evalutation question 1

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

(i.e. of music magazines) When creating my music magazine I

looked at other magazines including my school magazine that I had previously made so I could compare and make improvements. I ensured throughout my magazine that I was making it unique to other magazines but still followed certain conventions so ‘RECORD’ would appeal to my audience.


Date of release & price


Pull Quote



Cover lines

Main image


Cover lines

Pull quote

Front cover

Front cover I began the process of making my magazine by choosing my

main image that would be on my front cover. I chose an image that was front facing and where you could see the artist properly to show her style and look. I then began creating my masthead in which I followed conventions of a music magazine by creating something that stood out and was bold & eye-catching to my readers. To show individuality and to challenge traditional features of a masthead I used an image of a record to replace the ‘o’. Another feature on the front cover is the barcode which is used in order to sell the magazine onto the consumer and this can be seen on many magazines. I added cover lines, pull quotes and extra images in order to attract people to read my magazine but I ensured that I used three main colours, red, white & black, so it looked professional and didn’t clash.

Cover story image

QR code

Image about another article

List of articles

Date of release

Magazine name

Page numberMasthead

Pull quote


Contents I started creating my contents page with my masthead where I

used the idea of an image of a record replacing the ‘o’ like I did for the name of my magazine. I used this idea again to make the magazine front cover and contents flow therefore creating a link between the two pages. The aim of a contents page is to give consumers a way of locating certain pages in the magazine and to follow conventions of a music magazine I listed all the articles that could be found in my magazine with the page number allocated next to them. To make my magazine stand out compared to others I added a QR code, which was created by myself, in order to give consumers the opportunity to widen there search into a certain article or the magazine itself when they scan the code. Elements, such as page number, date of release and name of magazine, where apart of my contents page that I ensured I had added because not only is it a key convention of a magazine but makes the magazine look professional. There are four main images on my contents page which make the page more interesting and attract readers to the main articles and with each image is the page number and article name to direct them to that page.

Main image

Page Number

Headline Magazine Name

Page Number



Pull quote

Illuminated letter

Double Page Spread

Double page spread On the first page of my DPS I have used an image of the

artist which takes up the whole page and this is done to show her style and this follows a traditional convention of a double page spread. To follow conventions of double page spread I used a pull quote so the readers can develop and understanding of what might be in the article. On second page of my double page spread an illuminated letter in the colour red helps bring the two pages together because of the bars above and below the pull quote. My article is in a style of an interview with the questions highlighted with a red font so it is clear what is being asked to the artist. In order to make my magazine different and to challenge conventions I added six images in a row at the bottom of my page showing my artist in different looks so the mise en scene gives elements of individuality.

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