERM System Development

ER&L 2010

• Promotes collaboration• End users see progress quicker• Easier implementation


ERM System Development

ER&L 2010

• Important to have a strong framework and standards• Needs programmer on staff


ERM System Development

• PHP and MySQL• Focus on workflow• Simplified interface design

ER&L 2010

Our Approach

ER&L 2010

Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge.

Winston Churchill


Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing

ER&L 2010

Data Mart Reporting Tool

Usage Statistics







Data Mart Reporting Tool

The winding road

• Datamart»Met reporting needs

• Usage Statistics»Collection dev. priority

• Licensing»Last hope for vended solution

• AcquisitionsER&L 2010

Usage Statistics Module

• Need a better way to manage»Pay someone else »Build our own

• What is important to us?»Less time gathering stats»Find out what the numbers mean

ER&L 2010

ER&L 2010

ER&L 2010

ER&L 2010

Other items of interest

• Avoiding junk in, junk out»HTML vs PDF• Springer vs ScienceDirect

»Outliers• Use spikes, fair or personal archiving

»General bad data• Missing/incorrect issn• Duplicate data on same report

ER&L 2010

Licensing Module

• Datamart, Statistics – Done• Still looking for vendor ERM»Licensing as last straw

• Opportunity knocks»Law student with programming skills

• OK, let’s build this one too»Final commitment to local

development madeER&L 2010

ER&L 2010

Queue showing licenses with active status

ER&L 2010

Search against license, document and provider names

ER&L 2010

Licensing Highlights

• Keyword search• Expression comparison• Delivery of terms to users» ILL, Coursepacks, eReserves

• Flexibility»Customize fields»Track expressions of your choice

ER&L 2010

Cancellation Module

• Datamart, Usage, Licensing – Done

• The Nitty-Gritty»Needs assessment»Focus Groups

• Wow, that’s a big project!»Start small»Redesign cancellation system as proof of

conceptER&L 2010

ER&L 2010

current queue

my folder

in progress

ER&L 2010

personal queuemark complete

ER&L 2010

Simplified View for Collection Managers

ER&L 2010

Detailed View for Staff and Administrators

ER&L 2010

Routing View

ER&L 2010


Cancellation Highlights

• Selector Initiation»Save to My Folder (for later)

• Routing»Workflow queue»Notification alerts» In process status

• Functionality / Infrastructure

ER&L 2010

Acquisitions Module

• Re-purpose, expand Cancellation»Product»Cost»Licensing»Routing»Organizations• Contacts, Account numbers, Support

ER&L 2010

ER&L 2010

In Progress

Organizations Module

• Organizations Module??»Organizations exist in each module• Publishers, providers, platforms,

vendors, etc• A logical link between systems

»Parent / Child Organizations»Contact names for each organization

• How do we organize that data?

ER&L 2010

Next Steps

• Organizations - #1• Acquisitions - #2• CORAL Completion»End of summer (fingers crossed)

• Why should you care?»Sharing»Development partner?

ER&L 2010


• Robin Malott»

• Benjamin Heet»

ER&L 2010

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