essay spm error identification

Post on 16-Oct-2014






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QUESTION : Write a story that begins with “ I could see by his face that he was very angry…….”

I could see by his face that he was very angry. I (is, am, was) almost convinced that I (saw, see) (steamer, steam) emitting from (her, his, him) nostrils as he (stand, stood, standing) there in front (off, of) the cinema.

Slowly, I (approach, approached, approaching) (her, him) (an, and) (apologised, apologise, apologising). (Her, His, Him) blazing (eye, eyes) (an, and) stern glare (make, made) (I, me) (feel, felt, feeling) guilty. We (was, were) supposed to (watching, watch, watched) the latest horror flick (buy, by, bye) Steven Goldberg together, (but, butt) I (have, had, has) broken (my, mine) promise. I (have, had, has) chickened out at the last minute (an, and) (leave, left) (her, him) all alone to (watched, watching, watch) the spine-chilling movie in the dark cinema. (Those, That) (make, made) him really furious.

“I (is, are, am) (sori, sorry), Wan. Please forgive me” I pleaded. “I (has, have) a good reason…….please listen (two, too, to) me……”

“You (is, are) (an, and) unreliable woman!. You (break, broke, broken) your promise and I will never (go, went, gone) out (witch, with) you again.” He roared (ate, at) me like a raging bull. (Than, Then) he (turn, turned, turning) away (an, and) (walk, walked, walking) (of, off). I (try, tried) to (catch, caught, catching) up (witch, with) him, frantically (ask, asking, asked) him to (waited, waiting, wait). Yet he never (turn, turned) back (an, and) (move, moved, moving) on. The crowd outside the cinema stared (ate, at) us. I (wish, wishing, wished) the earth would open (an, and) swallow me in (sew, so) that I could (avoid, avoided) (their, they’re) piercing stares. Hurriedly, I (chase, chased, chasing) after Wan who (has, had) already (cross, crossing, crossed) the road (an, and) was on his way (home, house).

Finally, I managed to (catch, caught, catching) up with him. I rattled on my apologies but he (is, was, were) just silent. Exhausted, I (give, gave) up and (walk, walked, walking) quietly beside (her, him). The night (grow, grew) darker (an, and) the dim lights of the street- lights blurred my vision. It (is, was) eerie (and, an) quiet; only our footsteps could (bee, be) (hear, heard).

Suddenly, (to, two) dark figures loomed in front (of, off) us, blocking our path. (One, Won) of them (point, pointed) (a, an) knife at Wan’s throat. The other (grab, grabbed) my handbag. It all (happen, happened) in the split (off, of) a second that I (were, was) rendered speechless.

“Give me (our, your) wallet!” the armed man (shout, shouted) at Wan. As I (watch, watched) helplessly. Wan (take, took, taken) out his wallet (an, and) deliberately (drop, dropped) (eat, it). As the other (man, men) (bend, bent) (two, to) pick (eat, it) up, I (kick, kicked) him hard with my high heels. (At, ate) the (some, same) moment, Wan elbowed (hard, heart) on the other assailant’s ribs, (cause, causing) (him, her) to (dropped, drops, drop) the knife. He then (give, gave, given) him a few punches and (kick, kicked, kicking) him hard before attacking the other (men, man) who was on the ground, groaning in pain. Realising their attempts (two, too, to) (rub, rob) us had (fail, failed, failing), the two men (speed, sped) (of, off).

Wan (look, looked, looking) (ate, at) (mee, me) and (smile, smiled). The anger in (her, him, his) eyes had (go, goes, gone, going) as he (look, looked) at me with great concern. Immediately, I (flash, flashed) him my million-dollar smile, relieved that we (was, were) safe. And that Wan had at last forgiven me. He (clutch, clutched) my (hen, hand) tightly as we (walked, walk, walking) home. All’s well that ends well.

Write a story beginning with the following lines….

“The wind was blowing strongly and the door outside kept on banging. I heard footsteps. Suddenly the lights (go, went, gone) out. I (is, am were, was) (ate, at) the study table (do, doing) (sum, some) last minute revision (four, fore, for) my mid-year examination, alone, (ass, as, has) my parents (an, and sister (has, have, had) (go, gone, went) (to, two, too) town.

Getting up slowly, I (brave, braved myself (an, and) inched my (whey, way) (two, to) the switch on the wall. The sound (of, off) the (footsteps, feetsteps) (grow, grew) louder. Desperately I (keep, kept) (play, playing) with the switches (butt, but) nothing (happened, happen). Shivering in fear and (praying, pray) that my parents would (bee, be) (house, home) soon, I (crouch, crouched) in a corner (off, of) my room. In the darkness, I (see, saw) (two, to, too) figures (entering, enter) the room. My (hurt, heart) (were, was) in my (teeth, mouth) and I (close, closed) my eyes shut. Who (was, were) they ? What (were, was) they (do, doing) (hear, here)?

When I (opened, open) my eyes, they (was, were) (knot, not) there anymore. I slowly (crawled, crawl) out (off, of) the room (sew, so) that I could (got, get) help. However, I accidently banged (our, my, mine) head against a table and my mother’s glass vase (fall, fell) (into, on) the floor. Alerted (buy, by, bye) (a, the) noise, the thieves (shine, shone) (their, they’re) torch-lights on my face. I (screamed, scream).

“Get her!” one (off, of) the thieves (shouted, shout) (has, as) I (try, tried) (two, to) get up (an, and (ran, run). A (hen, hand) (grab, grabbed) me roughly but I managed (two, to) free myself. Unfortunately, I (step, stepped) on a piece of (broken, break) glass and (shout, shouted) out in pain. The (man, men) (dragged, drag) (mee, me) (two, to) the sofa (an, and) (tie, tied) (our, mine, my) (hens, hands) after (mine, my) mouth (were, was) gagged. (Than, Then) I (hear, here, heard) them whispering (and, an) (open, opening) the other room doors.

Half (an, and) (our, hour) later, I (hear, heard) the sound (off, of) a motorcycle roaring. It must (bee, be) the thieves. They (have, had, has) managed to (got, get) away (witch, with) (sum, some) of our valuables. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I (were, was) in pain and helpless. I (keep, kept) fumbling with the ropes (two, to) free myself. Finally I succeeded and quickly (limp, limped) to the telephone but the line (was, were) (death, dead, die). Of course! The thieves would (has, have) (cut, cutted) the wires! Suddenly, I (hear, heard) the sound of a car. It must (bee, be) (my, mine) parents and I (limp, limped) (two, to ) the front (doors, door). When my mother opened the door, I (hug, hugged) her and (cried, cry). They (was, were) stunned to (see, sea) (mee, me) and the condition of (a, the) house. I explained what (had, has, have) taken place and my father (suggest, suggested) we shall immediately make a police report. We (go, went, gone) to the police station to make the report. Then (my, mine) father (take, took) me (two, to) the clinic (too, to) treat (his, my) wound.

A few weeks later, the police (manage, managed, managing) to arrest the two (man, men) who (have, had, has) (break, broke, broken) into (his, our) house. They (was, were) drug addicts desperate (four, for) cash. We never (recover, recovered) our stolen goods but my parents (was, were) thankful that I (were, was) safe. Since (those, that) day, I never stay alone at (house, home).

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