everything under control ©ant group 2008 garda system

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©ANT Group 2008

Garda SystemGarda System

SNMP, Analog, Digital, IP, RF … everything

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

Control-Center centricAny communication between users and sites pass thru the Control CenterAlso when you use Internet access

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

The control center is made up of:• a PC running NetPOD Manager the

server application• a PC running NetPOD Supervisor the

client application: it can be the same PC running the server

• a series of Network interfaces to communicate with the remote sites

• a series of Communication interfaces to chat with the users

Why everything passes thru the Control Center ?

• Sites• Users

This is for three main reasons: – Connection path

• Sites can be linked in many different ways. The control center knows how to reach the site, the user does not.

– History Management• All operations carried out from any operator, on line, from a cell-phone, e-mail

or other is logged into the database.– Total Security

• All operations can be viewed and supervised in real-time, also when the user is connecting directly to an equipment on site.

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

will log to the Control Center

How does the Server get in touch with the sites?

• The sites can be reached via any type of media that supports a Serial Communication Interface (SCI).

• The communication path is defined and stored in the control center

• Each site can be configured with a “main” media and one or more “backup” media.

• New equipment can use SNMP or WEB server; old equipment and analog measurements use ANT data bridge and RDF units

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

This is the key to the Garda System success

NetPOD Server SW: the heart of the system

• it sends commands and collects alarms/events/data from the remote sites;

• it manages the system communication/database

• it forwards alarms to technicians via voice/SMS/e-mail

• it backs-up daily data and manages the database integrity

• it exports database and reports in many universal formats

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

How do You get info from the Control Center?The user connects to the control center via:• the client application NetPOD Supervisor

– Authorized username and password – A GUI (Graphical User Interface) to

• Configure the system• Read system instant data• Read historical data• Send commands

• SMS text messages– receive alarms/events filtered by the control

center – send commands using a simple text language

• e-mail text messages– receive alarms/events filtered by the control

center– send commands

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

RDF: the “Radio Router”

RDF provides three extraordinary powerful features, unique to the Garda system:

Each site can be configured as a “data router”, storing and forwarding the relevant communication to the next site if not in site with the former

TCP-IP connections with the control center can be obtained using a low data rate media.

At the transmission site, the two paths (towards the server and towards the next site) can use different communication media, allowing mixed communication networks de facto creating clusters

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RDF handles a number of media:•RS232 to the local PC•Ethernet over TCP or UDP•VHF/UHF radio SFN Network•GSM dialup main or backup•PSTN dialup main or backup•GPRS over TCP or UDP•CDMA over TCP or UDP•UMTS over TCP or UDP•Satellite analog or digital

RDF is the Remote Data FrontendIt is an Analog & Digital Data Concentrator , to fully interface any old, new and ancillary equipment

How RDF becomes a VHF/UHF “Radio Router”?

• The RDF receives a data packet– checks if data is for its own use,

– if not, it checks the routing pattern, and

– retransmits the selected data the next RDF on its path

– And again till the final destination. • Each RDF acts at the same time as a remote

control and a Radio Router. • A packet is routed in less than a second: it

will reach destination with many jumps in just a few seconds.

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

Large network• Each RDF can connect directly to up to 12

RDF (star) and up to 255 per networkProprietary Protocol• ANT uses a proprietary protocol optimized

and improved over the years on collision detention, error recovery, etc…

Backup media• Should the data not pass through the Radio

channel, the RDF can switch to alternative channels (modem, mobile phone, dedicated router, etc).


RDF: Connect Everything

© Copyright ANT Group 2008


Each Server can accommodate[1]:

SNMP • Unlimited IP/devices & OID/tags

RDF• Up to 16.711.680 RDF

– 255 RDF per sub-network (NET)– 65.536 sub-networks

Using any connection media

[1] limited only by the SW license

© Copyright ANT Group 2008

NETPOD SUPERVISOR SOFTWARE• NetPOD Supervisor is the client application• It is the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the

NetPOD Manager which is the server • NetPOD Supervisor connects to the NetPOD

Manager via TCP/IP• It runs on WINDOWS® Vista, XP, NT or 2000

platforms• It runs only when the user wants to read

data, check for alarms, send commands or configure the system.

• System administrator will grant different operating permission to users

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Or•You can use the web to browse data•but it is not as complete as Supervisor. For example, you cannot configure the system.

Design a limitless Network structure

You can start with a simple layout

... Grow... and then change the entire layout without having to replace anything

Any RDF can be reconfigured by changing (switching around) the communication system with ease.

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For example: you can insert a GSM modem inside a UHF RDF• just plug it in• tell the control center that it is linked by GSM with a radio sub network; • or the RDF can be instructed to use the GSM as backup modem in case of main link failure.

The ‘Garda’ system is always upgradable

Design an expandable Site Control Structure

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Just a few examples…… But you can add:• Microwave links • Satellite up/down links• Ancillary equipment (UPS, RF & Video switches, RF tracking, etc.)

Garda system in synthesis:• SNMP, Analog, Digital, IP, RF• Limitless Network Structure • Expandable Site Control Structure


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