evaluation: question 7

Post on 05-Aug-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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1. Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression of that task to the full product? 2. Comparing my final work back to my preliminary task I believe I have improved greatly and have learnt a lot from the progression of that task, to the full product. Although I felt that my preliminary task was not too bad in terms of following typical conventions, I am pleased with the changes and improvements I have placed in my final design One of my main targets after completing the preliminary task was down to time scheduling. Throughout the preliminary task, I was very much aware that I had not planned my timing very well. My photography was taken far too late, which resulted in more time spent on the main areas of the magazine, rather than the end detail which would of given me them extra final marks. Therefore, throughout the production process of this task, I have put in all the time I could possibly spend into completing my work, following a planned schedule with my own personal deadlines, which I set to achieve. Throughout the production process of this task, I have put in all the time I could possibly achieve, making sure I perfected as much detail as possible. I used a variety of techniques to make sure.. I had planned and mapped out a time schedule to make sure I was on task and had the work completed and uploaded onto my blog. 3. Textual analysis was also more crucial and time-consuming in the final task in comparison to the preliminary task. I made sure that for the final task, enough research was carried out to investigate existing music magazines before creating my final product. As well as online magazines, it helped greatly having a physical copy of the magazine aswell, which I did not bother too much about in the preliminary task. By carrying out this research, I was also enabled to improve the typical elements to address my audience. The mode of address was very important in terms of formal/informal language, light hearted or cynical. These are a variety of elements I paid more attention to due to the lack of research in the preliminary task, which clearly showed in my work. 4. Critical Feedback: Gaining the critical feedback from peers and my target audience in the preliminary task, certainly had an impact in my final task. Learning where I could of improved in my school magazine, for example the contents page had far to little contents displayed, enabled me to apply these critical feedback to my final full product, therefore for my final task I made sure that I had a lot more contents to offer, which resulted in a much more professional product. From the preliminary task I realised that I had not gathered and used enough critical feedback from the correct sources, throughout the task. With this constant critical feedback, Ive learnt that I could of improved my Preliminary task greatly, therefore I learnt from my mistakes and made sure I constantly had my work checked by either a media teacher/peer and/or my target audience. Technologies/Programmes: In terms of technologies and programmes, the level of experience I had using Adobe InDesign and other forms of software from the preliminary task, to the end result has greatly improved. I feel much more confident using these specific programmes and feel that this has made a huge impact in my final designs. 5. Looking back at the preliminary task, I can certainly say that the photography taken for the final product has certainly improved. For the final task, I arranged and set up a studio, using low, mid and high key lighting. For this set up, the equipment varied from using a soft box, 2 X key lights and a tripod. For the preliminary task I simply went around the school grounds with a average digital camera and natural light to take my photography, however I learnt that if I really wanted a high quality product, then I would have had to use the appropriate photography equipment which was I personally believe was a much better decision. Photography: 6. Colours: After using the house style colours of red and yellow, for the preliminary task, I have learnt that using much more vibrant colours such as red and black has a much more powerful, eye-catching effect therefore appropriate for my music magazine. In terms of cover lines I deliberately went against the typical magazine conventions, to enhance the 'rebellious' hip hop genre. However, I certainly used the font style more accurately to project the ideal genre. 7. Looking back at the contents page for my preliminary task I can certainly see the areas in which I have learnt and developed certain skills. For example, the quantity of contents was one of the comments I had received as part as critical feedback for the preliminary task. Therefore, this is what I intended to improve upon in my final task, which I personally believe I have done. I also carefully thought about the contents and subheadings more for the final product, in terms of .. For instance, the R.I.P which is purposely positioned at the bottom which connotes the 'death/the end' which also represents the 'gagster' image and hip hop genre.

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