estrus in cow

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Dr/ mohamed newera


Estrus cycle occur every Estrus season from

Ovulation occur after estrus by

If the female not accept the male we know that

Rate of prognance in first estrus after calving :

21 day

12-14 h

10 h

It inter in post estrous season


N.B : after calving by 60-90day we don't use the estrus

1.General restlessness 2.Arched back __to accept male 3.Rasing and switching tail


5.Licking her body 6.Clear mucosa come from its vagina

Mounting each other.7تنط فوق بعضها

8.Decrease milk 9.Aggressive behavior

1.General restlessness 2.Arched back __to accept male 3.Rasing and switching tail


5.Licking her body 6.Clear mucosa come from its vagina

Mounting each other.7تنط فوق بعضها

8.Decrease milk 9.Aggressive behavior

10.Female accept male (search for male)

1. Weather : hot very clear cool not clear 2.Hanger and thirsty 3.Low nutrition 4.Rough handling 5.The weakness 6.Level of hormone and ovulation

Artificial insemination (A.I)

Analysis the sperm to know if there is disease epically genetic diseases 5cm of semen 5 million sperm

Disadvantage :

1.We should have sterilize equipment 2.Special handing facilities

1. unEnd complete :

Milking every 12 h and leave some milk without milking and decease the amount of milk every day

2. Intermitted milking

Milking one time every day one morning and the next day after morning

3. Complete milking :

Not milking at al painful for animal Pressure with gland and reabsorption

Mention the factor affecting on dry off ?

1. Water intake : shouldn't give large amount of water 2.Don't feed grains for 2-3 day 3.Take dry of cow away of milking cow 4.All dry of cow get away to make exercise 5.don‘t over fed the dry cow


1.Help in reabsorbed 2.Decrease pain

1.Allow milk secretory organ to rest 2. Permit nutrition feed for fetus 3.To get her body in good fitness

Identify downer‘s cow ?

Cow become to fat at parturition

Causes : 1عمليه والده متعثره.Dystokia

Ketosis .2زياده نسبه االمونيا بالجسم

Stem up practice for pregnant cow :

1. At 6 month of progrance : 0.5-1 kg increase gradually until 2 KG per day concentrate for highly milk produce

2.Be sure not be fat or lean 3.Avoidation : I) low plane of nutrition A) Low lactation B) Weak and thin newly born C)Mortality rate : high

II)high plane

A) fattening B) high fat ovar ovary

1.Developing of fetus 2.Increase daily milk yield 3.Build the body of cow

Short lactation Large amount of fat + protein

Long lactation Decrease amount of fat +protein

Cow become to fat at parturition downer‘s cow

3.Maturaty stage

From first milking period

How is the hosing of cow for milking after calving ?

1)Good suitable space 2)Good light 3)Not have any sharped 4)No toxinic wood or plant 5)Mast have yield for exercise and place for milking 6) Absorption for animal 7)Loose box for injury animal

System of milking : 1. Milking 2 time (6a.m and 6b.m) 2. Grooming for cow

Factor affect clean milk : 1) Workers : A)not have any diseases B) Clean clothes C)Clean hands D) Not ring at hands

2)Machine : A)clean after using B)wash by clean water +soap C)wash by potassium permanganate D)clean towel before using E)sterilized

3)Place 4)Animal :

: - not windy -at least half closed

1.Grooming 2.Clean udder every time 3.Control tail if animal nervous 4.No diseases in udder 5.Healthy at least apparent health 6. Take balanced ration 7.Infected cow should milking but not use milk

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