evaluation question1

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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Introduction to forms and conventionsMost media products follow forms and conventions that give the magazine familiarity amongst it’s readers. Also they help to target the intended audience. These conventions include;• A Masthead• A Tagline• Sell Lines• Familiar fonts• Same colours used over

Conventions also help a magazine get recognized as it will usually have a familiar look to it every issue. For example, the masthead in the same place or the same font for the masthead and sell lines.

Conventions of Front Covers

As you can see, they all have the masthead placed at the top of the page. This is the first thing the audience see’s and let’s them know what they’re looking at.

They all have a main image of a celebrity or someone that is related to the topic of the magazine. This again makes the audience interested as they will usually know the person on the cover and will like them.

They each have matching colours all across the front page. This creates a sense of familiarity to the audience, this is known as House Style.

My Front CoverMasthead is placed at

the top of the page to draw attention.

Strapline placed below the masthead. Gives the audience a better idea of what the magazine is about.

Main Image is large and attracts the attention of the audience. Cover line is attached to the picture to give it more meaning. Guitar in the main image gives connotations of music appealing to the target audience.

Three fonts are used and the same colours (Red and Black) to create a House Style.

Conventions of Contents pages

On the contents page, the magazine usually sets it out in columns. This makes it easily readable for the audience.

The contents page follows the House style of the magazine by using the same fonts and colours as the front page, these colours and fonts will be seen throughout the magazine.

There is usually a large title to let you know it is the contents page. There are also sub-headings such as features or regular things that occur in the magazine. There is normally a main picture usually a main feature of the magazine along with a few secondary images to go with the other headings.

My Contents Page

I have the large title ‘Contents’ so the readers know what page their on. I have also followed conventions by having the sub headings and page numbers. I also have the main image accompanied with three secondary images.

My contents page follows the house style by using the same colours (red and black) as the front cover. Also I have shortened the title of the magazine to RJ and placed it in the corner to create familiarity with the readers.

I have tried to set the page out in columns to follow conventi0ons and make it easy for the audience to read.

Conventions of an article

An article in a magazine usually has a large heading to grab the readers attention. It is normally a quote from the band or person the article is on and will be something interesting to make the audience want to read more. There will be a large image, normally of the person who is the topic of the article and they will be in an un-natural position. They will be posing in certain ways and sometimes may have unusual props.

My Article

I have placed a large quote from a member of the band to grab the attention of the reader and make them want to read more. The main image is of the band posing with props (guitar and drumsticks). This shows who does what in the band and if the reader knows who the people in the picture are then they will want to know more about them. I have a big title of the name of the band with a short paragraph setting the scene for the interview. I have also set it out in columns, again for ease of reading. The secondary images add a bit of depth to the article and show two members of the band, on in an unusual situation which makes the reader feel closer to the band, as if it’s personal to them.

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