executive summary - wordpress.com · 2013-07-03 · by axe and old spice.[iii] we take fourth place...

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⊕ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ⊕ The Essence of Man

o A Brut man is confident and secure James Bond, The Dude

o The Brut essence is one that can be found through one scent no matter who is wearing it

⊕ A New Direction o Increase market share and sales o Men’s fragrance market is in the growth stage o Brut needs to increase consumer recognition of the brand

Appeal to psychological GND’s ⊕ Positioning For Success

o Old Spice and Axe are juvenile and immature Attempt to fill a void in the consumer’s life

o Moderately priced ⊕ Right On Target

o Men who are confident and secure, or men who aspire to be o Brut will use the “sweet spot” to its advantage o No emphasis on gender segmentation

Women purchase 60% of men’s grooming products ⊕ Advertising And Promotional Strategy

o Focus on cognitive aspects o Re-familiarize consumers with Brut o Get rid of current social media campaigns o Lifestyle television ad o Still life print ads

⊕ Product Changes o Narrowing the Brut line

Brut cannot afford to spread itself thin o Stay focused on one scent, one essence o Iconic logo, revamped bottle


⊕ ESSENCE OF MAN Creating a new brand meaning for Brut is the key to attracting consumers and

eventually gaining market share. Using its slogan, “the essence of man,” Brut can

become the fragrance choice for men who see themselves as confident and secure -

or men who aspire to be confident and secure. Brut will be a manifestation of a man’s

already calm, cool, and collected “essence”. Rather than focusing on others’

perceptions, Brut will be concentrated on reinforcing the buyer’s perceptions of

himself. This image of the Brut Man is already true to its website’s description of a

man whose “determination and self-worth is motivated by staying true to himself.”[i]

What is a Brut man? A Brut man never regrets a first impression. Though he

frequently takes risks, his poker face ensures that he never has to fold. He is

confident and secure with his identity. He recognizes that his choice of grooming

products should not be filling a void in his life, but rather his decision to use Brut is a

reflection of his essence. Being a Brut man is not reserved for one certain type of

person: the successful businessman, the outdoorsy fly fisher, the athlete, etc. Brut

will be the choice for everyone from James Bond to The Dude. A Brut man is anyone

who combines Bond’s mature confidence with The Dude’s easygoing confidence,

conveying that he only answers to himself. He does not expect to repair his flaws

with his grooming products. He chooses Brut, because he knows exactly who he is,

and Brut reinforces that.

Finally, the fact that Brut only has one scent will support this new brand

meaning by representing the unchanging essence of a Brut man. There is a Brut man

inside every man. Think about the James Bond series. While, many different actors

have played the role of the dashing secret agent, everyone conjures up the same

confident, cool image in their minds when they think of James Bond. Similarly, a Brut

“essence” is one that can be found through one scent no matter who is wearing it.

Though a Brut man may prefer his martinis a certain way, his essence is never

shaken nor is his character ever stirred.



“Essence of Man”, the revived brand meaning of Brut, encompasses a new

marketing direction that will lead to successfully reaching our financial growth goals

of increasing market share and sales, as seen in the table below. Men’s fragrance

sales are estimated to increase by five percent in 2012. Brut will aim to increase its

sales by at least the projected market growth.

Year Projected Overall Sales

(millions of dollars)

Overall Growth


Brut’s Projected

Sales at 5%/yr

Brut’s Projected

Market Share 2012 1,257 5 9.98 million $ 3.15 2013 1,282 2 10.48 million $ 3.9 2014 1,351 5 11 million $ 4.65 2015 1,448 7 11.55 million $ 5.4 2016 1,541 6 12.13 million $ 5.15 2017 1,625 5 12.73 million $ 6.9

These projected figures are objectives meant to turnaround Brut’s sales

decline from 9.6 million dollars in 2010-11 to 9.5 million dollars in 2011-12.[i] Our 2.4

percent stake in the men’s fragrance market did not decline, but our two main

competitors, Axe and Old Spice increased 1.5 percent and 0.6 percent in market

share when they already dominated 30 percent of the market.[ii] Brut’s decrease of

1.2 percent of sales strongly contrasts the 5.8 percent and 7.3 percent gains in sales


by Axe and Old Spice.[iii] We take fourth place in market share overall, but hold no

significant share in the deodorant/antiperspirant market and we only hold a seven

percent share in cologne/aftershave as shown below.[iv]

The men’s fragrance market is currently in the growth stage of the product

lifecycle curve. Brut will emphasize market penetration. We will strive to improve

consumer recognition of the iconic brand, keeping Essence of Man consistent

across products and advertising. The focus will be on buying and accepting our

brand, thus, they are not just buying a product, they are buying an idea. Brut can

then gain market share in two ways, by challenging other competitors and thus

showing Brut to be a good alternative to what is available in the marketplace, and

also by bringing new consumers into the market as the new generic needs strike


The generic needs satisfied by men’s grooming products were once as

simple as keeping clean, not perspiring, and not smelling bad. However, with the

arrival of new brands and the increased pressure on grooming for males, those

needs have evolved to be less physiological. Male grooming has become much

more accepted as men find themselves concerned with maintaining a stylish image

and reputation. Today, these generic needs incorporate a variety of psychological

factors such as: feeling confident, a desire to attract the opposite sex, and a need to

make a statement about oneself. Essence of Man as Brut’s brand meaning will fulfill

psychological GNDs that males are looking for. Brut will satisfy.



The market space available for Brut is in the moderately priced, mature

positioning base. Using the Law of Opposites, we can capture this positioning base

by pushing our main competitors, Old Spice and Axe, further into the childish and

immature space. Old Spice and Axe market themselves as an inexpensive tool for

young men to seduce women and be manly. Axe targets men who are generally

interested in women for the first time and are relatively un-confident in their ability

to attain them. Thus, while this is maturation for a child, it comes across as juvenile

for men past adolescence. Likewise, an overbearing scent does not result in

immediate maturity, it is simply a facade and the first step towards manhood for a

child, but inappropriate for an adult. By labeling these brands as childish, we can

strategically position our product with a characteristic men strive for throughout

their life, maturity, which does not limit our target demographic to a younger


Our positioning base differentiates from our competitors by satisfying an inherently

different generic need definition than Old Spice and Axe. Brut is positioned for a

consumer who is sufficient (or more) on his own, whereas Old Spice and Axe

position themselves as tools for consumers who need to fill a void. In looking at the

Old Spice ad above, Old Spice is depicted as instrumental and responsible for the

user winning gold medals, learning to use a chainsaw, and consequently becoming a

man. Brut will position itself for the man who is capable of such feats on his own and

would even be insulted that a deodorant take responsibility for his successes. He


does not have fundamental flaws that need a crutch. As Brut, Old Spice, and Axe all

focus on a moderately priced product, Brut can capitalize on the immaturity of Old

Spice and Axe to appeal to a more mature target consumer.

Likewise, It is not calm, cool, or collected to overcompensate by buying an

overpriced fragrance from Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren.

Thus, it is consistent with our differentiating characteristic that Brut be moderately

priced. Although Calvin Klein and Ralph

Lauren also are in the mature positioning base, they are expensive and would not

capture the same position as Brut. Similarly, although a positioning base exists

cheaper than AXE and Old Spice, a consumer searching for the cheapest deodorant

would likely not identify with the differentiating characteristic of Brut and that lowest

cost-positioning base is already diluted with Walmart Brand and Discount Brand




Brut’s intended target market will be segmented primarily on the

psychographic variables of personality and lifestyle. In terms of personality, we

want to focus on men who view themselves as confident and secure or who aspire to

be confident and secure. In terms of lifestyle, we want to market towards

“explorers”, who are defined as being “comfortable with themselves and not

obsessed with physical appearance. They also express strong or old-fashioned

values,” (text page 195). These individuals will be especially responsive to Brut’s

new marketing strategy because their self-confidence is precisely the message that

Brut’s new brand meaning conveys. Also, by segmenting psychographic ally and

targeting individuals that fit into our personality and lifestyle categories, we will

appeal to men from a broad range of ages, allowing us to take advantage of a

substantially larger target market. The size of the market could be measured

through mass surveys and could be easily accessed through advertising during

television programs that confident “explorer” type men watch, through print

advertising that they read, and so forth.

Our advertising will feature men in the “sweet spot” age range of 20-30,

which will allow us to capitalize on the fact that we are segmenting

psychographically rather than demographically. The ads will appeal to consumers

who are in the 20-30 age range and attract both younger and older consumers

because teenagers aspire to be like their older role models and older consumers

aspire to be like the younger men they wish they still were. We will not place an

emphasis on gender segmentation, even though this is a male product, because we

want our marketing mix to be appealing to both men and women, since women are

often the ones who purchase fragrances for their men. According to research done

by Proctor & Gamble, women purchase 60% of men’s grooming products

(¢). Accordingly, it is important that our advertising and differentiating

characteristic not alienate women because they are essential in the buyer/user



Our marketing strategy will be particularly compelling for the individuals in

this target market because, one, their personalities will be drawn to the new brand

image and meaning of Brut and, two, as self-confident and “explorer” type

individuals, they will be quite uninterested in the competition. Axe and Old Spice

solve GND’s that these individuals already have satisfied. Thus, they don’t need

help to become confident in themselves or to appeal to the opposite sex.

In the hierarchy of communication effects, Brut must first focus on the

cognitive aspects, helping the consumer move from ignorance to awareness and

knowledge of Brut as we recreate our brand image. Because Brut has little to no

remaining market share, as aforementioned, Brut must focus on mere exposure at

this stage and re-familiarize consumers with Brut. This can first be established by

inexpensive pay-per-click online advertising that accomplishes the goal of

increasing brand exposure. In addition, Brut can use Promotions with samples that

are proven to enhance brand loyalty through the the psychological principle of

reciprocation and the principal of foot-in-the-door. Both concepts state that a

consumer will be be significantly more likely to purchase a product once they have

been given it for free. Such promotions can be advertised on Brut’s social media

sites which could hold contests to meet Brut’s iconic figures consistent with Brut’s

brand image. However, Brut must be careful to not replicate its current ad

campaigns such as Brut Slap and “Some Men Just Need to be Slapped,” but reinforce

its “Essence of Man” image. The ad below attempts to mock the Old Spice Man,

Isaiah Mustafa, but comes across even more childish than the Old Spice Man Brut is


Brut will benefit from

creating a new television

advertisement that supports this

new brand meaning. The most

recent Brut advertisements have

not supported the characteristics of


a Brut man listed on the website. The ads are juvenile and, in some cases, degrading

to women. Since we know that women purchase the majority of men’s grooming

products, Brut needs to avoid any controversy and create an ad campaign that will

be appealing to both sexes.

Certain types of ads will not be effective for Brut right now. For example, a

comparative ad does not make sense for Brut at this stage, because Brut, having little

to no market share, cannot just immediately try to state why it is better than the

competition. First, Brut will need to establish a new name for itself. A lifestyle ad is

the most effective way to reach our target market. For example, the premise of the

ad would be a high stakes poker environment in which the Brut man is participating.

As the camera shows the cards in each player’s hand, the audience quickly realizes

all of the players have good hands except for the Brut man who has a pair of 3’s.

However, the Brut man maintains his confidence and raises the pot. The other

player’s all fold out of fear and the Brut man is shown raking in his chips with a

confident smirk on his face. This ad is neither juvenile nor degrading to women, and

it will support the brand meaning by showing the calm confident lifestyle of the Brut

man. Showing ads like this one on ESPN or on network channels during sporting

events will get Brut’s brand name out there along with a solid representation of the

new brand meaning.

Also, Brut’s most recent print ads lack a central theme, and they are juvenile

just like the television ads. In order to support the new brand meaning and to get

Brut’s name circulating among the public, it will be most effective to create still life

print ads showing the new bottle against an aesthetically pleasing background.

Having these ads appear in Sports Illustrated, GQ, and other magazines bought by

men will place the product right in front of our target market’s noses.


Currently, Brut markets ten products. The BrutWorld Web Site has a

“product line complementing all stages of a man’s grooming.” The male grooming


market has evolved into five categories: deodorant/antiperspirant,

aftershave/cologne, personal cleansing, shaving, and skin care. Brut’s ten products

only fall into two of these categories; thus, their current brand message is

inconsistent. Essence of Man will involve narrowing the Brut line to the products that

reinforce a man’s intrinsic nature.

Brut sells six different forms of deodorants and antiperspirants; none of

which are clearly described on the website. We will streamline this to two products.

Both products will have ingredients that are odor and sweat fighting. One will be a

clear gel form and the other will be a more traditional solid stick version.

Brut has no share in the deodorant market. To change this we must focus our

efforts on the two deodorants we feel will be the most appealing to consumers.

Spreading ourselves too thin is not wise and unsupported line extensions would lead

to a weakened brand meaning. By stopping production of four deodorant products,

we will be able to focus our redistributed financial resources on marketing Essence.

Brut sells aftershave, splash-on, and aftershave balm. These three products

will all be eliminated. Currently they are not unique enough products to warrant a

strong generic need. It is not clear how they are very different from cologne. Also,

Brut does not sell any other shaving related products, like creams or razors, so we

are not fully supporting our brand with the eliminated products. A step in men’s

grooming is skipped, the act of shaving, and leaves room for our competition to gain

ground. Instead of creating a line extension, we are choosing to simplify our

offerings until we are more financially stable. The emphasis on cologne will allow us

to be more focused on increasing market share in this one male grooming category.

Narrowing ourselves to three products expresses that a Brut Man is secure and calm

with minimal intervention from his grooming products. Using a deodorant and the

cologne will allow for the manifestation of his essence.

Remaining focused on one smell, one Essence, enhances Brut’s brand

meaning. The Brut scent has been consistent since its inception in 1964 and signifies

a Brut Man no matter which male is wearing it. Adding additional scents would only

dilute our message - one Essence easily complementing and at the heart of a variety


of men.The two deodorant/antiperspirant products will have the same scent; this will

be a less intense or different degree of the same scent of the cologne. The

deodorants’ physiological purpose is odor protection and anti-perspiration, while

the cologne’s physiological purpose is an added fragrance. It is plausible to have

the same scent for both products since they address two different physiological

general need definitions. Deodorant negates the negative effects of sweating and

sweating itself, while cologne can be applied in an individual’s desired amount to

reach their optimal scent perception level. Add in psychological GND stuff now

Simplification would differentiate us from every other moderately priced,

male grooming line. We easily accommodate a variety of men without the 17 scents

both Old Spice and Degree carry or the 11 variations of products that Gillette

carries. A Brut product works for all situations and times, while Old Spice markets its

Sweat Defense antiperspirant with a scent for athletics, Pure Sport, and a scent for

going to the bar after work, After Hours. This interchangeability provides options,

but also confusion and a mixed brand message. As do Axe’s 5 products, all with the

same scent. The Axe smell is already known to be overpowering, do you need to

apply more to be even more intense or because two products are efficient enough?

⊕ PACKAGING As a part of our comprehensive effort to increase Brut’s market share by

improving consumer awareness and reviving the brand’s image, we will change the

shape of the bottle in which Brut cologne is packaged. We want to retain the iconic

green color and the Brut logo, but the glass bottle will have a much shorter neck and

a flatter, squarer shape. We feel that this shape will be more appealing to our target

market as it is more aesthetically pleasing and promotes feelings of composure and

assuredness. It will also act as a concrete and visual indicator of the changes being

implemented in the renewal of this once great brand.


Brut will maintain its current price structure, as we feel this is fitting with the

new brand strategy. We will remain moderately priced, about equal with our

main competition, Axe and Old Spice. We are not a high-end luxury

fragrance nor a discount fragrance, so there is no reason for us to modify our




As moderately priced male grooming products, both the deodorants and cologne

will be found in Walmart and other drugstores. The market segment Brut is targeting

shops at these variety stores out of convenience; the simplicity of a one stop shop,

once again reaffirming our one essence. The one change in Brut’s relevant

placement will be where it sits on the shelves of the aisles. Currently Brut products

are hidden from view by being high or low. By aiming to be at eye level on the

shelves, we hope to assert our reaffirmed relevance and to gain brand recognition.

Brand: Product: Wal-Mart Price:

Body Spray $3.97 Axe

Deodorant $7.48

Cologne $7.47 Old Spice

Deodorant $2.67 - $7.54

Cologne $6.67 Brut

Deodorant $2.07

Cologne $5.00 Discount Brand

Deodorant $1.97

Calvin Klein Cologne $30.00


[i] Mintel. “Fragrances: Brand Share – Men’s Fragrances,” 2012. Mintel. Washington and Lee. Lexington, VA. 10 Oct. 2012. <http://academic.mintel.com> [ii] Mintel. “Fragrances: Brand Share – Men’s Fragrances,” 2012. Mintel. Washington and Lee. Lexington, VA. 10 Oct. 2012. <http://academic.mintel.com> [iii] Mintel. “Fragrances: Brand Share – Men’s Fragrances,” 2012. Mintel. Washington and Lee. Lexington, VA. 10 Oct. 2012. <http://academic.mintel.com> [iv] Mintel. “Fragrances: Brand Share – Men’s Fragrances,” 2012. Mintel. Washington and Lee. Lexington, VA. 10 Oct. 2012. <http://academic.mintel.com> [v] Mintel. “Fragrances: Retail Channels – Drug Stores,” 2012. Mintel. Washington and Lee. Lexington, VA. 10 Oct. 2012. http://academic.mintel.com http://pawade0484.hubpages.com/hub/Old-Spice-Market-Overview

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