exchanging the status between clients of geospatial web services and gis applications using atom

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Masó, J., Díaz, P., Riverola, A., Díaz. D. and Pons., X. (2013). Exchanging the Status between Clients of Geospatial Web Services and GIS applications using Atom. In Castillo, O., Douglas, c., Dagan Feng, D. and Lee., J. (Eds.), in proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2013, Vol I. IMECS, March 2013, Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-988-19251-8-3.



In geospatial analysis, several layers covering the region of interest are overlaid, new information is derived and the results are presented in the form overlaid, new information is derived and the results are presented in the form of a composed map.

The distribution of this composed map can be done in several ways. 1. generating a digital printing in GeoPDF format, drawback prevents the further use of the information gathered and even its latter processing and analysis. 2. Encapsulate all the data in a single file in a popular format such us netCDF or HDF, or in a popular database file such as GeoPackage, the disadvantage is that it results in big files disconnected from the producer services and are limited to the region and purpose of the application.

Alternative proposed is the generation of an interoperable OWS (OGC Web Services) Context document. Just a small document is transmitted with links to external services and to information used. The recipient can operate with the same status


Conceptually, OWS Context is a list of metadata on a collection of geospatial resources. Additionally, clients can present the information not geospatial resources. Additionally, clients can present the information not just as a list but also as a single overlaid map.


The sources can be exchanged either by links to services or embedding GML files that describe a geosourcefiles that describe a geosource


Traditional WMS server-client interaction: A single request is send to the server to get the complete image need to fill the view


server to get the complete image need to fill the view

- In order to share the context do we need always an integrated client?

That is a good point again. The standard defines *a format*. It could define a way to exchange it but it *does not*. This means that you can distribute it by any means and you can try to see it in the way you can: IExplorer, Googel reader, Google maps..., XLST transformations *but* the best way to do it is using an integrated client that suports as many OGC formats and types as possible.


The OWS Context document is a ….. That those …. Is good for …


The Atom Syndication Format is an XML language used for web feeds (A web feed (or news feed) is a data format used for providing users with web feed (or news feed) is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content)

A feed contains entries, along with various metadata.

The Atom format was developed as an alternative to RSS. RSS had limitations and flaws, such as lack of on-going innovation and its necessity to remain backward compatible— and that there were advantages to a fresh design


The model defines the structure of a document that has a generic section defining overarching metadata about a collection or resources. The Atom file defining overarching metadata about a collection or resources. The Atom file starts and ends with a “feed”


In this metadata we have common entries such as title, abstract, author, etc., but also specific entries about the geospatial extent of the area of interest.but also specific entries about the geospatial extent of the area of interest.


Every source has a “owc:offering” that describes the geospatial content.

An offering can include 1. direct content of a geospatial data file in the form of a href reference or embedded in some form of XML notation such as GML or KML.

2. Services: Conceptually, all the MAP requests can be embedded in a resource offering element by defining an operation that includes both the elements needed for the request and the content returned by a previous execution of the OGC services request.


Since OWS Context has been designed as an Atom extension, it is possible to see the document in common applications where Atom documents are valid. see the document in common applications where Atom documents are valid. Some Internet browsers are able to present the document as a list of items with title, abstract, time, description and download features

The browser identifies files and data in the Context document without any further configuration.


The use of GeoRSS in Atom and the embedded KML and GML content allows the same document to be read by Google Maps as a list of items that allows the same document to be read by Google Maps as a list of items that have the extent, and in some cases the actual content, represented in a dynamic map

Google maps: shows the rectangles of the bounding box


(and in Bing Maps with limitations) Bing also reads the context document properlyproperly


Since the OWS Context Atom encoding is an XML and the references to the services are included as full URLs, we have develop an XSL Transformation services are included as full URLs, we have develop an XSL Transformation (XSLT) to convert the Atom feed into an HTML5 document that shows the exact status of the client view window that saved the context document.

The result is an overlaid map (static) with a legend that activates and deactivates individual items


Apart from Web browsers, the Context document can be read using GIS apps. This is an example of the MiraMon application.This is an example of the MiraMon application.

When a context file is opened, the user is able to select the specific layers to be added to the current view.


This application is able to write a context document and read it again to recover the context of the previous view, or load a context document recover the context of the previous view, or load a context document generated by another application.


It has the advantage that maps can be saved.




Una de molt comú és perquè es va decidir posar una URL a un servei WMS sencera i no posar el nom de servei i els paràmetres per separat. La raó és sencera i no posar el nom de servei i els paràmetres per separat. La raó és permetre a clients tontos poder mostrar alguna cosa només usant la URL. (sense entendre la sintaxi WMS). Això està mig discutit al document del ER. La pregunta de com distribuir el fitxer i com llegir-lo és també molt comuna. També hi ha la pregunta de si existeixen altre coses semblans. La resposta és: Abans existia el WMC només per WMS's Cada programa té el seu propi fitxer de projecte com el MMM, o l'ArcGIS etc. Els formats "tot en una sola pastilla" proporcionen un suports similar com el KMZ, el NetCDF o el nou GeoPackage (o el MMZ, clar).


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