eternal spring

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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The beauty waterfall and your

haven, have served as

inspiration for poets, painters

and musicians. The fall of the

water rises in the largest

wetlands in the wilderness and

forming small streams that flow

into the San Gabriel River in its

course the waters rush hurried,

impinging on the rock formations

that produce a drizzle that

generates freshness and charm


Location: Chutan Bajo


On this street, there fell on Holy Thursday from the neighborhood

up truck ... and souls praying. It was a long procession and all

souls with candles and flames very little girls.

There was a lady who knew sitting in the window. That night

goes back to the window as always, when you are on the first

soul with a candle and says, "The other Thursday at the same

hour I wait here". He spent the procession and gave a little

scared and thought that this was not in this life but in the other.

-I If I'll confess morning said. He went to confession and the

priest would advise: "You know my daughter, you are in bad

shape, that's why you come to leave this wax, and will carry the

body and soul. Find yourself an innocent girl and Thursday have

been to stop by his house, at that same time makes him give the

girl the same wax ".

The next day, the lady went to get the wax and found it was a

spigot dead. Seeking the girl and advised the priest and let him

in the shin and then the soul said, "Thank you valiste of this

innocent girl and if not, right now you left to rest where we are."

Forest soils are early formation, derived from volcanic material, preserved in an aqueous

environment probably in the Pleistocene, during which emerged the Andes and volcanoes

spewed lava, pyroclastic flows and mud.

The forest area corresponds to flat temper. Location In the community of Monteverde,

belonging to the urban parish San José, 11 Km from San Gabriel, we find the ancient forest of

myrtle. Extension The forest has an area of 16 hectares.

Location: Parish San José


A man by the poverty in which he lived, one day decides to

invoke the devil in a cavern up there by the Barrio Santa Clara,

Obraje the mill, to give him money and thus escape poverty and

despair in which he lived.

He leaves at midnight, felt the cerquita feet away. He invoked the

devil but that nothing appeared. He called up at dawn

unanswered. He returned the renegade house, so he spent eight

days and nothing appearing the devil. In dreams the devil told

him to go to the same place but no reliquary. Poor said, "but I

have nothing" and searched the pockets and found nothing that

locket, but found it stuck with dirt on his shirt pocket and has

been a medal of the Holy Christ.

He drew from his pocket threw him against the ground and said:

- Just this crap I remain poorly.

The next night he decided to go back to the tunnel and along the

way meets a friend at the time and said: "Look Angel, you're

poor, I'm going to give money for you to work in cattle as you

have enough money me you're paying. " This friend excitedly

tells him what he would do with the devil and then his friend tells

him to thank the Holy Christ because he has saved.

The image of the cave was carved in stone the same place in the year 1911 by Daniel Reyes,

while wooden sculpture was brought back from the old parish church at the top of the cave.

Today this place is called National Marian Shrine. It has become the most visited by domestic

and foreign tourists. It is named after the grotto where Our Lady of Peace sits, has been formed

by the falling waters of the river Apaquí, a cave is 150 m. deep formed stalactites and

stalagmites of different colors. Place of extreme natural beauty and refuge for believers.

Location: Parish La Paz


The Churillo is a hill that is bound up with Chiles Alto.

According count is delighted because there are large

amounts of gold and silver.

At night, this place have seen look something like a door,

entrance to the hill, whose door is a large black dog with

a big gold chain around his neck and eyes that sparkle

you like candela. Do not let people, all who walk by this

place are afraid.

At other times a yoke of gold appears with oxen golden,

turning at the top of the hill.

They also say that appears completely naked in full moon

nights with a golden crown on his head under his arm

brings writings that no one could catch him.

The owner of these figures is Mr. José Imbacuán, accompanied by his wife Mrs. Mary Tupe,

is located in the province of Carchi, Canton Montúfar, in the parish of Chitan of Navarretes.

This type of work in clay is a craft that has been handed down from generation to generation.

The owner of this place draws up the pieces in their own homes and then sold in Otavalo

Centenary Square. Its main clients are foreigners, the local market gradually been interested

in this type of product.

In terms of product quality, these crafts are all good quality, obviously hand-decorated with

motifs of pre-Columbian figures and has many bright colors as the materials used are of seven

kinds of clay, natural dyes, synthetic paints and lacquer. And the cost of each piece varies

between $ 3.50 and $ 16.50 USD, depending on size.

Location: Chitan de Navarretes


Between 6 pm, at the outpouring of a

sinkhole of the San Gabriel River, the

sound of beautiful music and sounds of

drums at the same time was sounded


One afternoon curiosity beat Juan Tirira,

who was filled with courage and went to

the tunnel where the music came and saw

that there were two tiny elves blond with a

nice big hats.

The city of San Gabriel is located in the province of Carchi, Canton Montúfar. It has a height

of 2840 m.a.s.l. This city has an original layout design and Spanish reissued technique adopted

to local, own geography of traditional civil architecture, in almost all no decorative facades and

the absence of a level just six look cornices, moldings or silver bands in As to their homes and

other buildings that make up the city have traditional materials and construction techniques

typical of the region. And also note their condition and in most buildings can be seen failure to

maintain the original style; rather have been introduced outside the initial construction reforms.

Location: San Gabriel


One day, a man was traveling on horseback, when passing

through the four corners he heard the cry of a tender child. This

man was moved, stopped his horse and lowered said: -What

bitch throw this poor creature?

Among some bushes ragwort found the babe wrapped in

swaddling clothes and purple from the cold. He wrapped himself

in his poncho, mounted his horse and went on his horse and

went his way; when suddenly the child says: Daddy, Daddy and I

have teeth. The Lord did not answer because I was thinking

about other things, after a while the boy said again: Daddy,

Daddy and I have teeth. Mr. and I hear not, but since he entered

the doubt; after another while again says: Daddy, Daddy and I

have horns, surprised at that moment uncovers the child and

meets a devil; Mr. desperate throws it to the ground, asking for

help to God. That's when the devil bursts and disappears amid a

pungent smell of sulfur.

This jewel of colonial architecture is considered unique in its kind because it is the only church

built by law of the Indies of the Ecuador. That is off the main Plaza. Its initial construction dates

back to the sixteenth century and rebuilt in 1869 ending in 1895. Its first pastor Augustine

Baldos Pinos inside you can see beautiful altars of modern Republican style and pictorial signs

that highlight Christian scenes. On the main altar rests the image of our patron VIRGIN OF

THE SNOWS, consists of a single nave with three domes, two in the front one on the back and

center of this image of the Archangel Gabriel. This church is in a place visible from any point

of view.

Location: City of San Gabriel


The Pupo, comes from chaima language and

meaning head. Metaphorically this means that the

carchenses are the heads of these regions or the

head of the national territory.

Pupo, synonymous with hospitality, openness,

courage. His word is final, since their political

ideology never changed. In it there were no

"camisetazos". He is hardworking, caring,

Minguero, "true soldier in peace and in war."

It is surrounded by hills with crops and pastures; its topography is irregular with curls and flat

areas where crops are.

There introduced plant species such as eucalyptus, pine and native as ragwort, which totora

surrounding communities advantage for making mats, this species is also associated with

water mirror like water plants that have won big space making the water surface is reduced.

This lagoon is in a state of eutrophication.

They are surrounded by pine trees, grass and reeds quicuyo. Undoubtedly draws attention to

domestic and international tourists for its flora as willows, cattails, grasses, orchid, cherry tree,

exotic pine and eucalyptus plantations and the fauna of the place: hummingbirds, owls, doves,

which contribute to make even more beautiful. Crystal waters (10 ° c) make suitable place to

find peace and tranquility with a touch of romance.

Location: Parish Cristóbal Colón


It originated many years ago in the city of Tulcán, for a woman

who used to wash clothes in the river and did Bobo often starting

at four o'clock,

had a designated place where a large stone he was, at the foot

of the river.

Certain morning, while washing clothes I present a character

known standing in the middle of the bridge dressed completely in

black and insistently called the woman, this approached him with

awe, as they were hours of the morning; thought he could

recognize it, but it happened that the stranger would ask politely

that blindfold with a bandage that her hands, she did attending

such plea and to his astonishment the strange character will

throw the bridge and fell head, exactly on the stone on which she

used to wash clothes.

The body of the stranger disappeared into the water and

disappeared without a trace, nor his body was found even

though he was sought and gave no reason for it. Meanwhile,

Bobo River Sandpiper after this show, go into nervous

breakdown and died after a few days before the astonishment of

those who knew this event.

The church is relatively new, so it has been maintained continuously. In recent years there

have been some small repairs without affecting the original style.

Modern and traditional houses surrounding the religious building.

It was built between the years of 1965-1975 being pastor Father Guillermo Rodriguez Angulo

who built the church, being partially restored in 1990

The church has a single nave with two aisles. No directed several techniques are used from

an architectural point of view, is circular with a shot of a Latin cross dome.

Altar in gold, silver and color. The image of San Pedro patron of Christopher Columbus image

of the early twentieth century. The party starts in the early 60-70 years, taking real boom in the

early years 70-80.

Location: Parish Cristóbal Colón


They say that by the 1940s, in the city of Tulcán, on the pretext

of a wave of cold and some economic slack in the floor of the

Colombian peso, shockingly had increased the number of bars,

pubs, discos and other places more intended for evil good fun,

so it was encouraging the vice of corruption in our society.

Hacienda el Rosal had lost one of the best bulls, muddy color,

large and filuda antler solid, so the owner offered a great reward.

Meanwhile, it is said that in the city of Tulcán appeared a bull of

the same characteristics of the lost animal that ran the streets of

the city, after the twelve o'clock, completely enraged, snorting

and voting foaming at the muzzle, and Therefore envestía to

those in its path regularly after meetings have ingested fun and

plenty of liquor scandal that ended in destruction of the local and

then took to the streets and were continuing to fight and were

initiated as a result: dead and wounded.

In these circumstances and when the fights took shape,

appeared the bull rose, with their savage fury, lashed out at night

owls vicious and must be admitted to the hospital for serious

injuries healed.

The bull Rosal continued prowling the city for a long time, having

attained tranquility and public peace.

AME. (15 de FEBRERO de 2015). CANTÓN MONTUFAR. Obtenido de



MITUR. (2015). Obtenido de

Online, T. (20 de Febrero de 2015). Tulcán Online. Obtenido de


Tapia, A. (2014). Obtenido de


Tapie, A. (2014). Obtenido de








THE GROUP…………………………………………………………...3



Paluz Waterfall………………………………………………….5

Cultural space…………………………………………………...6

Myrtles Forest……………………………………………………7

Cultural space……………………………………………………8

Grotto of Peace………………………………………………….9

Cultural space…………………………………………………..10

Pre-columbian Pottery Figures………………………………..11

Cultural space…………………………………………………..12

City of San Gabriel……………………………………………..13

Cultural space…………………………………………………...14

Main Church of San Gabriel…………………………………...15

Cultural space…………………………………………………...16

Lagoon of the Salty……………………………………………..17

Cultural space…………………………………………………...18

Church of San Pedro…………………………………………...19

Cultural space…………………………………………………...20

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………….21


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