evangelism as spiritual direction mae3 goals: a. defining and exploring spiritual direction b....

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3


A. Defining and exploring Spiritual Direction

B. Exploring Spiritual Direction as Evangelism

C. Exploring examples of current practice

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

A. Defining and exploring Spiritual Direction

Have any on you experienced spiritual direction?

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

While there is some degree of variability, there are primarily two forms of spiritual direction: retreat direction and regular direction. They differ largely in the frequency of meeting and in the intensity of reflection. If the directee is on a retreat (lasting a weekend, a week or even 40 days), he or she will generally meet with their director on a daily basis for one hour.Roman Catholic perspective

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment. (James Keegan, SJ, Roman Catholic, USA, on behalf of the 2005 Coordinating Council of Spiritual Directors International)

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

• Spiritual guidance can happen authentically in a vast variety of forms. The many forms can be divided into two major groups:

• Formal

• Informal(Gerald May, MD. Excerpted from Shalem News, Volume

xxii, No. 1, Winter, 1998, "Varieties Of Spiritual Companionship” )

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

The individual member of the community was ‘formed’ and guided’ by his participation in the life of the community, and such instruction as was needed was given first of all by the bishop and presbyters, and then, through informal admonitions, by one’s parents, spouse, friends and fellow Christians.” (Merton 1989:13)

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

The original meaning monastic context – given to those not living in community

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

Identify some common elements of:

Traditional Formal Spiritual Direction

“Informal” Spiritual Direction (often protestant)

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

The whole purpose of spiritual direction is to penetrate beneath the surface of a person’s life, to get behind the façade of conventional gestures and attitudes which one presents to the world, and to bring out one’s inner spiritual freedom, one’s inmost truth, which is what [Christians] call the likeness of Christ in one’s soul.  This is an entirely supernatural (spiritual) thing, for the work of rescuing the inner person from automatism belongs first of all to the Holy Spirit.  (Thomas Merton)  

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

B. Exploring Spiritual Direction as Evangelism

From what you have heard so far or experienced why and how do you think Spiritual direction might be understood as evangelism?

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

• Postmodern desire for the “spiritual”

• Salvation – or conversion as a process

• Spiritual people present a more viable witness (spiritual community)

• As a form of evangelistic ministry. (Contemplative youth ministry, Alpha)

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

“The Monastery”

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

• Contemplative Youth Ministry

• Alpha

• Cell Group Ministry

• Individual Spiritual Direction

• Other examples

• Potential

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

Evangelism as Spiritual Direction MAE3

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