excel with-video-sales-pitch (2)

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Hi, I'm Adrian and this my hat

And in a matter of minutes, you'll discover why this Magic Hat is the SECRET to you driving more

qualified leads with presentation videos.

Curious? Just keep watching this short presentation and I'll reveal why...

Watch this presentation until the end and you will also discover

How you can convert even more sales with an online video without spending countless hours learning how to use film editing software or even writing a script!!

I can't tell you how long I'll keep this presentation online or how much longer it will be free to watch...

So watch this right now, while you still can...

Perhaps you believe you've tried absolutely everything to bring in new clients... I know I did at

one time myself...

Yet I can guarantee that you've NEVER seen anything like what I'm about to reveal to you today...

And 1 tip in particular will totally SHOCK you it's my absolute favorite it's near the end, so keep watching!

Remember: I'm about to share how to convert sales with video, with you today and even more little-known

tips to building mind blowing rapport with all your clients...

First, I feel the need to share a story with you that, honestly, makes me look like an idiot when it comes

to online video marketing...

You'll see why I was reluctant to even include this story in about a minute, so stay with me...


Before we begin, let me assure you: I wasn't always this go-to guy when it comes to online marketing... in

fact, I was anything BUT...

I remember this as if it were yesterday was late October 2010:

Here I was in Santa Clara CA, Silicon valley right in the heart of the Tech World

It was really nice day out. And I had just finished a job for a client..

I was in my office alone.

It had dawned on me that I was absolutely horrible at marketing my business. Here I was this video guy

who created gorgeous videos for my clients to place on there websites and "advertise"

and heck! I even created a couple for my own site. But these gorgeous videos did nothing for me. They

just looked pretty.

Frustrated I realize that just creating "pretty videos" and calling it marketing. Was a big mistake and it simply wasn't going to get any better unless I took

some action and I did, just like you're about to today...

Despite knowing this, I guess I needed to experience one really embarrassing, horrific event to really get

me on the path to successfully marketing my business...

I was sitting down at my desk... starring blankly into my computer

And then my worst nightmare happened:

My business, the one I spent countless nights and hours working on was sad to say a failure.

I wasn't generating enough leads or converting sales to keep the business afloat, let alone Thrive.

And my options were becoming very slim.

I was seriously on the brink of closing up shop and going back to school.

I felt like a total loser like someone who just wasn't smart enough to market and run a business, let alone

be very successful at it...

It was then I made a vow to myself:

"I would never ever feel this way again... and I would master this marketing thing or DIE TRYING!"

I promised to read everything there is to know about marketing your business with online video and

creating sales copy.

And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE formula and it's one that works for just about

anyone... and works every time...

And today, I'm going to reveal it to YOU just keep watching...

Remember, despite my success today, I'm really no different than you:

I'm just a guy who stumbled upon a really effective System...

(IMAGE) This is a System that allows people just like us real, everyday small business owners... to:

Experience more freedom from marketing so we can focus on more pressing issues.

Multiply your presence online and effectively connect with potential customers..

Finally, use the power of video to give the perfect sales pitch every time!!

This is the System I've used to not only generate qualified leads but increase online sales conversions

for a ton of clients...

So know for a fact that you'll be receiving the same exact value as my in-person clients using this same

Formula, at a fraction of the cost!

I'll share all the specifics with you in just a moment FIRST:

I need to let you in on what your REAL problem is today...

This is the hidden foe the real villain behind why we have failed to attract the clients we deserve...

And why not being able to convert sales with your online video is not your fault!

The sad fact is that you've been unknowingly lied to when it comes to successfully marketing your

business with video and these lies are THE REASON you've been let down in the past...

One of the many lies going around these days is that you have to spend a ton of money or at least time on this pretty video to see any type success in marketing

your business YET:

You know something? That's not true at all...

If you are one of the MILLIONS that have fell victim to this lie, then you need to decide now to accept the

truth because:

If you don't, you'll never see the results you desire...

You'll most likely stop using (or in some cases never start) video as a marketing tool all together...

We both want more for you than this, right? Of course - so keep watching...

And this is the reason your struggles with converting sales online with video is not your fault...

If you really feel a need to lay blame, don't lay it on yourself:

Blame the jerk with the camera who told you, every video you create had to be professionally done if you

wanted your audience to take you seriously then charged you a pretty penny to create it .

Think about it: you've been misinformed by these guys, with false and misleading claims designed to rip

you off...

All that misinformation spread by these guys is enough to confuse the smartest person alive and it

even confused me for years heck I was one of them...

The truth and fact of the matter is you don't have to spend a ton of money or even time creating

compelling marketing videos...

That will cause only cause you to waste your time and your money...Why?

A successful marketing video doesnt need some big production it relies on value added content......Plus

In the world we live in now it has never been easier or more affordable to produce, upload and share value

added content....

Now that you know the problem…that your success with video has been held back due to these lies...

Let's get right into the 3 tips I need to share with you today...

I know your curious, so hang with me - I'll get into the selling your product with video specifics in just a

moment, so be sure to keep watching!

To begin, avoid, at all costs, videographers claiming you need a beautiful video to market your business...

.Don't get me wrong gorgeous video is a good thing....when its needed. I used to believe I had to make sure all my videos were beautifully produced and thought it was actually mandatory to do! Now I

know better, and so do you...

It's only GOOD to do if have the right content and a budget for it, However its not totally necessary..

If you don't avoid this, you will experience waste of money...

It may sound too simple to work, but all I want you to do is forget how your video looks.

Here's what you do instead: Focus on creating extremely valuable content...

Step 1: Grab a camera, you can use a webcam, your phone, or heck even create a slide show presentation

like this one!

Step 2: Find out what your potential customers needs are....

Step 3: Address those needs with amazing content.


You'll wake up every morning, knowing that you've positioned yourself as the go to guy or business in

your field and you'll actually have potential customers lining up to learn more about what you do. ...

And, if that wasn't reason enough, check this out: you'll also save a ton of money...

Isn't that incredible? All these benefits, just from avoiding the "must be pretty" hype?

Now, how would you like to actually ENJOY converting sales with video?

By discovering how to actually enjoy this process, you'll make sales even easier with mind blowing


All you need to do is captivate the minds of your potential customer...

Here's how you do it:Think of it as talking your potential customer on a adventure

Thinking like this about selling your product or service through video allows you to create important

key elements to your sales presentation...

Just picture it:

You'll never have to worry about your potential customers losing interest in you presentation...

Not to mention you'll have the perfect presentation for your product or service and you only have to create it


It's amazing how many awesome benefits come from simply knowing you can enjoy creating sales


And, it's about to get even better, because now I'll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to Selling

your product with presentation videos:

WARNING: Without using this tip, you can forget about those other tips I just shared with you... this tip

is THAT crucial...

This is the tip that will allow you to build mind-blowing rapport.

While you sell your product with video over and over again!

This is my patented sales presentation Principle, used successfully by virtually 'ever' successful video

blogger, even if they don't even know it!

To skyrocket your Sales online success, here's what you do:

Draw you Potential Customer In with a Hook. Something that demands there attention.

Build a genuine connection with your personal story. Something that to you creating your personal story.

Introduce the Big Problem that you both share

Give them a solution to this problem

Then give them an amazing offer.

My System, which I'm about to cover in detail, is based upon this tip, and allows you to experience

Remarkable amount of sales...


You will forever leave behind the frustrations you've no-doubt experienced when it comes to selling your product or service online all those frustrations end


Not to mention you can put it on auto pilot...

All thanks to the "Treasure Map" you've discovered today one guaranteed to put you on the fast track to selling your product or service and increasing your

selling success:

It's the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the savvy marketers... and now it's your turn!

Okay, that was a TON of valuable information and you may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to

get started and that's fine:

All this really means is that you have 2 simple choices to make, right now:

Choice 1: Take the information I just gave you, and try to go at this alone...

You never know you may put the puzzle pieces together eventually on your own sure, it will take a lot

longer, and there's no guarantee you'll make it...

Or, there's the smarter choice: the one really savvy men and women take to speed up their progress

toward sales victory...

This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to achieve creating highly effect sales

presentations WITHOUT spending a lot of time or effort:

Why risk failure and frustration trying to figure all of this out by yourself, when I've done the hard work

FOR you?

Why even consider starting from scratch? I've laid out your EXACT Step-by-Step Blueprint Already!

My Blueprint has a legion of raving fans, because I've tested, perfected, and honed this system down to a

work of art and I guarantee it will work for you.

And I call this one-of-a-kind System...

Hi, I'm Adrian Hunter, the creator of the Ultimate Sales Video...

The quickest and most efficient way to drive sales to your small business with video without spending a ton

of money or time.

Our results-focused, step-by-step Formula to ensure you reach your sales goals works...even if :

* You have no clue on how to use video* You absolutely are horrible at presenting

* All of your previous video marketing efforts have proven to be pointless

And even if you believe you've seen and tried everything!

Before I tell you what the Ultimate Sales Video is, I need to tell you what it ISN'T, so there's no false


The Ultimate Sales Video is NOT some pretty video that magically converts sales just because of the way

it looks!

Listen: You've been lied to enough! It's time to put away the sales video gimmicks and start using the

real deal, fair?

Rather, The Ultimate Sales Video is the direct result of countless obscene hours of study, and years of digging through the trenches to find what REALLY


This passionate research revealed SPECIFIC PATTERNS that the truly successful video

presentations use that's virtually hidden from the public!

And, from this moment forward, you will have the tools to replicate their success!

The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you the freedom to:

Instantly increase your web presence...while building Mind-Blowing rapport with your customers

And all of this, while you quickly achieve amazing sales success, faster than ever before possible!

Listen: I've gotta be totally honest with you, so there's nothing left to chance:

If you're just after some pretty cheesy video with all the bells and whistles that says, "Hi I'm a business

owner buy my product!"

You know what I mean and let's just be honest: these are not solutions, they are train wrecks waiting to

happen, and you KNOW they don't work.

Then you need to leave this page right now.

This is for small business owners who are ready to stop looking for "l just look nice video" and start

ensuring sales results...

In short, there are no easy sales success answers but the Ultimate Sales Video makes selling your

product or service online as easy as it gets.

So, if you're wanting the REAL SECRET to selling your product or service online with video, here's what you can and should expect The Ultimate Sales Video

to deliver:

So, if you really want to:

Engage with your potential customers online

Build Mind-Blowing rapport with your future clients

Free up your time, from learning how to use complicated programs

Then guess what? The Ultimate Sales Video isn't "an" answer for you it's the ONLY ANSWER for you.

Add 2 to 3 testimonial slides here. See video tutorial for ideas.

Add 2 to 3 testimonial slides here. See video tutorial for ideas.

Add 2 to 3 testimonial slides here. See video tutorial for ideas.

Just LOOK at what you'll receive today using a word The Ultimate Sales Video...

Inside the Ultimate Sales Video you will discover our powerful consumer rapport building method

This will include the exact timing and structure to tell your story in such a way that it builds genuine rapport

and actually encourages more sales!

As you've probably noticed by now, Ultimate Sales Video is by far the easiest sales video presentation

service on the market today...

And it gives you the freedom to experience increased sales...

And, as any Ultimate Sales Video user can tell you the results are off-the-chart!

Here's what I mean: Marketers who use this method report that these videos bring a 10% conversion rate.

And that's downright incredible, especially since you are barely spending anytime creating these videos,

and STILL seeing things like (IMAGES HERE)

Now, you may believe that a system that can do all of that, and much more, costs a pretty penny...

And, in all honesty? It really should.

After all, Ultimate Sales Video has already helped tons of people achieve increase there sales online

faster and easier than ever before:

I'll get to the price in just a few moments...

First, I want to share a few specific perks this patented System can give you...

I won't go into details here, but it's absolutely one of my favorite Expert positioning strategies...

That's not all: you'll learn the secret of Avoiding creating useless mind-numbing content and this

ALONE is worth the investment in the Ultimate Sales Video..

PLUS:Plus learn the secret to creating them fast with little or no effort!

The price of the Ultimate Sales Video is valued by itself is $297...

Yet, you're not just receiving Ultimate Sales Video today...

Just for watching this entire presentation today, I'd like to give you for free these value-added bonuses free of charge, just to help you Increase your sales

with video even faster:

The first gift you'll be receiving today is access to our Ultimate Lead Machine Photoshop templates And exact slides that we used for our USV marketing. Take it and use it! It works! it's normally valued at

$99... and its yours for FREE today!

Now you can see why the Ultimate Lead Machine is valued at $297...

Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you're on now.

And end up spending 3, 5, even 10 times more than the investment you'll make today in The Ultimate

Sales Video in hiring a guy to create a pretty pointless expensive video...

Or, perhaps waste hours in trying to create these powerful presentations your self ...

And let's not EVEN talk about the headache of finally finishing putting in the time of creating this video only

to have it fail epically...

And that's not what we want for you.

Look: You deserve to know why I'm slashing the retail price of The Ultimate Sales Video today...

Let me share my vision with you: it's a CAUSE I'm inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of

others who are ready to:

Leverage their selves as the expert of the field.

And reach there audience with compelling, informative easy to digest content

And above all, share the secrets to our sales success with the world.

And, with this 'take action now' mentality, you can actually be a part of a cause that's helping

thousands... how?

A few years ago, I set an inspiring goal.

I dedicated myself to helping as many small business owner as possible unleash the power of video and

skyrocket their sales online.

That means you will not be paying the retail value of $297 + $99 for the Ultimate Sales Video today...

No where close to that!

Nope... not even HALF of $397...

It's not even $187!

Your total investment today, including The Ultimate Sales Video, PLUS all the bonuses you now see on

the screen is NOW:

You need to look below this presentation right now:

Then, to lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, CLICK on the yellow order button

that says get started now.

I want you to try this on me, so you do NOT have to make a decision right now, by taking advantage of my

"Triple Guarantee"...

Just try the Ultimate Sales Video for 30 days...

If you do not see an increase in your online conversions... OR:

If you do not find our service and attention to your satisfaction top-notch... OR:

Hey, even if you don't like the way I look! If you are not 100% satisfied in EVERY way, I'll gladly refund

your purchase price:

No questions asked, no hassles, and no hard feelings.

Look below right now:

You need to click the yellow order button that says add to cart to ENSURE you receive The Ultimate Sales Video along with the $99 in free bonuses!

You'll join everyday folks like the Mechanic Perry who experienced these incredible results using the

Ultimate Sales Video System...

And then there's Pro Fighter Nate Moore -- just look and see his amazing sales results!...

PLUS: If you act NOW, before this presentation ends?

You'll ALSO receive this one-of-a-kind fast-action Super Bonus worth $99... and this is a VERY limited

offer, good for today only...

Instant access to Excel With Videos updated member area. New case studies & free updates for


Add it all up, and the total value will shock you:it's over $197... and even at that price, this is a total


Yet, just by taking action today, the ENTIRE Ultimate Sales Video System, with all the bonuses, PLUS the

Super Bonus is yours for only $149...

Just Remember: You're not just saving over $247 dollars today, and starting your path to online sales


You are welcome to become a vital part of our Excel with Video customer community...

Not to mention the fact you'll make a whole new group of online selling friends that will help you

progress, stay inspired, and have more fun along the road to success!

For INSTANT ACCESS to everything, Click on the yellow button that says Add to Cart NOW...

You'll be granted immediate access to everything: Ultimate Sales Video, and all the bonuses... PLUS:

Remember: this includes, today only, your "Super Bonus": Excel With videos live updated member area,

worth S99!

Here's what will happen the moment you click the Yellow Add to Cart Button button below this video:

First, you'll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:

Finally, you'll arrive at our secure member's area, which looks like this

It's That Simple!

Remember: You've been struggling with your successfully selling your business with video for way

to long.

And the pain of continuing without taking action will only lead to even more frustration...

And continued leaving money on the table...

YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step customer rapport

principles found in the Ultimate Sales Video...

Picture right now the moment you finally have the answer you've been looking for, as you began your

journey to online selling success.

You see and experience your online conversions increase almost instantly

You are experiencing the success you deserve - at long last!

Yes, it's true: Your video marketing failure, up until today, has largely been no fault of your own...

Yes, you've been told a pack of lies in the past about online video... from either crooks or well-intentioned

but misinformed folks...

The fad "pretty commercial" you may have tried...

And who can forget all those false promises other video "experts" made to you that never stood up to

the light of day?

However, today marks your day to take responsibility...

To take the action necessary to put an end to the lies, and begin a new on a REAL online video marketing


Here's the GOOD NEWS: unlike all those ridiculous online video gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to

work for you:

Try The Ultimate Sales Video for 30 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay


PLUS you're always just minutes away from an answer from our friendly support staff!

So, you've bought The Ultimate Sales Video... what do you do first? THIS:

Take 30 mins to answer our question and check out our informative videos in each section so you can

dive in ASAP and get started seeing results...

Watching our informative videos will helps get you off on the right foot so you too can experience even

greater results.

Remember: Along with instructive videos, you'll also be receiving...

The ground breaking Ultimate Sales Video

This is your quickest most efficient way to drive sales to your small business with video. While spending

little time or money.

and Instant access to Excel with Videos updated member area for a life time. Where you can stay

updated with all the latest news and case studies.

Listen, don't put this off a second longer... let me tell you WHY:

First, as you will recall, I lowered the price of Ultimate Sales Video for you by over 50%... just so you can

get in today...

Yet, eventually, I'm going to have to increase the price back to retail, where it deserves to be...

So act now before that happens!

And, you also don't want to miss out on Excel With Video's All access Member area, which is reserved

ONLY for first-come action-takers...

Those who act today will lock in their discount and this free gift... others won't be so fortunate...

Now remember: unless you act TODAY, "tomorrow" will never come...

Like they say, "There IS no tomorrow"... and no one who has ever succeeded at online sales did so by

procrastination and delay, right?

So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need:

And, let's just fact facts, do the only SMART thing left for you to do:

Take advantage of this limited-time offer, while you still can...

And get on the fast track to video marketing success using the smartest, most proven System for selling

with online video on the planet...

(ALL GRAPHICS ON PAGE) CLICK the yellow rectangle add to cart button below right now, and let's

get you started today!

If you're still watching, I bet you have some questions...

Here are the most common questions I receive about The Ultimate Sales Video, and the answers to help

you out:

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