eucharist/eucaristia san gabriel mission … · small faith communities coordinator: conchita...

Post on 27-Sep-2018






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San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church April 22, 2018


7:00 AM - Mission (English) 8:00 AM - Chapel (English) 9:30 AM - Mission English) 9:30 AM - Capilla (Español) 11:15 AM - Chapel (English) 1:00 PM - Capilla (Español) 3:00 PM - Chapel (Vietnamese) 5:00 PM - Chapel (English) 7:00 PM - Capilla (Español)

Staffed by the Claretian Missionaries U.S.A. ( C.M.F) 428 S. Mission Dr. San Gabriel, Ca. 91776 Tel: (626)457-3035 Fax: (626) 282-5308


Rev. Tony Diaz, CMF - Pastor Rev. Paulus Marandi, CMF– Associate Pastor Rev. Theo Fuentes, CMF - Associate Rev. Valentin Ramon, CMF - Associate Rev. Ray Smith, CMF– Associate Rev. Long Van Nguyen, SVD

Deacon Couples: Fernando, Jr. & Yolanda Aranda;

Guido & Violeta Zamalloa

Saturday/Sábado 8:00 AM - Chapel (English) 5:30 PM - Chapel (English/Vigil) 7:00 PM - Chapel (Vietnamese Vigil)

Confessions/ Confesiones Saturday/ Sábado 4:00 PM– 5:00 PM - Chapel/ Capilla

Weekdays/Entre Semana 6:30 AM - Chapel (English) 12 Noon - Chapel (English) 6:30 PM - Capilla (Español) 7:30 PM - 1st Friday Only (Vietnamese)

ADORATION/ADORACION 5:30 PM Monday - Chapel (English) 5:30 PM Jueves - Capilla (Español) 7:00 PM Wednesday - Chapel (Filipino) 7:00 PM 1st Friday of the Month Only - Chapel (Vietnamese)


Weekdays/Entre Semana 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday/sábado y domingo 9:00AM - 1:00 PM & 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — There is no other name under heaven by which we are to be saved than the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene (Acts 4:8-12). Psalm — The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone (Psalm 118). Second Reading — See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God (1 John 3:1-2). Gospel — I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11-18).

GIFT SHOP & MUSEUM HOURS Tuesday-Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM;

Sunday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Closed Mondays Except: MLK Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, President’s Day, Memorial Day

& Veteran’s Day


Primera lectura — Sólo en Jesús encontrará el mundo la salvación (Hechos 4:8-12). Salmo — La piedra que desecharon los arquitectos, es ahora la piedra angular (Salmo 118 [117]). Segunda lectura — Nos hemos covertido en hijos de Dios por el amor que el Padre nos tiene (1 Juan 3:1-2). Evangelio — El Padre ama a Jesús, el Buen Pastor, que da la vida por sus ovejas (Juan 10:11-18).


Business Manager Teri Valadez Office Manager Joana Albarez Secretaries: Vanessa Retzepis Delia Carrillo Laura Hidalgo Maintenance Manager: José Padrón

GIFT SHOP Gift Shop Manager: Teresa Galeazzi 626-457-3048

WORSHIP Worship Coordinator Guillermo Moreno Worship Committee Chairperson: Terri Reyes 626-570-9844 Director of Music Ministry: Ralph Mohutsky 626-235-8957

EVANGELIZATION Small Faith Communities Coordinator: Conchita Prieto 626-576-7749

FAITH FORMATION Director of Faith Formation: Connie Perez 626-988-9288 Confirmation/Youth Ministry: Georgina Mayorga 626-988-9297

QUINCEAÑERA PROGRAM Nanette Rincón: 626-202-7422

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF MISSION SAN JOSE Sister Georgette Coulombe, O.P. 626-284-9585

OUTREACH Christian Service Program Director: Greg Quioan 626-289-5165

FINANCES Finance Council Chairperson: Algis Marciuska 626-457-3034

Vietnamese Council Chairperson: Quan Tran 626-674-8493


National Shrine of St. Jude

The National Shrine of St. Jude and the St. Jude League are a mission of the Claretian Missionaries, spreading the devo-

tion to St. Jude through a community of prayer and hope.

Budget/ Presupuesto: $14,000 Actual Collection for / Colecta Actual: $12,058.63


Sunday Offerings April/Abril 15th, 2018 Ofrendas Dominicales Separated & Divorced Ministry Leadership Training

The Office of Family Life is proud to sponsor a free, one day “Separated and Divorced Support Group Leadership Training.” This training is for parish leaders who want to learn how to start a new support group and for facilitators, as well as, current S/D Ministry Leaders who want to re-fresh their skills. S/D Support Group Programs; as well as, easy to use resources.

Saturday, April 28, 2018 ADLA-3424 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Today the Church throughout the world prays for voca-tions. Will you make a special effort to ask the Lord for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life? Pray for the priests who have ministered to you through-

out your life, both living and dead. Keep our parish priests in your prayers throughout the week. Encourage your children, grandchildren, or other young people to consider a vocation as a priest or reli-gious brother or sister. Pray a rosary for more young men and women in our diocese to respond to God’s call.

Knights of Columbus Annual Rancho San Antonio Boy’s Home

Raffle Ticket Sale Your local Knights of Columbus Council 3517 will be

conducting its 70th Annual Fundraising Drive here at the San Gabriel Mission , to assist the boys at Rancho San Anto-nio Boy’s Home.. The council would appreciate your help in any form. If you wish to serve as a volunteer fund-raiser please contact Mario Fragosa at 818-371-8465 or Xavier Vargas a 626-818-2357 .


Dia Mundial de Oración para las Vocaciones

Hoy la Iglesia en todo el mundo ora por las vo-caciones. ¿Harás un esfuerzo especial para pe-dirle al Señor más vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa? Ora por los sacerdotes que te han ministrado durante toda tu vida, tanto vivos como muertos. Mantenga a nuestros párrocos en sus oraciones durante toda la semana. Aliente a sus hijos, nietos u otros jóvenes a considerar la vocación de sacerdote o hermano o hermana religiosa. Recen un rosario para que más hombres y mujeres jóvenes en nuestra diócesis respondan a la llamada de Dios.

Mass And Healing Service

Friday, April 27 with Fr. Paulus Marandi In the Old Mission Church

Praise and Worship begins at 7PM and Mass begins at 7:30 PM, with Healing Service following the Mass.


Fourth Sunday of Easter; April 22, 2018.

The Gospel today proclaims that Jesus Christ is the shepherd and we are his sheep. He is the good shepherd who lays down his life for us. But are we the only sheep that belongs to the flock of Jesus Christ? Are there more sheep that belong to Jesus, the good shepherd? How big is this sheep community of Jesus? Well, the sheep commu-nity of Jesus Christ is very big and all sheep are His but not all of them belong to the same flock. In the gospel today Jesus says, “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.” Some of us might think that only the Christians- the people that are baptized and believe in Jesus Christ-, are ‘the sheep’ of Jesus Christ and all others who do not pro-fess the most holy name of Jesus Christ are not. Well, Jesus tells it very clearly that all of us are his sheep even though we belong to different flocks. The flocks here can mean different Christian churches or different religions. So, it means that all of us are God’s children even though we don’t belong to the same flock. Even though we look different, think different, and have different ways of liv-ing our lives, we belong to the same Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Jesus wants that all the sheep belong to the same flock. He wants that all the sheep hear his voice. He wants that his most holy name be proclaimed to the sheep who have not yet heard his name and his voice. Here is where our responsibility comes. As Christians, belonging to the flock of Jesus, we need to work toward bringing others to the same flock of ours. A lot of people in this world, know God in many ways. They know God by different names and attributes but what they don’t know is that His name is Jesus Christ; that Jesus Christ lived among us taking on our human na-ture; that He came down from heaven to live with us and save us; and that we have seen and experienced him deep-ly in our lives. This is what we all have to teach and talk about with others who don’t belong to our community. If we have experienced God in the most holy name of Jesus, we need to share those experiences with others. Personal stories matters. Personal stories of how Jesus has touched you and me, do matter. They are more important than the-ological dialogue and arguments when talking to the peo-ple of other churches and traditions. Let’s strengthen our faith experience of God in Jesus Christ in this holy mass and conform our hearts to the heart of the good shepherd who wants to care for other sheep.

Fr. Paulus Marandi, CMF Associate Pastor


Cuarto Domingo de Pascua; 22 de Abril, 2018 El Evangelio de hoy proclama que Jesucristo es el pastor y nosotros somos sus ovejas. Él es el buen pastor que da su vida por nosotros. Pero, ¿somos la única oveja que pertenece al reba-ño de Jesucristo? ¿Hay más ovejas que pertenecen a Jesús, el buen pastor? ¿Qué tan grande es esta comunidad de ovejas de Jesús? Bueno, la comunidad de ovejas de Jesucristo es muy grande y todas las ovejas son suyas, pero no todas per-tenecen al mismo rebaño. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús dice: "Tengo otras ovejas que no pertenecen a este redil. Estos también debo guiarlos, y ellos oirán mi voz, y habrá un solo rebaño, un solo pastor ". Algunos de nosotros podríamos pensar que solo los cris-tianos, las personas que se bautizan y creen en Jesucristo, son 'las ovejas' de Jesucristo y todos los demás que no profe-san el más santo nombre de Jesucristo no lo son. Bueno, Je-sús dice muy claramente que todos nosotros somos sus ove-jas, aunque pertenezcamos a diferentes rebaños. Las banda-das aquí pueden significar diferentes iglesias cristianas o diferentes religiones. Entonces, significa que todos nosotros somos hijos de Dios aunque no pertenezcamos al mismo re-baño. Aunque nos vemos diferentes, pensamos diferente y tenemos formas diferentes de vivir nuestras vidas, pertenece-mos al mismo Pastor, Jesucristo. Jesús quiere que todas las ovejas pertenezcan al mismo rebaño. Él quiere que todas las ovejas escuchen su voz. Él quiere que su nombre más santo sea proclamado a las ovejas que aún no han escuchado su nombre y su voz. Aquí es don-de viene nuestra responsabilidad. Como cristianos, que per-tenecemos al rebaño de Jesús, tenemos que trabajar para traer a otros a la misma bandada nuestra. Mucha gente en este mundo, conoce a Dios de muchas maneras. Conocen a Dios con diferentes nombres y atribu-tos, pero lo que no saben es que su nombre es Jesucristo; que Jesucristo vivió entre nosotros asumiendo nuestra naturaleza humana; que descendió del cielo para vivir con nosotros y salvarnos; y que lo hemos visto y experimentado profunda-mente en nuestras vidas. Esto es lo que todos tenemos que enseñar y hablar con otras personas que no pertenecen a nuestra comunidad. Si hemos experimentado a Dios en el más santo nombre de Jesús, tenemos que compartir esas ex-periencias con los demás. Las historias personales son im-portantes. Las historias personales de cómo Jesús nos ha to-cado a ti y a mí, sí importan. Son más importantes que el diálogo teológico y los argumentos cuando se habla con la gente de otras iglesias y tradiciones. Fortalezcamos nuestra experiencia de fe de Dios en Jesu-cristo en esta santa misa y conformamos nuestros corazones al corazón del buen pastor que quiere cuidar a otras ovejas.

P. Paulus Marandi, CMF Parroco Asociado

4 The Family that prays together stays together 22 DE ABRIL, 2018

San Gabriel Mission Parish Activities

Sunday, April 22nd 8:00 AM SGM Food Pantry– Parish Hall 9:00 AM Vietnamese Youth Choir- Room 3 10:00 AM English Choir-Room 3 10:30 AM Confirmation 2 10:30 AM Apologética– Salon 2 1:00 PM RCIA– Conference Room 3:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Parish Hall, Salon 3 4:00 PM Vietnamese Community– Library 4:30 PM Brazos Abiertos– Salon 2 5:00 PM La Anunciación– Salon Helen

Monday, April 23rd 9:00 AM W.O.W– Helen’s Room 6:30 PM La Anunciación– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Estudio de Biblia– Salon 2

Tuesday, April 24th 9:00 AM English/Citizenship Class– Conference Room 6:00 PM FF Sacramental Workshop– Parish Hall 6:00 PM Youth Lectors– Library 7:00 PM Boy Scouts– Room 2 7:15 PM Fiesta Committee Mtg.– Helen’s Room

Wednesday, April 25th 6:00 PM FF Taller Sacramental– Centro Parroquial 6:30 PM Lectores– Salon 3 6:30 PM La Estudiantina– Librería 7:00 PM Lector Mtg.– Helen’s Room 7:00PM Boy Scouts– Helen’s Room

Thursday. April 26th 6:30 PM La Anunciación– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Centro Parroquial, Salon 2 y 3 7:00 PM Adult Confirmation– Conference Room 8:00 PM Tin Mung Choir– Library

Friday, April 27th 6:30 PM Youth Ministry Movie Night.– Parish Hall 6:30 PM Families for Life– Helen’s Room 7:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Salon 2 7:00 PM English Prayer Group– Room 3 7:00 PM La Anunciación– Helen’s Room

Saturday, April 28th 11:00 AM Coronación de Maria/ 9AM FF Crowning of Mary – Parish Hall 9:30 AM Legion of Mary– Library 11:00AM – Centro Parroquial 11:00 AM Altar Servers Mtg.– Library 12:00 PM Pinewood Cub Scouts– Parish Hall 3:00 PM Fatima Youth– Library 7:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial– Salon 3 7:00 PM Adoración Nocturna– Librería

The members of the San Gabriel Mission extend our deepest sympathy to the families of:

Elsie Baroques, Genaro Armenta, Reynaldo Samang,

SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 8:00 AM José & Mari Carmen De León, S. Int. Mario Aclan; Gregorio Santillán, RIP 5:30 PM Elva Reyes; Edna Motos Ramírez, S. Int. Marciana & Sancho Motos, RIP

SUNDAY, April 22nd 8:00 AM Thanksgiving to St. Jude; Rodrigo Garcia, S. Int. Gregorio Santillan, RIP 9:30 AM Manuel Avila Acosta; Juanita Ceja; Alberto Espinoza; Sara Luna; Juan Rocha, RIP 11:15AM Susan De Jesus, S. Int. Feliciano, Anatalia & Federico Larrazabal, RIP 1:00 PM Hugo Lacarra, RIP Marlen Ramirez, Guillermo Jimenez & Oscar Lopez, S. Int. 5:00 PM Stephanie Gilbert; Angel & Susan De Jesus; S. Int Leticia Palestino, RIP 7:00 PM Ramona Escobedo, RIP Mission 7:00 AM Elva Reyes, S. Int. 9:30 AM Mariano Aclan; Casiana Magadia; John Barbara; Yolanda Hamin, RIP

MONDAY, April 23rd 6:30 AM Elva Reyes; Alejandro Taringan, S. Int. 12:00 PM Gregorio Santillan, RIP 6:30 PM Raul & Laura Alvarez, S. Int.

TUESDAY, April 24th 6:30 AM Joel Virula; Kristynn Cortez, S. Int. 12:00 PM Elva Reyes, S. Int. 6:30 PM Pedro & Guadalupe Michel, RIP

WEDNESDAY, April 25th 6:30 AM Mila Aclan; The Georgiev Family, S. Int. Thanksgiving to St. Mark & Expeditus 12:00 PM Elva Reyes, S. Int. 6:30 PM José & Celina Sánchez, S. Int.

THURSDAY, April 26th 6:30 AM Georgiev Family; Gonzalez-Valdes Family; S. Int. All Souls In Purgatory, RIP 12:00 PM Elva Reyes, S. Int. 6:30 PM Guillermo Mascote, S. Int.

FRIDAY, April 27th 6:30 AM Tyler Bernardo; Alessandra Georgieva; Sean Michael Georgiev, S. Int. 12:00 PM Ricardo Exconde; Gregorio Santillan, RIP 6:30 PM Elva Reyes, S. Int.

SATURDAY, APRIL 28th 8:00 AM Ariel Astengo; Alessandra Georgieva, S. Int. Pio Rimando; Sean Michael Georgiev; Gregorio Santillan, RIP 5:30 PM Elva Reyes; Edna Motos Ramírez, S. Int.\ Marciana & Sancho Motos, RIP

Silence is a gift of God, to let us speak more intimately with God. —St. Vincent Pallotti


Noticias del Programa de Formación de Fe Momentos

¡Las mañanas son la manera de Dios de decir

más tiempo! Vive la vida ... Haz una diferencia ...

Toca el corazón ... ¡Fomenta la mente e inspira el alma!

Momentos felices, ALABA A Dios. Momentos difíciles, BUSCA A Dios.

Momentos tranquilos, ADORA A Dios. Momentos dolorosos, CONFÍE En Dios. CADA MOMENTO, ¡DE GRACIAS A DIOS!

***************************************** ¡MARQUEN SUS CALENDARIO



Los formularios de inscripción estarán disponibles en la Ofi-

cina de formación de fe. Para mas detalles llame al 626-988-9288. ********************************

SACRAMENTOS Talleres sacramentales para Primera Comunión año 2

Padres e hijos DEBEN asistir Inglés - Martes, 1 de Mayo, 6-8 PM- Centro Parroquial Seguido por la 1ª Reconciliación de 8-9 PM - Capilla

Español - Miércoles, 2 de Mayo, 6-8 PM - Centro Parroquial Seguido por la 1ª Reconciliación, 8-9 PM - Capilla

Confirmación de adulto/ Capilla Ensayo - Jueves,3 de mayo a las 7:30 PM

El Candidato y el Patrocinador DEBEN asistir

Ceremonia- Viernes, 4 de Mayo, a las 7:30 PM -Bilingüe

Primera Comunión / Capilla Ensayo-Inglés - Jueves 10 de Mayo, a las 7:30 PM

Misa 1a Comunión– Ingles : Sáb. 12 de Mayo a las 11 AM

Ensayo - Español - Jueves 17 de Mayo a las 7:30 PM Misa 1a Comunion– Español - Sáb. 19 de Mayo a las 11AM

Confirmación de Jóvenes / Capilla El candidato y el patrocinador DEBEN asistir el ensayo

Ensayo - Lunes, 21 de Mayo a las 7:30 PM

Ceremonia de Confirmación Miércoles, 23 de Mayo a las 7 PM

Faith Formation Corner


Mornings are God’s way of saying more time! Live Life … Make a difference…

Touch one’s heart…Encourage one’s mind and inspire one’s soul!

Happy moments, PRAISE God. Difficult moments, SEEK God.

Quiet moments, WORSHIP God. Painful moments, TRUST God.

EVERY MOMENT, THANK GOD! ****************************************************

Mark Your Calendar! All Faith Formation Programs



Registration forms will be available in the Faith For-mation office. Please call 626-988-9288 for details

******************************** SACRAMENTS

Elementary Sacrament Workshops – Parents and Child MUST attend

English – Tuesday, May 1- 6-8 PM- Parish Center – 1st Reconciliation – 8-9 PM– Chapel

Spanish - Wednesday, May 2 – 6-8 PM– Parish Cen-ter 1st Reconciliation – 8-9 PM- Chapel

Adult Confirmation/CHAPEL

Candidate & Sponsor MUST attend Rehearsal - Bi-lingual – Thursday May 3 @ 7:30 PM

Confirmation– Friday May 4, @ 7:30 PM

Elementary - 1st Communions/CHAPEL English – Rehearsal – Thursday May 10 @ 7:30PM 1st Communion Mass- Saturday May 12 @ 11 AM

Spanish – Rehearsal – Thursday May 17 @ 7:30 PM 1st Communion Mass – Saturday May 19th @ 11 AM

Youth Confirmation/CHAPEL

Candidate and sponsor MUST attend Rehearsal – Monday May 21 @ 7:30 PM

Confirmation – Wednesday May 23 @ 7 PM

FAIHT FORMATION UPDATES 626-288-9288 Connie Perez, Georgina Mayorga


Vamos juntos a la peregrinación en Septiembre 2018 a: Polonia, Checoslovaquia e Israel, junto con el

Padre José Sanchez, CMF Para mayor información llamar al: 626-318-5501

Los cupos son limitados.


SATURDAY, April 28th @ 6PM Parish Hall/ Centro Parroquial

$1 for the first card. Ask about the SPECIAL cards. There will be snacks and drinks for sale.


OPPORTUNITY Gabe’s Place Summer Camp is current-ly accepting applications for Co-Director Interns for Summer 2018! Enhance

your leadership skills and build your resume this sum-mer! This internship will provide a mix of opportuni-ties for learning about the administrative aspects of summer camp as well as give interns the opportunity to develop their professional aptitude. If you or some-one you know is interested, please find more details on how to apply at





Mother Angelica answered the call to build Nino Divino a temple. Come and see why it is the most visited site in Alabama with its 8-ft monstrance, a replica of the Lourdes grotto, Stations of the Eucharist and Life size Nativity chapel. Go on a tour of EWTN!

Info meeting Sunday, May 6, 1:30-3 PM San Gabriel Mission Parish Center, Room 3

Cost is approx. $1300.($210 deposit) Space is limited.

Contact: Albert and Mary Helen Estrada


The Rectory Office Manager is currently looking for a temp to part-time secretary in the Rectory Office for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The ideal candidate would be Bi-lingual English/Spanish, available in the evening and weekends, be familiar with a PC, be a team player, have knowledge in the Catholic Faith and be willing to learn. If you are a vibrant individual who has always wanted to be at the forefront of the San Gabriel Mission and want to learn more about the Church Office, please contact Joana Alvarez, 626-457-3035.

The Cloistered Carmelite Nuns Auxiliary invites you and your guests to attend their "Shower of Roses" An-nual Benefit Luncheon featuring

"A Spring Fashion Show” Wednesday April 25, 2018

at the San Gabriel Country Club 10:30 A.M. Social Hour

12: Noon Luncheon Tickets $65.00 each

Please RSVP by April 19th to: Kathy Cardoza (626) 570-9012

Amazing Women of California April 28, 2018 @ 5-7 PM

History Presentation Casa Vieja de Lopez Adobe

330 N. Santa Anita, San Gabriel Reservations - $25.00/ 626 627 -1057

All of the proceeds will go to restoration of the Historic Ado-be. Come and join us for a walk into the past and dinner under the tars! San Gabriel History Enthusiasts!!!


“Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de misericordias y Dios de toda consolación, el cual nos consuela en todas nuestras tribulaciones, para que podamos también nosotros consolar a los que están en cualquier tribulación, por medio de la

consolación con que nosotros somos consolados por Dios.” 2 Corintios 1:3-5


JUNIO 5, 12, 19, 26 JULIO 3, 10 Y 17

MISSION SAN GABRIEL ARCANGEL 428 S MISSION DR. SAN GABRIEL, CA 91776 Para más información: Diacono Guido Zamalloa

626-643-1557 Costo: $ 15 por sesión registrarse en línea: ministros-de-consolacion-san-gabriel


Eva Garcia, Principal 626-281-2454

Marielle Sallo, Principal 626-282-3181

San Gabriel Mission Elementary School


For over 105 years, Mission Elementary has provided an excellent academic program in a faith-based environment where students learn their Catholic faith and live it on a daily basis. If you are a parent who is interested in enrolling your TK-8th grade child, please join us on Tuesday, April 24th from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm as we open our doors to the public. Can’t make that day? No can call our office (626-281-2454) and schedule a private tour.

11th Annual Film Festival at SGMHS San Gabriel Mission High School’s Fine Arts Department held its 11th Annual Film Festival on March 24, 2018 in the school auditorium. The categories included: Music Videos, Experimental, and Short Films. This year Junior High Films from the Summer Film Academy were also considered for awards.

The top winners were: Junior High – “Aria; ”Music Videos – 1st Place “Something Just Like This” by Director Ray-lene Lopez and Editor Jocelyn Reynoso; Experimental Films – 1st Place “Lumos” by Director and Editor Jocelyn Reynoso, Cinematography Katelyn Barela, Short Films – 1st Place “By Your Side” by Director and Editor Madeline Noriega; The Best of Show was “Lumos.”

According to the Film Instructor and the club’s moderator, Chris Landinguin, he enjoys the development of this new film culture at Mission. “I presently have three film related classes and a film club, so interest in filmmaking is defi-nitely growing at Mission. The Media Studies students run the school’s television station MTV Mission Television,

and produce over 32 episodes each year.” Stu-dents create commercials, public service an-nouncements and participate in several film festi-vals each year.

This year three films, “Rubi,” “Lumos” and “Penny” were chosen to be screened at the Ac-tion On Film Festival in Las Vegas this coming August.

If you are interested in learning more about the Film Program at SGMHS visit their MTV Mis-sion Television channel on at

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