eswn 3.2

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Hello all!

Welcome back to my odd little thing that I occasionally do. I hope you‟re having a

better August than me, because I‟m sitting here in my fleece and fingerless gloves

going brrr..

Brrr I tells ya, BRR!

Anyway yeah, last time we‟d just had a baby.

Oblivion Nightmare, is what I call here in my land of desk, a sweet sweet cute little

baby child.

I know often people talk about how all Sim babies looks the same, and usually I

am tempted to agree, but look at hiiiim! Even as an infant I can‟t stop camera

stalking him!

Which is fine, because I‟m not the only one.

„Orrible is thrilled to bits to finally have a grandchild to bestow his love and cuddles

upon, and often has to be prised away from the little guy to feed himself and other

such trivial things.

“But look at him.. Here little Obi, have a dangly little space ship! Dangle dangle

dangle! Oooh yes, you like that don‟t you? More then – DANGLE DANGLE


But not only is Oblivion‟s birth important because he brings in the last generation,

he also means that WE CAN GET JOBS AGAIN!

Of course, in this day and age finding the one you want can take a generation in


“Aww, don‟t get too upset, my Dear Dongy! Maybe they‟ll come up tomorrow. Now

come come, don‟t cry! Aww – okay. Would some woohoo make it better?”

Her husband nodded through his sobs.

So one bonk and a baby cuddle later, Dongy was feeling much more like himself.

Because who COULDN‟T be cheered up by this?

I think it‟s safe to say that this littler boy is universally adored in the Nightmare


Other minor goals were met too, with „Orrible happily painting portraits of his

daughter and son-in-law to commemorate their.. Existing? In the house?

Adored. Really.

“As he should be! I made him with my Dear Dongy, so of course he‟s the most

adorable little thing. Oh, I do hope he takes after his Daddy.. Or me, that would be

good too. Or he could just be himself, that would be fine too!

Oh, I just hope it‟s not too long until he can have some little brothers and sisters to

join him! Would that be fun Obi?”



Doesn‟t look like it‟ll be long at all, does it?

Phail picture, but small bathrooms hold such risks.

Poor Oblivion – I don‟t think he‟s ever been left on the floor before..

“I really am sorry about that Obi sweetums, but Mummy really had to go and

remember exactly how much she doesn‟t like having to taste her lunch again.

But never mind, you‟re going to be a big brother soon! Isn‟t that just the most

exciting news? And you know what else?

It‟s your BIRTHDAY!”

“I know – that‟s so exciting, isn‟t it?”

Yes it is. Because although this may mean the end of baby spam, it can be the

start of TODDLER SPAM.

Everyone ready?

“He may not say much, but he sure as hedges can blow that thing loudly..” „Orrible

remarked, as Dongy started to get a little over-excited by the occasion.

“Yes, well it's a valuable life skill!” Paris confirmed, and cheerfully threw her son up

into the air.

Where he exploded into a traditional ball of confetti!

This will never do.

But this will!

It will do very very well indeed.

Oblivion is a Pisces 5 3 7 3 7, which is.. Exactly the same as Dongsool. Never

mind, I think it kind of suits him. And his hobby‟s pinged up as Tinkering, which is..

Exactly the same as Dongsool.

Well, at least they‟ll never have any trouble bonding!

And just to prove that for once in her life Parasite wasn‟t suffering from flu – the

first pop for baby number two appears.

“Yay! Now, hurry up hurry up.. I want to meet you little guy! Or girl!”

“Now Obi, I should probably teach you to talk now. Because I love your parents,

but Granddaddy has lots of experience with these things. And besides, if your

Mummy does it you‟ll never stop talking and if I leave it up to your Daddy you‟ll

never start.

So! Can you say love? Loooooooove.”

“Love? Obi love!”

“Now can you say lots? Looooooooots?”

“Obi loves lots and lots and looooooots, Obi loves!

Loooots and lots Obi loves YOU!

Lots and lots of love.” the little boy said happily.


Now Oblivion, can you say magic bed? Maaaaaaaaagic bed.”

A while later, „Orrible was content with his grandson‟s vocabulary and scooped him

up for a celebratory snuggle.



“Granddaddy hugs?”

“Always. Lots and lots and lots whenever you want. Aaaaaaalways Granddady


“I love Granddaddy!”

“..You are the best thing ever.”

It wasn‟t just Granddaddy hugs that were lavished on Oblivion though, everyone

wanted to get in a piece of the snuggle action.

“Quiet Daddy hugs are SUUUUUUUPER! More more.”

Dongsool patted his son‟s back, and sighed happily as he obliged.

“Thank you Mummy! Obi LOVES Mummy! Mummy great.”

“And Mummy loves Obi. Mummy does not love having to go back to her dress and

put her stompy boots in the cupboard again, but to have more little ones like you?

So totally worth it.

Actually, now there‟s a though..”

“Come on sweetie! Walk to Mummy!

Walk to Mummy and earn your stompy boots!”

“..But Obi has sneakers?” said the confused little boy, looking down at his feet.

“For now dear child. For now.”

One would have though that „Orrible may have objected to Parasite and Dongsool

taking such an active roll in raising their own son, as they were taking up valuable

Granddaddy hug time.

But honestly? It was perfectly happy with those afternoons he had off too..

Just to keep you updated – the yard is still as it has ever been. Oh my goodness, I

just wrote yard and meant it.. Garden I say, GARDEN!

Ridiculous number of flamingos (including 1x ornery), gnome‟s still kicking about,

plantss still being gardened and the Everburning Trees are still burning.

Hang on.

I don‟t remember them burning THAT much before!


“HELLO? Mr Fireman?

Oh Mr. Fireman thank goodness! My Everburning Tree is burning out of control!

You‟ve GOT to come save us!


What do you MEAN there‟s no such thing as an Everburning Tree? Of course there

is! But I think it‟s time you came and put it out actually.

Like. NOW!!

Ah, thank you indeed Mr Fireman.

“There you go. Fire‟s out. Be more careful next time etc etc.”

Erm, hang on. I thought you were meant to be putting the blaze out?

“Well, s‟an Everburning Tree ain‟t it?”

But.. Ah, course.

Not that anyone other than „Orrible gave a flying hoot about the state of the trees


“Oh my Dear Dongy, this is just so much fun! Do you remember how we used to do

this all the time at college? And then we‟d go and woohoo in my room or the sofa or

the photobooth or all three?”

Her husband smiled and nodded.

“So.. Shall we go and do some more of that now?”

The nodding became even more enthusiastic.

Oblivion quickly picked up on his parents wiggly habits.

Well, the dancing ones anyway.

“Beat beat beat! Obi LOVES dancing to the beat!”

..And I love to watch you. Sigh.

But his absolute favourite way to spend time was with his blocks.

He‟s rather spiffy at it too actually – brightly coloured towers and bridges were

springing up all over the nursery, and bringing great coos of delight from the grown


..Until they kept standing on them. Which led to many lectures from Paris on

appropriate footwear, and how in such a situation could is possible not be sensible

for pregnant women to wear stompy boots?

But the toddler was quite happy to be distracted from his architecture by his family,

they were rather wonderful too after all.

“YAAAAAAY Daddy is so fun! Daddy is quiet, but Daddy is FUN!”

“So Obi be best friends with Daddy.”

“And Mummy! Obi TOTALLY best friends with Mummy!”

“..Obi been best friends with Granddaddy since first Granddaddy hug.”

“And Granddaddy‟s been Obi‟s best friend since before he was even born.”

They had the smiley greens on Oblivion‟s first toddler interaction – therefore I

missed their hovering declaration of lovedom – but do I really need that to prove it

to you?

I think not

“DONGY! I would say what do you want to eat for lunch but all we have is leftover


‘Stop procreating. There is not a minute to spare, the end

is coming. And then you’ll be nothing. Well, you already

are. But that child in your belly is a poxy waste of space.

Trust me.’



“Oh do shut up fridge.”

Oblivion loved his mother, but he didn‟t half wish she‟d be quiet. She has such a

LOUD voice, after all.

All this shouting was ruining his bestest tower EVER! Oh why, it was going to be

just SO majestic.. Mummy better be quiet soon, she was wobbling the foundations.

Ah well, at least it was nearly bedtime for the grown ups.

But tonight was really not a night for Parasite to be quiet.



“No I don‟t know why NOW either, but just come here and hold my hand.

You‟re not being very DEAR over there, you know.


“Oh, never mind!

Here she is. Aww, hiya little girl! It‟s great to meet you at last, Dongy come see!

Come see come see come see!

Everyone come see!”

“Oh, and apparently she‟s a Poxy Waste„o Space – so let‟s just call her Poxy for

short shall we?”

Hurray! I do believe there‟s a certain someone who‟ll be rather happy with Poxy‟s

colouration combo of alien skin, blonde hair and light blue eyes

This little girl‟s going to be our third and final Bad Apple, so let‟s all salute and wish

her luck for the final onslaught.

Dongy finally made it over and nodded approvingly, while Liz gave an appreciative


“Oh well done, dear! She‟s lovely, absolutely lovely.”

“Thanks Liz.

Say..” Paris added, catching her husband‟s eye, “You would mind giving Poxy her

first feed would you? It‟s just, I‟m kinda of tired after this whole giving birth


“Oh of course dear, and I can take her to see your Father! He‟s still asleep, but I‟m

sure he‟ll be quite pleased to be woken up for this little dear!”

So Liz happily bustled off with her not-Grandbaby, not that it made one jot of

difference, and happily shoved a bottle in Poxy‟s gob.

Several gulps later, the little girl was whisked upstairs to meet a thoroughly

overjoyed „, albeit half asleep, Granddaddy „Orrible.

“Now.. I think you need to repay me for not rushing to my side fast enough there,

don‟t you Dear Dongy?

Oh, don‟t look so blank! We now have two lovely children, buuuut.. That‟s not quite

enough. So I think we should start cracking on with the next one! The process is

quite fun too, wouldn‟t you agree?”

It was safe to say that he did agree. Wholeheartedly.

“Obi join in?”

“..But perhaps you should put our son to bed first before we scar him for life,


But I don‟t think Oblivion was any worse for wear when „Orrible found him later.

“Fish so AWESOME!”

“Absolutely. As are beetles Obi, don‟t forget beetles.”

“Beetles so AWESOME! Nature AWESOME!”

“..and what else?”

“Granddaddy AWESOME!”

“Good boy.”

It was not long before Dongsool decided that the time had come to attempt to

communicate with his children on a deeper, more spiritual level.

And the aspiration boost wasn‟t half bad either!

So in the nursery, he inspected his daughter carefully.

He turned Poxy this way and that, in order to fully assess the little girl‟s condition.

His conclusion?

Cuddles solved EVERYTHING.

Except possibly stopping Poxy sinking into the changing table.

It was a squishy surface, and as Paris was making the most of her third bump not

showing yet and stomping about, she was doing everything with just a little more

gusto than usual. Changing nappies and all.

Oblivion sat back and admired his work.

Yes. Yes, the construction really was THE BEST.

TOP of this game he was, TOP. It was really so fantastically brilliantly awesome, he

just didn‟t think he could improve on it anymore.

So he decided to grow up instead.

“Alright! That was way so totally the best thing I could have done! Does life GET

anymore better than this? OMIGOSH what do you think Daddy and Granddaddy? It

is SO GOOD to be able to give you proper big boy hugs now. You want some you

want some?”

Dongsool nodded with a tear in his eye. What a boy.

And with his initial round of hugs done, Oblivion tucked into his very first grilled

cheese sandwich.

And all was well in the world

Well, his tiny little bit of it.


There‟s no food! Where did you last go shopping? For MY sake you‟d better have a

good explanation for this..”

Riot sighed.

“It was YOUR turn, Ruthless..” she called back from the sanctuary of her bedroom.

But living with Ruthless, nowhere was a sanctuary for particularly long.

“Oh it was my turn was it?” she cried, bursting in. “I‟m Ruthless Nightmare! I don‟t

DO turns! Either I want to do it and it is done, or I don‟t and someone else should

do it for me. And I don‟t want to go shopping!”

“But I‟m going to work in a little bit – I don‟t have time! You work nights and the

store‟s only five minutes away.” her twin said, trying to keep the annoyance out of

her voice. Ruthless could just be so lazy sometimes..

“Aww, you have to go to work? How sad. You see these tears here? This is crying.

Totally crying for poor you..

But FINE, I WILL go get some food. Not because I have to, but because I WANT

to. Having to be stuck in your sad little pink room any longer looking at your sad

little face? No thank you.” she hissed, and stomped out the door and in the general

direction of the Riverblossom shops.

But once she got there, her anger with Riot had driven all thoughts of food squarely

out of her mind.

There were shiny things instead!

“Hmm.. I wonder if they have the new issue of Felons Fortnightly.” she said

hopefully and started flicking through the magazines.

But her browsing was interrupted by a rather shrill shriek.

“Oh what now..”

“IT‟S YOU!” Cleo screamed.

“Oh my flowers, they said.. They all said you were dead. THEY ALL SAID YOU



But the woman had already fallen to her knees.

“PLEASE! Please don‟t bulldoze my shop and house and family, oh my goodness

please! It‟s my livelihood, it‟s all I have, oh please don‟t!

I-I know I‟ve strayed a little from the codes, but oh, FORGIVE ME! No one has

heard from you for so long we.. WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE SLIPPED!”

“What the-”

“You HAVE to believe me, I did not mean to incur your wrath, never NEVER, I was

wrong to have changed my stock – I KNOW I WAS. I should have kept to your

rules, but it‟s been.. This is RIVERBLOSSOM! How could I be so stupid.. H-how..

OH MY GOSH WHAT HAVE I DONE?! “ she sobbed.

“Please don‟t hurt me..

Evil Susan.”

“Huh? What the HELL is your deal lady!?”

“Wh-wh-what?” Cleo stammered, slowly getting to her feet.

“You moron. How could you have not heard of me? I don‟t know who the frick this

„Evil Susan‟ is, and nor do I care – because I‟M Ruthless Nightmare. KNOW me.”

The shop owner blinked through her tears.

“I.. Oh my goodness, I can see that now. It‟s just I could have sworn.. You look so

much like her!”

But Ruthless wasn‟t listening, and pushed past the woman, deep in thought.


“That was quick..”

“Shut up blondey, this is more important than groceries – have you ever heard of

anyone named „Evil Susan‟?”

“Can‟t say that I have.” Riot replied, without even looking up. “Why does it matter,


But Ruthless had already stomped off towards the computer.

“Because, dear twin, that shop-faced woman seemed terrified of her, whoever she

is. And if there‟s someone else trying to make a name for themselves in this crappy

town I need to stop them.

It is MY job to be feared and known by all. And I will not tolerate anyone trying to

think they can do that better than me.”

“Right.. Evil Susan, Evil Susan, Evil Susan..

Would you STOP turning those pages so loud Twin, I‟m trying to concentrate!

Okay, hang on, I think I might have found something here..”

As Ruthless read the page, a cold shiver started to sweep over her. She stayed

silent, lost in the words, until she cast her eyes over the final sentence.




And that is where I shall be ending things for now!

See ya

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