eswc ss 2013 - wednesday keynote kieron o'hara: the information spring

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The Information Spring The Semantic Web, Linked Data, Open Data and the Quiet Revolution in Government

Kieron O’Hara 04 September 2013

Structure of the talk •  E-government

•  Semantic e-government

•  Challenges to the standard model

•  Transparency

•  (Linked) open data

•  The revolutionary potential


E-Government •  Digital interactions between government and citizen

– G2C, G2B, G2G, C2G, B2G

•  Use of IT

•  Use of business process re-engineering

•  Transformational government

– Use of IT and BPR to improve delivery of public services


Information Flow •  “If we examine the kind of information that executives use

we find that a large proportion of it is simply natural language text. … [Computers could be] initial filters for most of the information that enters the organisation from outside.” Herbert Simon, ‘Applying Information Technology to Organization Design’, 1973

•  30+ years before this insight was acted upon


Semantic e-Government Challenges and Opportunities •  Complex politics, multiple targets

–  Lack of efficiency or market discipline in gov’t

–  Many other drivers

–  Perceptions of SW

–  Change management

•  Information management

–  Heterogeneity

–  Search/discovery

–  From services to Web services

–  Privacy/access

–  Standards 5

EU Examples •  Access e-Gov (Access to e-Government services employing semantic


•  FIT (Adaptive portals and processes in e-Government)

•  LD-CAST (Local development cooperation actions enabled by semantic technology)

•  OntoGov (Ontology-enabled e-Government services)

•  SAKE (Semantic-enabled agile knowledge-based e-Government)

•  SEEMP (Semantic interoperability infrastructure for e-Government services in the employment sector)

•  SemanticGov (Semantic Web services for public administration)

•  Terregov (Impact of e-Government on territorial government) 6

Example Approaches •  Life event ontologies

– Moving house, dealing with a death, registering to vote

7 From Sanati & Lu, Electronic Government, 2010

Example Approaches •  SemanticGov architecture (Vitvar et al 2010)


Issues •  Incremental change or big bang?

– Vast amount of restructuring needed

•  Lack of expertise among major suppliers

– Lack of in-house expertise

– Lack of ability to manage major upgrades

•  Multiple standards

•  Finding partners and building networks

•  Ontological commitment 9

The Problem of Prescription •  Standards to be agreed by governments

– Followed by citizens

•  Services defined by governments

– Whether in-house, outsourced or privatised

•  The right solution for a pluralistic society?


From Sanati & Lu, Electronic Government,


The Transparency Agenda •  Citizens’ access to information

–  To facilitate understanding of decision-making

–  To hold governments to account

–  To reduce opportunities for corruption

•  Dates from ICT and WWW revolutions, late 1990s

•  Examples from 1990s

–  Andhra Pradesh (e-government: cf. Naidu, Plain Speaking)

–  South Africa (procurement)

–  Mexico (electoral reform)

–  Lithuania (neutral civil service) 11

From Medicine to Opportunity •  The agenda moves on

–  No longer a corrective for poorly functioning systems

–  Now an opportunity to improve government

–  From emerging nations to the rich democracies

•  The technology is in place

–  World Wide Web (Web of Linked Documents)

–  Web of Linked Data

–  Massive number-crunching power

–  Democratisation of analysis

–  Ideology of serendipitous reuse 12

Stage 1: AKTive PSI •  Alani et al 2007 (ISWC), 2008 (IEEE Intelligent Systems)

•  The possibilities of data, the pragmatics of the SW


Camden food premises data + PointX (Ordinance Survey’s

addresses and points of interest dataset)

Open Data •  Use of technology to maximise reuse of data

– Online

– Machine readable

– Open licence

–  Ideally non-proprietary open formats (CSV, RDF etc)

•  No restrictions on use

– No access/query controls

– No Ts & Cs


Open Government Data •  Lots of data

•  Good provenance

•  Fair quality

•  Relevant to people’s concerns

•  Serve accountability

•  Right to data


Rights to Data •  Government legitimacy

•  Government funding

•  Freedom of Information

•  Data Protection

•  Form of data

•  EU PSI Directive

–  “Member States shall ensure that, where the re-use of documents held by public sector bodies is allowed, these documents shall be re-usable for commercial or non-commercial purposes in accordance with the conditions set out in Chapters III and IV. Where possible, documents shall be made available through electronic means.”


The Berners-Lee Progression


Linked Data Machinery •  URIs as authoritative identifiers

•  Linkable vocabularies

–  INSPIRE (spatial data)

– DataCube (statistics)


Stage 2: EnAKTinG •  Shadbolt et al 2012, IEEE Intelligent Systems

•  Web of linked data

•  Ontology building and reuse

•  Scalable query methods

•  Visualisation/browsing

•  Populate LDW to provide network effects


Quick Wins •  Departments can consume their own linked data

•  Standard-setting

•  Needn’t let go of the narrative

– Release at 1* and 3*/5* at the same time

•  Questioning task bias

•  Crowdsourcing quality




Example: Lambeth in Numbers


Mashup of Lambeth council public health data with

national government statistics

Crowdsourcing Data Quality


Open Government Data Infosphere


Linked Open Data

25 By Anja Jentzsch (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Stage 3: Midata •  Shadbolt, in Hildebrandt, O’Hara & Waidner (eds), 2013

•  Gives personal data back to the consumer

–  Secure private-sector cooperation

–  Let consumers access data safely

–  Develop innovative services


–  Transparency

–  Access

–  Control

–  Transfer


Digital Era Governance


Change of public management regime

Level of autonomous

citizen competence

Level of institutional and policy complexity

Level of social problem-solving

From Dunleavy et al, Digital Era Governance, 2006

Cf. Scott, Seeing Like a State, 1999

+ve influence

-ve influence

Stage 4: A New Vision of Government •  Shadbolt & O’Hara 2013, IEEE Internet Computing

•  Publishing, not managing

•  Decentralising service design

•  Allow mashups with personal data

•  Avoid prescription

•  Leverage autonomous citizen competence


Institutions for technology •  Transparency Board

•  Departmental Transparency Sector Panels

•  Local Government Data Panel

•  Open Data Institute

•  Transparency Unit in the Cabinet Office


The Effect of Linked Open Government Data?


Decentralise public management regime

Level of autonomous

citizen competence

Level of institutional and policy complexity

Level of social problem-solving

Lessons for Governments •  Regulation: open licences needed

•  Accurate catalogues

•  Generic metadata standards

•  Minimise temporal/geographical/methodological gaps

•  Plan for essential join points


Lessons for Techies •  User interfaces for interrogating linked data

•  Identify join points

–  Geography

–  Time

–  Provenance

–  Life events

•  Lightweight and pragmatic

•  Coreference resolution

•  Quick consumption wins

–  E.g. CoPs on 32

Discussion: Bottlenecks •  Discovery of open gov’t data

•  Ontological alignment

•  Interfaces

•  Consumption

•  Quality

•  Accountability mechanisms

•  Privacy


The Information Spring •  Information can

be set free

•  Need to make sure technology does not get in the way

•  Need to avoid prescription

•  Decentralise service specification 34

Disclaimer •  Texts, marks, logos, names, graphics, images, photographs,

illustrations, artwork, audio clips, video clips, and software copyrighted by their respective owners are used on these slides for non-commercial, educational and personal purposes only. Use of any copyrighted material is not authorized without the written consent of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to respect the copyrights of other parties. If you believe that your copyright has been misused, please direct your correspondence to: stating your position and I shall endeavour to correct any misuse as early as possible.


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