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7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm der EU (2007-2013)Thema 4: NanoMatPro

Produktion + Integration

Dr. Helmut Rempp

Projektträger Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

Bereich Produktions- und Fertigungstechnologien

Nationale Fachkontaktstelle Produktion

Bonn, den 16. Januar 2007

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Projektträger PTKA-PFT Bereich Produktions- und Fertigungstechnologien

1) Rahmenkonzept „Forschung für die Produktion von morgen“■ ca. 200 gestartete Verbundprojekte

■ Über 35 Ideenwettbewerbe zu neuen Themen

■ Transfer und Nutzung von FuE-Ergebnissen Industriearbeitskreise, Karlsruher Arbeitsgespräche März 2008 Präsentationen, Ergebnisberichte

2) Weitere nationale Aufgaben■ InnoRegio und Existenzgründungen aus Forschungseinrichtungen

3) Europäische Aktivitäten■ Nationale Fachkontaktstelle für Produktion (NKS/NCP)


■ PM administrativ

■ ERA-NET Projekte


50 Beschäftigte in Karlsruhe und Außenstelle Dresden- mehr als 9000 Vorhaben in 35 Jahren- mehr als 3 Mrd. € Projektkosten

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Ergebnisse aus dem 6. RP - 3. Aufruf NMP

IP 2. Stufe TI einstufig IP-KMU 2. Stufe

Koordination - erfolgreich

- davon deutsch koordiniert





15 0


Partnerbeteiligung- erfolgreich

- davon aus DE







Mittelrückfluss nach DE

25,5% 18% 15,8%

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Technologieplattformen mit Bezug zu Produktion

■ Sustainable Chemistry SusChem

■ Steel ESTEP

■ Industrial Safety

■ Robotics EUROP

und …….

■ Future Manufacturing Technologies: MANUFUTURE


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■ Manufacturing Platformnicht branchenorientierthorizontale, koordinierende Querschnittsplattformunter industrieller Führung22+ 8 nationale MANUFUTURE-Plattformenspeziell MANUFUTURE Deutschland (VDMA, FhG-IPA)

■ DokumenteVision PaperStrategic Research Agenda SRA (Lang- und Kurzversion) Implementation Plan

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■ Strategic Research Agenda SRA Roadmap für eine F&E-Infrastruktur auf Weltniveau neue Geschäfts- und Organisationsmodelle lebenslanges Lernen Günstige Wirtschafts- und Rahmenbedingungen für Investitionen und

Unternehmertum Stärkung des öffentlichen Vertrauens in Wissenschaft und Technologie

■ 4 MANUFUTURE-Konferenzen 12/2003 in Mailand IT 12/2004 in Enschede NL (Vision) 12/2005 in Derby UK (SRA) 10/2006 in Tampere SF (Implementation)


7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Thema 4: NanoMatPro Übergeordnete Zielsetzungen

improve the competitiveness of EU industry (including SMEs) and

ensure its transformation through:

■ the effective transition from a resource-based to knowledge-based industry

■ strengthening EU leadership in nano, materials and production technologies

■ generation of new breakthrough and applicable knowledge■ emphasis on integrating different technologies and disciplines

across many sectors

So, meeting the challenge of new industrial revolution and global competition, creating new industries, not only stop the relocation

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4.3 New Production - final WP 22.12.2006 -


create continuously innovating production

capabilities to achieve leadership in industrial

products & processes in the global marketplace

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Funding Schemes - Instruments in NMPFunding Schemes - Instruments in NMP

■ Collaborative projects consortia with participants from different countries new knowledge, technology, products or common resources for

research size, scope and internal organisation of projects can vary funding scheme

large scale integrating projects > 4 Mio € (“large”) SME-focussed projects “35%” (“SME”) small or medium-scale focussed research projects <= 4 Mio € (“small”)

one topic one funding scheme 2-step-procedure

■ Coordination and Support Actions CSA networking, exchanges, transnational access to research

infrastructures, studies, conferences, etc.

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Erfolgreicher Anträge im 6. RP

Durchschnittswerte und Bandbreite ausgewählter Produktionsanträge



1. Aufrufrunde NMP(3/ 7/ 11)

2. Aufrufrunde NMP(8/ 12 / 7)

3. Aufrufrunde(8/ 15/ 1)

■ Integrierte Projekte (IP)PartnerFörderung

37 (31 – 45)19 M€ (16 - 23 M€)

26 (17 - 50)14 M€ (8,5 - 17,7M€)

20 (17 – 23)8,8 M€ (6,7- 11,7M€)

■ Integrierte Projekte für KMU (IP-KMU)

Partner Förderung

28 (11 - 52)5,9 M€ (3,4 - 8,2 M€)

26 (16 - 36)6,1 M€ (4,2 - 7,4 M€)

22 (12 – 33)6,2 M€ (3,7 - 8,2 M€)

■ Spez. gez. Forschungs- projekte (STREP)

Partner Förderung

12 (8 – 19)3,1 M€ (1,8 - 5,6M€)

10 (8 - 20)2,4 M€ (1,8 -3 ,9 M€)


2,4 M€

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.3.1 Development and validation of new industrial models and strategies

■ New manufacturing and business models for knowledge basedfactories, tailored for the needs of European manufacturers

….catering for changing market requirements & changing product- and production technologies

….covering all aspects of product and process life-cycle ….allowing European industries to successfully compete and grow in

the global market place

■ coupled with factory systems integration ….efficient systems networks based on European Standards

Identified Y1 topics:-1 Beyond Lean Manufacturing – New Industrial Models for Product and Process Life Cycle - large-2 New added-value user-centered products and product services - SME-3 Integrated risk management in industrial systems – large (IMS)

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4.3.2 Adaptive production systems

■ Production systems and elements for knowledge based factories ….supporting continuous optimal adaptation of production resources

and processes ….and small to single batch oriented production ….as well as resource efficient and sustainable production processes

■ through holistic manufacturing engineering concepts ….and integration of affordable intelligent technologies and process


Identified Y1 topics:-1 Rapidly configurable machines and production systems - small-2 Process intensification in chemicals production - small

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.3.3 Networked production

■ Tools and methods for highly dynamic networked production ….aiming at global production capability ….including design and innovation of high value-added products ….resource efficient and sustainable production processes

■ development of competencies ….in design innovation, network configuration and partner

identification ….production ramp-up and optimal operation

Identified Y1 topics:-1 Innovative customer-driven product-service design in a global environment – small (IMS)

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4.3.4 Rapid transfer and integration of new technologies into the design and operation of manufacturing processes

■ Development of knowledge based engineering capacities ….supporting integration of knowledge & new technologies into design

and operation of new processes ….pushing processes beyond current performance borders ….resource efficient and sustainable production processes

■ drawing on in-depth understanding of machine, process and system behaviour

….through knowledge sharing and knowledge distribution ….and integration of modelling, simulation and virtual production tools

Identified Y1 topics:-1 Rapid manufacturing concepts for small series industrial production - SME-2 Innovative pathways in synthesis - improving efficiency by smart synthesis, design, and reduction of the number of reaction steps - small

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4.3.5 Exploitation of the convergence of technologies

■ Stimulating the creation of new industries ….by facilitating the design, engineering and manufacturing of the next

generation of high value-added products ….based on science ….aiming to create disruptive products and production systems

■ exploiting the opportunities, integration and convergence of technologies e.g. in the nano-, bio-, info- and cognitive science fields

….through application of basic research results ….in a number of fields, initial focus being in micro and


Identified Y1 topics:-1 Processes and equipment for high quality industrial production of 3- dimensional nanosurfaces - large-2 Production technologies and equipment for micro-manufacturing - large

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.4 Integration of technologies for industrial applications - final WP 22.12.2006 -


Accelerate the rate of industrial transformation

by exploiting the application potential of new

generic technologies

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.4 Integration of technologies for industrial applications

■ Integration of new knowledge and technologies from nano-, materials-, and production technologies

….speeding up the industrial transformation ….adopting a safe, socially responsible and sustainable European

approach ….new applications and step-change solutions responding to major


■ addressing in particular the needs identified by concerned European Technology Platforms

….in sectoral and cross-sectoral applications

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Technologieplattformen mit Bezug zu Integration

■ Steel ESTEP

■ Future Textiles & Clothing FTC

■ Construction Technology ECTP

■ Forest based Industries FORESTRY

■ Road Transport ERTRAC

■ Rail ERRAC


7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.4 Integration of technologies for industrial applications

■ Health equipment, drug delivery, sensors, imaging, bio-implants,

regenerative medicine, etc

■ Construction Demonstrate the shift to knowledge-based, client-focused and

sustainable construction : based on life-cycle, safety, new product and process strategies; integrating nano-developments, functional materials with intelligent construction processes, etc

■ Chemistry Industrial bio-,material technologies, process equipment and

process life-cycle approaches for process development of “green” chemicals etc…;

■ Environment covering sustainable mineral resources Eco-innovation in a wide spectrum of environmental technologies

etc …;

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.4 Integration of technologies for industrial applications

■ Textiles and clothing Establishment as raw materials of choice in many industrial sectors,

new technical applications, customised and intelligent production

■ Forestry, paper and pulp Extended multifunctional use of resources, eco-processes,

packaging, composite and hybrid materials etc…;

■ Mechanical and electromechanical engineering Next generation of intelligent machinery and automation systems

etc …;

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

4.4 Integration of technologies for industrial applications

4.4.0-1 Advanced wood-based composites and their production – large

4.4.0-2 Application of new materials including bio-based fibres in high-added value textiles products – SME

4.4.0-3 Multifunctional materials for the future vehicles – large

4.4.0-4 Substantial innovation in the European medical industry: development of nanotechnology-based systems for in-vivo diagnosis and therapy – call coordinated with Theme 1 “Health” – large

4.4.0-5 Resource efficient and clean buildings – large (ICPC)

4.4.0-6 Innovative added-value construction product-services - SME

4.4.0-7 ERA –Net on Construction - CSA

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Internationale Kooperation

■ mit Drittländer (ICPC) in allen Projekten möglichspeziell angesprochen in

4.4.0-5 Resource efficient and clean buildings – large

■ globale Initiative „Intelligent Manufacturing Systems“ IMS

4.3.1-3 Integrated risk management in industrial systems – large

4.3.3-1 Innovative customer-driven product-service design in a global environment – small

■ Wissensgenerierung und Markterweiterung

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Ausblick auf zukünftige Themen

■ Kapitel V: Indicative priorities for future call(s)ohne Angabe des genauen Zeitpunktesohne Angabe des Förderschemas (groß, klein, KMU)

■ ThemenNeue Produktion: 21 Themen Integration: 40 Themen, inkl. Joint bzw. Coordinated CallsERA-NET (+): 8 Themen

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Weitere „Initiativen“

■ ERA-NET-Projekte im Bereich Produktionsforschung SUSPRISE: Nachhaltiges Unternehmen (9 Länder) eTRANET: IKT in traditionellen Fertigungsunternehmen (14 Länder) MNT: Mikro- und Nanotechnologien (16 Länder) MANUNET: Produktionstechnik (Regionalansatz)

■ ERA-NET+ Umsetzung erfolgreicher ERA-NET-Projekte, z.B. MNT Nationale und EU-Förderung

■ Artikel 169 EUROSTARS: EU-EUREKA-Initiative für FTE-intensive KMU

21 Mitgliedstaaten mit 42 M€ EU-Beitrag noch nicht festgelegt für Mitte 2007 geplant Themenunabhängig

Weitere Projekte geplant

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Mikro-Nano:■ Informations- und Brokerage-Tag zu

Mikro- und Nanotechnik und –fertigung■ Brüssel 24. Januar 2007■■ Online Brokerage Webseite

Manufacturing in FP7:■ 17./18. Januar 2007 Cardiff UK

inkl. Mikro-Nano-Fertigung


7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Leistungen der NKS Information



Antragsberatung Auswahl der Fördermöglichkeit (RP7, ERA-NET PLUS, Art. 169, national)

7.RP: Unterstützung bei der Entscheidung Thema und Instrument

Koordination mit der deutschen Forschungsförderlandschaft

Unterstützung von der ersten Idee bis zum Hearing und Vertragsverhandlungen

Begleitung von Konsortien

Teilnahme an Vorbereitungs- und Planungsgesprächen

Klärung von Fragen mit der EC

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Informations- und Beratungsdienst

Telefon-Hotline: 0 7 2 4 7 / 8 2 - 4 5 7 5

Telefax: 0 7 2 4 7 / 8 2 - 2 8 9 1

e-Mail: eu.production@ptka.fzk.deInternet:

Das NKS-Team bei PTKA-PFT im FZK

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte mit unserem Anmeldeformular an!

7. RP – NMP Produktion + IntegrationAuftakt 16.1.2007

Abkürzungen■ NKS/NCP Nationale Kontaktstelle/ National Contact Point■ 7. RP/FP7 7. Europäisches Forschungsrahmenprogramm ■ NMP Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (Theme 4 of

the specific programme „Cooperation“)■ KMU/SME Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen/ Small and medium-sized enterprises■ ICPC International Co-operation Partner Countries■ SRA Strategic Research Agenda■ IRC Innovation Relay Center

Projekttypen und Initiativen im 7. RP■ „Large“ Large Scale Integrating Project > 4 Mio € (Collaborative project)■ „Small“ Small or Medium-Scale focussed Research Project <= 4 Mio € (Collaborative project)■ „SME“ SME-focussed Project “35%” (Collaborative project)■ CSA Coordination and Support Action■ ETP European Technology Platform■ JTI Joint Technology Initiative ■ ERA-NET (PLUS) (Europäische) Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit und Koordinierung von

nationalen/regionalen Forschungsprogrammen ■ IMS Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

Instrumente im 6. RP■ IP Integrated Project■ TI Traditional Instruments (STREP, CA, SSA)■ CA Coordination Action■ SSA Specific Support Action■ STREP Specific Targeted Research Project

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